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Top pic credit: Keiid

Violet POV: ~ ten years ago ~

"Don't look so excited." Touya scoffed as he continued giving me a tour of the Todoroki house I've seen a million times.

His dad made him do it, said it was a way for us to 'break the ice' and find something to talk about.

But, in this past day that Touya reluctantly agreed to be my husband, the only thing we've been talking about is how much he can't stand me being around him. Wonderful.

And, yes. As I said before, this arrangement of ours isn't one that appeals to me either. I'm doing it for my mom, because I know she has no other option. So, I won't be difficult about it. I'll just try my best to make it work.

I will also try to have patience with Touya. This can't be easy for him, either. And it's only because of his existence that Endeavor agreed to take care of me in the first place. This will take some time for him to adjust, and I understand that.

"Excitement isn't exactly what I'd call this look. I'm just smiling, is all. You know, to be friendly." I smiled again, causing Touya to groan softly as we continued aimlessly trudging around the empty kitchen.

"Yeah, well, I never asked you to be friendly." He uttered begrudgingly.

"And I never asked you for a tour of a house that I've already seen a million times. Look, I know this situation is still...weird to both of us, but there's no reason we should act this awkward around each other, right? Why don't we....you know....just hang out, the way friends would." I suggested patiently, nervously twiddling with the hem of my sundress.

But, of course, Touya being petty Touya....

"In case you haven't realized in the past few years that I've actively avoided you every time you came over, I don't have any interest in being friends with a grape like you-" He pointed out blandly before I latched on to one particular word of his sentence.

"Interest! Yes, that's it then. We don't have to be friends, if you don't want to, but why not tell me things that interest you? Stuff you like to do for fun!" I suggested brightly, admittedly a little curious to the interests of Touya Todoroki.

He's right in saying that he always actively avoided me whenever I came over. Because of that, I never, so much as even saw the guy's face. He was always a mystery to me, and mysteries intrigue me.

And while it wasn't an exact answer to my question that he gave, at least it was something. I guess.

"I train my quirk to the absolute limit, everyday. Sure, maybe father refuses to train me anymore, thanks to little Shouto getting in the way, but I plan to get better and catch his attention again. I'll make him believe in me, just like he used to." Touya stated casually, picking at his nails a bit as he slouched against the kitchen counter with ease.

The happy smile on my face slowly began to turn into an 'are you serious?' type of grimace. And the internal question at that point was more for my situation than it was for his answer.

"Um....o-okay. And that's-you said-that's fun to you?" I asked carefully, asking the question with honesty as I really don't know the answer.

Touya turned his head up at me now, raising a brow like I was the dumbest person on the planet.

"No. Those are my interests. That's what you asked for and I answered the question."

"Well, fun and interest are the same thing-"

"No, they aren't-"

"Okay, fine. What do you like to do for fun then?" I asked with emphasis, resisting the urge to release the tired sigh trying to come out my throat.

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