Small Changes

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Top pic credit: Birf

Violet POV:

My heart should not have been pounding as hard as it was when I came back to the hotel room that Dabi and I share.

What was I even worried about? It's not as if anything's changed between us...

It's just that involuntarily thinking about someone else on top of me while I was having sex with my boyfriend-and then almost climaxing from those unspoken dirty thoughts tends to make you see people a little differently.

Especially when this person is Dabi.

I mean, sure. I've always had it in the back of my mind that Dabi was attractive. He may have the skin texture of burnt bacon and questionable hygiene practices, but hey, that just part of his appeal, I guess. Call it grungy.

But, more than just his looks, I've gotta admit that as much as he gets on my nerves and makes me wanna throw him off a building...

His persona has always unconsciously been attractive to me.

His snarky attitude is unlike anything I've ever come across before, and at the same time, it's very familiar....even....comforting. And, sure, the word 'comforting' is probably not how most people on this planet would describe one of the country's most wanted terrorists, but that fact just fits the theme of my whole attraction for him in its entirety.

The theme is 'fucked up,' in case you're wondering.

I mean, seriously. He's rude. He's blunt. He's murdered people before my very eyes. Just two days ago, we passed a dumpster in the city and he said it was my long lost twin!

But's those eyes.

They're so blue. They've seen so much, but their color is so pure and deep. Beautiful, even. His eyes are more blue and vibrant than I've ever seen on a person.

Well, actually. There was one person who had similar eyes. I caught feelings for that person because of the same reason.

It's his smile-his real smile that I've only seen less than a handful of times, but apparently it's engrained in my memory, anyways. And it's his real voice that very rarely ever graces his presence, yet he sound like he's a completely different person when he uses it. He's just a little quieter when we're alone. A little more reserved and less feral looking. Not trying so hard to be menacing. And he's actually kind of funny...sometimes.

But, I'm starting to realize that a big reason for my unconventional attraction for Dabi, is that I know he doesn't pity me.

He doesn't act as if I'm made of glass and that the simplest little sentence will cause me to break. He doesn't hold back on his real opinions and conversation, because he's not afraid of hurting my feelings. He doesn't lie to me, because he thinks I can't handle the truth.

He just treats me like a person. A normal, capable person. And while a lot of his words towards me may consist of insults and blunt remarks, one thing about Dabi is that he doesn't make me feel pathetic.

If anything, he makes me feel like a badass, because I can say what I want around him, too. I don't have to worry about hurting his feelings. I don't have to worry about offending him. He'll take my comebacks and roll with it no matter what, and that just gives me the confidence to keep going out of my comfort zone around him and figure new things out about myself.

And that's not how it should be. He shouldn't be the one to make me grow and come out of my shell. That should be my own job. My boyfriend's job, because aren't significant others supposed to make you a better person, too?

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