Life is Stranger

By JackSmith225

94.2K 3.7K 1.7K

An alternate version of the narrative of Life is Strange where Chloe acquires the powers instead of Max. Cont... More

I Want to Die
You Can't Go Home Again
Tears Before Bedtime
Free as a Bird
Breakfast Fit for Queens
The Vortex
A Close Encounter
Nothing Much Happens in Arcadia Bay
Sleeping Beauty
Drink Up Buttercup
Falling Once Again
It Could Have Been You
Little Miss Tearaway
Way Out of My League
A Birthday Gift
A Late Bloomer
Never Leaving Me
Her Max
Trailer Trash
A Tick in a Tornado
A Bolt of Blue
Wrapped Around Her Finger
Up for Anything
Together Forever
The Runaway
We Don't Need Words
A Changed Man
Her First Time
As One
Through Her Eyes
A New Toy
Her Angel
A Special Place
A Thousand Pieces
The Magic Words
The Queen of Arcadia Bay
The Wish
The Golden Hour
Pirate Princesses
The Precipice
The Good Guys
The Last Straw
A Family Breakfast
The Most Precious of Gifts
A Double Date
Just the Beginning
A Second Chance
A Single Word
Her Light in the Darkness
A Different Game
The Enemy Within
No Secrets
Out of Her Shell
A New Horizon
Laid Bare
Back to Blackwell
A Prison Without Walls
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
In Her Mind
A Sudden Storm
The Only Way
A Table For Two
Per Ardua ad Astra
Love Across the Years
The Love Letter
Her Chloe
I Want to Live
Tears and Blood
Anyone But Her
What Hurts the Most
The Way
What If?
Always Be My Angel
Birthday Girl
Follow Your Dreams
The Prism of Her Eyes
You Thought Wrong
Spreading Her Wings
The Promise
Worth Dying For
The Listener
Hands and Hearts
A Rude Awakening
The Price
Flying Away
Torn Apart
Hopes and Fears
A Chance Meeting
Doctor's Orders
Living a Lie
Aria of an Angel
More Than Words
Something Wicked This Way Comes
The Edge of Tomorrow
Out of Time
The Girl Without the Dragon Tattoo
A Satisfied Mind
The Love of a Mother
Splish Splash
The Destroyer of Worlds
Victoria's Secret
Facets of Fate
The Boy With No Name
Her Constant Companion
A Makeover for Max
The Eye of the Beholder
Holder of Her Heart
Visiting Time
Friends in High Places
All That is Gold Does Not Glitter
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost
Dust Struggling Against Cosmic Winds
Somewhere and Nowhere
Stories of the Sea
Trust No One
Ghosts in the Back of Her Head
When a Window Closes, a Door Opens
Letting Go
The Need to Cry
Thankful for the Smallest of Things
Joining the Dots
A Bell at Christmas
The Wrong Valentine
Cards on the Table
The Hard Way
Last Day on Earth
Home Again
Absent Friends
The Tracks of Her Tears
Trash and Treasure
Primum Non Nocere

Not Her

413 14 5
By JackSmith225

"Well Maxo, as much as I would love for us to just stay here and bang each other's brains out forever, I think we need to get going. We've got shitloads of stuff to know, because some douchebag thing is on the way to kill both of us, remember?"

"You know, you have an incredibly poetic way of phrasing things, Chloe Price. I much prefer 'making love'."

"What? Again? But we've only just finished. Jesus Max! You're a real sex-kitten now, aren't you? But what the hell - I'm definitely up for an encore. I'm still wet, and so are you – so let's go for it. My turn on top. Or...fuck yes! We can both use our tongues on each other – we haven't done that one yet. Just don't let one rip, okay? You're adorable and I love the taste of your come, but I draw the line at inhaling your ass gas."

"Ewwww Chloe! You are just sooooo gross sometimes."

"You love it really. Come on – fess up."

"I am so not having this conversation with you."

"Ooooo. So you're a woman of action, not words. I like it. Now let's get our heads between our legs and drive each other wild."

"Oh god." Max breathed. "Quit it Chloe. You're turning me on again."

Chloe sidled closer to the small brunette and whispered into her ear. "Am I? Well, there's plenty of things we can do about that, aren't there?"

