By faye1203

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Author: Straw Is Crazy Too 稻草也疯狂 Xiao Luo and his girlfriend had been in love with each other for four years... More

Chapter 201: Zhang Dashan's Complaints
Chapter 202: Nothing to Lose
Chapter 203: The Next Destination
Chapter 204: Publicity Crisis
Chapter 205: Surging Points
Chapter 206: Another Billow
Chapter 207: Bullsh*t Logic
Chapter 208: A loli
Chapter 209: A Piece of Cake
Chapter 210: Dickhead
Chapter 211: Life-costing
Chapter 212: No need to endure anymore
Chapter 213: The height to look up to
Chapter 214: Misunderstanding
Chapter 215: You're Making Fun of Me
Chapter 216: Xiao Qiudong
Chapter 217: Father and Mother
Chapter 218: Neighbors
Chapter 219: The Five Brothers
Chapter 220: You Are My Brother
Chapter 221: Special mission
Chapter 222: A Guess
Chapter 223: Seekong Altar
Chapter 224: Parkinson's Disease
Chapter 225: Storm in a Teacup
Chapter 226: Brothers of five looking for trouble
Chapter 227: Origins of Ruthlessness
Chapter 228: What was going on
Chapter 229: The Righteousness of a Benevolent Person
Chapter 230: Appeared
Chapter 231: Completely Outclassed
Chapter 232: Cousin Ding Zhenyun
Chapter 233: Clap
Chapter 234: Old Man and a Riddle
Chapter 235: A Shocking Turn of Events
Chapter 236: Propel out
Chapter 237: Landed
Chapter 238: Crescent Bay
Chapter 239: MLM Nest
Chapter 240: Too Intoxicated
241: Humble
242: Strength Is Shoot To Score
Chapter 243: Bearing Grudges
Chapter 244: Exchanging Thoughts
Chapter 245: Rebuttal
Chapter 246: Perfection
Chapter 247: A Wild Night
Chapter 248: Responsible To You
Chapter 249: An Intertwined Fate
Chapter 250: King Kong and Drug Lady
Chapter 251: Cyber Battle
Chapter 252: Don't go and provoke him
Chapter 253: Woman in Black
Chapter 254: King Kong's Intention
Chapter 255: The Release of Power
Chapter 256: Lady Poison Strikes
Chapter 257: Made For Each Other
Chapter 258: Moved
Chapter 259: Seriously Bullshitting
Chapter 260: Principle of Behavior
Chapter 261: Kendo Gym
Chapter 262: I Need No Permission to Whack You
Chapter 263: Why Not You Try
Chapter 264: No Hoots Given
Chapter 265: Returning A Favor
Chapter 266: It Does Not Belong to Me
Chapter 267: Chatting
Chapter 268: The Price of Growing up
Chapter 269: Doing It Herself
Chapter 270: Retaliate
Chapter 271: Translate
Chapter 272: Team Leader of Group Three
Chapter 273: Luo's Workshop's Store Manager
Chapter 274: Unlicensed Doctor
Chapter 275: Nice Things That Await
Chapter 276: No one on Earth could save you
Chapter 277: Dog Beating Staff Technique
Chapter 278: I'm sleepy
Chapter 279: Crazy Woman
Chapter 280: Before Operation
Chapter 281: Business Controller
Chapter 282: You Don't Have Much Value
Chapter 283: Su Canye's Affair
Chapter 284
Chapter 285: Five Million
Chapter 286: Exciting Competition
Chapter 287: Godly Car
Chapter 288
Chapter 289: As Everyone Hoped
Chapter 290: Non-human
Chapter 291: A Plethora of Talents
Chapter 292: Battle
Chapter 293: Big Order
