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Top pic credit: CrazyClarabr

Violet POV:

"This is so fucking stupid." Dabi muttered dryly, broody half lidded eyes rolling in annoyance for the location he was currently at.

Ehh, rather-the location he was basically dragged to. But, that's beside the point!

"Huh? What was that, Dabi? I couldn't hear that over the sound of you being a little bitch." Akio commented casually, looking ahead to the fair with content as we continued to wait in the entrance line.

Dabi grunted bitterly to Akio's words, keeping his hands shoved in his pockets as he looked to the colorful fairgrounds ahead with disdain.

"That's cause you have too much stupid clogging your disgusting ears." The stitched man followed up, practically hissing at the happy pair of children that unintentionally ran into his side as they passed by us.

I grinned softly at how the situation turned out, admittedly feeling a bit gleeful with such successful results.

While Dabi has proven himself to be an incredibly stubborn man when it comes to everything, he didn't need as much convincing to come to the fair like I thought he would.

After I told him we could do theeee....ehh-dance with no pants if he came with me and behaved, it was pretty smooth sailing from there. Well, smooth enough. Actually, it was kinda rocky with all of Dabi's constant grovels and complaints the entire way here. Buttt, rocky for most people is smooth for Dabi. Let's go with it!

"Ohhh, come on, Dabi. Lighten up," I reassured him sweetly, looping my arm through his own as I pulled us forward in the line. "I promise this is gonna be fun. I'm just happy you decided to come with me. It means a lot!"

Dabi barley melted into my side as I kept our frames close together, looking extra broody and mad with his black hoodie practically pulled over the entirety of his head.

Look out world, he's feeling edgy today...

"Yeah, I gotta admit, Dabs," Akio chimed in, pulling a piece of gum from his pocket as we barely moved an inch in the line.

"If I'd known the promise of sex was all it took to get you to do things, I would have offered my body to you a long time ago." My best friend continued, casually throwing a smile to some passing fans.

"Offer the chance for me to burn you to a fucking crisp and we have a deal." Dabi smirked, causing Akio to turn towards him with knowing question.

"So, you're saying you like it rough?" He teased, causing me to roll my eyes and smooth things over.

"Okay, calm down, you two. Let's save our energy for the fair. I wonder if anything has changed since last year." I commented curiously, pursing my lips in thought as I looked up to the giant entrance gate in question.

Akio hummed in agreement to my words, eyes lighting up in excitement with the memories.

"As long as they still got The Neck Breaker, then I'll be psyched." He grinned, causing me to giggle and nod in agreement.

"Huh? Who's neck do I get to break?" Dabi asked wickedly, clearly having a different version of The Neck Breaker.

I laughed softly at his words, turning to face him as we remained standing in the line to get inside.

"It's the name of a rollercoaster here, Dabi. They added it a few years ago, and it's super fun!" I said, turning to Akio now. "We'll have to hit it up a few times before we go-preferably, before I eat anything. Oof, you remember last year."

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