"Oh fuck Chloe." murmured Max breathlessly.

"Oh Max, I love it when you say 'fuck', especially like that, and with my name as well. Damn Max, that turns me on so fucking much. Fuck, I want you again. Right now." Chloe began to gently nibble on Max's earlobe. "Max?"


"Say it. Please."

"Say what?"

"Say...'Chloe, fuck me. Fuck me now'. Pleeeease Max. Say it to me."

A prolonged silence stretched out between the two girls.

"I...I'm sorry Chloe. I don't think that I want to say that. It just...I dunno...Chloe, it makes me feel uncomfortable. I'm so sorry. You know that I love you and I would do anything for you. But talking like that..."

"Why not? We could both be dead and buried soon. And nobody else will hear you. Only me. And I want you to. So fucking much. It's no big deal. Please Max."

"Chloe. It is a big deal. It's a big deal to me. You know me better than anyone. That's not who I am. I don't say things like that. Ever. And you know that I don't. I want to please you, I really do, but talking like that...talking...dirty...that is what you're asking me to do, right?"

" is. I'm sorry. I know it's not really you...but Max...I so get off on it. A lot. It sends me crazy. And if you did it...oh fuck - it's making me wet just thinking about you saying it. I'm so goddamn horny right now. Please Max. Do it. Say it. For me. I'll do anything you want me to. Pleeeeease."

Max nervously bit her lip as Chloe stared at her intently.


"Come on Max. Say it." Chloe said earnestly.

"Chloe...I'm not...trying to say it. I'm trying say...I'm real sorry Chloe, but I just can't. I sort of want to...for you, but I just can't. It doesn't feel right. It feels so wrong. I don't want to. Please don't make me. Don't be angry with me. I love you and care about you. Please don't be mad."

A look of intense disappointment overtook Chloe's face. She rolled over and retrieved a ready-made joint from the pack. She lit it and inhaled deeply, before blowing out the blue smoke through pursed lips. "I'm not mad. I'm just...never mind. Forget I said anything. Come on. I'll smoke this, then we can get dressed and go. You can start getting dressed now if you want." Chloe went to the pack once more and tossed a small light-brown canvas bag onto Max's side of the bed. "There – clean underwear, new clothes and some stuff to freshen yourself up with."

Max lifted up the bag and placed it to one side. "You're angry with me. I can tell."

"I said I'm not. Now are you going to get dressed or what?"

"Chloe, I know when you're lying to me. I would ask you to tell me the truth, but there's no need – I already know the truth. I can feel it."

"You know what? Fine. You want the truth? Well you can have it. Yes. I'm angry with you. You just had to push it, didn't you? Happy now?"

"No I'm not. Why Chloe?"

"Why what?"

"Why are you angry with me?"

"Because you're just another person who shits all over me. Why does everybody in my life let me down? My dad gets killed. You bail on me for years. My mother gloms onto step-fucker. And now you won't even do this for me because you're so fucking repressed and uptight."

"That is just so cruel, wicked and unfair – to me, your dad, and David and Joyce. Will you listen to yourself? Where did this come from all of a sudden? Nobody has let you down."

"Bullshit! Who hasn't? Fuck everybody!"

"Chloe! Stop this right now! I've told you over and over that I wouldn't change a thing about you. Your 'faults' are what make you you. That is the woman I love. I love you. I thought that you felt the same way about me – I thought you loved me for who I am. But you're trying to make me into someone else. That's not right, and it's not going to work. Don't think that I don't know what's going on here."

"What the fucking hell are you on about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. Stop hiding things from me. Stop lying to me. It's me you're talking to. You know that I can see right through you. Chloe, I am not her. And I never will be." Chloe looked as if she was about to retaliate, but then merely looked away, hiding her eyes from the woman lying next to her. "You can't even look me in the eyes, can you? Go on – look me straight in the face and tell me that I'm wrong. Tell me that it's not true." said Max in a firm tone. No words came from the other side of the bed. "You can't, can you?" asked Max. The sound of soft sobbing could be heard coming from the blue-haired girl. Eventually Chloe replied.

"No. No Max. I can't. I'm so sorry."

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