Not Everyone Else

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Top pic of Touya and Violet drawn by kariumi443 <3

Song for this chap: Always Forever - Cults.


Violet POV: ~nine years ago~

Head empty. No thoughts. But, my arms...?

So full of warmth.

More warmth than usual, especially for the fading summer breeze-that's already started to become crisper with fall, every passing day.

But, I couldn't think about that. No, not when I'm sooo incredibly comfy in my bed.

I mean, seriously, I always knew Endeavor had been kind enough to grant me a nicely sized bed. It's always been comfortable. But, I've never slept this good. I've never been so content in my spot, that my body literally couldn't move.

It's as if I was melted-molded with the warmth I'm hugging, like there was nothing that could physically separate us.

The scratchiness of my jeans and awkward crumple of my shirt from the previous day let me know that maybeee I may have fallen asleep in my non-pajama clothes. But, even so, I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes, as I simply snuggled against the warmth closer-feeling the heavenly presence unconsciously graze my wrist with their fingers, before falling limp again-

Oh? Wait?

Did I say fingers?

My exhausted brows furrowed now as my curiosity brought me back to consciousness. And, even though I didn't open my eyes just yet, my senses lethargically perked up to my surroundings.

The first thing to gain my attention was the faint sound of music coming from my ear-before I felt a little device, only halfway resting inside it.

Feels like my headphones...?

The sound was only coming from one ear, making me wonder where my other ear bud went. The faint chirps of the birds, and the morning sun hitting my closed lids let me know that a new day was upon me.

The brightness of day caused me to groan and bury my face into the warmth I was holding, making me realize it was a rather bony warmth.

With my next deep inhale, the familiar scent of the Todoroki's laundry detergent and boy musk-a very familiar boy's musk, hit my nostrils, before I realized my legs were intertwined with something-someone.

What in the world....?

I finally cracked my crusty, swollen eyes open, coming face to face with a snow white head of hair directly in my sights. The back of someone's head.

Oh. I know who, obviously.

Still half asleep, my awkward, barely teenage head couldn't even wrap my mind around the fact that I must have fallen asleep with a boy in my bed-more trying to remember the events that led here.

Let's see....I made dinner with Fuyumi....hmm......oh, helped Natsuo with his homework.......what else?......

Ah, that's right, Touya came in when I'd been listening to my music right before sleep time. I was resting atop my bed, not wanting to ruin the neatly made sheets-practically half asleep when he plopped on my other side.

I remembered I'd half heartedly scolded him for crumpling the neatly pressed sheets, yet I couldn't even bother to open my eyes as I'd already been on my way to dreamland.

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