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Top pic credit: Birf

A/N: to those who've read angel of the sky - there may be a few cameos here and there, but the actual plot of that book does not coincide with this book. Some things may be similar by coincidence, but in terms of everything Dabi did in angel of the sky, the specific plot between him, Ari, and Keigo is different from him and Violet. I wanted to give him his own story spotlight💙💙💙


Violet POV: ~ present day ~

"Okay, so. Let's go over some ground rules." I stated firmly as my new 'partner' and I walked through the busy city streets to get to our destination.

His condescending chuckle grated harshly against my ears, and I hate that even though the city was incredibly loud, I could still hear something so insignificant.

"Rule number one, sunshine. There are no rules. Ain't that just grand?" Dabi drawled out smugly, lazily stretching his arms over his head as he barely trailed behind me.

I resisted the urge to grab his arm and drag him along faster. After all, the street is busy, it's nighttime, it's freezing, and we still have a few more blocks to reach our new 'hideout.'

But, not wanting to provoke him and cause a fight, I simply huffed in irritated defeat....forcibly slowing down my brisk walking pace to match his sloth like one.

"Well, sorry to inform you, but yes. There are rules, okay? You can't just go around robbing people whenever you want." I explained begrudgingly, pulling my scarf tighter around my neck.

"Oh? Robbing, you say? That hurts. What kind of a person do you think I am?-you know I do things way worse than robbing. A little insulting that you don't think so." He pointed out with casual mock, not even apologizing when he accidentally ran straight into someone walking the opposite way on the street.

Not that the person brought attention to the bump anyways. Sure, they looked up and gave him a dirty glare. But, similar to every other person in this city, the glare was quick to morph into pure fear at the sight of the notorious villain Dabi so casually showing his face and hanging out in public.

We've been walking in the city for about twenty minutes now, and the police have been called on us about forty times. The cops showed up the first three times, but the hero commission was quick to inform the police to ignore all calls involving mere sightings of the villain Dabi. No one is supposed to intervene unless he's been caught deliberately terrorizing the civilians.

That was part of the deal the league made the with the commission, after all. In exchange for their help, these villains are temporarily pardoned for their crimes and allowed to walk free, so long as they don't cause any new trouble.

To sweeten the deal even more, and to ease the public's fears a bit, all standard-and most likely unhygienic, villain clothes were replaced with clean cut civilian clothes to help these guys fit in a little better.

But, of course, with Dabi's obnoxious attitude and intimidating face? A nice sweater and coat, jeans, and some clean cut shoes do absolutely nothing to ease anyone's nerves. Mine included.

"Yeah? Well, it's a little insulting that you deliberately keep running into people. Ever heard of saying excuse me?" I hissed out to him in annoyance, slowly starting to pick up my walking pace once more in hopes that he'd naturally follow.

"And ruin my diabolical image? I could never. What would the news stations talk about then? Surely not you." He smirked, taking another jab at my low hero status as if that would actually hurt my feelings.

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