Calm Before The Tsunami

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Top pic credit: EliseGCreativity

Violet POV:


"Cut the power lines, Dabi. It's time for the real fun to begin." I said with a feral grin, meeting the stitched man's blank gaze with my amplified, passionate one.

It's official. Midas' amplifying jewel has officially been activated. Who knew that thinking about my dead fiancée would be the thing to do the trick?!

I've gotta say, I feel extremely-extremely proud of myself right now. Sure, Midas did tell me prior that I had the clearance to activate his jewels on my own. But, this is the first time I've actually done it.

And it was so easy! This is all going to be so easy! Wow, I really am brilliant. I bet I could waltz right up to Midas' quarters right now and end his entire career with one punch. I'm so strong. Stronger than anyone-

"Oi. Wipe that stupid look of your face. I hate it." Dabi stated dryly, looking at my foreign face of amplified pride-turned arrogance, with disdain.

His words bounced right off me though, only causing me to chuckle dismissively as I closed my eyes and reveled in the amount of power I was feeling inside my body right now.

It was a lot of power. Way more than what I felt when I captured Endeavor.

"Well, I love it. I wish I could be like this all the time!" I said emphatically, throwing my head back to the cloudy sky in pure amplified bliss now.

Dabi remained passive at my words, rising from his crouching position with silence as he walked towards the power generator on the roof.

"You wanna be an airhead bitch all the time? To each their own, I guess." He muttered bitterly, causing a twinge of annoyance to settle in my veins.

Immediately, the annoyance amplified intensely, causing me to grind down on my teeth and glare at Dabi's back hotly as he walked.

"Oh, please, Dabi. You know better than anyone what it's like to act like an airhead bitch all the time." I stated effortlessly, rising to my own feet now as my eyes burned dark.

While Dabi had his back turned, I could already tell he was rolling his eyes at me-and not in the amused way, reaching the power generator a few moments later.

"Whatever. Let's get this over with, so you can go back to how you were." He said with losing patience, causing me to laugh a bit bitterly as I slowly walked over to him.

"To what? An awkward loser? I'll stick with this version, thanks." I blurted without thinking, placing my hands on my hips with pride.

While Dabi had a mask on, his eyes weren't covered, allowing me to see the small flinch they involuntarily made, seeming as if my words hurt him somehow.

Only, he was quick to mask his true emotions, letting his eyes glaze over in bloodlust and frustration as it seemed I wasn't the only one who was now looking forward to causing trouble and letting off some steam.

"Oh? Is that so?" The stitched man said condescendingly, losing all softness with me as he spoke the way he speaks to Midas.

Normally, I'd be concerned with his tone and want to know what's wrong. But, I don't give a shit right now. If anything, I find it hilarious that I'm clearly pissing him off.

I met his gaze fearlessly as he slowly turned to look at me with a gaze of pure anger, holding my eyes as he aggressively burned his wrists up with hot ribbons of blue.

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