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Violet POV:


The loud explosion rattled my eardrums and my vision, sending me off my feet and crashing through the wall of Midas' office.

It was instantaneous. One moment he was talking to me, and the next moment, he exploded-literally and figuratively.

He certainly made good on his promise to not hold back. His fighting style was different than I've ever seen it, and for the first time I understood what it felt like to be his enemy.

It's terrifying and merciless. Your life constantly flashes before your eyes, wondering if the next hit will be the one to kill you.

But, he takes too much pleasure in suffering for that, clearly a fan of slow deaths as he avoided all my internal organs for show.

Knocked into the hallway, my back hit the window harshly, stealing the wind from my lungs.

I crumpled to the floor unwillingly, weakly trying to scramble to my feet as I heard his slow footsteps walking towards me.

His black silhouette glowered in the shadows of the crooked hallways, radiating a purple glow from his hand that I knew all too well.

Crap. His strongest jewel.

With dizzying vision and a lack of air to my brain, all I could do was form a barrier of crystals on my wrist as Midas threw his purple jewel right at me, feeling it's searing heat make direct contact.

And if it were anyone else, that would have been the end of the fight right there...

But, sharing his genetics saved my life as the jewel's glow instantly died down once it hit my crystals, disintegrating into ash on the ground.

The purple jewel had no effect on me-or, my quirk anyways.

Midas didn't seem surprised, but rather expecting it, scoffing bitterly at the proof he'd just given himself.

"Such sad irony, isn't it? That my strongest, most important jewels never worked on you." He groaned out a heavy laugh, looking up to the ceiling. "Not to worry. I've found out you're clearly not immune to all the different colors I can make. Just because I can't turn you into a statue, my dear, doesn't mean there aren't plenty of other ways to kill you."

"After all, I'm known to be quite creative," He switched colors and formed a silver jewel from his hand, making my eyes widened as I remembered what that one does.

Explosion. And, no, I'm not immune to that one. I found that out the hard way!

Scrambling to my feet quickly, I dove out of the way as Midas threw it at me, hearing the ear splitting boom sound behind me.

The impact sent me off my feet and flying down the spiral staircase of his mansion, bringing me to a painful landing onto the first floor.

Jeez. I'm getting my ass kicked. I don't even think I've been able to land one blow to him.

But, I guess Midas is right about the sad irony of this outcome. It's sadly ironic that the one person whose body actually stands a chance to compete against his quirk is so weak. Definitely not strong enough to match him in skill.

I tumbled into the lobby of his mansion. The lobby that was once filled with so much light and happiness, now emptied, crumbling, and filled with debris as the place slowly began to deteriorate.

Midas stood atop the balcony on the second floor, and watched me struggle, jumping off it quickly with his landing position set for my skull.

I rolled out of the way the moment he landed, watching the mural floor crack under his feet from the aggressive pressure.

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