Wake Up Call

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Top pic credit: enn_hero

Violet POV:

With every step closer towards the basement, my heart beat louder.

Pheww, relax. Just relax! You're here for one job, and one job only - to check on Endeavor's well being and get him some lunch...

....and plan an entire sabotage mission, singlehandedly, in order to free him before he gets publicly executed in front of the entire country-but that's a different story...

Yes! A totally different story. Right now, you're just giving him the food and walking out. Anyone can do that. Any normal person can do that without problems..

Exactly! Luck will be on my side today. Nothing can stop me from getting through that door to see Mr. Todoroki.

You know-except for whoever is guarding the door...

I grimaced silently at my own revelation, curling my fingers tightly around Endeavor's food tray as I approached the corner that would turn and bring me to the basement.

Stay calm. Stay calm.

Please don't let anyone be there-or, at least let it be the nice one, Tsuyo!

Alright. Here we go. Time to put the game face on.

From here on out, there is absolutely no turning back, no matter what!

And, what do you know? Upon exhaling a calm breath and starting to turn the corner of the hallway, I was barely able to make out the identity of the person guarding the door-causing me to immediately stifle a wheezy gasp and take a 180 turn back around the corner.

Well, huh.

That's a bit of a situation!

"Crap. Kaito..." I whispered to myself with a cringe, resting my head back against the jeweled wall as I remained hiding behind the corner.

Of all the people on guard duty right now, it just had to be him. That guy hates me.

Okay! No worries. I can fix this. After all, it's not like I'm doing anything wrong. I mean, I'm just bringing the man some lunch.

And, technically I'm the one who captured Endeavor in the first place, so that's gotta give me a little credit in everyone's eyes. Right? Right?!

Yeah, it's fine. Maybe, now I'm like....one of the guys, or something?-crap, that's not a Pick Me Girl statement or anything. Ugh, Akio would be having a field day with that sentence if he were here. I can here him now, cackling obnoxiously in my ear and saying "you're not like other girls, Vi!-"


No. It's time to stop being afraid of Kaito. He's just an iron oaf, with no brain. I bet he wouldn't have gotten first place in the ninth grade national spelling bee!

I'm just gonna turn around that corner and demand he let me in to see Endeavor. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

"Right.............r..right..." I whispered to myself, scrunching up my face uncomfortably when a bead of nervous sweat rolled down my forehead.

Is it hot in here suddenly? It's definitely hot in here.

You know what? Maybe it wouldn't hurt to practice a few lines to say to Kaito. You know cause of social anxiety, and everything.

I nodded to my own suggestion, ensuring my voice was as inaudible as possible as I began rehearsing a greeting to the mean, angry villain, who wants to tear my limbs in half because he knows I killed his lover.

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