Her Savior💞

By UdhayAkshara

147K 12.5K 6.4K

RITHICK, who is the only Son of top Businessman in the country. He hates girls from his childhood itself but... More

# 1 INTRO #
# 9 AM I HAPPY ? #
# 19 MY GIRL #
# 20 IS IT DREAM? #
# 24 I MISS YOU #
# 26 LOVE YOU #
# Past: 31 MY LOVE #
# Past: 32 MY LOVE IS GONE #
# Past: 33 NETHRA - the open secret #
34 Nethra - My Love (Past)
#35 The unexpected wedding # (Past)
# 36 Kidnapped or Eloped-1 # (Past)
# 37 Kidnapped or Eloped-2 # (past)
# 38 Kidnapped or Eloped-3 # (past)
# 39 Nethra's Betrayal #
# 40 Rahul meets Nethra #
Not an Update - Cover
# 41 Rithick or Nethra ?#
# 43 Silence #
# 44 Neethu is Back #
# 45 First aid #
# 46 Neethu meets Nethra #
# 47 Is Neethu getting married? #
# 48 Is Rithick Rude? #
# 49 Poor Neethu #
# 50 Unexpected #
# 51 Proposal #
# 52 No! I don't love you #
# 53 Neethu loves you #
Not an update
# 54 Depression #
# 55 Did Neethu finds Nethra's baby? #
# 56 Accident #
# 57 I love you Rithick #
# 58 Shantra's Entry #
# 59 Unexpected Trip #
# 60 Malaysia #
# 61 Neethu's Anger #
# 62 Is Rithick playing Double game? #
# 63 Unexpected twist #
# 64 Surprise #
# 65 Unknown call #
# 66 Strange Puzzles #
# 67 Love Birds #
# 68 Rithick's flashback#
# 69 Rithick - The real Hero #
# 70 Rithick's clever act #
# 71 Did Rithick saves everyone?#
# 72 Nethra's POV #
# 73 Sharing their love #
# 74 Nethra's Past #
# 75 Nethra's bitter past #
# 76 Nethra's Bitter memories 2#
# 77 Are you my life saver or destroyer?#
# 78 My New Bonding #
# 79 Unexpected Tragedy #
# 80 Back to my home #
# 81 Love blossoms #
# 82 Alliance - Marriage matching #
# 83 Will my nightmare comes true?#
# 84 Surprise #
# 85 Untold Love #
# 86 Love or Arranged #
# 87 My dream Night #
# 88 Back to Bengaluru#
# 89 Partners In Crime #
# 90 Sangeet Function #
# 91 Riya weds Kishore #
# 92 Neethu Saved Rithick #
# 93 Unexpected Turn #
# 94 Arrested #
# 95 Shantra - The spy #
# 97 Broken heart #
# 98 Engagement #
# 99 Engagement cont....#
# 100 Heavenly pair #
New Novel

# 42 Misunderstanding #

993 83 38
By UdhayAkshara


"Rithiiiick! Rithhhick!" Rahul shook my shoulder to wake me up from deep sleep.

"Why Rahul? Sleep for some more time. We are not going to college today," I said in sleepy voice.

"I am going out, Rithick" he said

"Going for jogging?" I questioned him with closed eyelids.

"Nope! Friend's marriage is there in Chennai. I will come after 1 week," he said.

"We both have only common friends. Who is that friend? Who is that hell to invite you alone?" I said and tried to get up. I opened my eyelids slowly. I was stunned to see Rahul with luggage in his hands.

"My school friend"

"Who is that?" I got the luggage from him.

"It's not necessary to answer all your questions. Just leave me Rithick," he said annoying.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't ask me anything. I will be back after 1 week. Please, inform it and convince our family. Bye Rithick. Take care," said him

I was confused and why was he behaving weirdly? We have only common friends and what is the urge to go to friend's marriage without informing to family? What happened to Rahul? Questions pinned my mind.

"Wait a minute, Rahul" I said. I took few shirts and pants from cupboard. I asked him to pack my dresses too and then I went to restroom.

"I am ready, let's go!" I said pointing the door.

"Rithick" I heard Nethra calling from my back.

"Will you drop me in Mercy home?" said Nethra shocking us. Now, I understood the weird behavior of Rahul. I looked at Rahul once and he looked at me with guilt.

"Nethra, Firstly, my deep condolences to your husband who expired in bomb blast. Why can't you stay here? It's tough to handle the baby alone. Change your decision. We will be happy if you stay with us," I said

"I will lose my happiness" she said in one throw. I didn't expect this reply from her. She changed in character and behavior. She will never talk like this before.

"Nethra! You are good enough with everyone. If I am your problem, I will move out" Rahul said without looking at her.

"Look! I am not ready to talk with anyone. I said everything to Sanjay uncle. He arranged home for me as I wish. Also, one more condition" said Nethra harshly.

