Broken Soul

By neonblonde1

2.4M 91.5K 1.6K

Chelsea Madison, 25, had a story book life. She grew up in Seattle, Washington with two parents who loved he... More

Chapter 1 (edited)
Chapter 2 (edited)
Chapter 3 (edited)
Chapter 4 (edited)
Chapter 5 (edited)
Chapter 6 (edited)
Chapter 7 (edited)
Chapter 8 (edited)
Chapter 9 (edited)
Chapter 10 (edited)
Chapter 11 (edited)
Chapter 12 (edited)
Chapter 13 (edited)
Chapter 14 (edited)
Chapter 15 (edited)
Chapter 16 (edited)
Chapter 17 (edited)
Chapter 18 (edited)
Chapter 19 (edited)
Chapter 20 (edited)
Chapter 21 (edited)
Chapter 22 (edited)
Chapter 23 (edited)
Chapter 24 (edited)
Chapter 25 (edited)
Chapter 26 (edited)
Chapter 27 (edited)
Chapter 28 (edited)
Chapter 29 (edited)
Chapter 30 (edited)
Chapter 31 (edited)
Chapter 32 (edited)
Chapter 33 (edited)
Chapter 34 (edited)
Chapter 35 (edited)
Chapter 36 (edited)
Chapter 37 (edited)
Chapter 38 (edited)
Chapter 39 (edited)
Chapter 40 (edited)
Chapter 41 (edited)
Chapter 42 (edited)
Chapter 43 (edited)
Chapter 44 (edited)
Chapter 45 (edited)
Chapter 46 (edited)
Chapter 47 (edited)
Chapter 48 (edited)
Chapter 49 (edited)
Chapter 50 (edited)
Chapter 51 (edited)
Chapter 52 (edited)
Chapter 53 (edited)
Chapter 54 (edited)
Chapter 55 (edited)
Chapter 56 (edited)
Chapter 57 (edited)
Chapter 58 (edited)
Chapter 59 (edited)
Chapter 60 (edited)
Chapter 61 (edited)
Chapter 62 (edited)
Chapter 63 (edited)
Chapter 64 (edited)
Chapter 65 (edited)
Chapter 66 (edited)
Chapter 67 (edited)
Chapter 68 (edited)
Chapter 70 (edited)
Chapter 71 (edited)
Chapter 72 (edited)
Chapter 73 (edited)
Chapter 74 (edited)
Chapter 75 (edited)
Chapter 76 (edited)
Chapter 77 (edited)
Chapter 78 (edited)
Chapter 79 (edited)
Chapter 80 (edited)
Chapter 81 (edited)
Chapter 82 (edited)
Chapter 83 (edited)
Chapter 84 (edited)
Chapter 85 (edited)
Chapter 86 (edited)
Chapter 87 (edited)
Chapter 88 (edited)
Chapter 89 (edited)
Chapter 90 (edited)
Chapter 91 (edited)
Chapter 92 (edited)
Chapter 93 (edited)
Epilogue (edited)

Chapter 69 (edited)

18.1K 688 8
By neonblonde1

(Chelsea's POV)

The rest of the week continued on as if nothing had happened; and that's what scared me most.  He was waiting for us to drop our guard, get relaxed and think maybe he'd gone away and then he'd make his move.

I tried to push the unpleasant thoughts from my mind as Sunday is Valentine's Day and it's my first one.  I had planned on putting candles all over the bedroom and bathroom, I had bought red satin sheets for our bed, rose petals for the special bath, champagne and chocolate covered strawberries.  

I was trying to decide if I should even bother with lingerie because the twins would just end up ripping it off my body or tearing it up.  I giggled at how many pairs of underwear I'd lost since being with the twins.  

I had enlisted Angelo's help in ensuring that the twins were out of the house while I got everything ready.  Marco and Sylvia had disappeared somewhere and Angelo would be spending the day on his yacht, fishing.  

I told him that I would text him when the boys could come back to the house and raced off to get ready.  The tub was filing with warm water as I added the rose petals; the warmth of the water released an awesome fragrance.  I put my hair up in a messy bun, made sure the champagne was chilled in the ice bucket next to the tub, candles were lit and all I had to do was grab the strawberries from the frig and my scene for the bathroom was complete. 

Their bed had the new sheets, candles all over the room and rose petals covering the bed; I had used the leftover ones to make a path leading from the front door, up the stairs and to our bedroom.  My stomach clinched in excitement as I waited for my lovers.  Finally I received a text from Angelo; they were on their way.

(Twins POV)

Adrian and Aiden knew something was up because their dad dropped them off and they knew that their uncle and aunt were away as well and they couldn't help but wonder what their fiance was up to.  

When they entered the front door the fragrance of roses hit their nostrils and then they saw the line of petals going up the stairs.  They looked at each other and grinned, knowing that whatever she had planned it was going to be great.  

When they entered their bedroom they gasped at the sight in front of them; candles everywhere, sexy red satin sheets and rose petals on the bed.  There was a folded piece of paper on the foot of the bed addressed to them.  Adrian picked it up and they both read it. 

