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Top pic credit: EliseGCreativity

Violet POV:

"Phewww. A-Alright. Any day now. It''s happening!" I rambled out nervously, looking down at Endeavor's hero agency in full concern as I twiddled my thumbs and paced the roof.

"Gaghh! How the fuck long is she gonna keep doing that?! I've been ready to go down there for ten minutes!!" Kaito growled angrily, gesturing to my pacing, muttering frame a few feet away.

Dabi remained crouched on the rooftop, holding his face mask between his teeth as he tied the laces of his boots.

"Shut the hell up, shit wad. If my girl wants to pace the roof and talk herself to death all damn day, you'll let it happen with no problems." The stitched man muffled out through his grit teeth, tugging on the shirt collar of his new uniform as if he absolutely hated it.

It's from Midas, so he probably does.

Kaito remained leaning against one of the roof pillars, keeping his arms crossed and sneering at Dabi as he spoke.

"Yeah? And what if I want some problems, son?" Kaito challenged Dabi for the countless time today, causing the stitched man to grin ferally and slowly start walking towards Kaito.

"Well, then I'd be thrilled to give you some. Let's call it....a warmup." He smirked, already starting to smoke his hand before Tsuyo stepped in.

"Stop it. Again. Both of you." The masked soldier grumbled under their breath, clearly already completely sick of Dabi and Kaito's antics.

Dabi only stopped walking to adjust the belt of his uniform, cursing and complaining about how irritating it was to wear anything from that 'bedazzled bitch.'

Kaito, on the other hand, seemed to be losing his patience more than all of us, narrowing his eyes and turning to Tsuyo with dark challenge as he spoke.

"And what about you, huh? 'Boss?' We were supposed to have Endeavor's agency blown to the ground ten minutes ago. Instead you've been letting this cunt bag pace and talk everyone's ear off?!" The yellow eyed man yelled at me, causing Dabi's attention to snap back in focus and meet the man in two strides.

Quicker than Tsuyo or Kaito could process, Dabi's hand locked around Kaito's throat and slammed him back into the wall, tilting his head with excited challenge.

"Cunt bag, huh? Aw. It hurts my feelings when people insult what's mine. I tend to lash out when that happens." Dabi fake pouted, immediately melting into a low chuckle as he attempted to burn a hole through Kaito's throat.

I paused my pacing and mental breakdown for a moment to glare at Dabi in annoyance, huffing tiredly as I spoke curtly.

"Not your property, Dabi, but a valiant effort at defending me, I guess. We'll try again next time." I reminded him casually, already starting to pace the roof back and forth when the sight of Endeavor's agency caught my eye.

Tsuyo let out an agitated sigh with everyone as they gripped Dabi's shoulder and harshly shoved him off Kaito...rubbing their temples in irritation as they tried to keep their cool.

Everyone looked to the masked stranger in silence, waiting for them to speak and give us direct orders.

They finally broke the silence a few seconds later.

"Kaito, shut the hell up." Tsuyo said dismissively, harshly knocking Dabi in the shoulder as they made their way over to me.

"Huh?!?!" The yellow eyed man bellowed out in fury, glaring daggers at Tsuyo's back as they walked.

Ordinary - (Dabi x OC) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon