Lightning Strike: RWBY x OC

By Juztin41

387K 3.8K 2.3K

Onyx Richards is a 16 y/o boy who is the son of a Legendary Huntsman and Huntress, and also possesses a stron... More

OC Bio
Volume 1 Chapter 1 (Rewrite)
Volume 1 Chapter 2 (Rewrite)
Volume 1 Chapter 3 (Rewrite)
Volume 1 Chapter 4 (Rewrite)
Volume 1 Chapter 6 (Rewrite)
Volume 1 Chapter 7 (Rewrite)
Volume 1 Chapter 8 (Rewrite)
Volume 1 Chapter 9 (Rewrite)
Volume 1 Chapter 10 (Rewrite)
Volume 1 Chapter 11 (Rewrite)
Volume 1 Chapter 12 (Rewrite)
Volume 2 Chapter 1 (Rewrite)
Volume 2 Chapter 2 (Rewrite)
Volume 2 Chapter 3 (Rewrite)
Volume 2 Chapter 4
Volume 2 Chapter 5
Volume 2 Chapter 6
Volume 2 Chapter 7
Volume 2 Chapter 8
Volume 2 Chapter 9
Volume 2 Chapter 10
Volume 2 Chapter 11
Volume 2 Chapter 12
Volume 3 Chapter 1
Volume 3 Chapter 2
Volume 3 Chapter 3
Volume 3 Chapter 4
Volume 3 Chapter 5
Volume 3 Chapter 6
Volume 3 Chapter 7
Volume 4 Chapter 0.5
Volume 4 Chapter 1
Volume 4 Chapter 2
Volume 4 Chapter 3
Volume 5 Chapter 1
Volume 5 Chapter 2
Volume 5 Chapter 3
Special Chapter: We missed you
Volume 6 Chapter 1
Volume 6 Chapter 2
Volume 6 Chapter 3
Volume 6 Chapter 4
Volume 6 Chapter 5
Volume 6 Chapter 6
Flashback Chapter: Despair
Update on Onyx's abilities/moves
Volume 7 Chapter 1
Volume 7 Chapter 2
Volume 7 Chapter 3
Volume 7 Chapter 4
Volume 7 Chapter 5
Volume 7 Chapter 6
Volume 7 Chapter 7
Volume 7 Chapter 8
Volume 7 Chapter 9
Volume 7 Chapter 10
Volume 7 Chapter 11
Special Chapter: Fake Reality Part 1
Special Chapter: Fake Reality Part 2
Volume 8 Chapter 1
Volume 8 Chapter 2
Volume 8 Chapter 3
Volume 8 Chapter 4
Volume 8 Chapter 5
Volume 8 Chapter 6
Volume 8 Chapter 7
Volume 8 Chapter 8
Volume 8 Chapter 9
Volume 8 Chapter 10
Volume 8 Chapter 11
OC List
Interlude Teaser
Volume 9 Teaser
Volume 9 Chapter 1
Volume 9 Chapter 2
Volume 9 Chapter 3
Volume 9 Chapter 4
Volume 9 Chapter 5
Volume 9 Chapter 6
Volume 9 Chapter 7
Volume 9 Epilogue
Reboot Update and Teaser

Volume 1 Chapter 5 (Rewrite)

7K 94 85
By Juztin41

(Onyx's POV)

The nice, cold air breezes through my face as I soar through the sky soon after I got flung off from the cliff. I look at my surroundings for a landing spot before spotting a tall tree in front of me. I unsheathe Raikiri and pull my feet up so that it lands flat on the tree, allowing me to slide down the tree before landing on the ground and sheathing Raikiri.

I then look to the tree and see the damage I have caused to it as I slightly cringe.

Onyx: Sorry tree...

I then start wondering where the heck is north. Suddenly, sounds of wings flapping can be heard approaching me.

Onyx: I didn't think you would follow me. Goldie, Blackie...

I look up and see a black bird and a yellow bird, land on my shoulders.

Onyx: Geez, you flew all this way to follow me? I'm touched.

The two birds cawed in response as I shrug.

Onyx: Alright you two. I gotta dash. Try to keep up!

I pull my mask up, covering my mouth as I start charging lightning throughout my body as a jet-like sound effect can be heard while charging up. Goldie and Blackie fly away from my shoulders and onto a branch on a nearby tree.

Onyx: ("Lightning Dash!")

Using Lightning Dash, I sprint at high speed in the direction that I'm hoping is north, leaving behind a small trail of fire behind.

(scene change and third person POV)

Ozpin is currently watching the students on his Scroll back at the Beacon Cliff when Glynda walks up behind him, holding her own tablet.

