Life is Stranger

By JackSmith225

92.7K 3.6K 1.7K

An alternate version of the narrative of Life is Strange where Chloe acquires the powers instead of Max. Cont... More

I Want to Die
You Can't Go Home Again
Tears Before Bedtime
Free as a Bird
Breakfast Fit for Queens
The Vortex
A Close Encounter
Nothing Much Happens in Arcadia Bay
Sleeping Beauty
Drink Up Buttercup
Falling Once Again
It Could Have Been You
Little Miss Tearaway
Way Out of My League
A Birthday Gift
A Late Bloomer
Never Leaving Me
Her Max
Trailer Trash
A Tick in a Tornado
A Bolt of Blue
Wrapped Around Her Finger
Up for Anything
Together Forever
The Runaway
We Don't Need Words
A Changed Man
Her First Time
As One
Through Her Eyes
A New Toy
Her Angel
A Special Place
A Thousand Pieces
The Magic Words
The Queen of Arcadia Bay
The Wish
The Golden Hour
Pirate Princesses
The Precipice
The Good Guys
The Last Straw
A Family Breakfast
The Most Precious of Gifts
A Double Date
Just the Beginning
A Second Chance
A Single Word
Her Light in the Darkness
A Different Game
The Enemy Within
No Secrets
Out of Her Shell
A New Horizon
Laid Bare
Back to Blackwell
A Prison Without Walls
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
In Her Mind
A Sudden Storm
The Only Way
A Table For Two
Per Ardua ad Astra
Love Across the Years
The Love Letter
Her Chloe
I Want to Live
Tears and Blood
Anyone But Her
Not Her
What Hurts the Most
The Way
What If?
Always Be My Angel
Birthday Girl
Follow Your Dreams
The Prism of Her Eyes
You Thought Wrong
Spreading Her Wings
The Promise
Worth Dying For
The Listener
Hands and Hearts
A Rude Awakening
The Price
Flying Away
Torn Apart
Hopes and Fears
A Chance Meeting
Doctor's Orders
Living a Lie
Aria of an Angel
More Than Words
Something Wicked This Way Comes
The Edge of Tomorrow
Out of Time
The Girl Without the Dragon Tattoo
A Satisfied Mind
The Love of a Mother
Splish Splash
The Destroyer of Worlds
Victoria's Secret
Facets of Fate
The Boy With No Name
Her Constant Companion
A Makeover for Max
The Eye of the Beholder
Holder of Her Heart
Visiting Time
Friends in High Places
All That is Gold Does Not Glitter
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost
Dust Struggling Against Cosmic Winds
Somewhere and Nowhere
Stories of the Sea
Trust No One
Ghosts in the Back of Her Head
When a Window Closes, a Door Opens
Letting Go
The Need to Cry
Thankful for the Smallest of Things
Joining the Dots
A Bell at Christmas
The Wrong Valentine
Cards on the Table
The Hard Way
Last Day on Earth
Home Again
Absent Friends
The Tracks of Her Tears
Trash and Treasure
Primum Non Nocere


545 23 8
By JackSmith225

The words Max had just said to her poured into Chloe's mind like the sweetest, warmest treacle. She realised that she had been waiting her whole life for this one single moment – to hear Max say those words to her. And now that moment had finally arrived. Not that she had any lingering doubts anyway, but now she really knew – Chloe had always been utterly in love with the person she was with right now. Max was the one. She always had been. Chloe could feel it. 'We're not two separate people – Mom was right – Max and me truly are two facets of one perfect being. And Max was so right too – this won't be sex. Not even close.' To Chloe, that word seemed incredibly terse, crude, shallow and blunt. It came nowhere close to describing what was about to happen between them. 'This is something so much deeper and more meaningful than that. This is the union of something that has been ripped asunder for far too long – a blissful melding of two souls into one. This is like nothing I've ever felt before. How could I have possibly thought that I was in love back then? I have no idea what that was, but it certainly wasn't love. This is love.' A terrifying but exhilarating realisation hit Chloe suddenly. 'Oh my god. I end here. Right here and now. Chloe Elizabeth Price dies tonight. And so does Max. This is the end of us both. There will be no more me, no more Max. There will just be us. We are about to be reborn – a beautiful butterfly emerging from its cocoon. Man, I think I'm going to faint.' Chloe drew some deep breaths to recover herself, then her lips left Max's ear and moved down to the side of the neck. She began to nibble gently at the skin there and the smaller girl angled her head to allow Chloe more freedom, moaning softly. Max's left hand came up and lovingly stroked Chloe's hair. "I love you Angel." breathed Chloe, the whisper caressing Max's freckled skin.

It took Max a while to respond – she was having trouble speaking. " you Chloe." she whispered back.

Chloe went from nibbling to the lightest of kisses, working her way around the front and downwards until she arrived at the chest. She gently licked the skin covering Max's sternum, starting at the neck and moving down to the bra, then returning back to the neck. Max held her head as far back as possible with her eyes half closed, breathing heavily. With her free hand she reached for Chloe's and held it in her own.

"Are you still okay Max?"

Max clenched the hand she was holding before nodding. "Don't stop." she uttered.

