Good Decisions

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Thank you to frostbyte1109 for making this chapter's cover picture! The full pic is on Patreon ❤️

A/n: friendly reminder that Violet and Dabi are both not at a good place (mentally) in the story right now and I know this. They are not supposed to be super stable at the moment (because they are showing their flaws. Flaws that will aid in the rise of the climax and later turn into growth).

It's okay if you find yourself getting annoyed with either or both of them, but remember that I have a plan and this is just the 'struggle' part of the story where they gradually start to hit rock bottom 🥲 i don't add unnecessary drama, trauma, or even attitudes. Everything has a purpose for that plot! (Just saying this so you don't drop the book. You can comment and vent your frustrations about them all you want hehe). thank you for reading <3

Violet POV:

"I can't believe you're really here."

Half of me was convinced I was dreaming. The other half would have been okay if I was.

The only thing to keep me grounded to reality was the loud pounding of the rain against the roof of the Todoroki home. A force of nature that mimicked everything I felt inside myself at this moment.

Because, truly...I wasn't expecting to see Dabi crouched outside my window-in the pouring rain, no less.

There's a million questions running through my mind to how this situation came about. Did he follow me here? Did he see me talking with Endeavor at Midas' mansion-wait-Does Dabi know he's currently at Endeavor's house!? How did he even know to come here!?

I turned away from my dresser in a daze, getting a clear look at Dabi on the window with the next strike of lightning to the stormy sky.

The rain was coming down so hard, it almost looked like he was drowning under it. His hair was drenched. The fancy suit he wore to Midas' party was now sticking to his body like a second skin-hell, he wasn't even wearing his suit jacket anymore.

Upon meeting his gaze, I saw his eyes had already been looking at me-seeming as if he'd been doing so for a lot longer than I realized.

He shot me a smug smirk when he knew he'd caught my attention, resting his arm above his head on the icy window.

"Of course I'm here, sunshine. We never finished what we started." He called out through the window, voice low and muffled from the rain.

Honestly, I barely heard him-especially being a few feet away.

With nothing but immediate excitement on my mind for Dabi's surprise appearance at the Todoroki home, old patterns were quick to blur my common sense and memories of this shitty night. My feet moved on their own, slowly padding across the heated wood floors towards the window...having every intention to let Dabi in and finish what we started.

He smirked ferally when he saw me coming over with a stupid smile on my face, seeming to regret nothing about the night or the way he's been treating me as he shifted back and forth on his crouched feet with anticipation...looking like an animal getting ready to pounce on its prey.


The closer I got to the window, the more I noticed pieces of myself I'd been trying to ignore in the last few seconds-like how my heartbeat picked up faster-and not in a good way. The growing lump in my throat only made itself known when I felt my breathing becoming constricted.

And it was only when I realized my hands were shaking, that my steps slowly began to stop before I reached the window.

I'm scared. But, not of him.

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