Biggest Fear

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A/N: just realized right before posting that wattpad wiped all the unpublished chapters of ordinary.

Thanks goodness i back everything up on other sites and files, but im fucking pissed anyways because formatting like bold and italics are messed up. I don't have time to change it today, but I'll try to fix upcoming chapters.

I was having trouble with my account yesterday and they fixed it-but just decided that deleting all my future work was the way to fix it 🥰

Please don't forget to vote and comment. I'd like to give you guys bonus content if all the chaps reach past 100 votes.

This site frustrates me constantly and the only reason I'm still on here is for your support, so I'd appreciate it lots <3

Touya POV:

Never had a fallen angel looked so pretty in the moonlight.

With pieces of Midas' mansion crumbled around and skin caked in dirt, her face said 'help me' even if her mouth couldn't move. I know because it's a look I've seen a thousand times on countless people. Though, usually the look is directed towards me-the last thing they're able to do before my flames take their final breath.

I saw myself in her. The hopelessness in her eyes-the broken insanity the world forced upon her. It's a horrible feeling. One I relate to so well, my own heart tugs in that thing called 'empathy,' the thing I thought I wasn't ever capable of actually possessing, until she showed me differently.

Violet Sasaki showed me a lot of different things. About myself. About the world. But, mostly, she showed me what it meant to be human. To find my way again after being lost in the darkness for many torturous years.

She believed in me when no one else did. She saw something in me that I still don't believe was ever there. Something that only grew and flourished because she was so sure it existed to begin with.

And, now, after years of being the one who needed the saving...after years of others needing to be saved by me, my life has finally come full circle for this exact moment right here.

The final piece of clarity has finally found its place in the fucked up, confusing puzzle of my life. Because...

Maybe, just existence did have a purpose after all.

I've never been a hero, and I never will be. But, there was a time I was number one to someone. To this person crumpled in a heap at my feet. This person who found a home in my heart from the moment they said their first 'hello.'

Visions of the past played through my eyes on a loop as I slowly kneeled down to her level. The pain of my injured leg felt numb.

Her golden eyes were sunken and lacking their luster as they looked at me, but it didn't matter. Her skin was pale and lifeless. Her purple hair a tangled mess and her muscles jolting with skittish paranoia with every movement, but none of it matters.

Because she's still the same Violet. The Violet who planted three-hundred seeds in her garden, and loved wearing bright colors. The Violet who loved to color-code her notes and show up a full hour early to her doctor's appointments. The Violet who's compassionate and saved Akio's life, and my life, and everyone's life because she's just that annoyingly bright star who needs to make an impact on everyone she meets. Whose smile suddenly adds an extra step in my heartbeat.

She's still the Violet who loved me when no one else did. In every form. In every way. The most pure love in the world to ever exist, and it was selfishly given to me.

She's Violet. She's my Violet and everything about her is exactly how it should be. The good. The bad. The flaws she can't stand. All of it makes up Violet, so that makes it right.

Ordinary - (Dabi x OC) Where stories live. Discover now