Blood on White Daisies

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Top pic reminded me of Midas

A/N: if you guys could vote and comment, I would really appreciate it

I've always loved Greek mythology and to those who guessed correctly throughout the duration of Ordinary - yes - I named Midas after the legend of King Midas in Greek mythology.

King Midas was the man who was granted the ability of the golden touch. The ability to turn anything he touched into gold. He had the ability to make something so beautiful, but it was also his biggest curse because he couldn't ever touch his biggest necessities, or the people he loved.

He turned his own daughter into gold and ended up killing her by trying to comfort her (touched her shoulder and she turned to gold).

In Greek Mythology, King Midas' power is what ended up killing him. His food turned to gold, and he died of starvation. His blessing became his biggest curse.

In Ordinary, the plan from the very beginning was for Midas to be Violet's father. If you go back through the story, you will see all the different ways I foreshadowed it, starting at the very first chapter.

Now, let's continue with this story and figure out what the hell is going on.


Violet POV:

- sometime in the past, Violet reflects -

A blood curdling shriek rang throughout the little house on the outskirts of Musutafu, only realizing from my shredded vocal chords that the sound actually came from my throat.

The rosy color of childhood left my face as I slowly lifted my aching hand to my vision, feeling on the verge of passing out as I studied the damage.

Blood. Blood everywhere.

But why?

I didn't understand what happened. One minute, I was watching the butterflies dance along the flowers, and the next minute....this.

With a sniffle, I rose to standing in the flower garden of white daisies I'd been playing in, looking around the damp soil for any sort of sneaky animal that may have bitten me.

But, that's not what I found at all.

Reflecting off the summer rays of the sun was something shiny at my bare feet, something beautiful.

With my bloody hand, I picked it up, gasping at the bright glowing rock within my grasp.

It was a crystal.

A crystal just like mom's. It was nowhere near as strong or vibrant as hers. It was so brittle, it fell apart in my hands.

But, if it's clearly not hers, then where did it come from?

My thoughts were answered by the actions of the disintegrating crystal, causing my six year old self to whimper in panic as the dusted residues of it slowly absorbed back into my hand-my bloody hand.


"Daddy!!" I screamed on instinct, retreating from the backyard and running back into the house with panic.

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