The Good Ol' Times

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Top pic credit: Birf

Dabi POV:

I barely glanced at my phone as I walked through the rainy streets of Tokyo, not making much effort to check if I had the right address.

After all, the last thing I wanna be doing right now is see that clown committee moron and the league of idiots for some heartfelt reunion. Fuck, if I had it my way, I'd already be halfway to who-knows-where by now, running away from Violet and planning on how I can murder myself and dear old dad in the most dramatic way yet.

But, fucking plot twists, am I right? Tell this dipshit author to stop making them so I can finally get on with my life. Better yet, tell her to get a life so she can get her nosy ass outta mine. Yeah, bitch. I'm talking to you. Go touch grass. Read a book. So long as it makes you stop thinking about my dick all the time, then I don't care what it is. A damn embarrassment is what you are.

I'll roast everyone in this god damn book, I don't care. I'm in a bad mood. And I'm cold as shit in this rain.

God, it's funny, right? Even when I'm trying to be a dick to Violet, here I am, dropping everything to help her-and she doesn't even know it. How's that for a stupid simp? Ugh.

Whatever. I'm practically here. Let's just get this over with and figure out what this hero commission piece of shit wants with me now.

After all, he must be pretty desperate if he's resorted to asking me for personal help. Even after I told him flat out that I was betraying him. Kinda takes the fun out of it when no one cares about the betrayal. Dear old dad better not disappoint me like that when I finally show myself.

I let out a sour grunt as the ice cold rain began to fall down a little harder, pulling the hood of my jacket over my head while I walked just a little faster.

How funny is that, right? Having fire hot as shit that comes out of me, but still feeling cold as hell? You can thank my shitty genes for that one. Hot fire, but weak skin inherited from that nutty, psychotic bitch I used to call 'mom.' I just a walking, talking science experiment.

A failed one.

Anger began to build in my veins as my own thoughts haunted me, causing the ice cold rain to begin sizzling on my skin as it hit me now.

Whatever. I just need to get inside and have a drink. It's taking me less time to get here than I thought, cause the streets are so empty.

Why the hell are they so empty, anyways? Yeah, it's raining, but it's also the middle of the damn day. The streets should be littered with assholes.

Yet, they aren't. And, the closer I approach the address given to me by that guy from the Clown Committee, the less people there are on the streets-until finally, there aren't any.

Sensing the weird situation, I slowed my walk on the street to a full stop now...carefully lifting my attention from the ground to assess the street.

Empty. Silent. Dark. It's just me, standing in the middle of the sidewalk...with the only sound coming from the heavy rain hitting the street.

Something's off.

I rolled my eyes and slumped my shoulders slightly as I realized I'd have to be vigilant now, sighing sourly in irritation as I mechanically pulled my hand out of my pocket as a weapon.

Can I have one day-one fucking day where someone's not trying to piss me off? Psh, and people say villains have it easy.

Carefully now, I continued walking down the empty street...keeping my eyes in a permanent glare as they assessed everything and anything that existed in the space.

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