Oh, Brother

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Dabi POV:

Well. That's just god damn hilarious.

Seriously, I'm laughing really hard.

What are the odds of that, right? Coulda fooled me.

Who knew Grape was dating my adorable, little, picture perfect brother? The charming, button eyed little brother of her dead fiancée, no less. She sure knows how to pick 'em!

Aw, and Natsuo, my dear brother. What happened to that bro code you always preached about? But, then again, I realize I can't expect much from you. Not as if you ever listened to me about anything in the first place, always telling me to go talk to Fuyumi-chan instead. Not to mention, you already had one desperate foot in the door of Grape's life while I was still alive. Good for you! I'm proud!

Typical Todoroki family bullshit, I see. Even when I don't belong there anymore, the bad juju of those fuckers still seems to follow me everywhere I go like a damn pandemic. Maybe I should mask up to see if that would help avoid it all. Who knows.

Well, I sure don't know. And I don't care!

Yeah, exactly. I don't care! I don't care one bit. I've lost all ability to feel, remember? I've completely lost care for anything.

So, I should probably stop staring so hard at the picture then.

Actually no. I'm gonna keep staring because I don't care.

But, Grape is looking at me in silence, waiting for an answer.


I just wanna make sure it's him. I wanna make sure I'm not hallucinating the whole thing. After all, I just ate a cookie I found in my pocket a few minutes ago that could have very well been an edible I forgot about-

No. It's him. After sharing a room with him for years on end, I recognize his shitty face. Doesn't make a difference though. All the same.

Hearing Violet clear her throat like the awkward grape she is for my silence, I finally chose to tear my bad eye sight away from the picture, unable to stop the slight laugh of amusement that fell from my throat.

What? I told you it was funny.

"Nothing to say? He's pretty good looking then, right?" Violet chuckled sickly sweet, that soft, naive voice of hers raking harshly against my eardrums.

Who? Natsuo? Well, of course he is. He gets it from his older brother-you know, before he went and got himself burned to the state of a piece of charcoal. What a psycho, huh?

How cute. Now, Natsuo stole all the looks from me, the same way he stole all the athleticism and charm.

And that's not the only thing he stole, right? Ha!!!

"Well, what do you know. Guess he actually turned out to be alright." I said in my own cryptic Dabi way, of course meaning the sentence oh-so wholeheartedly-but, not for the reason that Grape thinks.

Yeah, that's kinda my thing. I'm vague and shit. Makes me more diabolical, or whatever. I don't like explaining myself. Shut up.

I continued sitting on the balcony, starting to feel like my head was somewhere else as I stared out into the never ending rain.

Suddenly, I'm tired of sitting here next to Grape, watching puddles form on the concrete-

"What? Did you just give someone a compliment? My goodness, I never thought I'd see the day, Mr. Edgy!" Grape grinned from next to me, giving my arm a playful jab with her bony elbow that I really didn't feel.

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