Austin Carlile Is My Father...

By sun_bean_

1.3M 24.6K 7.6K

Sienna Francis' mother has just died in house fire, leaving her with no possessions and nowhere to go. They m... More

Austin Carlile Is My Father?
P a r t O n e : You're Not Alone
Austin Carlile Is My Father? (Written By Friskyhands)
Lips Around A Loaded Gun (Friskyhands)
This One's For You (Friskyhands)
Those In Glass Houses (Friskyhands)
My Understandings (Friskyhands)
Purified (Friskyhands)
I Can't Sleep, Too Many Voices In My Head (Friskyhands)
The Great Hendowski (Friskyhands)
Farewell To Shady Glade (Friskyhands)
The Calm (Friskyhands)
The Storm (Friskyhands)
The Flood: Part 1 (Written By Friskyhands)
The Flood: Part 2
Am I Awake? 'Cause I Wanna See Waves
One Million Branches & She Loves Every One
Rumor Has It...
Who Is This Girl? She's My Baby.
Breathing and Grasping
Shopping and 500 Days Of Summer
The Irony Of Choking On A Lifesaver
Chicken Soup
Not Good Enough In Truth and Cliché
Welcome To A World Where Dreams Become Nightmares
I'm Sorry, But I've Made Up My Mind...
Do You Like Steak?
Skipping Stones
I'm Telling You The Truth I Mean This, I'm Okay...Trust Me
I Think I've Hit The Floor
He's A Hero, But He's Stupid.
...Bad Luck...
Tony The Tour Turtle
Fifteen Yard Penalty; Unnecessary Roughness
People Fucking Suck...
New Tours and Bar Sluts
Author's Note
Misguided Ghosts
Mrs. Butcher
haHA! What if...
Five New Friends
You've Been Iced!
Tell Me, Who Is To Blame?
I Just Wanna Cuddle...
Liquid Confidence
Guys Are Assholes
Meeting Cara *Contest As Well! Please Enter!*
Crowd Surfing is Dangerous
I'll Be The Romeo, You'll Be The Juliet
Apples To Apples
Are You Fucking Serious? Again?
Join The Club
Fast Car
Saving Lives And Shit
Chillin' With My Mexican Villans
I'm Ronald Radke, but You Can Call Me Ronnie...
Peter Pan
I'm A Walking Travesty
Author's Note
The Hazing Of Alexis And Noah
You're Too Young To Live This Way
Dried Squid, Jukeboy, and Relationship Wagers
Mirrors Start To Whisper, Shadows Start To Sing
Maybe We're Just Having Too Much Fun
Its Hard To Say Goodbye When You Know That It's Over
I Still Feel You In My Bones
Sienna Carlile?
Waste Of Space
Vicious Cycles
Cruel & Perfect
The Girlfriend Invasion
Author's Note
Live A Lie-Just Tonight
The Stupidity Of The American Language
Aortic Dissection
P a r t T w o : You're With Me
Part 2: Be Not Afraid To Love Me
Part Two: Shayley Bourget
Be Who You Are
These Are The Words Of My Holiday
Mad World
Girlfriends Aren't Always Bad
Ben Threw
You've Got Nothing To Lose
A Night To Remember; A Day To Forget
Quick question
And All The Things That You Never Ever Told Me...
You Haven't Shown Your Face Here Since The Bad News
Wake Up, I Know You Can Hear Me
Author's Rantings.
Distract Me From Reality
Frijolito (It Means 'Little Bean')
Bleed It Out
I Need You Now
Sleepovers With Bands and BandGeeks
Full Frontal Discusses Bras
Author's Note (please read. Like, actually read. It's an apology letter)
Broken Generation
Birthday Plans
Damon Fizzy
Puppies Make Men Turn Into Boys
Author's Note (Periscope)
They Are One Person; They Are Two Alone
Expect The Unexpected
Watty Awards 2015
Every Little Thing Is Gonna Be Alright
Someone Somewhere
Alan + Sienna dating???
The Best Of Me
Heartache and Heartbreak
Growing Up
Stay At Home Friend Of Dad's
Please Read...if you're still there...

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire

17.3K 231 44
By sun_bean_




Although he was reluctant to let Sienna out of his sight, he made Jack and Alex watch her like a hawk. As usual, Austin and his band played their set, Tino tossing his sticks to the crowd, Alan, Aaron, and Phil handing their picks off. 

