Separated(Book Two In The Fee...

By FeelThePayneCupcake

6.2K 290 10

This is Liv's story. This is the boys' story. This is Peyton's story. Have fun with this mistake guys! Peyton... More

Chapter 1
Le chapter three!
chapter 4 a la mode!
Chapter 5
six six six six six six...666666? uhm, okay just 6! X)
Chapter 9
Chapter 13
FOR-TEENS. Yea ok fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
17 Once more
Chapter 19
Chapter 21!
Chapter 23
24!! ;)
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 29!!
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
chapter 48
Chapter 49
chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Le chapter number whatever we're on..
Chapter 59!!!!!!
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 63

Chapter 65

75 5 0
By FeelThePayneCupcake

Dylan finally got remove the bandages on his chest/rib cage area and they took the gauze off if his head. The doctors said that he had to be careful when he took showers and throughout filming. The movie was coming along, slowly but surely and I cannot wait for it to come out. I was laying on the edge of my bed with my legs dangling off when Dylan came into the room.

"Hey beautiful." I sat up and he stood in between my legs, playing with a few strands of my hair.

"Hello." I grin and link my hands behind his neck.


"So." I squeal a little when he puts his hands under my thighs and lifts me up so he's holding me.

"I was thinking that we should go to the beach with some of the cast so you can get to know them and work on your American accent." He starts to walk around the room, still holding me up. I clear my throat, getting ready to try out the accent.

"Yeah, that would be totally awesome!!" He laughs and kisses my nose.

"A bit too 'Valley Girl' but it works." He says and finally makes it back to the bed. He softly lays me down and then crawls above me.

"Dylan?" I ask as he starts to pepper my face in kisses.


"I think I'm in love with you." I say and he stops. Uh oh. I shouldn't have said that. I should not have said that.

"Wait, really?" I can't see his face because it's buried in my neck. I nod my head in reply, not trusting my words at this moment. "I think I'm in love with you as well, Liv." I smile and bring his face back to mine.

"I'm in love with you." I repeat, kissing him passionately. He immediately kisses back and his hands start to roam my body.

My hands go down and slide beneath the fabric of his shirt, my fingers tracing over the hard ridges on his stomach. The kiss breaks for only a moment as Dylan reaches back and lifts the shirt above his head, tossing it to the ground. I run my hands down his shoulders and back, leaving small scratch marks as I do so. He groans and starts grinding his hips against mine. He takes my tank top off and stares at my body.

"You're so beautiful." He mumbles, kissing down my neck and all over my body as I let a moan escape my lips. Dylan unclasps my bra and it joins the rest of the clothes on the floor. I turn my head away, suddenly feeling self-conscious of my body. "Hey, look at me." Dylan whispers, gently pulling my face to his. "I love you." He smiles and I can't help the grin forcing it's way onto my face. "Don't be shy around me. When are you EVER shy?" He asks making me laugh lightly. "Listen to me," He kisses my forehead. "I. Love. You." He emphasizes each word with a kiss.

"I love you." I smile and I flip us over on the bed so I'm on top. My fingers trace over his stomach and once they get to his pants they start to unbutton them.

His hands grab mine, stooping me from going on any further. "Livvy, are you sure about this? I mean, I know it's your first but... are you sure?"

"I love you. I'm in love with you. I need to be with you. If anyone is going to be my first, I'm happy it's you." I kiss his chest and continue my actions from before, removing his trousers and underwear at the same time.

"Well how is this fair?" He asks, motioning to himself and to me. I raise an eyebrow and stand up quickly taking off my shorts and underwear, going back to straddling him.

"Okay?" I ask, kissing his shoulder and up his neck and jawline until I finally reach his lips. He flips us back over and kisses me softly, replying clearly.


***la da da da da I'm so not good at writing sex scenes bc it's so awkward!!!!(and omg TFIOS reference!!! I think it fit the situation well.)***

We were laying in my bed, breathing heavily, just staring into each other's eyes. Out legs were tangled together and the sheet covered us to the waist. I couldn't stop smiling and neither could he. Dylan kept mumbling sweet nothings that made me blush and his hands were on me at all times. I feel like we are even more connected now than ever before.

