Life is Stranger

By JackSmith225

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An alternate version of the narrative of Life is Strange where Chloe acquires the powers instead of Max. Cont... More

I Want to Die
You Can't Go Home Again
Tears Before Bedtime
Free as a Bird
Breakfast Fit for Queens
The Vortex
A Close Encounter
Nothing Much Happens in Arcadia Bay
Sleeping Beauty
Drink Up Buttercup
Falling Once Again
It Could Have Been You
Little Miss Tearaway
Way Out of My League
A Birthday Gift
A Late Bloomer
Never Leaving Me
Trailer Trash
A Tick in a Tornado
A Bolt of Blue
Wrapped Around Her Finger
Up for Anything
Together Forever
The Runaway
We Don't Need Words
A Changed Man
Her First Time
As One
Through Her Eyes
A New Toy
Her Angel
A Special Place
A Thousand Pieces
The Magic Words
The Queen of Arcadia Bay
The Wish
The Golden Hour
Pirate Princesses
The Precipice
The Good Guys
The Last Straw
A Family Breakfast
The Most Precious of Gifts
A Double Date
Just the Beginning
A Second Chance
A Single Word
Her Light in the Darkness
A Different Game
The Enemy Within
No Secrets
Out of Her Shell
A New Horizon
Laid Bare
Back to Blackwell
A Prison Without Walls
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
In Her Mind
A Sudden Storm
The Only Way
A Table For Two
Per Ardua ad Astra
Love Across the Years
The Love Letter
Her Chloe
I Want to Live
Tears and Blood
Anyone But Her
Not Her
What Hurts the Most
The Way
What If?
Always Be My Angel
Birthday Girl
Follow Your Dreams
The Prism of Her Eyes
You Thought Wrong
Spreading Her Wings
The Promise
Worth Dying For
The Listener
Hands and Hearts
A Rude Awakening
The Price
Flying Away
Torn Apart
Hopes and Fears
A Chance Meeting
Doctor's Orders
Living a Lie
Aria of an Angel
More Than Words
Something Wicked This Way Comes
The Edge of Tomorrow
Out of Time
The Girl Without the Dragon Tattoo
A Satisfied Mind
The Love of a Mother
Splish Splash
The Destroyer of Worlds
Victoria's Secret
Facets of Fate
The Boy With No Name
Her Constant Companion
A Makeover for Max
The Eye of the Beholder
Holder of Her Heart
Visiting Time
Friends in High Places
All That is Gold Does Not Glitter
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost
Dust Struggling Against Cosmic Winds
Somewhere and Nowhere
Stories of the Sea
Trust No One
Ghosts in the Back of Her Head
When a Window Closes, a Door Opens
Letting Go
The Need to Cry
Thankful for the Smallest of Things
Joining the Dots
A Bell at Christmas
The Wrong Valentine
Cards on the Table
The Hard Way
Last Day on Earth
Home Again
Absent Friends
The Tracks of Her Tears
Trash and Treasure
Primum Non Nocere

Her Max

1.1K 38 4
By JackSmith225

Seeming as Max's lessons had now started and she wouldn't be around today, Chloe thought it high time she let everyone know she was still alive and kicking. She decided to start with Frank (her stash needed a top-up anyway). She needed someone to just chill with and take her mind off all that crazy shit...and Max. Chloe had deliberated at length about what to do about her feelings towards her best friend (with more than a little help from her new friend). Chloe knew Debbie was right – she simply had to tell Max, for good or bad. She desperately wished she wasn't in love with her best friend, but she was, no doubt about it, and she would have to deal with it. 'Feelings do not come with an 'off' button. I could talk about it with Mom, but not just yet, considering what I've put her through this week. She deserves a break from me and the whirlwind that is my life.' The only person Chloe had to confide in at the moment was the one person she couldn't possibly discuss it with. 'Life's a bitch, eh, Chloe?'