Austin smiled at the Pieter who was standing in the crowd, smiling up at him, sweaty and gross. 

"Pull him up here-" Austin nodded, gesturing to the security to Pieter. They grasped his arms and pulled him over the barrier. Austin walked to the edge of the stage and helped him up. The crowd went wild, but Austin only waved at the rest of them, letting Pieter follow. 

Pieter was shaken up and sweaty but Austin didn't care. This was the guy who helped his little girl when she was in trouble. He kissed Sienna on her head and they all trudged up some steps to the dressing rooms. 

Finally, he slumped on a couch next to his other sweaty friends, Pierce the Veil and All Time Low. Adam Elkamis snapped some photos before running out to take some of the fans. 

"Thanks for everything, man." Austin said, slapping Pieter on the back. "You're a great dude." 

"Yeah, sure." Pieter said, smiling. "Erm, this is gonna sound really stupid, but...can I take a picture with you guys? All of you guys?" 

Austin smiled, that warm feeling in his stomach heating up. He loved meeting fans. "Yeah. Lets all like...stand here." Austin nodded to the wall. The three bands situated themselves all being visible around Pieter. Matt took the phone and snapped a picture of them after they all said cheese, Vic and Jaime shouting 'taco'. 

"Thanks, dude. This is sick." Pieter said, taking the phone back. 

"Yeah, any time. I have your number right?" Austin asked. Pieter nodded, enthused. "Sweet. Maybe when we're in town, we can hang out again?"

"Yeah." Pieter chuckled. "Thanks." Pieter excuse himself after explaining that he had to go home to his little sister. Austin smiled after him, thankful that Pieter was there for his daughter when Austin couldn't be. 

Speaking of Sienna-

Austin glanced down at Sienna who was curled up on the couch, her head resting on Alan's thigh. Alan's head was lolled back to the side, sleeping as well. Sienna was physically and mentally drained, Alan, just lazy. 

Austin smirked and woke Alan softly, careful not to wake Sienna. Alan woke with a snort and grinned when he saw Sienna. 

"Awe!" He said happily. "She's so cute!" 

"Move, Alan. I'm gonna bring her back to the bus." Austin said, nodding a bit to the right. 

Alan reluctantly stood lifting Sienna's head up a little bit and then setting it back down on the couch. 

She made a soft mewling sound and stretched out before curling up again, sleeping soundly. 

Austin held in a girly giggle and carefully lifted her, pulling Jack's jacket over her body. 

"Austin, you coming out to the bar with us?" Alex asked, hopefully. Austin pondered on the thought of going to the bar with his bandmates and friends. He hasn't been out for a good drink for a while now, but he now had a responsibility. And that was to be a father. 

"Mmmmdmdnsnskunkstinkymdmjxjd-" Sienna mumbled, contracting into a tighter ball in his arms. Austin's smile got bigger. 

"Ah, I think I'll stay in with Sienna." Austin admitted. "I kinda wanna chill and take a shower. Maybe watch a movie." 

Alex nodded in understanding and Austin was relieved that they didn't call him a 'pussy' for not going out to drink tonight as they usually did.

"Sounds cool. We're probably gonna get some food too, so you guys want anything?"

Austin shrugged as well as he could and held Sienna tighter as he started walking. "Ah, sure. Probably something fried."

"Of course." Mike scoffed, rolling his eyes. The boys gave him a smile and waved him off as he separated from them, walking to the exit that was closest to the busses as they went to the exit that held their other clothes and deodorant. 

Austin clutched her and kissed her cheek and cradled her, loving every second of it. He could never do this when she was awake. She denied all of the 'lovey-dovey-touchy' shit, as she called it. 

He punched in the passcode and entered the bus happily. He placed her on the couch and then made sure that the bus was plugged into the small venue well thingy so he could take a shower, then grabbed his things to take a long shower. 

When he finished, he put on his cat onesie that he and Alan had matching pairs of and walked into the kitchenette to grab a beer. 

"Do they taste good?" Asked Sienna's voice. Austin jumped and turned to his daughter who was now sitting on the couch, playing with her fingers. Austin shrugged. 

"Meh, some do. This ones okay. Kinda cheap." He laughed and wriggled it around. "Do you want something to drink while I'm up?"

Sienna shrugged and chewed on her lip. 

"I'll have some water." 

