Too Close To Home

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Top pic credit: ametoki_ichi

Violet POV:

There's no way I heard that right!

Suddenly the pretty sunset atop the mansion roof no longer felt peaceful, as I looked at Midas blankly....still not quite processing what it was he just asked of me. Of, both, Dabi and I.

To top it all off, the jewel man didn't speak again to clarify, burning his dark gaze into me with challenge to even try and defy such an order.

"You....want me....tooo....what now?" I asked raspily, feeling my face paling at what I already knew.

"I want you and Dabi to kidnap the number one hero, Endeavor. I plan to use him as the test subject of my public demonstration." Midas clarified patiently, pressing his lips together in a calm smile of hope as he spoke his outrageous plan out loud once more.

Oh, great! That's what I thought he said!

I gaped at him in disbelief, blinking a few times before I nodded dazedly.

But, I felt his eyes on me. He's looking for an answer. I know he's looking for an answer-crap! I'm sure he expected me to have already agreed by now!

I can't agree though! Someone like me trying to kidnap the number one hero?! It's outrageous. It would never work. Not to mention, it's wrong!!

It's too far. I've only been here one day, but already it's too far.

I need an excuse. A damn good excuse.

"Ummm. Uhhh. Heghhh...." I tried, quickly panicking when I couldn't find something immediate.

Midas didn't dare put me out of my misery as he awaited my response, tilting his head to the side a bit condescendingly as he watched me struggle for simple words.

And then, it came to me! Not very well, sure. But, it's something!

"Ahhh-Endeavor who? I'm not....I'm
not sure I know an...Endeavor." I blurted out in the worst lie I ever told, puffing out my cheeks in acceptance to getting gem-ified just for how bad that was.

Keeping his composure-which, surprisingly, he hasn't lost with me, yet, Midas let out a small chuckle of amusement, lazily bringing one of his knees up to his chest as he continued to lounge on the roof.

"Really? You've never heard of the number one hero in the country? How interesting." He commented knowingly, seeming as if he enjoyed outing my lies for the pure fun of it.

Caught! Welp, there goes that plan. Let's abandon it!

"Oh. That Endeavor...." I grumbled out uneasy, rubbing the back of my neck nervously. "Good-I wasn't sure cause, you know, there's many...Endeavors out there..."

"Are there now?" He pressed with fake inquiry, causing me to squeeze my eyes shut at the hole I was digging.

Here comes more word vomit!

"P..Probably., maybe..." I babbled out in a mutter, deciding it would be best to shut up.

Silence consumed the space-tense silence, that made me almost forget there was another person sitting next to me, taking in this entire conversation as well.


You know, until a small giggle of pure maniacal glee sounded from next to me.

Oh boy. Here we go.

Of course, it was Dabi's giggle that broke the anticipation. The sound started off soft, not because he was trying to be quiet, but simply because he was trying to process everything that's just been said.

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