Glynda: The last pair has been formed, sir.

Glynda taps the screen to show Ren.

Glynda: Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren.

Glynda: (sigh) Poor boy... I can't possibly imagine those two getting along. Still, he's probably better off than Miss Nikos.

She changes the video to Pyrrha and Jaune, trekking through the woods.

Ozpin: Mmmm...

Glynda: I don't care what his transcripts say. That Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat.

She deactivates her tablet and walks back a bit.

Glynda: I guess we'll find out soon enough. At their current pace, they should reach the temple within just a few minutes.

Glynda turns back to Ozpin.

Glynda: Speaking of which, what did you use as relics this year?

Ozpin: ...

Glynda: Professor Ozpin?

Ozpin doesn't respond as he watches his tablet with a solemn look on his face as the tablet shows the footage of Onyx slicing through the Grimm with ease. From his point of view, Onyx was briefly replaced with Jonathan before changing back to Onyx. Unbeknownst to Glynda, Ozpin seemingly smiles, almost like a proud parent.

Ozpin: Jonathan... Vanessa. You've both raised him well.

(scene change and Onyx's POV)

It's been about three fricking hours now and I have had no luck in finding that temple that Ozpin has been talking about. All I have literally done is dash around, look badass while killing Grimm and saving some paired up pussies, who were even more scared by me wearing a mask. One of them had brown hair with some sort of armour covering him... His build and the way he looks gives me that vibe of a stereotypical bully and that I really wanna punch him in the face.

I haven't found anyone familiar at all in those three hours.


Onyx: Eh?...

That came from afar. The explosion was then followed up with a voice.

???: Help! Woah-ah-ah-ah-ah! Why?! Pyrrha! He-e-e-elp! Pyrrha, this is not the relic! It's not! Do something!

Onyx: (sweat drops) Jaune...

I swiftly climb to the top of a nearby tree and see Jaune flying across the forest, accompanied with a very feminine scream.

Onyx: ("Oh geez. I feel like I should help him...... Nah, he's got Pyrrha, he'll be fine.")

Jaune: (in the distance) I'm definitely not gonna be fine! Pyrrha!!

I then see a falling Ruby as I sigh.

Onyx: And another one... They're both pretty far. But I think I can make it.

I start charging up my body again as I started running to where I presume Jaune and Ruby are gonna land.

(short time skip)

I managed to arrive at their predicted landing point as I look up and see Ruby still falling but far away from the ground. No sign of Jaune from here, maybe Pyrrha saved his ass.

Yang: Onyx?!

Onyx: Hm?

I notice Yang and Blake staring at me in shock as I pull down my mask.

Onyx: Hey Yang.

Yang: H-Hey. Cool mask by the way.

Onyx: Thanks. Hey Blake.

Blake just meekly waves as she still looks at me in shock.

Onyx: What's wrong you two?

Yang: Was that your Semblance? That lightning thing?

Onyx: Yep.

Blake: D-Does it cause that much damage?

Onyx: Hm?

She points to the burning trails behind me.

Onyx: Oh... Well yes, but no. It depends on how much lightning I use. In this case, I used a bit more than usual to dash as quick as I can to this spot here, hence this... burning trails.

I grinned at the two as they seem to just nod at my explanation.

Onyx: You girls better-

Ruby: Heads uuuuuuuup!

Just as I was about attempt to catch her, Jaune comes flying in, from out of nowhere, crashing onto Ruby, knocking her off course and sending both of them into a tree. Ruby is visibly dazed from the unexpected rough landing.

Onyx: (holding up all my fingers) Perfect landing! Ten out of ten!

Blake and Yang giggle at my joke while Jaune groans.

Jaune: Not... (groan) funny.

Onyx: (shrugs) It is for me. Deal with it.

Blake: So, um... did your sister just fall from the sky?

Yang: I...

Several crashing noises can be heard in the forest just in front of us, and an Ursa comes out, claws swiping. I crouch down and I held my grip on the handle of Raikiri.

Onyx: Oh, you've gotta be shitting me.

A pink blast of energy hits it in the back as it crashes to the ground.

Onyx: Never mind.

I relax and stand up normally while Blake and Yang look on, confused.


Nora rolls off of the Ursa's back, then gets up and groans with a saddened look.

Nora: Awwww... it's broken.

While she observes the carcass, Ren arrives behind her, panting.

Ren: Nora! Please... Don't ever do that again.

Nora then runs off and look around like a madman in the temple, staring at a golden rook relic.

Onyx: ("Oh shit. The relics are here.")

Nora: Ooohh...