Austin grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and tossed it to her. "Wanna watch a movie?" He asked, plopping down next to her. 

She cocked an eyebrow at him and smiled. "Can we?"

"We can do whatever we want to." He told her deviously, wriggling his eyebrows. Sienna laughed loudly and he snickered back at her. 


"What do you wanna watch?" He asked, grabbing the Xbox controller to turn on Netflix. 

"Erm, I kinda wanted to watch Star Wars." She admitted, blushing. "Tony was mad that I had never seen them, and Tino was just...he said you and Tony were Star Wars fanatics-"

"You really wanna?" He squealed like a little girl. Sienna rolled her eyes. 


"Well, if we watch one, we have to watch all!" Austin warned, knowing she would probably say no, but she surprised him by smiling at him and saying: "well, lets get started!"




"Wait, so Vader is Anakin?" Sienna asked, rubbing her eyes. "And Luke and Lea are his sons, and Luke killed Vader and Luke kissed his sister?" 

"Basically." Vic mumbled, who had joined them for the last two movies. 

"There's more to it though." Austin said, which made Sienna laugh because Austin was looking offended that Sienna only got that out of the story. "They're basically futuristic Buddhists."

"With lightsabers." Tony supplied who turned up for the last movie. By now all of the bands were back on their busses, and most of them were sleeping, with the exception of Vic, Tony, Phil, and Rian who were watching the ending credits of the last movie in the series with Sienna and Austin.

"They kill things." Rian told them tiredly, basically sleeping on Phil. Phil was already sleeping, his phone still on and it held him and his wife's text conversation. Austin was shaking his head. 

"Thy only kill of they have to." He argued. Siena yawned and stretched slightly. 

"I think I'd like to be one of those little bear things." Sienna sighed. "You ewook...uhh-"

"An Ewok?" Tony asked excited. "The things with spears that Han, Lea, and Luke basically like, take over their land?" 

"They accepted them and brought them in." Austin argued, leaning back into the couch. Sienna scoffed. 

"R2D2 is such a little bitch!" She sighed, rolling her eyes. "He was Anakin's friend and Luke's friend, but didn't tell Luke that Anakin was Darth Vader, and his father?" 

"Then Luke would have never brought balance to the force." Tony said wisely. "He wouldn't want to kill his father." 

"If my dad was a horrible man who killed children-" started Vic. 

"Padawans-" Tony corrected, making Vic glare at him. "-sorry, go on." 

"If my dad was a horrible man who killed 'padawans' then I wouldn't hesitate to kill him." Vic said, closing his eyes. "And I'd do it with no guilt in my mind." 

"Same." Laughed Sienna, which made Austin glare down at her. 

"What?! You'd kill me?" 

"Did you slaughter innocent children with your lightsaber because you were greedy and wanted more power and more wealth for yourself?" Sienna asked, her eyebrows raising. Austin mumbled. 

"Nah-" he smirked. "I guess you're right." Sienna nodded and cracked her neck slightly. 

"Right." Vic said, standing and patting his legs slightly. "Tone? Ready?"

"Mmhm." Tony smiled, standing too. "G'night you guys." 

"Night." They replied. Rian had now fallen asleep and since both Phil and him were drunk, they weren't waking up anytime soon.  

Austin smiled at Sienna and Sienna smiled back at him. 

"Thanks for showing me those cool movies." She said truthfully. Austin nodded back at her. 

"Are you doing okay?" He asked softly. "Like...have you...thought about...suicide?" 

If Sienna wasn't thinking right, she would have blurted out 'yes', and would have latched on to him sobbing, but she had her head on her shoulders and she smiled weakly at him. 

"No." She murmured. "I've been getting better." 

"Good." Austin mumbled. "Because I can't live without you."

"You met me like a month ago." Sienna scoffed, playing with her hair. Austin started shuffling his feet, standing near her and kissing her cheek. 

"And it's been fucking hell before I met you." Austin told her truthfully. "And I can't imagine life without you as my daughter."

Sienna blushed. 

"I like having you around too, dad." She said softly, her whole body becoming flushed now by calling Austin her dad out loud. Austin smiled brightly, obviously as happy as she that she was calling him dad. 

"I love you, Si," he whispered, hugging her tightly and stroking her hair slightly. "I love you so much."

Sienna smiled and told him that she loved him too, the guilt eating away at her stomach, her bones, and her heart. 

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