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Thank you to kariumi443 for making the above official art for this chapter of Touya, Violet, & Akio <3

~Eight Years Ago~

Touya POV:

The bell for school lunch couldn't have rung fast enough.

Sure, a year ago I was excited to get to lunchtime for a different reason. That was always when I got my extra training in, after all. Who cares about the hunger pangs in my stomach? Not me. Not when I'm so close to becoming stronger and surpassing Shouto!

So close. So close, I can practically reach out and touch it.

And anyways, as dad says, you can't get stronger without pain. Not to mention, anything is better than having to choke down Violet's nasty onigiri for a countless time. Blegh.

Heh. Yeah, I said it-I have no problem telling her, too. Watching the way her little grape nose scrunches up in offense, just the way I want. She usually throws something at me after that, but I don't really notice. It's too funny watching her stomp around the kitchen trying to act angry and failing.

Not that it mattered anyways. Look, you didn't hear it from me...but...sometimes I'll eat what she packs me, alright?-Ehh, not because I'm hungry or enjoy it though. Like I said, I'm stuck training...

But, at the end of those training practices is usually when I'll wolf down every bit of that lunchbox in one sitting. It was always my favorite part of the lunchtime training sessions-eating her burned tamago, or watery rice.

Yeah, I sound crazy right? Well, I probably am. I mean, anyone who actually enjoys that grape's food should be put in a crazy house with mom. I'm talking to you, Shouto. Little shit bastard.


I won't say I enjoy it for the taste. But, knowing she's the one who packed my lunch...knowing how much time she spent putting it together and thinking of me....getting to think about her sitting at the kitchen counter early in the morning with Fuyumi...probably laughing or smiling like she always does while she carefully places everything into the container....with her cute-I mean disgusting little hands forming the rice patties...wearing one of those sundresses she likes so much...

Where was I...?-

Huh? Whatever! It's not like that. Not so deep! I only like eating her food for fuel and energy to get stronger. Yeah! That's it. Shut up!

But, lately, there's been a new development in my lunchtime routine. Now, I've been missing out on those extra practices because of something else...

The first time I forgot my packed lunch at home was seriously an accident. I was so tired and sore from training at Sekoto Hill, late the night before, that I could barely keep my eyes open. Of course I didn't notice the lunch.

Whatever. Didn't really give a shit. Just means I can use those extra two minutes I usually eat to heat up my fire hotter.

Or, so I'd thought. What I didn't expect was to see Violet show up at lunchtime that day, with my lunchbox in one hand and doing a nerdy wave with the other.

Ugh. I dunno what it was about seeing her at my school for the first time, wearing one of those cute-stupid dresses again....but it seriously made that ugly thing in my chest skip three beats in a row. What's up with that, right?!

"Touya-Chan!!" She had said that day, awkwardly shuffling by the students in the crowded hallway. "You forgot lunch. I made miso soup and chicken today. I scraped off the burnt parts-uhh, some of them!"

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