Fading Memories

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Top pic credit: Leorio Raffaell

Violet POV:

Drunken words and memories-now wiped clean by the pouring rain that hits the sidewalks of Tokyo.

And while my groggy self is still in an awkward state of half consciousness and trying to get my bearings, I can safely say that, in my entire life, I have never felt better.

Well, mentally, anyways.

Physically-and I've only been awake for mere minutes, unable to even assess the full damage yet-but, physically, I feel as if I've been hit by a damn bus. Ha, the pleasure bus that is. Am I right?

Ow. Stop it. My head hurts too much for the funny business. You'll have to do without my comedy gold today. I hope you understand...

Agh. Every sleepy muscle in my body is literally screaming in sore pain. Even my skin feels tender, kissed so softly underneath the expensive, satin sheets-sheets I don't even remember ending up in.

Don't even get me started on my back. Oof, I try to avoid working out for a reason-and it's this reason! My back is aching, legitimately aching. My hips are especially strained, radiating dull pain without any movement. The area between my legs is a whole 'nother story, making me grimace and also find surprise that a spot like that was even capable of aching in....overuse.

But, then again, it may also be that I've never had someone so...big down there...inside my....well, you get it.

Ehhh, whoops. Was that an unintentional slam on my ex? Shh, you heard nothing.

However, what surprised me the most about that particular area-even if it was sore, was the...cleanliness I felt down there. While I don't remember the ending to last night, I definitely remember a good chunk of it. A chunk that should leave me an absolute disgusting mess of just.....sin!

I don't feel that at all though. And I know if I don't remember the last few minutes of the night, I definitely wouldn't have had the mental capacity to clean myself up.

So, that must mean-ohhh...

That was very sweet of him. For someone of his nature and the horrible person he claims to be, I didn't even expect him to do that.

The faint sound of rain outside became more clear in my ears as consciousness returned to me in batches, causing my lips to involuntarily press together and my face to scrunch with sleepy movements. I'm too tired to try and pretend to sleep pretty...

The action only made me realize that even my over-kissed lips were a little swollen-and very dry, letting pleasant flashes of last night coat my thoughts.

I can still see those sapphire eyes piercing into mine so intensely, yet so soft and present in the moment. His residual touch practically lingers on the most intimate parts of my skin, even now.

And his face-his damn face, seeing how good he felt. Hearing how good he felt, and absorbing every ounce of affection he gave me so damn willingly.

It was really something, huh? Man, I've never experienced anything like that.

Ignoring the migraine pain I'd probably feel upon seeing daylight, I slowly opened my droopy eyes anyways, lazily giving my blurred vision a chance to clear as best it would with the hangover that was obviously upon me.

Drinking the entire bar away seemed like a good idea at the time...

The first thing my double vision caught sight of was four walls and a ceiling, rather than the outdoor scenery of starry sky I'd, apparently, passed out to. Structures, like the kitchen, familiar wall mirrors, and the door to the bathroom helped me make out that I was back in the beloved hotel room I've come to appreciate so much in these past eight months.

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