Chapter 294: The Big Order that Flew away
Chapter 295: Stupid
Chapter 296: The Difficult Deal
Chapter 297: Three Stages of Pain
Chapter 298: Two Magical Needles
Chapter 299: Shake
Chapter 300: Huijin Tower
Chapter 301: Roller Skating Rinks
Chapter 302
Chapter 303: The Black Shirt Guys Appear Again
Chapter 304: Where is Yang Yuanzhong?
Chapter 305: Fire Palm
Chapter 306: Put me down
Chapter 307: Public Discussion
Chapter 308: Touched
Chapter 309: The Hopping Jia Zhengyi
Chapter 310: Writing an Apology Letter
Chapter 311: Let go
Chapter 312: Pay for what you do
Chapter 313: I'm Married
Chapter 314: Gathering
Chapter 315: Love Confession
Chapter 316: Got drunk
Chapter 317: Fear of Domination
Chapter 318: Impress you
Chapter 319: Let's Play a Little
Chapter 320: Bold
Chapter 321: Four of a Kind
Chapter 322: One move to knock you out
Chapter 323: Stop it forcefully
Chapter 324: You Don't Need to Explain
Chapter 325: Zhuo Yuze
Chapter 326: Senior Official
Chapter 327: Incompetent Teammate
Chapter 328: The Surprising Informant
Chapter 329: He is Fog
Chapter 330: Bloodlust
Chapter 331: Kill
Chapter 332: Reason
Chapter 333: Rose
Chapter 334
Chapter 335: The second mission
Chapter 336: Special Operation Team
Chapter 337: Rebel Troops
Chapter 338: Still Too Naive
Chapter 339: A Hopeless Woman
Chapter 340: Still not Dying Even with This?
Chapter 341: Break Out
Chapter 342: Surrounded
Chapter 343: The Ghost in the Camouflage Uniform
Chapter 344: I Had to Do This
Chapter 345: The City of Brule
Chapter 346: Appeared
Chapter 347: Open-minded
Chapter 348: Battle
Chapter 349:The finale
Chapter 350: Berserk
Chapter 351: SEAL Team
Chapter 352: Head out
Chapter 353: Conflict
Chapter 354: Birds of a Feather
Chapter 355: Pursuit and Counter-pursuit
Chapter 356: Valor
Chapter 357: Powell's Change
Chapter 358: Kill Me If You Want
Chapter 359: Begging for Mercy
Chapter 360: Holy Sh*t
Chapter 361: Consider its Owner
Chapter 362: One-sec man
Chapter 363: Chinese medicine drinks
Chapter 364: Boycott from the Three Giants
Chapter 365: Aerial Thread Pulse Checking
Chapter 366: The Owner of Luo's Workshop
Chapter 367: Ridiculous
Chapter 368: Reason for Being Late
Chapter 369: Put in Place
Chapter 370: Glib-Tongued Sweet Talker
Chapter 371: The Third Mission
Chapter 372: Miyazaki Ronjin
Chapter 373: The Police Department
Chapter 374: Grudges
Chapter 375: Sumo Wrestling
Chapter 376: Conflict
Chapter 377: Appear
Chapter 378: Kill you
Chapter 379: Spotted a Ghost
Chapter 380: Leave Calmly
Chapter 381: Secret Military Base
Chapter 382: Obstruction
Chapter 383: Infiltration
Chapter 384: Raid
Chapter 385: Set Free
Chapter 386: If there's an Afterlife
Chapter 387: A name list
Chapter 388: Do you want
Chapter 389: Operation
Chapter 390: Be Ahead
Chapter 391: The girl at the bar
Chapter 392: Go Wild
Chapter 393: Unexpected
Chapter 394: You're here
Chapter 395: The Final Bait
Chapter 397: Bad Luck Be Gone
Chapter 398: Seventh Realm?
Chapter 399: Exchange students
Chapter 400: A Dozen Each

