Austin Carlile Is My Father...

By sun_bean_

1.3M 24.6K 7.6K

Sienna Francis' mother has just died in house fire, leaving her with no possessions and nowhere to go. They m... More

Austin Carlile Is My Father?
P a r t O n e : You're Not Alone
Austin Carlile Is My Father? (Written By Friskyhands)
Lips Around A Loaded Gun (Friskyhands)
This One's For You (Friskyhands)
Those In Glass Houses (Friskyhands)
My Understandings (Friskyhands)
Purified (Friskyhands)
I Can't Sleep, Too Many Voices In My Head (Friskyhands)
The Great Hendowski (Friskyhands)
Farewell To Shady Glade (Friskyhands)
The Calm (Friskyhands)
The Storm (Friskyhands)
The Flood: Part 1 (Written By Friskyhands)
The Flood: Part 2
Am I Awake? 'Cause I Wanna See Waves
One Million Branches & She Loves Every One
Rumor Has It...
Who Is This Girl? She's My Baby.
Breathing and Grasping
Shopping and 500 Days Of Summer
The Irony Of Choking On A Lifesaver
Chicken Soup
Not Good Enough In Truth and Cliché
Welcome To A World Where Dreams Become Nightmares
I'm Sorry, But I've Made Up My Mind...
Do You Like Steak?
Skipping Stones
I'm Telling You The Truth I Mean This, I'm Okay...Trust Me
I Think I've Hit The Floor
He's A Hero, But He's Stupid.
...Bad Luck...
Tony The Tour Turtle
Fifteen Yard Penalty; Unnecessary Roughness
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
People Fucking Suck...
New Tours and Bar Sluts
Author's Note
Misguided Ghosts
Mrs. Butcher
haHA! What if...
Five New Friends
You've Been Iced!
Tell Me, Who Is To Blame?
I Just Wanna Cuddle...
Liquid Confidence
Guys Are Assholes
Meeting Cara *Contest As Well! Please Enter!*
Crowd Surfing is Dangerous
I'll Be The Romeo, You'll Be The Juliet
Apples To Apples
Are You Fucking Serious? Again?
Join The Club
Fast Car
Saving Lives And Shit
Chillin' With My Mexican Villans
I'm Ronald Radke, but You Can Call Me Ronnie...
Peter Pan
I'm A Walking Travesty
Author's Note
The Hazing Of Alexis And Noah
You're Too Young To Live This Way
Dried Squid, Jukeboy, and Relationship Wagers
Mirrors Start To Whisper, Shadows Start To Sing
Maybe We're Just Having Too Much Fun
Its Hard To Say Goodbye When You Know That It's Over
I Still Feel You In My Bones
Sienna Carlile?
Waste Of Space
Vicious Cycles
Cruel & Perfect
The Girlfriend Invasion
Author's Note
Live A Lie-Just Tonight
The Stupidity Of The American Language
Aortic Dissection
P a r t T w o : You're With Me
Part 2: Be Not Afraid To Love Me
Part Two: Shayley Bourget
Be Who You Are
These Are The Words Of My Holiday
Mad World
Girlfriends Aren't Always Bad
You've Got Nothing To Lose
A Night To Remember; A Day To Forget
Quick question
And All The Things That You Never Ever Told Me...
You Haven't Shown Your Face Here Since The Bad News
Wake Up, I Know You Can Hear Me
Author's Rantings.
Distract Me From Reality
Frijolito (It Means 'Little Bean')
Bleed It Out
I Need You Now
Sleepovers With Bands and BandGeeks
Full Frontal Discusses Bras
Author's Note (please read. Like, actually read. It's an apology letter)
Broken Generation
Birthday Plans
Damon Fizzy
Puppies Make Men Turn Into Boys
Author's Note (Periscope)
They Are One Person; They Are Two Alone
Expect The Unexpected
Watty Awards 2015
Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright
Someone Somewhere
Alan + Sienna dating???
The Best Of Me
Heartache and Heartbreak
Growing Up
Stay At Home Friend Of Dad's
Please Read...if you're still there...

Ben Threw

5.3K 219 100
By sun_bean_

May be triggering to some. 




