Austin Carlile Is My Father...

By sun_bean_

1.3M 24.6K 7.6K

Sienna Francis' mother has just died in house fire, leaving her with no possessions and nowhere to go. They m... More

Austin Carlile Is My Father?
P a r t O n e : You're Not Alone
Austin Carlile Is My Father? (Written By Friskyhands)
Lips Around A Loaded Gun (Friskyhands)
This One's For You (Friskyhands)
Those In Glass Houses (Friskyhands)
My Understandings (Friskyhands)
Purified (Friskyhands)
I Can't Sleep, Too Many Voices In My Head (Friskyhands)
Farewell To Shady Glade (Friskyhands)
The Calm (Friskyhands)
The Storm (Friskyhands)
The Flood: Part 1 (Written By Friskyhands)
The Flood: Part 2
Am I Awake? 'Cause I Wanna See Waves
One Million Branches & She Loves Every One
Rumor Has It...
Who Is This Girl? She's My Baby.
Breathing and Grasping
Shopping and 500 Days Of Summer
The Irony Of Choking On A Lifesaver
Chicken Soup
Not Good Enough In Truth and Cliché
Welcome To A World Where Dreams Become Nightmares
I'm Sorry, But I've Made Up My Mind...
Do You Like Steak?
Skipping Stones
I'm Telling You The Truth I Mean This, I'm Okay...Trust Me
I Think I've Hit The Floor
He's A Hero, But He's Stupid.
...Bad Luck...
Tony The Tour Turtle
Fifteen Yard Penalty; Unnecessary Roughness
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
People Fucking Suck...
New Tours and Bar Sluts
Author's Note
Misguided Ghosts
Mrs. Butcher
haHA! What if...
Five New Friends
You've Been Iced!
Tell Me, Who Is To Blame?
I Just Wanna Cuddle...
Liquid Confidence
Guys Are Assholes
Meeting Cara *Contest As Well! Please Enter!*
Crowd Surfing is Dangerous
I'll Be The Romeo, You'll Be The Juliet
Apples To Apples
Are You Fucking Serious? Again?
Join The Club
Fast Car
Saving Lives And Shit
Chillin' With My Mexican Villans
I'm Ronald Radke, but You Can Call Me Ronnie...
Peter Pan
I'm A Walking Travesty
Author's Note
The Hazing Of Alexis And Noah
You're Too Young To Live This Way
Dried Squid, Jukeboy, and Relationship Wagers
Mirrors Start To Whisper, Shadows Start To Sing
Maybe We're Just Having Too Much Fun
Its Hard To Say Goodbye When You Know That It's Over
I Still Feel You In My Bones
Sienna Carlile?
Waste Of Space
Vicious Cycles
Cruel & Perfect
The Girlfriend Invasion
Author's Note
Live A Lie-Just Tonight
The Stupidity Of The American Language
Aortic Dissection
P a r t T w o : You're With Me
Part 2: Be Not Afraid To Love Me
Part Two: Shayley Bourget
Be Who You Are
These Are The Words Of My Holiday
Mad World
Girlfriends Aren't Always Bad
Ben Threw
You've Got Nothing To Lose
A Night To Remember; A Day To Forget
Quick question
And All The Things That You Never Ever Told Me...
You Haven't Shown Your Face Here Since The Bad News
Wake Up, I Know You Can Hear Me
Author's Rantings.
Distract Me From Reality
Frijolito (It Means 'Little Bean')
Bleed It Out
I Need You Now
Sleepovers With Bands and BandGeeks
Full Frontal Discusses Bras
Author's Note (please read. Like, actually read. It's an apology letter)
Broken Generation
Birthday Plans
Damon Fizzy
Puppies Make Men Turn Into Boys
Author's Note (Periscope)
They Are One Person; They Are Two Alone
Expect The Unexpected
Watty Awards 2015
Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright
Someone Somewhere
Alan + Sienna dating???
The Best Of Me
Heartache and Heartbreak
Growing Up
Stay At Home Friend Of Dad's
Please Read...if you're still there...

The Great Hendowski (Friskyhands)

