Broken Soul

By neonblonde1

2.4M 91.5K 1.6K

Chelsea Madison, 25, had a story book life. She grew up in Seattle, Washington with two parents who loved he... More

Chapter 1 (edited)
Chapter 2 (edited)
Chapter 3 (edited)
Chapter 4 (edited)
Chapter 5 (edited)
Chapter 6 (edited)
Chapter 7 (edited)
Chapter 8 (edited)
Chapter 9 (edited)
Chapter 10 (edited)
Chapter 11 (edited)
Chapter 12 (edited)
Chapter 13 (edited)
Chapter 14 (edited)
Chapter 15 (edited)
Chapter 16 (edited)
Chapter 17 (edited)
Chapter 18 (edited)
Chapter 19 (edited)
Chapter 20 (edited)
Chapter 21 (edited)
Chapter 22 (edited)
Chapter 23 (edited)
Chapter 24 (edited)
Chapter 25 (edited)
Chapter 26 (edited)
Chapter 27 (edited)
Chapter 28 (edited)
Chapter 29 (edited)
Chapter 31 (edited)
Chapter 32 (edited)
Chapter 33 (edited)
Chapter 34 (edited)
Chapter 35 (edited)
Chapter 36 (edited)
Chapter 37 (edited)
Chapter 38 (edited)
Chapter 39 (edited)
Chapter 40 (edited)
Chapter 41 (edited)
Chapter 42 (edited)
Chapter 43 (edited)
Chapter 44 (edited)
Chapter 45 (edited)
Chapter 46 (edited)
Chapter 47 (edited)
Chapter 48 (edited)
Chapter 49 (edited)
Chapter 50 (edited)
Chapter 51 (edited)
Chapter 52 (edited)
Chapter 53 (edited)
Chapter 54 (edited)
Chapter 55 (edited)
Chapter 56 (edited)
Chapter 57 (edited)
Chapter 58 (edited)
Chapter 59 (edited)
Chapter 60 (edited)
Chapter 61 (edited)
Chapter 62 (edited)
Chapter 63 (edited)
Chapter 64 (edited)
Chapter 65 (edited)
Chapter 66 (edited)
Chapter 67 (edited)
Chapter 68 (edited)
Chapter 69 (edited)
Chapter 70 (edited)
Chapter 71 (edited)
Chapter 72 (edited)
Chapter 73 (edited)
Chapter 74 (edited)
Chapter 75 (edited)
Chapter 76 (edited)
Chapter 77 (edited)
Chapter 78 (edited)
Chapter 79 (edited)
Chapter 80 (edited)
Chapter 81 (edited)
Chapter 82 (edited)
Chapter 83 (edited)
Chapter 84 (edited)
Chapter 85 (edited)
Chapter 86 (edited)
Chapter 87 (edited)
Chapter 88 (edited)
Chapter 89 (edited)
Chapter 90 (edited)
Chapter 91 (edited)
Chapter 92 (edited)
Chapter 93 (edited)
Epilogue (edited)

Chapter 30 (edited)

27.6K 1K 8
By neonblonde1

I stared at Adrian and then a smile encompassed my mouth. I leaned over and kissed him tenderly and then said "I love you too." 

He rolled over on top of me, slipped into me and made sweet love to me for the next hour and I soon discovered that he could be soft and tender when it came to sex; he just prefers the domination and I would have no problem submitting my body, heart and mind to him because I knew he wouldn't hurt me. 

He rolled off of me, our breathing rapid and uneven after our sexy romp. "God Chelsea" Adrian huffed. "I don't need a gym membership now that I have you" he chuckled as I giggled. He laid his head on my stomach, his finger tracing the scar on my abdomen. "Tell me about this" he asked gently. I sighed and began.

 "The night he died, I wasn't feeling well and begged him for a reprieve from the nightly escapades and he was so amped up on coke he flew off the handle and beat me unconscious. Casey Livingston hit him with a lamp to get him off me. 

The beating broke ribs and one punctured my liver and they had to do emergency surgery to stop me from bleeding internally." That was easier than I thought it would be, that's how at ease Adrian makes me feel.

He tightened his hold around my waist and said "I wish you never had to go through that." I patted his arm. He found another further down below my belly button and he asked about that one. 

"Another beating, only this one left me childless. They had to remove my uterus." I looked at Adrian and said "Can I ask a favor?"

 "Of course" he replied. "I will talk about him, any time and any place but I don't want to talk about it in this bed or any bed that I share with you and Aiden. What we share is important and I don't want to taint it with awful memories." 

Adrian pulled me onto my side and scooted closer to me, throwing my leg over his hip and started kissing my neck; I knew what he was doing and I let him. I loved the way he made my body feel, I could never resist him or his body.

Adrian stayed until around midnight and we both finally acquiesced to the fact that he needed to go.

 "I will miss feeling your body next to mine" Adrian whispered. I kissed him gently and told him how much I loved our evening. 

"You and Aiden have made me love getting up in the mornings" I said smiling. He hugged me close at my words. We stepped to the door and kissed each other again and then he was gone. I didn't feel the loneliness like I had before. I took a shower and climbed in bed and fell right to sleep.

Work went well the rest of the week; preparing for our sell and coming announcement, meeting with my management heads and tying up loose ends. I was very happy with everything that was taking place, personally and professionally. I was the happiest I'd ever been. 

I was so tired and just wanted to rest but Monique was grinning at me like she knew something that I didn't. She pointed to my office as I went in. Holy shit! It was like a florist shop! Flowers from Angelo, Marco, Hudson, Adrian and Aiden.

I picked up the phone and called Adrian and Aiden first. 

"Hey baby" Adrian said. "You're on speaker with me and Aiden." 

"I loved the flowers and I love you both. Thank you so much!" They both said that I was worth it.

 "Chels we are having a huge party Friday. Can we send Duffy to get you?" Aiden asked.

 "Of course!" I said. 

"Bring clothes for the whole weekend too" Adrian said. We talked some more and then I said I needed to call their father. "I love you both" I said. 

"We love you too" they said in unison.

I was grinning like an idiot when I called Angelo. "Chelsea my dear" he said.

 "Angelo the flowers were just gorgeous. Thank you so much" I said. We talked some more and I told him that I would be at the party on Friday.

 "I'm so glad" he said. I asked him if he could transfer me to Marco. I spoke to Marco and Hudson, both really good guys.

I went home very happy. I took a shower, put on my pajamas, poured some wine and sat outside on the balcony and just recalled the events of the day. The twins took every opportunity to tell me they loved me.  Did I deserve to be this happy? I wanted to believe that I did. Adrian and Aiden were just what I needed and wanted, for the rest of my life. 

 I know they had been terribly hurt and it wasn't a fresh hurt like mine but when someone takes advantage of your heart and damages it, it's harder to get over.  I believed the three of us were slowly healing each other and it felt amazing. 

 I had felt love and was able to return it, I was being put back together, from the inside out.

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