Chloe moved downwards with her tongue once more, going past the bra and trailing it all the way down to the navel. Once there she broke contact and looked up at her girlfriend's face. Max's eyes were fully closed now. She spread her legs slightly and raised the knees a little, before opening her eyes and looking at Chloe.

"Chloe, I said don't stop. What are you doing?"

"Just admiring the view. You are impossibly beautiful, you know that? I just can't believe that this is really happening. Max, this is my dream come true. I've wanted this for so long. But still, I'm not going to rush." said Chloe with the trace of a smile on her lips.

"Chloe. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease." Max begged. She squeezed Chloe's hand even harder.

Max's earnest pleading sent what felt like brilliant blue sparks of vibrant electricity shooting up and down the full length of Chloe's spine. She could clearly sense Max's ardent state of arousal. 'This is the first time ever in her life that she's feeling this way. And it is for me. She wants me. Max is giving herself to me. To me. She really does love me. Oh man. This is heaven. I never want this to end.' Chloe bought Max's hand to her mouth and softly kissed it all over. She feathered Max's arm with her lips, starting with the inside of the wrist and then all the way up to the neck once again. Chloe then watched Max's face as she caressed her waist. Max's eyes flicked open once more and Chloe could see the raw intensity shining through them. Their lips met and Max immediately thrust her tongue into Chloe's mouth. Chloe responded in kind. 'Holy hell she's a damn good kisser!' thought Chloe, beginning to lose control herself.

Chloe broke away and made her way down Max's other arm, tantalising her lover by tickling the palm of her hand with her mouth. Chloe released the hand and focused on the waist. Still using just her lips, she caressed Max's side, causing the brown-haired girl to squirm. Max opened her legs yet wider – a clear signal to Chloe what she wished her to do. Chloe ran her tongue along the waistband, then gripped it in her teeth and pulled down slightly on one side. Max released a low moan, and her hand came down to Chloe's head once again. Chloe noticed the darker patch forming on the pure white underwear. 'If I'm not careful, this will be over far too quickly. I have to make sure she remembers this for the rest of her days – she deserves nothing less.' Chloe relinquished her hold on the underwear and stroked the inside of one thigh with her fingers whilst she slid her tongue down the inside of the other. Max groaned in frustration.

"Chloeeeeeeeeeeee!" she beseeched quietly.

Yet again galvanising jolts ran the full length of Chloe's body. She was trying hard to clamp down on her own arousal. 'I want this to be about her, not me. I can't lose it. Not yet. But it's so goddamn hard not to. Holy shit Max! How can you be so incredibly cute yet so astoundingly, amazingly hot at the same time? You are just so special. And you chose me. I am the luckiest person on the planet. Thankyouthankyouthankyou.' Chloe reached Max's feet. 'Jeez, even her feet are just so adorable. Max Caulfield, I treasure every single little bit of you.' Chloe showered both feet in tender kisses. Max writhed at the teasing pleasure. Chloe worked her way back up her lover's body, pausing at the panties again. She brushed her lips over the front of the moist white linen, causing Max to gasp and strain her hips upwards, eager for more contact. Chloe moved on further. The groan of impatience from the other girl was slightly louder this time. She lingered at the breasts briefly before again cherishing the sight of Max's simply beautiful face, and the look of unfettered bliss upon it. Their kiss was slower and deeper this time – the previous urgent passion had now been replaced by sweet and tender loving. They withdrew and were cast adrift in each other's eyes, slowly drowning together in a sea of devotion.

Finally one of them spoke. "Chloe, oh my god Chloe, I love you so much it hurts. I want this to go on forever. I never want to leave here – I never want to leave you. Ever again. You are perfect. I love you."

"I don't want it to end either, Angel. I finally know what true love is, Max. It's you. It's us. I'm not scared any more. Not in the slightest. We were always destined to be together. Everything I've been through – it was all worth it. You are worth it. I would do anything for you, Max Caulfield. Anything at all."

"I wouldn't change anything about what I've endured either. It led me back here to you – right to this very moment. I wouldn't trade tonight for anything in the world. I would die for you, Chloe. A thousand times."

"Max, I would lay down my life for you as well, without hesitation. My universe begins and ends with you. It always has. It always will."

"Chloe, I'm no longer frightened. I want to become one with you. I want to give all of myself to you. Right now. I've been through so much to get here. I have waited for what seems like an eternity. Please don't make me wait any longer – I can't bear it. Unite us. Join us together. I want to be part of you. Make me yours forever. Take me. Please."

Max's words didn't electrify Chloe this time – they melted her. "Yes. You're right. We've waited more than long enough. I'm yours too, Max. I give myself to you as it alright if I take off your underwear now?"

"Oh god Chloe yes! Yesyesyes! A billion times yes!"

