Her Savior💞

By UdhayAkshara

147K 12.5K 6.4K

RITHICK, who is the only Son of top Businessman in the country. He hates girls from his childhood itself but... More

# 1 INTRO #
# 9 AM I HAPPY ? #
# 19 MY GIRL #
# 20 IS IT DREAM? #
# 24 I MISS YOU #
# 26 LOVE YOU #
# Past: 31 MY LOVE #
# Past: 32 MY LOVE IS GONE #
# Past: 33 NETHRA - the open secret #
34 Nethra - My Love (Past)
#35 The unexpected wedding # (Past)
# 36 Kidnapped or Eloped-1 # (Past)
# 37 Kidnapped or Eloped-2 # (past)
# 38 Kidnapped or Eloped-3 # (past)
# 39 Nethra's Betrayal #
# 40 Rahul meets Nethra #
Not an Update - Cover
# 41 Rithick or Nethra ?#
# 42 Misunderstanding #
# 43 Silence #
# 44 Neethu is Back #
# 45 First aid #
# 46 Neethu meets Nethra #
# 47 Is Neethu getting married? #
# 48 Is Rithick Rude? #
# 49 Poor Neethu #
# 50 Unexpected #
# 51 Proposal #
# 52 No! I don't love you #
# 53 Neethu loves you #
Not an update
# 54 Depression #
# 55 Did Neethu finds Nethra's baby? #
# 56 Accident #
# 57 I love you Rithick #
# 58 Shantra's Entry #
# 59 Unexpected Trip #
# 60 Malaysia #
# 61 Neethu's Anger #
# 62 Is Rithick playing Double game? #
# 63 Unexpected twist #
# 64 Surprise #
# 65 Unknown call #
# 66 Strange Puzzles #
# 67 Love Birds #
# 68 Rithick's flashback#
# 70 Rithick's clever act #
# 71 Did Rithick saves everyone?#
# 72 Nethra's POV #
# 73 Sharing their love #
# 74 Nethra's Past #
# 75 Nethra's bitter past #
# 76 Nethra's Bitter memories 2#
# 77 Are you my life saver or destroyer?#
# 78 My New Bonding #
# 79 Unexpected Tragedy #
# 80 Back to my home #
# 81 Love blossoms #
# 82 Alliance - Marriage matching #
# 83 Will my nightmare comes true?#
# 84 Surprise #
# 85 Untold Love #
# 86 Love or Arranged #
# 87 My dream Night #
# 88 Back to Bengaluru#
# 89 Partners In Crime #
# 90 Sangeet Function #
# 91 Riya weds Kishore #
# 92 Neethu Saved Rithick #
# 93 Unexpected Turn #
# 94 Arrested #
# 95 Shantra - The spy #
# 97 Broken heart #
# 98 Engagement #
# 99 Engagement cont....#
# 100 Heavenly pair #
New Novel

# 69 Rithick - The real Hero #

866 87 24
By UdhayAkshara

Rithick's POV


I was shocked to see my Angel's photo in her mobile. I was blank completely and I thought to delete without her notice. I was looking at her and mobile at the same time.

The teacher called Shantra to meet the Chairman as she didn't meet before. She left the mobile with me and went to meet. I was about to delete and searched whether any other photo was left. I was shocked to see Neethu's half dressed photo, which was took while bathing. My anger turned to kill Shantra right now. How this idiot could do such things to my girl?

Meanwhile, someone called her. Hesitantly, instead of cutting the call I have switched on and kept in loudspeaker. I was shocked and dead to hear such words from the stranger.

"Shantra! All the photos which you have send to me was really awesome. The red salwar girl was too pretty and I need her immediately. I was waiting to update in social networks. We could threaten those girls using these photos. Some of the those girls should be sold as prostitutes in Malaysia. We will get huge amount for it. our plan should be in secret. Why did you stop me darling? I am excited to do it as soon as possible," that poor Bl**dy talked from other side.

What!! Red colour salwar? That is my Angel. How could that idiot talk in such a way? Definitely, I will break all his bones when I meet him. I pinned my head in the nearby wall. I was shocked how a girl could do such things to another girl? His words echoed in my ear, I am sure many girl victims are there. I checked her mobile. I was shocked to see many innocent girls in such a same way as she did to my Neethu. Definitely, I would save my Neethu and all the innocent girls like my Neethu. Personally, I hate girls from the beginning but because of my Angel I have started respecting girls nowadays. My Neethu, I should save her from this trap. But how could I save? I should save each and everyone.
Then, I have noted that bl**dy's number from her mobile. His name was John Spurgen. What should I do now to know their next plan? My mind didn't strike me anything. The only thing running in mind was to save Neethu and other girls from the trap. Later, I came with an idea to save Neethu and other innocent girls. I didn't delete any photos from her mobile because it will create doubt.

