The Golden Touch

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Touya POV:

This night just keeps getting better and better.

It's like all the people who wronged me are here in the same place. That's actually hilarious-and super convenient for the author's plot. Must be the finale or something, I don't know.

Whatever though, sure makes my job a whole lot easier.

There's so many different things I could sink my claws into and do some damage. So many things I could ruin right now. It's like Christmas for a psychopath.

Dad. Kaito. Shouto. The heroes. Fuckkk, who's first? Feels like I should have put their names in Mr. Compress' hat and pulled one out like the damn Hunger Games, or some shit.

I scanned my eyes around the battlefield and let my instincts decide, feeling starved of blood from a very specific person who's yet to have their own taste of karma.

After all, it feels like I've been waiting years to kill that iron piece of shit for putting a spear through Violet's chest and killing her. It's fucking disgusting that he's been allowed to breathe and walk around since then. There was always some stupid reason I wasn't allowed to touch him, but all bets are off today.

I've had a humorous amount of willpower for too long, and I bet he thinks I'm all talk because of it, huh? Well, he'll find out the truth right now and see I wasn't bluffing. I'm looking forward to finally letting loose. I can only be 'good' for so long...

And it's easier to let loose and be bad when Grape ain't around. The two of us split up a few minutes ago, thanks to her trying to play savior to the masked mute and talk them off the ledge.

But, I say, let the mute do whatever. If they wanna try and scalp Endeavor ten feet away from me, that's a show I'll fucking enjoy. So much so, I don't know if I'd be able to contain myself from not joining in.

No. Seriously. I don't know if I'll be able to contain myself.

Like I said, Grape ain't here right now. She might not even know what happened if dear old dad just suddenly keeled over and croaked. If there's no one here to watch me be good, then what's the point of it?

Mm. Decisions, decisions. Where should I poke around first?

The battlefield was my playground and I stood right in the middle of it, watching blood flying and people screaming from the lethal chaos that ensued.

Heh. I feel right at home.

And while I haven't let go of the fact that dad is somewhere in the premise-with a possible target of mine still plastered on his forehead, I realize I'm closer to iron boulders crashing around me than anything else.

"Iron shit wants to die first? No problem, I'm flexible." I chuckled, looking up towards the darkened sky as his quirk ran rampant into the crowd.

Wow. What an idiot. Just from the direction he's projecting those stupid iron boulders, I can trace his location. How have no hero fuckers taken him down yet? Incompetent morons.

Whatever. More for me.

The iron coward's practically got his back pressed against the mansion wall, guarding the entrances and hiding behind the countless bodies of his force fed army.

Alright. That's easy enough. Certainly makes things smoother when your enemy's a dumbass.

Let's do this fast. I have 'Tormenting Dad' on my schedule before the clock hits 3am.

The quickest way to get to Kaito, or whatever the fuck his name is, would be blasting a line of fire straight down the middle of the battlefield. Yeah, I'd definitely kill a couple hundred people in the process, but hey, I'd be right in front of his face in the next ten seconds.

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