Chapter 396: Funerael

113 8 0
By faye1203

The thunderstorm raged on for two whole hours before it eased, leaving the entire city of Dongjing inundated.

Cabinet minister Oshima Jun deployed a thousand Self-Defence Force soldiers into the prison. They were all wearing gas masks and were equipped with chemical dispensers that would neutralize the toxic gas. It was a covert operation carried out under the cloak of darkness. There was an urgent need to remove all evidence that very night.

Anpei was still in the presidential suite dancing with a few maikos. He drank and sang, joked around, and was having the time of his life.

BOOM! Suddenly, the door burst open.

"Who's there?"

Anpei and the maikos accompanying him jolted in shock. They instantly swung round and Anpei almost wet himself when he saw the terrifying figure of that enigmatic murderer, Xiao Han, standing at the entrance.

"How refined you are, Anpei Shinzo."

Xiao Han's lips curled up in a smirk as he strode over.

"Xiao Han? You... How did you get in here?"

Anpei's head went into a spin. How could this be possible? He painstakingly set up his trap and turned the entire prison into a cage. Using a potent toxic gas that was strong enough to kill off this beast, the last thing he expected was to see this man standing right in front of him. At that moment, he knew that he had lost the game.

Just who was this man, and how could he have survived the toxic CoCl2 gas?

Anbei's confidence was shaken, and for a moment he faltered. He immediately called for his men, "Guards, guards!"

"Save your breath, I've already knocked them all out," Xiao Luo responded to Anbei's panicked screams as he sauntered casually toward him.

Anpei was the prime minister of his country, yet all he could do was to break out in a cold sweat when Xiao Luo advanced toward him. He was consumed in fear as he found himself in the unusual situation of not being in control. He was just like a man who had stumbled into the path of a fearsome tiger, and so frightened was he could not move and almost wet himself.

How quickly the tables turned!

Anpei was well aware of how apt this phrase was.

He took two careful steps back and said, "You... What do you want?"

"There's no need to be nervous. You're not involved with the genetic engineering base, so I won't kill you. But you forced me to come here by laying a trap for me and trying to kill me with toxic gas. Why don't we do this? I'll just break one of your arms," Xiao Luo said, coming across like he was seeking his victim's opinion on what form of punishment would be most acceptable.

Break one of my arms?

Anpei's eyes bulged in disbelief, and there was a flash of anger in his eyes. "You d*mn idiot, you do this and I guarantee you'll never leave this country!" he retorted.


Xiao Luo's response came in the form of a kick.

Xiao Luo shifted his weight in Anpei's direction and stomped his right foot on the man's chest, sending him flying back like a loose kite on a cut string. The maikos cowered in fear and the room was filled with their frantic shrieks.

Anpei lay sprawled on the matted floor, and the pain in his chest was beyond description.

Xiao Luo stepped over to the prone figure of Anpei and stared down at him. "You can curse at me all you want, but it won't do you any good!"

As soon as he said that, he lifted a foot and stepped on Anpei's left arm.



Anpei wailed in pain and anguish, following the gruesome sound of cracking bones as Xiao Luo smashed Anpei's left arm, snapping it in two. The broken bone pierced through flesh and skin, causing blood to flow profusely from the wound.

At the sight of Anpei's horrific wounds, the maikos were paralyzed with fear and trembled uncontrollably. When Xiao Luo glanced over to them, they hurriedly kneeled on the floor, pleading for their lives.

"Please... Please let us go," one of the maikos pleaded as tears streamed from the corners of her eyes.

"This has nothing to do with you," Xiao Luo responded, then turned and left the room.

There was no one else left there except the terrified maikos and Anpei, who had passed out from the pain.



Xiao Luo had initially thought he could return home after rescuing the Lady Poison, Fu Yiren. However, the death of Xie Wenchang and his family left an indelible mark, and the nursery rhyme Xie Wenchang's wife sang right before they died never ceased to linger in his ears. It was ironic that a nursery rhyme filled with notes of joy and happiness had become so haunting and bleak.

Xiao Luo would not rest until he eliminated everybody involved in the genetic engineering project, so his next stop was Mei Nation.

Xiao Luo chatted with Su Li over the phone as he walked down the street in a drizzle. He had spoken with her on WeChat almost every night. Perhaps it was his act of tyranny that day that had melted this ice mountain of a woman, but their relationship had very obviously blossomed. When they chatted, Xiao Luo would even call her his wife, and she never once objected.

Sometimes, Su Li would even take the initiative and update him on what she was doing by posting him some pictures of herself.

They were typical selfies of her having breakfast, having her afternoon tea, bringing Su Xiaobei out to have fun, or at work.

Xiao Luo felt like he was courting again. Undoubtedly their relationship had taken a turn for the better and was now much more than a contract. When he suggested to Su Li earlier in the day that they should tear up the marriage contract, she had given him a coy reply. That depends on how well you do, she wrote. And afterward, she even tagged on an emoji she loved using a lot—the one with the arrogant face.

As for his criminal charges and the news of his exploits circulating in the Ri Nation media, none of it reached his homeland. Perhaps the NSA had censored it, so Su Li had no idea what Xiao Luo was doing in Ri Nation. Of course, he hoped that she would never find out.

After chatting with Su Li, Xiao Luo immediately called Ji Siying.

"Mr. Xiao Luo!"

Ji Siying's warm, gentle voice filtered over the phone.