I love him so much.

"I'm going to take a shower. Care to join me?" I ask, getting out of the bed and walking over the the bathroom with a skip in my step.

"Seriously?" His eyes widen and he sits up straight.

"Yeah, come on!" I wink at him and rush into the bathroom, turning the shower on. Dylan comes through the door and shuts it, walking over to me and picking me up. He spins me around and I shriek, grabbing onto his shoulders.

"I love you." He grins and kisses me hard.

"I love you." I smile and tug his hand to follow me into the shower.

I never liked saying 'I love you too' because it sounds like I'm agreeing with him instead of saying that I love him. It's strange but it's how I work.

We took turns washing each other's bodies and nearly slipped doing something else.(a/n: if ya know what I mean..*wink wink nudge nudge*) He got out of the shower to make breakfast while I shaved and changed the sheets on my bed.

"Dyl, are there more sheets in the hall closet?" I ask, walking out with the sheets bundled up in my arms. I figured since it was just the two of us, that I could walk down the hall to the laundry room, put the sheets in and walk back to my room in my underwear and get dressed after. HA! Aren't I just the luckiest person in the world?

I walk out of the laundry room in my bra and panties to come face to face with Tyler Posey. Holy shit. Holy shit, it's Tyler Posey. I'm meeting Tyler Posey for the first time and I'm in my underwear. Jesus take the wheel!

"Oh! Shit, umm." He turns around so he isn't looking at my exposed body and I'm still frozen in shock.

"Ty! Wait, Dylan said don't go-" I turn around to see Colton Haynes. He played Jackson. Oh my lord. He turns around as well and I have no idea what to do!

"Uhh, Dylan!" I call out, hoping he would save me.

"Hey, Dylan sent me up here because he's doing something in the- damn." Daniel Sharman everybody. Colton slaps his arm and he turns around too.

"Dylan!!" Tyler yells and I just hope that it's not another guy.

"What is going on- oh my god! You guys! She was obviously getting dressed!" Holland Roden. Oh god, I'm meeting the entire Teen Wolf cast in my underwear. She grabs Tyler's shoulders and drags him so he's next to Colton, facing opposite of us. She takes my hand and pulls me down the hall. "Which room is yours?"

"That one." I nod my head in the right direction and she takes me inside.

"I knew we shouldn't have let Tyler wander on his own." She shakes her head and sits on a chair by the window wall. "Well? Go get dressed!" She states and I rush into my closet.

"That was so embarrassing! I met almost the whole cast of my favorite show in my underwear!" I laugh at myself and grab a black bikini. I put shorts over the bottoms and a white see through tank top that says SLEEP in bold, black letters on the front.

"You're British. That's cool. And don't worry about it. If they say anything about it either Dylan or I will punch them." She says it so seriously and I almost laugh.

"Well I'm just happy a girl came up instead of another guy." I state as walk out of my closet.

"Yeah, Tyler, Shelley, Thomas, and Ki-Hong are here too." She says and I look at her confused.

"Tyler plays Derek Hale, Shelley plays Malia, Thomas plays Newt I think, in Maze Runner and Ki-Hong plays Minho."

"Ohh! So that's what he meant by 'meet the cast'." She laughs and we go downstairs.

"Okay, I got her. Now let's let her eat and we can go!" Holland tells everyone and they all smile at me. Dylan is sitting down, talking to who I assume to be Ki-Hong and Tyler Posey.

"Hey babe! You didn't tell me they were coming here." I smile at the boys and sit next to Dylan, saying the last part through my teeth.

"That's because I didn't know." He whispers in my ear and kisses my cheek. I eat what consisted of eggs, toast and hash browns before rushing upstairs to brush my teeth.

"Aye, are we going to go now?" I ask Dylan and Thomas stares in amazement at me. "Can I help you?"

"I love your accent." Everybody around us laughs and pats him on the back.

"Thank you, I think." I smile and the girl that plays Malia comes up to me.

"Hi! I'm Shelley. It's nice to meet you..." She trails off, waiting for my name.

"Liv. And it's a pleasure meeting all of you too."

"Well Liv," She links her arm with mine and we start out the front door. "I think we are going to be awesome friends."


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