9.1K 176 45
By sun_bean_

I'm so sorry for making you guys wait so long! I have lot of stuff at school and haven't had much time and the time I do have I've spent listening to the new SWS record. I didn't like it at first but it's grown on me a lot. I've decided not to include venue names/city/states because I don't live in the US and I can't be screwed looking it up.
The bus pulled into the back of the first venue just before 4PM, they had driven around the front and although Sienna couldn't see out of the bus she could heard muffled yells and screams as they passed. Austin was getting hyped up next to her, shaking all over and grinning while stretching his arms. "You okay?" He asked, glancing over at her, she nodded, dumbstruck.
"Do you wanna stay on the bus or stand side stage?" He asked. Sienna had never been to a concert before, maybe it was time to finally see what it was like.
"Yeah, I think I'll stand side stage." She said casually, trying to make it seem like she knew what she was talking about.
Sienna hadn't really talked to anyone on the 7 hour bus ride, instead she took to staring through the small porthole window on her bunk, watching the country race by. Everyone else was in the back lounge playing video games or in their own bunks, sleeping or texting. Austin had asked if she wanted to use his laptop for a while, and she had connected her iPhone to it and uploaded all his music seeing as she had none, so she spent a while looking at all that. There were over 4,000 different songs, all very different too. He had Slipknot to Blondie and Metallica to Britney Spears. The one that she really liked was a band called Pierce the Veil.
The bus slowed to a stop and every stood up and stretched, ready to get started. The venue was indoor and quite large, but because of the amount of fans swarming around the bus Austin and the rest of the band had to get in through the back doors, leaving the crew to unload all the gear. Austin grabbed her hand and pulled her with him, ignore the yells of "Who's she?" From teenagers hanging around the railings, only flashing them a quick smile.
There was a huge backstage room for the band to hang out in while everything was set up, complete with sofas and a pile of cushions in the corner, which Alan jumped into straight away. Sienna sat on one of the sofas, perching on the edge, she still felt out of place in all the chaos. Austin sat next to her, seeming to have calmed down at a bit.
"How's it going?" He asked her. Sienna shrugged and look down at her feet. It was fun and interesting, but also overwhelming and she just wanted to be at home with her Mom. He smiled sympathetically, "Do you wanna go back to the bus?"
"No, I kinda wanna see you guys perform." Sienna told him.
It was a few hours later, and Sienna was standing side stage watching the support band. She didn't really care about them, but the crowd was huge. When the support left a chant started up, "Of Mice and Men, Of Mice and Men, Of Mice and Men!"
One by one the band ran onto the stage, screams making Sienna's ears ring.
"Austin, Austin, Austin, Austin!" When Austin finally ran out the screams, shouts and clapping for him was the loudest. He had a huge grin on his face and started singing... or screaming? The fans seemed to love it, and she felt herself smiling at their enthusiasm. Eventually the bright lights and loud noises became almost too much, but she could tell the show was wrapping up so she sat it out. She didn't really notice much as they all ran off the stage, the crowd disappearing quickly. Someone told her to go sit in a side room while she waited for Austin and everyone else to clean up. Sienna had a pounding headache, she had forgotten to take pills for it. She'd had headaches every single day since her Mom died.
Half an hour later Sienna found herself standing off to the side at a meet and great, gazing at all the fans handing gifts over, talking and taking photos. A lot of them were crying, but quite a few noticed her. Some even took photos, but Sienna didn't notice. Eventually one girl came up to her.
"Hey, who are you? I saw you with Austin earlier." She asked. The girls hair was blue and she had an lip piercing that she kept biting. Sienna glanced over at Austin but he didn't notice, too busy talking to fans, she felt a bit uncomfortable.
"Hi. I'm Sienna."
"I like your name, mine's stupid. Elise? Who calls their kid Elise in the 21st century? What are you doing here? I mean your obviously not here for the signing cause you look bored as fuck, and I saw you with Austin earlier."
"I'm on tour with them." Sienna reluctantly told Elise.
"Seriously? How did you manage that? You only look 14 or 15!"
"I'm 14, almost 15."
"Same age as me? That's pretty cool. Got tumblr? Mines austins-babygrrl."
Woah, nice way to make me uncomfortable. Sienna thought sarcastically, but Elise seemed like the sort of girl who wouldn't take no for an answer. "Mines summerofsnow." Not expecting the girl to remember.
"How'd you get on tour? It's like my dream!"
"Well, um... Austin's kind of my dad." Sienna stuttered quietly, she wasn't sure if she was meant to tell people yet.
"Bullshit." Elise said, "He doesn't have any kids."
"How would you know?" Sienna snapped back, this girl was getting too personal.
"Because I've been a fan for ages!" Elise shot back
"Hey! Piss off Elise, go fuck off somebody else." Another girl stalked over when she saw the confrontation. Austin was in the middle of taking a group photo.
"What are you doing here Katherine?" Elise spat back.
"If you don't remember they're one of my favourite bands." Katherine snarled back.
"Ugh, whatever." And with that Elise stormed off, leaving Sienna confused.
"Sorry about her. We used to be best friends, then she turned into a complete bitch. I'm Katherine, by the way." The new girl was around the same height as her, she had long wavy brown hair but gave off an attitude that suggested she didn't care about her looks. She was all natural and looked like the sort of person Sienna would hang with.
"I'm Sienna. Thanks for that... I'm bad with dealing with those things."
"No biggie. I heard you saying that you were Austin's kid, sorry if that's too personal. I'd believe you anyway."
"Why?" Sienna asked curiously.
"Cause you look a lot like him, and why else would you be on tour?"
They talk for about half an hour before the signing closed up, both exchanging numbers. Just as Katherine left Austin wandered over. "You okay?"
"Yeah, some stupid chick came over and had a go at me but Katherine told her to piss off." Sienna motioned to her friend who was just leaving the room. Austin frowned. "I didn't see her or sign anything." He grabbed a sharpie and dragged Sienna behind him over to Katherine as he went yelling "Hey!" Katherine stopped and smiled at Sienna who was blushing. "You want anything signed?"
"Yes please!" Katherine said excitedly. She pulled out her iPhone which had a case with a black on white text in the shape of an & symbol. "Can you sign this?"
"Sure! And thanks for sticking up for Sienna, I hope you had a good time at the show."
"No problem, and it was great! I gotta go but thanks so much." Katherine turned to Sienna. "I'll text you, okay?"
"Yeah, see ya." Sienna tiredly smiled, ready to fall into bed. Austin looked a bit worried, but waited until they were walking back to the bus and Katherine was long gone to say anything.
"You gave her your number?" He asked, slightly concerned and annoyed.
"Yeah... is that a problem?"
"No... I just... what if she's some crazy fangirl who gives everyone your number?" He finally got out, "She knows who you are, right?"
"She does know, but I don't think she'd give out my number. Why would people care anyway?"
Austin sighed, "Honestly I don't fucking know. A lot of them would hate you or want to be you. I think it would be better if we kind of just didn't make a huge deal out of you being here on twitter and stuff?"
"That sounds good."
Sienna fell into bed without changing into her pjs, somehow falling asleep with all the noise around her.
I hope that made up for the long wait. Expect Katherine and Elise to appear more later in the story. Please comment and vote!

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