She woke to the sound of snoring. She leaned over in her suite bed and saw Austin sleeping on the floor. Thank god she was woken up by her father's snores. She had that dream again. The one where Avery stood in front of her. Hurting her. She drew her legs up to her chest, resting her chin on her knees. For some reason, the tears wouldn't come. She rubbed her eyes like she was crying, but they didn't come. She sniffled like she did when she cried, but her tears didn't come. 

The tears never came. 

She just miserably sat in the bed, whimpering. 

She saw him everywhere. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw him. His hands on her throat, on her arms, on her hips - she hated it. Her mind was consumed by Avery. It wasn't fair. 

She could feel his fingertips trailing up her leg, his mouth on her throat…she could feel his breath on her face, his body pressing up against hers. 

Now the tears came. She could hear his voice; 'Stop your crying. I know you like it.' 

"Sienna…?" breathed her father's voice. Sienna didn't even care that her father was slowly and tentatively climbing up to cradle her in his arms. 

Avery's hands weaved in Sienna's brown hair, pulling at it harshly, his lips pressing to her throat. 

Sienna sobbed louder, pushing Austin away weakly. 

"Sienna, shh-" Austin said in her ear. Sienna curled up in his arms, gripping his shirt with her fists. 

"G-go a-away." She whined, her whole body shivering for fear. 

"Sienna, I can't," Austin whispered. They stayed like that until Sienna finally felt herself calm down a bit. Her mouth quivered as her skin crawled. She couldn't believe she could withstand him holding her for this long. 


"Shh." her father rocked her back and forth as she cried in his chest. "Shh, it's okay. Just tell me what happened, sweetie. I can help you if you let me."  

After moments of complete silence, Sienna decided to open up to her father; something she was terrified of doing. 

"He did it." Once she started to speak, she couldn't stop. Her voice was shaking and her eyes were trained on Austin's upper arm tattoos, feeling completely and utterly numb to the memories crashing back to her. The words tumbled out and she didn't even make an attempt to stop them. She just let it happen. She didn't want to stop it. She needed to let it all out. 

"He did it. He was mad because people - famous people - called him out on Twitter. He said he was humiliated, but I-I just-I couldn't stop him. He grabbed me, held me, and forced me to look at him." Sienna felt Austin stiffen. "He made me tell him that I liked it. He called me a whore. He hit me a couple of times. But the real damage was when he ra-" Sienna cut herself off with a choked sob. "When he t-touched me." Sienna gave a small scream and tightened her fists in her father's shirt. "I just want to kill myself. I don't want to live anymore. This is all my fault. This is…I deserved this. I-I-I want to kill myself. I want to die. I don't want to be here." 

"No." Austin said dryly. "Don't say that, Sienna, please, baby. Don't say that. You can't-" 

"I can't?" Sienna heard herself scoff. "I can't? You're not in control of my actions. I can fucking hang myself if I want to." 

Austin was now breathing harder and she could feel his heart beating faster. She felt her heart flutter too; to be honest, it was a little painful. 

"Who?" Austin asked, his voice crackling slightly. Sienna bit her lip, shuddering. "Who did it?" he asked again, more forcefully. 

Sienna closed her eyes, feeling tears drip down her cheeks. 





"That little prick! That no good fucking son of a bitch! I'll kill him! I'll fucking murder him!" Austin snarled as he paced in front of his bandmates, Dan, Max, Oliver, and Lee. "I'll tear out his mother fucking heart. I'll beat him to a bloody pulp. I'll rip out his throat with my teeth!" 

The eight men all bowed their heads, looking at their shoes. They were surely thinking the same thing, but they didn't say it. They were supposed to talk him out of whatever crazy stunt he was about to pull, but they all stayed silent. 

Austin growled in the back of his throat. Sienna had told him more of what happened. Avery raped her. Sienna was so numb that when Austin got angry and held her, promising she'd be okay, she just went limp against his body, breathing from her slightly opened mouth, her glassy eyes on the wall. 

He made sure Sienna was being watched at all times. She needed someone to watch her every move. After telling him that she wanted to kill herself and she could control her life by hanging herself, he put her under 'suicide watch'. At the moment, Josh and Ty were watching her. They opted to watch a movie in the suite's master bedroom, but Josh just reported that Sienna had fallen asleep, so they were struggling to stay awake just in case Sienna woke up while they were sleeping. So Chris, Matt Nicholls, Matt Barnes, and Vegan joined their 'sleep-over'. Jordan was down in the laundry room doing his laundry and the others' in the band as well due to a hardcore game of 'rock, paper, scissors, shoot'. 