She suddenly grabs it as she proceeds to dance and sing with the golden chess piece.

Nora: I'm queen of the castle~ I'm queen of the castle~

Ren: Nora!

She stops dancing, then salutes, dropping the golden relic in her hand.

Nora: Coming, Ren!

She then skips off to where Ren is.

Onyx: She... forgot to carry the rook.

Blake: Yeah, and did that girl just ride on an Ursa?

Yang: I... Uh...

She was interrupted once again as a screech can be heard, this time from our right, as Pyrrha comes crashing onto the scene as a Death Stalker destroys the trees in its chase after her. Pyrrha manages to dodge its giant claws and continue running.

Onyx: ("Oh boy...")

Pyrrha: Jaune!

Jaune: Pyrrha!

Ruby then runs off the branch and lands while doing a roll as she stands up, back on the ground.

Yang: Ruby!

Ruby: Yang!

The sisters raise their arms to give each other a hug but then Nora comes in between the two and knocking them off-balance in surprise.

Nora: Nora!

The Deathstalker continues to chase after Pyrrha as she continues running.

Blake: Did she just run all the way here with a Death Stalker on her tail?

Onyx: Is anyone gonna help her?

Little did I notice, Yang getting angrier as she growls and erupts in a small burst of fire with her eyes flashing red. Unfortunately for me, the soot got into my face.

Onyx: Fuck.


A few seconds later, Yang calms down as Blake turns to me before she suddenly starts to giggle at my soot covered face.

Onyx: How do I look?

Blake: (sarcastic) Amazing.

Onyx: Hehe, thank you.

I start wiping the soot off of my face as Ruby tugs on her sister's sleeve.

Ruby: Umm... Yang?

Yang turns to Ruby who just points up.

I look up and see Weiss hanging on a talon that is the size of her body, which I assume belongs to a Nevermore. She then calls out to Ruby.


Ruby: I SAID "JUMP"!

Onyx: Don't forget to do a flip!

Yang: Pff haha!

Weiss: Not funny, Onyx!

Onyx: It is to me... And Yang.

Yang: Damn right.

We high-five each other as Ruby sighs.

Blake: Uh, she's gonna fall.

Ruby: She'll be fine.

Ren: She's falling.

Onyx: I got her.

RBY: Huh?

I crouch down and charge up lightning towards my legs as it start to glow, with the usual jet-like sound effect being heard by everyone.

Yang: What's that sound?

Soon after she asks, I swing my arms in a forward motion and jump, thus releasing the lightning that was charged up in my legs, in turn, sending me high in the air and causing a small shockwave on the ground, surprising everyone.

Ruby: Woooaahhhh!!

Jaune: Woah indeed. ("He's got such a strong Semblance. And yet... I got none.")

As I continued to gain altitude, I then manage to catch Weiss and carry her bridal style as she looks at me surprised.

Weiss: Onyx!

Onyx: Don't worry, I got you!

I give her a reassuring smile which caused her to lightly blush as I started to fall back down to the ground.

Weiss: Y-You better find a way to get us down safely!

Onyx: I got this! Just hang on tight!

Weiss: O-Okay!

She wraps her arms around my neck tightly, but not too tight that I can't breathe. I charge up lightning towards my right leg.

Onyx: ("Swing.... Now!")

I pull my right leg back, causing Weiss and I to do a front flip, while also causing a gust of wind pressure that slowed down our fall.

Weiss: Ahhhh!

Thanks to that wind pressure, we landed back on the ground safely as I put Weiss down, who seemed stunned at my action.

Onyx: Uh, Weiss? You good there?

I snap my fingers in front of her face.

Onyx: Weiss Schnee, heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, are you there?

Weiss: (snaps back to reality) H-Huh?

Onyx: Ah good. You okay?

Weiss: Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for saving me.

Onyx: (shrugs) It's no biggie.

Weiss smiles at me before taking a quick glance at my bandaged forearms which caused her to lightly frown.

But I ignore her frown and turn to everyone else.

Onyx: (sweat drops) Um...

Turns out, that gust of wind pressure caused everyone but Pyrrha's hair to be messed up. But Yang seemed to be the most pissed out of everyone.

Ruby: Uh oh.

Onyx: Huh, what do you mean "Uh oh"?

Ruby: Yang doesn't want anyone to touch or mess with her hair.

Onyx: Well... shit.

Yang: Onyx!

Onyx: Umm... s-sorry about that, guys. There was no other option.

Yang: ... You know what? Just because you're cute. I'll forgive you.

Onyx: (blushes) Eh?

Ruby: Yang!

Yang: But I'm not wrong!