"What?" I asked

"I don't want you people to visit me there in home. I hate everyone. I don't want to see you anymore. I am living for my child. Please, don't disturb me" said her mercilessly.

"I am totally confused with your behavior Nethra. What did we do to make you hate us?" I asked.

"I lost my mom and now my dad too because of your fake evidence he was in jail," said her making us shock again.

I clutched my fist in anger and controlled myself because Rahul was standing besides me. "I don't want to hurt you that is the only reason I am quiet. Don't check my patience. It's your limit," I said angrily.

"You are rude and ruthless, Rithick! You people don't know the value of relationship" she said violently keeping her dad in mind.

"You deserve what you are right now," said Rahul disgusting me.

She looked Rahul for a while and went from there. I didn't talk with Rahul after that. I came out of the room. Later, Nethra left the home without informing anyone. Few minutes later, Rahul came down worriedly. He talked to Riya and then took the bike key without even had a glance at me. I felt that Rahul tried to avoid me from his life, so only he took such decision in the morning. If he took me away from his life, surely I will go away from him. I wish Rahul to be happy always and I will do anything to make him happy.

Rahul's POV

I was hurting myself for being rude to Rithick in the morning, also Nethra behaved violently to him. When I was ready to leave the home, he was ready to accompany with me without knowing the reason behind it. He was in my life all the time throughout my ups and downs. He helped me to come out in my bad times. I have hurted him for many times but he didn't even hurt me for once. I don't allow anyone to talk rudely to Rithick. He was not such a person to tolerate this kind of talks but he controlled himself for me. Nethra went away from me but later that Rithick held my hand tightly and gave me enough confidence. How can I allow someone including Nethra hurting him in front me? So I use such words to shut her mouth otherwise she won't stop arguing. I never used to talk like this to Nethra before. Even, if she talks something badly about me it doesn't matter. I could see a sudden change in her eyes but I bothered about it to the least. She doesn't want to stay with us, then why should we worry for her?

I was angry at Nethra for about only few minutes. This was my problem; as soon as anger comes, it will fade away sooner. I want to see Nethra immediately now so I went to her room. I was shocked to see her room was locked and I went running to living room. Riya said that she had gone from home without informing.
"What is wrong with this girl? Where did she go? I remembered her telling about Mercy home to Rithick" I cursed her. I took bike keys and came down.

I drove the bike fastly and reached Mercy home. I came inside the home; there I could see Nethra talking with the proprietor. It was one of the orphanage currently uphold by Sanjay uncle. I think she was filling some documents. I stood there hiding myself from her. The proprietor got the documents from her and gave disguising look.

"Sanjay sir informed everything about you and he asked to take care of you and your child each and every minute. I could see the real affection in Sanjay sir for you but you have fill up the blank that you are ORPHAN. Don't think that I am involving in your personal matters Mrs.Nethra. As I have seen many people who came here was really an orphan and they loved to establish/find relations to remove the hard word Orphan from their life. In some cases, though the people have relations they are forced to stay here but your case is entirely different. I know well about Sanjay sir and his family. They are lovely and very good persons. Don't break their relationship for any reasons. Think once or twice again and come tomorrow if you are feeling same as today," he advised her.

Nethra's deed was hurting me much. I am crying inside. How could she use the word Orphan? Stupid girl. I am waiting for her reply.

"Thank you sir, you are good person I came to know from your words. I am living for my baby. I think that I will get peace here. If you are not ready to permit me, I will find some other place," said her.

This girl was really stubborn. I was not in a position to talk to her because if she knew that I am here she will go to some other place. At least, this place is good. If she gets peace from here as she said, I will be happy and will never come in her way.

I saw her completing all the formalities to stay there. She took her baby and the maid took her luggage and they moved towards their room. I hide myself and she was not aware of me. I felt very sad about her decision and with the hope that she will realize and come to home sooner; I came out from there hard-heartedly.

My phone rang while I am driving, I thought it was Rithick and took the phone. It was some unknown number. So, I didn't attend the call.
I reached home after sometime, Rithick was watching T.V and he looked at me but pretended like he didn't. I settled in the nearby couch. He didn't react. I pulled the remote from his hand, he didn't react. I switched off the T.V, he didn't react.

What happened to him? Is he angry at me because I have behaved rudely in the morning? Did he find out that I lied him as friend's marriage? No, It shouldn't happen. My only happiness is Rithick now, If he didn't understand me, it will hurt me more. I can't bare his silence.

"Rithick!" I called him breaking the silence.

My phone rang in between it was the same unknown number. I looked at Rithick and he didn't respond. I decided to pick up the call.


Hai Friends,

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Friends with your great support, the story rank reached to #92 in Romance. This is great to me...As I lost my old friends supporters due to late update, really I felt bad for it. I regained my confidence back because of you all. This is great to me which is possible because of you all my Friends and sis...Give your support..

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