Omni-Dimensional Chat Group

By Try_Hard777

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MC Bio
Chat Members
Harem (Spoiler)
Chapter 1 - New phone?
Chapter 2 - I'm Rich!
Chapter 3 - The members
Chapter 4 - Offer
Chapter 5 - Offer 2
Chapter 6 - Offer Finale
Chapter 7 - Revelation
Chapter 8 - The world is bigger than it seems.
Chapter 9 - Magic?
Chapter 10 - Testing Magic
Chapter 11 - Slaughter
Chapter 12 - Indifferences
Chapter 13 - Salamengkero
Chapter 14 - Supernatural
Chapter 15 - Defying Fate.
Chapter 16 - Another Defying Fate
Chapter 17 - Defying Fate Finale
Chapter 18 - Defying Fate finale again
Chapter 19 - Old or new members
Chapter 30 - Self-proclaimed Human and Self-proclaimed Man
Chapter 21 - Self-proclaimed Human and Self-proclaimed man Reaction
Chapter 22 - Chatting
Chapter 23 - Unexpected Mission
Chapter 24 - Alexandra Trese.
Chapter 25 - Masterpiece!
Chapter 26 - Diabolical Club
Chapter 27 - The end
Chapter 28 - First world Mission?
Chapter 29 - Arrival to Kimetsu no Yaiba.
Chapter 30 - Butterfly Mansion
Chapter 31 - Meeting the Hashiras
Chapter 32 - Distrust
Chapter 33 - Dinner.
Chapter 34 - Training
Chapter 35 - Defeated
Chapter 36 - Torture commence
Chapter 37 - Torture
Chapter 38 - Future?
Chapter 39 - Love Hashira
Chapter 40 - Motivated
Chapter 41 - Hunting a Lower Moon
Chapter 42 - Mission Accomplished
Chapter 43 - Rewards
Chapter 44 - I'm motivated
Chapter 45 - Dimensional Training Room
Chapter 46 - Confession
Chapter 47 - Scar Dead
Chapter 48 - Let me Cook
Chapter 49 - Ravenous
Chapter 50 - Spoiling
Chapter 51 - Ronin
Chapter 52 - Kamado Family 1
Chapter 53 - Kamado Family 2
Chapter 54 - Kamado Family Finale
Chapter 55 - Foreplay~♥️
Chapter 56 - Maturity
Chapter 57 - Oyakodon
Chapter 58 - Teach me
Chapter 59 - Shinobu POV
Chapter 60 - Mitsuri POV
Chapter 61 - Kanae POV
Chapter 62 - Nezuko POV
Chapter 63 - Kie Kamado
Chapter 64 - Ravenous Breath
Chapter 65 - Smooth Criminal
Chapter 66 - Michael Jackson
Chapter 67 - Kanae is Bullying me!
Chapter 68 - Lover Meeting
Chapter 69 - Scolding
Chapter 70 - Leche Flan Vs Pudding
Chapter 71 - You two
Chapter 72 - Preparation for final Battle
Chapter 73 - The end of Muzan
Chapter 74 - Rewards
Chapter 75 - Returning
Chapter 76 - Absolute Pathogen Physiology
Chapter 77 - Disappointed
Chapter 78 - Harem Protagonist Halo
Chapter 79 - Meeting
Chapter 80 - Inner world
Chapter 81 - Are you all like this?
Chapter 82 - Harem system
Chapter 83 - Pandemic
Chapter 84 - Foodgasm
Chapter 85 - Shopping
Chapter 86 - cliche
Chapter 87 - As if
Chapter 88 - Kit-Kat
Chapter 89 - New look
Chapter 90 - Is this still Magic
Chapter 91 - Horrible Name
Chapter 92 - Can I Join the Party?
Chapter 93 - Emissary
Chapter 94 - Aswang
Chapter 95 - Old Fossil
Chapter 96 - School
Chapter 97 - Tiyanak
Chapter 98 - Choice
Chapter 99 - Death
Chapter 100 - Ravenous god
Chapter 101 - Aftermath
Chapter 102 - Date
Chapter 103 - Date 2
Chapter 104 - Date Finale
Chapter 105 - Smut~♥️
Chapter 106 - Smut~♥️
Chapter 107 - New world Mission
Chapter 108 - Truth
Chapter 109 - Darkness Magic
Chapter 110 - Travelling
Chapter 111 - Lambda
Chapter 112 - Bypassed Limitless
Chapter 113 - Gods
Chapter 114 - Status
Chapter 15 - Chatting in person
Chapter 117 - Let me relieve you~♥️
Chapter 119 - Dungeon Exploration.
Chapter 120 - Dungeon Exploration 2
Chapter 121 - Dungeon Exploration Finale
Chapter 122 - Knowledge
Chapter 123 - Ryuu Vs Gojo
Chapter 124 - Winner is....
Chapter 125 - Sweetime~❤️
Chapter 126 - Incoming War
Chapter 127 - War
Chapter 128 - War 2

Chapter 116 - Domain Expansion?