As they shared a lingering kiss, Chloe unclasped Max's bra with a single hand. Chloe couldn't restrain herself any longer. She lowered her lips over Max's chin, down her neck, kissing her all the time, and carried on going until she arrived at her lover's bosom. As Chloe caressed the tiny breasts with her lips, she slid one hand behind Max's back and ran it along her spine and over the linen covering the pert backside, occasionally squeezing gently. The brown-haired girl was quietly whimpering now. Max bought her legs up over the top of Chloe's and held onto the blue-haired girl's upper back with both hands. Chloe bought her hand around to the front and delicately stroked the moist fabric there with her index finger alone, barely applying any pressure at all, causing Max to gasp almost inaudibly. "Max, I love you so much." murmured Chloe.

"I love you too Chloe. Don't ever stop doing this to me."

Chloe inserted the tip of the finger behind the waistband and slid the garment down and over Max's feet. She ran her hand back up the slim leg until she reached the short hair that was now free of its covering. She skirted around the fringe with her fingers as she bought her head back upwards to Max's. She kissed the forehead, then each eyelid in turn, then the nose, before moving on to her lover's slightly open mouth. "Max, this is it. Are you sure you're ready Angel?"

"I've never been so sure of anything in my entire life, Chloe. I've never felt so freakin' awesome. Ever. Don't you dare stop."

Chloe raised herself up to take in the sight of Max laid beneath her, then lowered herself down until her head was between Max's thighs, maintaining eye contact with Max all the way.

"Oh Chloe. You look so beautiful. Your hair. Your lips. Your face. Oh my god your eyes..." Max trailed off, lost for words. She ran her fingers through Chloe's bright blue hair.

"You should see yourself right now. You are the most perfectly gorgeous woman that has ever lived." Chloe placed her hands on Max's thighs and bought her mouth to the hair, before combing through it with her teeth. Max held her breath. Chloe's tongue emerged from between her lips and slowly entered her lover. Max suddenly exhaled, now breathing fast and shallow.

"Mmmmmmmm." Max was almost purring now. "Oh christ Chloe that feels sooooo great. What the hell are you doing to me? Oh my god!"

Chloe explored the inside of her girlfriend with a leisurely, smooth rhythm. 'Man, she tastes just as good as she looks. Hot damn Max, you're simply perfect in every single way.' Max was slowly writhing in pleasure now, her body automatically responding to her girlfriend's movements inside of her. Chloe gradually went deeper and deeper, steadily increasing the tempo, making Max squirm ever more. Max's moans become more frequent and louder.

"Oh god. What the...Chloe!"

Chloe could sense the pressure within her girlfriend rising. She relished the wonderful taste for as long as she dared to, eager to drink in as much of Max's pleasure as she could. She withdrew from inside of Max and inserted her fingers instead, the motion faster and more frenetic than before. Chloe now used her tongue to massage Max's most sensitive spot. The smaller girl's pelvis started to twitch and buck involuntarily.

"Oh g...C.....Ch...Chl...CHLOE!" Max's small hand suddenly clenched into the blue hair, gripping it tightly. "OH CHLOE! I LOVE YOU!" Chloe looked up at Max's face. Her head was thrown all the way back and her eyes were shut tight. Max was biting her lip on one side. "ffffffffffffffff..." Max lapsed into silence apart from the panting of sheer ecstasy. She relinquished her grip on Chloe's hair, flinging both arms backwards onto the pillow, completely abandoning herself to her girlfriend. Chloe continued to pleasure Max with her hand whilst she moved upwards so that she could admire Max's perfect face as she internally exploded with the utter elation and euphoria that Chloe was giving her. Chloe fell onto Max and kissed her passionately, exploring inside Max with her tongue just as she had elsewhere. Max wrapped both arms around Chloe's neck and her legs tightly over her back. Max erupted time and time again, her whole body jerking with spasm after spasm of pure pleasure. Chloe gave Max wave after wave of ecstasy until eventually they subsided. She kissed the smaller girl delicately and admired her face once more, before rolling off to one side.


"Hmmmm?" The faintest of smiles adorned her lips. Her eyes were still closed, but she looked far more relaxed now.

"How do you feel? Are you alright my Angel?"

An almost imperceptible nod was accompanied by two languorously raised thumbs.

"What's the matter? Can't you speak?"

Max gave a tiny shake of her head. She was still smiling.

"Awww. Bless you. I love you to bits beautiful."

Max slowly raised both thumbs again. Chloe drew the duvet back over them both and lovingly embraced the smaller girl. Max finally managed to whisper something. "Wowser!"

Chloe gazed upon Max with a heartfelt, tender and fond smile. "And that's precisely why I love you so goddamn much, Max Caulfield. You are just so incredibly, wonderfully, adorably cute."

Max rolled over to face Chloe, placed one arm over her waist, and kissed her softly on the lips before whispering - "Chloe, that was amazing. But I think I need to sleep now. Please hold me. Don't let me go. I love you Chloe."

"I love you too Max. Rest now my angel. I'll be right here by your side. Goodnight Angel. Sweet dreams. I love you."

"Love you more. My dreams will be sweet – they'll be of you, my beautiful butterfly. G'nite Chloe."

Outside, the whole tree was covered in a throng of blue butterflies lazily flapping their wings - a coruscating kaleidoscope in the deepest blue moonlight. The only sound was the faint whispering of their wings. The doe looked on from the centre of the glade before gracefully strolling away and dissipating into the shade under the trees.

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