"Siying, I need you to help me apply for a passport. I need to go to Mei Nation," Xiao Luo instructed.

Ji Siying was a little puzzled. "You're going to Mei Nation?" she asked.

"Yes, I am. The genetic engineering facility in Ri nation is linked to Mei Nation, so I'll be going over there to deal with the people involved," Xiao Luo replied. Everyone had to own up to their own mistakes, and he would hold anyone related to the genetic engineering experiments accountable. None of them would escape.

"I see."

Ji Siying responded and nodded, knowing only too well that Xiao Luo would not relent once he had made up his mind. "Stay safe."

"Mm," Xiao Luo responded, then hung up.



Right before he left, Xiao Luo went to Takahara Kei's funeral.

It was drizzling on an early misty morning, and the memorial park was serene.

There were many people present at Takahara Kei's funeral, and they were all dressed in black. They had a white flower pinned to the lapels of their jackets and held black umbrellas. They were associates, business partners, close friends, and relatives.

From afar, Xiao Luo could see Takahara Keika placing a bouquet of white flowers on top of the coffin before falling into the embrace of an aged lady, sobbing pitifully. The lady could not stop her tears from flowing either.

Xiao Luo was not too sure why he came here—perhaps he just wanted to have a look. Takahara Kei was the only target he did not want to take out. Perhaps, if the man had not committed suicide, Xiao Luo might have let him off the hook.

But one thing had formed in his mind.


Xiao Luo's expression of respect came from the bottom of his heart.

He was a man willing to put aside his pride and plead for time, for the sake of his daughter. This act of selflessness deserved the highest respect. Xiao Luo had had no intention of causing trouble for Takahara Kei after he left that day, and what he had said to the man had been nothing more than harsh words in the heat of the moment.


When the funeral service ended, those who paid their respects took their leave, one after the other. Only then did Xiao Luo finally step out of the shadow and make his way slowly toward Takahara Kei's grave.

The black-and-white photograph of Takahara Kei captured his benevolent smile. His deep sense of guilt caused him to resort to suicide to atone for his part in inflicting untold suffering to those who died in the experiments conducted by the genetic engineering facility. Xiao Luo recalled a revealing part in his article, entitled "On the Crimes of Ri Nation," where he wrote: "If I am to die soon, then I would rather lay in eternal slumber bathed in the brightness of divine light, and far away from the shadows. Flowers will sing hymns to soothe the soul of a criminal like me, as mourning spirits perch upon beautiful autumn leaves."

"I, Xiao Luo, am here to congratulate you, Mr. Takahara. May you have a good journey!"

Xiao Luo bowed his head respectfully in front of Takahara Kei's tombstone, sending this heroic spirit off.

He turned and was ready to leave when he suddenly saw a figure standing in the distance, dressed in black with a white flower pinned to her chest. She has a beautiful countenance and eyes that sparkled like starlight. She had an innocent, yet melancholic air that lent her an elegant demeanor.

It was none other than Takahara Keika.

Xiao Luo froze and then headed off in another direction and pretended not to see her.

"Thousand-faced murderer, Xiao Han!"

Takahara Keika threw her umbrella aside and screamed as she dashed toward him, gritting her teeth. As she did so, she pulled out a sharp dagger and brandished it in her hand. In her mind, there was nothing but vengeance.

But she was no trained assassin, and there were too many weaknesses in her attack!

Xiao Luo took one step back and evaded the attack, and then lightly tapped his fingers on the blade.


The mere touch of his fingers resonated in a metallic ring as the blade quivered violently, and Takahara Keika felt a flashing pain in the crook of her thumb. She released her grip on the blade and it immediately flew out of her hand. The tip of the blade pointed plunged into the soft earth, leaving the knife sticking out of the ground not too far away from her.

After she recovered from her shock, she clenched both of her fists and flailed her arms crudely, striking at Xiao Luo.

"Bring my daddy back to me, bring him back!" she shrieked as she continued to hit Xiao Luo. This delicate, young girl had suddenly turned into a feral wildcat clawing aggressively at its prey.

Xiao Luo held on to the umbrella, easily parrying Takahara Keika's uncoordinated attack. It was like a walk in the park for him, and he wasn't troubled at all.

Takahara Keika went on for about five more minutes before she got tired and sat on the ground, wailing pitifully, "Bring my daddy back to me, bring him back!"

