The "Spark"

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Top pic credit: _nikhio_

Violet POV:

"Sorry about the smoke." I smiled weakly at Dabi when we'd finally managed to navigate ourselves to the bar and away from the menacing group of Midas' men.

He snorted in amusement as a smirk flashed across his face...plopping down in one of the empty bar stools and causing me to take the seat next to him.

"Hey, if those fuckers are dumb enough to believe a bad liar like you, sunshine, that's on them. Just means our job in taking them down will be that much easier." He chuckled victoriously, waving the bartender over now.

I pursed my lips in humorous thought to his words, feeling content that he was right.

Admittedly, I also felt content in realizing he wasn't actually mad at me for how the encounter had gone. In the past, he would have been...

"I guess that's true..." I started off, before I felt a genuine smile form on my face. "Hah...I'm pretty surprised myself that they believed it."

The corners of Dabi's lips curled up just a bit higher at my light words, before he lethargically rubbed his face to conceal the action.

"It's like I was a first timer all over again." He mimicked me in playful tease, causing both of us to laugh now in remembrance for how ridiculous I'd been.

I rested my hands on the bar counter as I settled comfortably in my seat, unintentionally leaning my shoulder into Dabi's as my light laughter turned to giggles.

"Who cares about health and wellness, right?" I followed up in the spirit of making fun of myself, causing Dabi's eyes to close knowingly as his smug, sly smirk slowly morphed into a genuine, white-toothed smile.

He kept his head lowered towards the bar counter as he did so, not wanting anyone to see the rare action uncontrollably infect his lips.

But, I could see it. No matter how much he tried to hide it from the world, I could see it perfectly from my cozy spot next to him. I leaned into him more, slowly craning my neck down a bit just so I could get a better look.

It was beautiful. It was such a pure smile that made Dabi look his age. That suited him well. It was infectious and endorphin catching. I could feel myself getting giddy just from looking at it. At him.

I got lost in it. So lost in it, I didn't realize I'd said it until I heard the words come from my mouth.

"You have a really nice smile." I blurted out softly, not stuttering or feeling awkward about the words even though they were incredibly bold and risky to say to someone like Dabi.

I wasn't afraid of what his reaction would be, and I had no reason to anyways as the smile unwillingly got bigger from him, before he lifted his gaze from the counter and to me now.

His brow raised in smug amusement, yet the smile on his face remained pure.

"You hitting on me, little sapphire?" He questioned with half tease, taking his stitched bottom lip between his teeth in a way that practically forced my eyes to notice.

Dabi noticed my eyes trail from his pupils to his lips, only scooting closer to me now and brushing my knee with his own.

My gaze wasn't as quick to return to his eyes, slowly sliding back up the features of his face as I found those blue orbs already looking at me.

His smile had softened now, settling back into that Default Dabi half lidded look. Yet, he looked different. Even if he was trying to put on an act like he didn't care, to me, he looked different.

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