This is the first Valentine's Day that ever meant anything to me.  I have two incredibly hot, sexy men who have captured my heart and made me theirs.  Today let me show you how much I love you.  You will find me in the bathroom but you cannot come in unless you are naked!  xxoo C 

 They started peeling off their clothing and just left it strewn all over the floor and walked towards the bathroom.

The bathroom had the same delicious fragrance they had smelled earlier, roses, the soft glow of candles burning and their fiance in a tub full of petals, with champagne and chocolate covered strawberries on the side; Chelsea looked like a vision as the candlelight danced off her wet body, her damp hair clinging to her forehead.  

She was the most gorgeous, sexy woman they'd ever laid eyes on...and she was theirs.  She slowly opened her eyes to see her gorgeous, hot and naked fiances standing there; she raked my eyes up their muscled bodies, stopping on their erections, licking her lips and she then continued looking up until she reached their eyes.  

"Well aren't you two looking positively delicious" she purred, beckoning them to join me in the petal-infused water.  As soon as they got in she got on her knees in front of Adrian's open legs, snaked her arms around his neck and kissed him hard; leaving her own lips swollen from the act; then turning her attention to Aiden she placed herself between his open legs and kissed him with need and passion. 

 "Damn baby" he breathed as she pecked him again and returned to her place between them.

"Mr. Silvano" she said to Adrian.  "Would you be so kind as to pop the cork and pour us some champagne?"  

His eyes and body were telling her exactly what he wanted and that was to be buried inside her.  After filling three flutes and passing them out, she held her glass up and they followed as she said "To my first Valentine's experience.  I can't think of any two people I'd rather be with or spend it with.  I love you two with all of my heart."  

They clinked their glasses and started to drink, Chelsea's fizzed over a little and some dribbled down the corner of her mouth and onto her chin; she started to wipe it away when Adrian caught her hand and said "Allow me" his voice very low and sexy as he leaned over and licked the fizzy drink from her lips and chin; this action causing her to moan. 

 "Oh my" is all she could get out.

She reached for the ledge in front of her to grab the container of strawberries, placing it in front of Aiden, he took one and then she moved it over to Adrian and he grabbed one and she watched as each brother started to take a bite; God help her that they could make eating fruit look like an orgasmic experience.  

Aiden had some juice escape to the corner of his lip, so taking a page from Adrian's sensual playbook she leaned over and licked it off and then crashed her lips to his; his moaning making her desperate to feel him.  Oh he tasted like strawberries!  She reluctantly pulled back from him and turned her attention to Adrian who'd been watching them with burning eyes.  

She watched him take the entire strawberry into his mouth, chewing it slowly and closing his eyes, moaning about how good it tasted.  Damn they were matching her at her own game!  She noticed that Adrian had some chocolate on his index finger and thumb, where he'd been holding the covered fruit, so she grabbed his hand and put his thumb in her mouth first, licking and sucking the melted chocolate from it, scraping her teeth along the pad.  

She looked at him through long lashes and saw that his lips were slighted parted and she silently pumped her fist in the air as her plan was working; placing his index finger in her mouth, she worked it slowly, in and out, caressing it with her tongue until it was clean and leaning forward she kissed him the same way she had kissed Aiden.  

"Baby" he whispered when their mouths parted.  The rest of their bath would consists of her getting them both off with her hands while they pleasured her; their orgasms leaving them breathless.  She stood up, got out, water dripping languidly from her body, grabbed towels and handed them out.  

"I will meet you in bed" she promised, letting them dry and shooing them from the bathroom.

She took her hair down and somehow managed to make it look good, even in it's wild state, put lotion all over her body, lip gloss on her lips and then slipped into a barely-there pink baby doll set; it was sheer, the cups were lacy and sexy and the panties, if you could call them that, was just a scrap in the front, held together on the sides by elastic and a brief strip up the behind.  She liked what she saw so she went to join Adrian and Aiden. 

 When she entered the room they were both standing by the bed waiting for her; their erections saluting her.  She loved seeing them hard for her.  

"Wow" they both said.  

"You look very sexy, precious" Aiden said.  

"You're a goddess" husked Adrian.  They started on the floor, went to the bed, ended up in a chair and then back on the bed.  She laid, on her stomach, between them, with her arms thrown over their waists, their chests still heaving from their exertion.  

"I love you both so much.  Happy Valentine's Day" she said as they rolled onto their sides, caressing and kissing her naked skin.  

"We love you too" they both said.  Then Adrian rolled over to his bedside table, slid open the drawer and retrieved a box. 

 He handed it to her and said "We got you this.  We hope you love it as much as we love you."  God they were so sweet!  She opened the box to find a beautiful Infinity hearts black and regular diamond pendant.

  "Oh my" she whispered.  "It's gorgeous!" she exclaimed.  Adrian took it from the box and helped her put it on.  She let her finger caress it as it hung between her breasts.  She asked Aiden for a kiss and then Adrian, telling them thank you.  She laid Her head on Adrian's shoulder and pulled Aiden's hand across Her waist.  

"We love you Chels" was all she heard as she drifted off. 

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