393 14 1
By Try_Hard777

I feel like this fic is just complete mess but I'm already too far gone and need to finish what I started.

That aside, sorry again if I do slow pace because I just don't want to rush things and let things flow.

Anyway, pleaee enjoy this chapter. Toodaloo Bitches.

After some time, the food was served and everyone joined in. The reason Vandalieu didn't join them was because he has his own family to eat with.

And they are still strangers, only knowing each other for a month or so beside Ryuu and Shinobu of course. He places the food in front of them and we're immediately captivated by the salivating aroma.

"Hope all enjoy it. This is a new recipe I made. I'm planning on eating it at my restaurant soon." Ryuu said with a smile when everyone looked at the food with stirred fried chicken and beef broth soup as well as fried rice.

He added a mixture of Adobo glaze in the stirred fried chicken and fried rice to add a bit more umami flavor to it. Everyone simultaneously took a spoonful and had wide range of reactions but the girls including Yamato moaned.

"W-What is this!? How can it be so good!" Rias had eaten a variety of fancy food before since she is stupid rich and spoiled but none had come close to Ryuu's cooking.

"I normally don't think about what I eat but this is simply delicious." Erza noted taking another bite.

"Never anything like this before that's for sure!" Yamato had eaten food that was rather plain and lacked flavor that was enough to sustain her.

"It's really great, I haven't had this kind of thing before. Oftentimes, I ate meals that are more Japanese."

Negi commented since he was from Wales and still adapting to the change, eating Japanese food prepared by Konoka, one of the people that he is currently living with.

"You really know how to cook." Gojo said with a wide grin enjoying the food.

"Thanks, but the reason I'm skilled was because of the skill given by the system and simply putting it into good use." Ryuu said as he also took a bite.

"Are you kidding? Even if that is the case, it is still amazing." Rias complimented and Ryuu smiled hearing her praise and assurance while his harem glanced at each other and simply accepted it because of the Halo that he had. 

Though it helps but it doesn't mean that he could start harassing women who would instantly fall for him unless they are hentai characters. Beside that, his harem were proud hearing their man being praised.

Everyone enjoyed their dinner and chatted a bit to know about each other until the day was over and went to their room. On the other hand, Ryuu and his harem went to the [ Dimensional Training Room ].

Dimensional Training Room.

1:30 Time dilution.

Inside the Dimensional Training room where Ryuu had upgraded it with points that he accumulated to have 1 day outside and a month outside allowing him to spend more time with everyone.

At the moment, Ryuu processes the seeping memories of Gojo and his experience to add it into his arsenal.

Of course he didn't fully infect Gojo since he has no reason to and would be a violation of the chat group rules.

He is currently testing his [ Six Eyes ] and [ Limitless ] along with how to utilize Domain Expansion through Gojo understanding processing it in an instant.

What is Domain Expansion exactly?

Domain Expansion is the most supreme technique of any jujutsu user. It is achieved by expanding one's innate domain with cursed energy while using a barrier to construct it inside a separate space.

The caster then imbues their cursed technique within the barrier to complete the expansion, allowing them to deploy their ability all throughout the domain.

A specific hand sign or signal unique to the user is required to expand someone's respective domain. From the outside, a domain's barrier is normally completely closed, making it appear as a floating black sphere that can even be moved slightly if needed.

Domains that are expanded to be lethal are constructed within a barrier imbued with the user's cursed technique. The caster's abilities are amplified and any cursed techniques deployed within the domain are guaranteed to hit their target.

This sure-hit factor is derived from the barrier's embedded technique, which is what makes this type of domain considered lethal. These can't-miss attacks can't even be stopped by Satoru Gojo's Infinity.

However, not all guaranteed hits are necessarily lethal. Kinji Hakari's domain technically possesses a sure-hit function, but it only transfers information to its target in exchange for faster technique activation and strength in a clash of domains.