"He's so fucking dead." Austin hissed, stopping his relentless pacing and clenching his hands into fists. "I'll fucking kill him." 

"Austin-" started Tino, but Austin cut him off. 

"WHAT?" Austin snarled. "Are you going to tell me to stop? Because I'm not going to stop. She's my little girl and he fucking raped her!" 

Tino looked angry. "No, I wasn't going to tell you to stop. I was going to tell you to cut off his dick. He's obviously not using it right." 

Austin felt his ears redden and a flare of cruel satisfaction run through his veins. The others chuckled at Tino's masochistic joke and slowly the laughter ceased. 

"Am I supposed to go to the police about this?" Austin asked quietly, his eyes landing on Alan's. Alan bit his lip and shrugged. 

"Yes." replied Lee's voice. Austin's head snapped up to look at the man who rarely spoke. Lee's normally pale face was flushed with red, but this time, it wasn't from embarrassment. It was from anger. "Yes, you're supposed to go to the police. If you really do tear out his throat or kill him, you'll get in trouble. But if the police do the dirty work, then your hands will be clean. This kid hurt Birdy. No - he hurt our Birdy. He did something that every man knows is wrong and cowardly, but he still did it. He basically 'killed' Birdy. She's no longer bright and happy. She was doing so well; she hadn't hurt herself, she was smiling more, she was more outgoing, and she was more affectionate. Even to you, Austin.

"But now, she's the shell of what she used to be. She's not even a sliver of what the Birdy we used to know was. That Birdy was killed when Avery laid his fingers on her. We will make sure we'll resurrect the old Birdy if you make sure you ruin Avery. Understand?" Lee's dark eyes glinted with hatred. "I want him to suffer. I want to see him get eaten alive; thrown to the fucking depths of hell and back. I want to watch him torture himself for the things he's done. I want him to go to prison. He'll get raped in there and he can finally understand the pain and suffering he's brought to our Birdy. But I don't want him to ever die. I want him to live the rest of his pathetic life knowing he took a little girl's innocence. He took our Birdy from us. He's got hell to pay." 

When Lee finished talking, the room was filled with a heavy silence as his words sank in. Austin knew he couldn't hurt Avery. That would make things worse. But he knew Lee was right. Avery 'killed Birdy'. Avery 'killed' his little baby girl. 

Austin nodded at Lee to recognize him for his little speech, but Lee just glared at the ground. "I just want my Birdy back." Lee said quietly, his voice cracking as his eyes were pooled with tears. So quietly that Austin almost didn't hear him. 

Oliver's arm slung around Lee's shoulders and Lee shoved his face in his hands, crying silently. Austin felt choked up too. He had already cried with Sienna, and now it was happening again. 

"We all want our little Birdy back." Max said, sounding wounded. "We just don't know how."

"We can start by fucking Avery over." Dan said confidently, standing up. 

"I agree." Aaron said, his tenor voice trembling. "We need to do it. Right now." 

Phil and Tino nodded in agreement. Alan's glassy eyes stared at the floor and he dropped his head slightly, a small 'yeah' leaving his lips. Oliver and Lee didn't say anything, but it was very clear they were agreeing too. 

"Here." Dan said, grabbing the telephone and handing him the whole box that had a large cord attached to the back that plugged into the wall. Austin carefully jabbed at the numbers, gritting his teeth as he placed the phone to his ear. 

When the woman at the police station answered the phone call and asked what she could do to help, Austin took a deep breath. 

"My daughter has been raped." Austin said, his gravelly voice stronger than ever. "And I know who did it." 

I am so sorry for the lack of updates. I have been playing a lot of volleyball, and my whole body is sore and I'm tired and I have so much homework and late work and piano lessons and UGH. SO MUCH. I HATE BEING A JUNIOR! YAY...:(

Goal - Votes: 100+ Comments: 10+

Chapter Quote: "Do You Feel Like A Man When You Push Her Around? Do You Feel Better Now As She Falls To The Ground? Well, I'll Tell You My Friend, One Day This World's Going To End As Your Lies Crumble Down; A New Life She Has Found - Face Down In The Dirt, She Said: 'This Doesn't Hurt', She Said: 'I Have Finally Had Enough'" - Face Down ~The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

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