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Touya POV:

The bastard I once called dad looked like he'd been through hell and back as we stared at each other on the battlefield. We're closer than we've been to each other in a decade, even though we were still at least ten feet apart.

With Tsuyo gone and Iron Ass Kaito temporarily distracted by other fighters now that their precious Endeavor was in harm's way, he had no choice but to stop and look at me. God, it must kill him. Not for my own sake, but for his. I'm his walking mistake. His living breathing reminder of the wrongdoings that won't ever be erased.

I always imagined this moment. For years, it was the only thing that kept me going. What the stupid look on his face would be. What he'd say-or, maybe what he wouldn't. How he'd even breathe when he finally saw me again. My twisted imagination created the sweetest picture of justice and karma in my head. It was the only thing that helped me survive.

And, now, it can either be called ironic or tragic that I don't give a single damn about any of it.

I spent my entire existence and gave up my soul for this guy, for someone-something that no longer matters to me. And I'm paying the consequences for it, because I feel empty inside. I feel regret and disgust that I let this worthless sack of shit ruin my life, that I didn't let go sooner and live for the things that really mattered.

A small snort puffed from my nostrils at the epiphany that I had just a few years too late. Look, clarity's a bitch. It hurts to realize these things, and I guess that's part of the reason I never wanted to come to terms with it in the first place. It's never easy admitting when you messed up, especially when it's something of this magnitude.

Twenty-five years of my life wasted, and my innocence ripped to shreds. A lifetime of being locked up awaits me, and my body is permanently cursed to an eternity of pain. And don't even get me started on how many days I wasted trying to shun Grape.

See? I told ya it wasn't easy to think about. I'm getting upset just remembering it....

I looked into his eyes blankly as the battle around us ensued, feeling the inner child in me so eternally angry.

Dad, how dare you? How dare you bring me into this world just to make me suffer?

How dare you?

There's no point in asking it aloud, because I'm not seeking an answer from him. I'm done looking for answers from him, he'll never be able to give one that satisfies me.

And, as much as I love to jar my mouth and get my thrift store dancing shoes, for the first time I refused to speak first. Not cause I didn't have a fuck ton to say, but because I knew that's what he was waiting for. Little Touya, always so emotional and loud, right? Always exploding with screams and garbles that are dramatic enough to overshadow anyone else's wrongdoings. It's always so easy to make me the scapegoat.

Nah, I wanted to make it hard on him.

Dad blinked a few times and moved his mouth wordlessly, trying to find a few pointless words to really make the moment 'special.'

"Touya..." His voice sounded hoarse, trailing off into a void of his own guilt and regrets.

It was weird hearing my name from his mouth again. Even when I was alive and in his house, it was a name he rarely said. So much so, it would always cause my heart to jump in hysterical panic when I finally heard it.

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