Even though she knew it had to be done, Chloe wasn't going to rush into anything. She had to act in a measured and careful manner, which, if she were honest with herself, wasn't her strongest suit. 'I can't just go barging in stomping all over the place like I usually do with shit. I've got to tread lightly and take things nice and slow. I'll just subtly try and find out more about her sex life and whatever. Put out a few feelers and see if I can get some idea of what she thinks about me. I'll drop the occasional hint about how I feel about her. If things start to go down the pan, I can always make like I was joking and laugh it off. But what if none of that works? What if she likes boys but not girls? What if she likes neither? Perhaps she could go for girls but not me. I could get 'friend-zoned'. What then, Chloe? Fuck that! I want her! I need her! I've got to have her! There's no one else for me now, not even Rachel. It has to be Max. I love her. I've got to try. I can't spend the rest of my days looking at her but not being able to touch. It'll drive me nuts. Oh man.'

Chloe recalled yesterday's conversation in her room. 'There is a tiny glimmer of hope at least. She doesn't seem very interested in boys. Yet. But she doesn't seem interested in sex at all either, though. She has never masturbated for fuck's sake! Not even once! Amazeballs! Damn, I wish I knew what she was going to say before she suddenly cut off. She'd never thought about sex until...what? What were you about to say, Maxine Caulfield? You tell me absolutely everything. Why wouldn't you tell me that, whatever it was? Maybe she will at some point. We have been separated for years, after all.'

Chloe had lost count of how many times she had told Max that she was beautiful. She hadn't picked up on any of them. It had felt like pulling teeth. Even when Chloe had flat out gone for it and said that only she herself was good enough for Max...zilch. Chloe had expected to have a tough time breaking through Max's shyness barriers, but had badly underestimated just how difficult it was going to be. But if it worked, it would all be worth it. 'I'll do anything to make her mine. Anything.'

'Anyway Chloe Price, quit daydreaming and concentrate on the task in hand. Fuck Frank, where the hell are you?' She had been all over the place, but there was just no sign of his RV anywhere. 'I've gotta get a new phone. This one is totalled.' She'd saved Blackwell for last because she didn't want to push things too fast with Max. Chloe thought that if Max had some time to reflect on their talk things might finally sink in to that pretty little head of hers. Perhaps she would come to actually hear what Chloe had said to her over and over. Maybe.

'Got you, you son of a bitch!' Frank's RV was squatting in the corner of the lot. 'As if you could hide that ancient, rusty monstrosity, Franky boy.' Chloe dumped her truck next to it, straddling the disabled bays, oblivious. She noticed that some comedian had daubed 'I'm so dirty' in the window grime, complete with a disapproving face. 'Ha ha. Very fucking funny. Nerds.' She knocked loudly on the door. "Frank, stop molesting poor Pompidou and unlock the door, sleazeball. Bulldog's here to fuck your shit up." There was no answer apart from frenzied barking. "Take it easy Pompidou. Drop the Cujo act. It's only me. Where's your dad boy?"

She spied a geek resting on the bonnet of his crappy blue wheels, anxiously looking towards the main entrance, his head bobbing about as if he were looking for someone. "Yo, dude, you know Frank Bowers?"

"Er, nope, sorry."

"Okay, cool. Have you seen anyone come out of this RV?"

"I've been here for more than an hour and it's been there the whole time. No one's left it. Sorry."

"No worries dude. Thanks anyway."

'He must be on the grounds somewhere, supplying the kids with a bit of 'higher education'.' She locked her truck and made her way towards the football area, sparking up a cigarette as she walked. 'I wonder where Maxo is hiding in this shitpit of a school.' There was nothing but asshole jocks over the road, so she sauntered back across towards the fountain. The scene that Chloe then saw caused her to launch the cigarette through the air and instantly break into a full-on sprint. A small group of girls were shouting insults and cheering excitedly as they watched some douchebag in an orange blazer pin a small girl up against the wall by her throat. The scumbag was viciously punching his victim repeatedly in the stomach, yelling obscenities directly into her face, showering her in his spittle. The girl was Max. Her Max.

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