Shantra came after meeting the Chairman.

"Rithick! Did you see her photos? Are you going to love such sl*t?" She stressed the word sl*t. I clunched my fist but I control myself to save everyone.

"Definitely No! I can't love Neethu anymore. Sorry for hurting you Shantra. I didn't understand your love these many days but give me two days time after completing this social welfare scheme. I will open up heart in front of everyone. Till that, we are friends." I said hesitantly. I am sure that my fake love on her will give some clue to track that idiot and save all these girls.

She held my hand that was my bitter moment and I did everything for you Neethu. We entered the class. You looked at me shockingly with tears in your eyes. I didn't look at you but do you know how much my heart aches whenever I hurt you? By killing me deeply, I started hurting you in front of her.

I announced in front of everyone that I am going to propose my girl after the social programs. I could see blushing in your face but I confessed sorry to myself for hurting my Angel in front of everyone. To make Shantra believe, I decided to do everything perfectly.

I went late at home that day. Rahul tried a lot to ask me about the change of my behavior but I didn't tell anything to him. I don't want to involve him in this matter also if he see tears in your eyes, definitely he may tell everything to you. So I keep it as secret. I wish to solve the problem as soon as possible but I knew it was a complicated one. If Shantra gets doubt in a single point, my plan will be in vain and I couldn't save the girls including my Angel.

I think a lot and came up with a decision. I talk with my friend, who was expert in handling the cases in cyber crime. I said everything to him and asked his help. He appreciated me for taking good decision at right time. We worked as team to catch those idiots who were linked directly and indirectly to spoil the life of innocent girls. Did Shantra was a root or leader? We doubted in all the angle. Without knowing proper information regarding them, we can't came to conclusion. It was a tough time for us. As per their plan, I started acting to trap the culprit.

The next day,
The social welfare programme gone smoothly and it was of grant success. After that we everyone went to the resort, it was my bitter day in my life. I hide all my pains in my smile and proposed Shantra in front of you. Do you know Neethu? The words in the slide represents only you but my fate push me to such situations. I saw tears in your eyes that broke me into millions of pieces. Though I saw Shantra, my vision is only on you. My lips smiled at Shanta by hiding all the pains. You ran away from that place by taking my heart with you.

As soon as you left the place, I came out by excusing that stupid girl. I went to bar for the first time, I drank too much on that day till your face becomes blur infront of my eyes.
Rahul and Riya were continuously calling my phone. Somehow I attended and after sometimes later I reached home. I was abnormal and blabbered something to Rahul.

The next day Morning, I have communicated with my team members and they informed me strictly that if I continue to drink then our plan will get spoil. So I stopped drinking though I faced tough situations.

One day, you went out from classroom. Do you know Neethu? I came to college only to see you but on that day I decided to go home by afternoon. Rahul left by afternoon after fighting with me. Due to some programs arranged by class advisor I can't left by afternoon. I drove slowly on that day because several incidents were running in my mind. Unfortunately, on that day evening I met with an accident. I went to tip of death remembered only you, my dear. How will I save my Angel? I begged God to me give my life back to save my Angel. Slowly my eyes closed and went to unconscious state.

I fought for my life and after a long struggle I came back to my life. Still I remember Neethu, when I came to half conscience I uttered your name. I longed to see you. At that time, my happiest moments was cherished to blossom. Do you know what? My girl proposed me. My girl still loves me. I can't express my happiness in words.

Spoiling my happiness, that stupid Shantra entered and unexpected thing happened in front of eyes. She pushed you down. I can't stop her and fainted again.

I didn't see you afterwards, I longed to see you. Days passed but I didn't get any clue from Shanta. I can't mingle with her too. The matter was so serious but no clue to take next nearer step. I was too confused. Am I taken the correct step to trap the culprit? Will this act creates a crack between me and Neethu? Lot of strange questions pinned my head.


Hi friends/sis

Have anyone expected this flashback? Rithick didn't hate Neethu by seeing her photo.

Type comments for Rithick if you like his character???

Suggest your comments and I am eager to hear your comments.

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