She was soaked in rain, and locks of wet hair clung onto that beautiful face of hers. Her tears mixed with the rainwater as it washed down her face, making a mess of her makeup. Of course, she knew now that this Mie was the Thousand-faced Killer, Xiao Han. It was ironic to think that she had once fallen for this cold-blooded murderer.

Xiao Luo lowered his head and looked down at her. "I didn't kill your father," he said.

"Maybe not, but you forced him to his death!"

Takahara Keika looked up viciously and spat, "He wouldn't have swallowed those sleeping pills and taken his own life if not for you, and he would still be alive. You're an executioner with blood on your hands, and you won't die a peaceful death. I will curse you to the deepest level of hell!"

Xiao Luo was quite taken aback by her words, but he merely smiled. "Even if I were the one who killed your father, what can you do about it, aside from running your mouth here?"


Takahara Keika bit her lips and stared balefully at him.

Xiao Luo laughed coldly. "All you have ever done was waste your life away, visiting bars and partying. Your father was the wealthiest man in Ri Nation, and you? You're just a good-for-nothing. Without Takahara-san, you are nothing at all. There's nothing you can accomplish, and all you can do is to sit on the ground and cry like an overgrown baby. You're weak, incompetent, and childish. They say children are a chip off the old block. Takahara Kei was a towering skyscraper, but you are nothing more than a moldy brick that will never amount to anything much."

His words hit Takahara Keika like a freight train.

Her gaze wavered, and her eyes instantly turned red as Xiao Luo's words left her dignity in tatters.

Xiao Luo's expression suddenly changed. He looked like a villain as he squatted beside Takahara Keika, grabbed her collar, and pulled her toward him. "You want to take revenge on me? Sure, come on then. You're welcome to seek me out once you're skilled enough, but I suggest you wise up and save yourself the embarrassment. Do you know why I didn't kill you, even though I enjoy killing so much? It's because a piece of trash like you isn't worth killing and you will only dirty my hands!"

He let her go after saying his piece, casting her to the ground.

Takahara Keika laid on the ground. She was too afraid to even move a muscle, as if her soul had left her body. She stared with fear in her eyes, looking helpless and pathetic.

At that moment, a middle-aged lady was seen making a phone call not too far away. Then she cut the call she was on and, though visibly terrified, she called out to Takahara Keika and ran toward her.

Xiao Luo knew that she had called the police, so he did not linger. He immediately stepped away from Takahara Keika and left. After walking about 10 meters, he turned back and looked at Takahara Keika, who was still there in the rain, in a state of despair. He heaved a sigh. He had not meant to say such things to her. He had only wanted to plant the seed of hatred for him in her mind—this was the only thing he could do for Takahara Kei.


Several police vehicles arrived, and there was also a helicopter flying in from the distance. The army and the police force were working together, on high alert and ready to respond to any news about the Thousand-faced Killer, Xiao Han. When they received the call, their response immediately.

Xiao Luo broke into a sports car parked around the memorial park, and then he drove it into the city. He had already received his new passport and identity and planned to head to the airport right away. He would fly to Mei Nation from here.


The helicopter above him fired guided missiles as the police cars that were hot on his tail opened fire at him as well. Police and army vehicles had him surrounded in every direction.

It was a well-coordinated assault!

Xiao Luo's lips curled up into a smirk. He steered the sports car calmly, swerving and evading the guided missiles and gunfire effortlessly.

"Did you get the bast*rd?"

Anpei's voice came through the radio. He was overseeing the operation himself from the joint-operation headquarters that the police and army shared. His broken left arm was now in a plaster cast, but he blocked off the pain as he made his way to the headquarters, accompanied by Oshima Jun and the old police chief. His hatred for Xiao Luo was deep, and this had now become a personal vendetta. He wanted nothing more than to tear the man apart, limb by limb.

"No, Sir. We have not. The target is very skilled at driving, and he has managed to evade everything we've thrown at him! And now, he has even ramped up his speed to 200 miles per hour. We cannot get a clear shot on the target," the frantic voice of a soldier transmitted over the communicator.

Anpei flew into a rage and scowled, "You useless idiot! You are all nothing but worthless rubbish. If he escapes again this time, I'll make you lot disembowel yourselves!"

The voice coming from the communicator faltered as the soldier did his best to respond, "Yes, Sir!"

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