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Top pic credit: Cline

Violet POV:

A silence so loud, it felt deafening.

Even though Endeavor was still at least ten feet away from me in this hallway, his presence was suffocating. He didn't say a word for a moment, familiar blue eyes piercing me with a cocktail of accusation and fury, mixed with just a hint of pure confusion.

There wasn't a single drop of emotion on his face or in his body language-but, still-I could sense his anger from here, and it was immeasurable.

I didn't dare speak a word first, shuffling back and forth on my feet as I protectively held the last piece of Midas' jeweled necklace between my clammy hands. The last, sacred piece Dabi was unable to burn.

Because, after everything that happened tonight-even being caught red handed with Dabi just now by the number one hero...

My biggest concern at the moment is that he'll take the jewels away from me.

Seconds felt like years, before he finally shattered the tension and spoke.

"What the fucking hell do you think you're doing?" He said clearly, keeping his gaze glued to me as he walked a few steps closer.

Funny. That's, like, the third time tonight someone has asked me this question-and each time, I never seem to have an answer.

His voice was low and raspy, powerful enough to move the earth itself. But, what really put me on edge was how calm it still appeared on the surface, making me think a storm was on the horizon.

You know when someone's so mad, they can't even yell? It's almost like they seem relaxed? Yeah. It's like that.

Realizing he was waiting for an answer, I cleared my throat and tried to play dumb, letting a nervous chuckle slip unintentionally.

"Well-er-same thing you're doing, of course." I smiled weakly, only meeting his eyes for a single second before trailing them back to the floor in guilt. "Enjoying the party. D..Did ya here about the dessert bar? Apparently the cupcakes are bigger than-"

"Cut the bullshit. I'm in no damn mood for it." He said sternly, coming close enough to retreat from the shadows of the dim hallway and into the light.

Great. He looks angrier now that I can fully see his face. No fire beard though, so that's good?

I grimaced and ran a hand through my hair, looking around the area as if it would somehow give me an answer.

And then, in a fit of word vomit.

"I mean-what are you doing?" I blurted, never having been so bold as to turn the blame on the number one hero himself. "Did you, like....follow me out here? Seems like you were spying on me or something."

Endeavor raised his brows in disbelief-angry disbelief to my slightly accusing tone, crossing his arms and pacing the narrow hallway slowly.

"If you must know, I was responding to a call of distress from my son. Never once in his life has he stooped below his pride to ask me for help. But, when he returned from that Eternal guy's garden, and saw his very loyal date being dragged out of the room by the murderous villain, Dabi, I decided to follow you out here and save your ass." He explained as more anger slowly crept into his monotone, ceasing his pacing shortly after it started to look at me.

....well when you put it like that and combine it with the rest of the story....I kinda sound like a dick.

"Oh. I see-"

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