Onyx: (regained composure) W-We need to help Pyrrha. That's more important right now.

Everyone's attention is turned to Pyrrha, who lands on her side in front of us.

Yang: Well great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!

Ruby: Not if I can help it!

She screams a battle cry and charges at the Death Stalker.

Onyx: Ruby, no!

Ruby: Ruby, yes!

Ruby continues charging towards the Death Stalker while firing Crescent Rose. When she gets close to it, the Grimm simply swipes her away, and she gets knocked back.

Ruby: Wahh!

Yang: Ruby!

Ruby gets up, although very slowly.

Ruby: D-Do-Don't worry! Totally fine!

Onyx: (unsheathes Raikiri) No you're fucking not.

Ruby turns back to the Death Stalker and shoots it in the skull while running away from it and sheathing Crescent Rose as it now goes after her.

Yang starts running after her.

Yang: Ruby!

Ruby rushes towards Yang, but now the Nevermore caws above them.

Onyx: Shit! Yang, Ruby! Watch out!

The Nevermore then caws above them while flapping its wings and releasing a bunch of sharpened feathers with points that catch onto Ruby's cape and preventing Yang from reaching to her younger sister.

Yang: Ruby, get out of there!

Ruby desperately attempts to pull the feather out of her cape.

Ruby: I'm trying!

The Death Stalker approaches Ruby, raising its golden stinger above the scared girl. It then thrusts its stinger towards Ruby as Yang reaches out in vain.

Yang: Ruby!

By instinct, I dash past Yang and stop right in front of Ruby. Using the flat side of my sword, I parry the stinger to the side and swiftly slice the stinger off. All that, in the space of about two or three seconds. Leaving no rest, I turn to Weiss.

Onyx: Weiss! Freeze it!

Weiss: On it!

Weiss dashes forward and freezes the Grimm's legs in place.

Onyx: Whew. (smiles) Thanks Weiss.

Weiss smiles back in return.

Weiss: You're welcome.

After smiling at each other for a few seconds, my attention is then turned towards Ruby, who is standing there making an 'o' expression, making me chuckle at her reaction.

I walk over to her and pull out the feather that was jammed through Ruby's cloak. Soon after I did that, she tackles me down for a hug.

Onyx: Blah!

Ruby: Thank you so much for saving me! You looked so cool while doing it!

I was surprised at the hug before I hug her back.

Weiss: You are so childish!

Ruby: Weiss...?

Weiss: And dim-witted, and hyperactive, and don't even get me started on your fighting style. And I suppose I can be a bit... difficult... but if we're going to do this, we're going to have to do this together. So if you quit trying to show off, I'll be... nicer.

Ruby: I'm not trying to show off. I want you to know I can do this.

Weiss: You're fine. You're also lucky that Onyx was quick enough to save you.

Ruby: (looks down) R-Right.

Weiss walks away as Ruby continues looking down, contemplating.

Onyx: Hey...

Ruby: ...?

Onyx: Don't feel too bad. Just be more careful and not be too gung-ho when you fight. Other than that, just keep doing what you're doing.

Ruby: R-Right. Thanks!

She gives a smile that I lightly blush from, because of how cute it was. Yang then tackled Ruby down to the ground.

Yang: Thank goodness, you're okay!

Ruby: C-Can't... b-breathe...

Onyx: (sweat drops) Yang... she needs air.

Yang: Sorry, sis!

She lets go of Ruby as she dramatically pants for air.

Onyx: Come on, you two. Let's head back to the group.

Ruby and Yang nod as I hear cawing in the distance. I spot Goldie and Blackie again on a nearby tree, seemingly scanning the group.

The three of us re-join the group as Jaune nervously looks up at the Nevermore.

Jaune: Guys? That thing's circling back! What are we gonna do?

Weiss: Look, there's no sense of dilly-dallying. Our objective is right in front of us.

We then stare at the relics.

Ruby: She's right. Our mission is to grab an artefact and make it back to the Cliffs.

Weiss nods in agreement.

Ruby: We really got no point in fighting the Grimm. So long as we get back to the Cliffs safe and with a relic.

Jaune: Run and live - that's an idea I can get behind!

Ruby looks at me as I give her a smile, which she returns with one of her own. Ruby goes over and grabs a gold knight, Jaune takes hold of a gold rook, smiling towards each other.

I then look up and see the Nevermore slowly getting closer towards us. And the Death Stalker slowly cracking the ice.

Onyx: Shit! Guys! We better get moving now!

The group nods as I rush forward with everyone following as we make our way to the Beacon Cliffs.

Onyx: ("These people are... interesting.")

end of chapter

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