Lethal domain expansions require immense skill and cursed energy to construct. Not only do they require the user to manifest a massive artificial environment, but they must be able to erect their barrier and infuse it with their cursed technique in a timely fashion as well.

There are drawbacks in using Domain expansion. A high-risk, high-reward maneuver, Domain Expansion provides a great advantage at the cost of an immense amount of cursed energy. Satoru Gojo is considered to be one of the only individuals who can use domain expansion multiple times in one day.

In addition, there is also the possibility of creating an incomplete domain where even if the domain isn't fully formed, expanding it will exhaust the user's innate technique for a short time after it disappears.

Attempting to activate one's technique while it is unstable will cause it to burn out and fail to activate properly.

Yuta Okkotsu compares recovering an exhausted cursed technique to allowing an overheated engine to cool. Ordinarily, there is no way to shorten this recovery period even with reverse cursed technique.

However, Satoru Gojo and Sukuna forcibly healed their exhausted cursed technique by damaging the engraving of their technique in their brains and recovering it with reverse cursed technique.

This came with the major drawback of dealing lasting damage to their brains, preventing them from expanding their domain after reaching their limits.

"I don't really have a normal brain…nor do I have innate cursed technique besides what Gojo has." Ryuu completely analyzed Gojo's ability and began to split his mind trying to find a conclusion to replicate domain expansion through Mana.

"Don't stress yourself. Here ah~"

Mitsuri said, feeding him a slice of orange as they were sitting near the lake since she won their match last night within the Dimensional Training room. Ryuu took the slice and ate it while he was enjoying his time with her.

"I know. And I'm in no rush to get stronger and simply enjoy myself playing around."

Ryuu was too strong in the world he resides in and felt less intimidated by the possibility of death but this was a problem for him.

He knows that there are countless ways for him to die and be defeated but if he loses the sense of death then he won't be able to notice it until it's too late. This is why he tries to strive to get stronger. Becoming a deity was on his bucket list.

"By the way, where's everyone?" He glanced over to Mitsuri who was also peeling an apple.

"Shinobu-san and Kanae-san are training together while Nezuko-san went to spar Justine and Trese is with them to supervise the two. As for Kie-san, she's currently spending time with her children." Mitsuri replied.

"I see, it's good that they have their personal time. Anyway, I think now I know what to do."

Ryuu kissed her on the cheek and stood up while Mitsuri blushed but smiled. She watched him move a distance away from her and saw him stand for moments closing his eyes.

Then he instantly revealed red and blue eyes inside his sclera containing his [ Six Eyes ] and [ Byakugan ] enhancing his insane control over the flow of energy. He clasped his hand together similar to a prayer but one was up while the other down.

He exude a terrifying malevolent aura around him the coil and twist like misty darkness shrouded around his body akin to a cloak.

[ A/N: Basically his eyes is like Yhawch from bleach when he activate almighty ]

[ Domain Expansion: Imperfect Distorted World. ] 

In an instant, behind Ryuu were fourteen blood red wings where two pairs were on his head, three pairs on his back and two pairs on his lower back. One pair on his head spread while the other covered his eyes.

Though they appear like normal wings, upon closer inspection one would see that it was made from exposed muscle and grotesque viscera with eyes converting its surface and feather-like texture.

His domain was not a closed barrier space; instead, it was inwardly manipulating himself then expanding outward that spread into reality like a plague, turning the place into what could only be described as a nightmare filled with human flesh and viscera seemingly moaning in pain while blood flooded the ground. 

[ A/N: Imagine Transcending Gods from Shinza Bansho. Also, Ryuu recreates it in his own twisted version therefore the rules don't apply to him like a normal sorcerer. Why? How? Because I said so.🗿 ]

'How strange…'

Ryuu thought as reality was akin to being part of his body. The world was flesh and flesh was the world. Everything that decay and distort is prone to this domain. Though the spread is not entirety of reality and has limited range.

In addition, He couldn't keep it forever causing the entire domain to collapse due to the drawback it had.

A domain that inverted then reverted back where it is in a mobius strip that allowed him to create the phenomenon. Despite, not having the drawback of his brain being damage from constant use doesn't mean he has an endless amount and would eventually run out mana.

'It's not complete but with it I can become stronger.'

He knew that despite its abilities of distorting reality can be resisted even with Haki, especially conqueror's Haki at the fact that Willpower manifests and affects the world itself.

"W-What's going on Ryuu!?"

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