After The Rain.

By AngelWolf228

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"Alejandra." "Christopher." Alejandra Cloud was an anxious,quiet,shy,sweet girl who was a loner who alway's h... More

Author's Note.
Prologue: The Story Of How We First Met.
Chapter 01: The Scent Of Rain.
Chapter 02: The Sound Of Rain.
Chapter 03: The Sound Of Raindrop's.
Chapter 04: The Moon And The Rain.
Chapter 05: The Moon Within The Rain.
Chapter 06: The Moon And The Rain Would Soon Fade Away.
Chapter 07: It Was Alway's The Rain.
Chapter 08: It Was Alway's The Rain And You.
Chapter 09: The Heart And The Rain.
Chapter 10: Love In The Rain.
Chapter 11: Between The Raindrop's.
Chapter 12: When It Rain's,There's A Rainbow.
Chapter 13: The Sound Of Rainfall.
Chapter 14: Rainfall.
Chapter 15: Rain Must Fall.
Chapter 16: Me And You,The Rain.
Chapter 17: Bloom In The Rain.
Chapter 18: Bloom Into The Rain.
Chapter 19: A Moment Of Silence Of The Rain.
Chapter 20: Autumn And Rain.
Chapter 21: Fall And Rain.
Chapter 22: The Other Side Of The Rain.
Chapter 23: The Shimmering Rain.
Chapter 24: The Withering Rain.
Chapter 25: When It Rain's,It Pour's.
Chapter 26: Beauty In The Rain.
Chapter 27: The Silence Of The Rain.
Chapter 28: When Will The Rain End?
Chapter 29: Within The Rain.
Chapter 30: Reflection In The Rain.
Chapter 31: The Rainfall.
Chapter 33: Alone In The Rain.
Chapter 34: Set Fire To The Rain.
Chapter 35: After Dark,The Rain.
Chapter 36: Where Will The Rain Go?
Chapter 37: Rain And Winter.
Chapter 38: Change And Rain.
Chapter 39: In The Rain.
Chapter 40: Beautiful Rain.
Chapter 41: Rain And Spring.
Chapter 42: California In The Rain.
Chapter 43: My Moon And Rain.
Chapter 44: The Beach And The Rain.
Chapter 45: It Can't Rain All The Time.
Chapter 46: It Will Rain.
Chapter 47: Me And You,In The Rain.
Chapter 48: Oh,Rain.
Chapter 49: Runaway In The Rain.
Chapter 50: My Rain.
Chapter 51: Raining.
Chapter 52: The Rain Was Alway's With You.
Chapter 53: Me And The Rain.
Chapter 54: Rain,Rain,Go Away.
Chapter 55: Reflection's In The Rain.
Chapter 56: My Beautiful Rain.
Chapter 57: The Beautiful Rain.
Chapter 58: The Rain.
Chapter 59: Your My Rain.
Chapter 60: Your The Rain Within.
Chapter 61: The Golden Light Of The Rain.
Chapter 62: Rain.
Chapter 63: The Rainy Day.
Chapter 64: Refrain.
Chapter 65: After The Rain.
Epilogue: After The Rain,After The Storm.
Q And A.
Thank You All So Much!

Chapter 32: A Moment In The Rain.

136 10 0
By AngelWolf228

[[Word's: 5076.]]

The body say's what word's cannot.

Alejandra Cloud.

Monday Morning,the teenage girl had gotten dressed,and ready for the day because she was finally going to School today.

It's been a week since she hasn't been to school ever since what happened at The Halloween Party.

She was lucky that her parent's didn't know anything about the stair's incident or what happened a week ago when she knew that keeping this from her family was bad,but,she couldn't take the risk.

If her parent's knew about this,the teenage girl knew that they would drive down to The School,march into The Principal's Office,and demand to have a long talk as thing's would be more chaotic than it already is.

Her Granny wouldn't back down and her Mother wasn't going down without a fight because that's how they were,really.

Alejandra Cloud And Deborah Cloud.

After getting dressed,the teenage girl walked into the hallway,made her way into the kitchen,and saw that her Granny was sitting at the table,having a cup of hot coffee.

Good Morning.

Good Morning,what are you doing up so early?

The teenager knew her Granny was going to ask that certain question and already prepared for this,she has to respond.

I'm going to School today. Alejandra said,pouring herself a cup of hot coffee. I haven't been to School in a week,i think it's time for me to head back,don't you think?

Yes,your right,but,are you sure you? You've been sick,i don't want your cold to get any worse or anything.

I didn't really get a cold from being in this weather,my allergie's were up,making me feel like i really did get sick. Well,i was thrown at the deep end of the pool,and this is how i got my bad allergie's. Thank you,God. I guess you really are my side,after all. Don't worry,i'm all better now. I feel like a million buck's.

Alejandra poured in the cream,a little of milk,and put some sugar into the mug as she used a spoon to stir up the coffee.

I'm glad Selene was able to bring me my School work or else,i would have done my homework this week,instead. Not only that,School will be going on break soon since Thanksgiving is coming,and i can't wait.

Okay,then. If you so say,promise me you won't overdo it,okay?

I promise.

The teenage girl had a cup of hot coffee and for breakfast,she ate a granola bar,and putting the mug into the sink,she walked over,and kissed her Granny on the cheek.

See you later.

See you later,Honey.

Alejandra Cloud.

Phew,that was close.

The teenager put a sweater on since it was a little bit cold outside,put her backpack on,and headed out the front door to see if her Boyfriend was out.

Walking over next door,there was no sign of Christopher,she decided to wait until he came out.

Oh,he's not here yet. I guess i beat him.

The teenager stood right by the front door and holding onto her backpack strap's,she thought about what she'll be doing with her family for Thanksgiving.

Alejandra Cloud And Christopher Mendibles.

I'll see you later.

The teenage girl heard Christopher's voice and seeing the front door being pulled open,he stepped out of the house,locking the door behind as he spotted his Girlfriend.

Good Morning,Alejandra.

Oh,good Morning,Christopher.

Are you ready to head out?


The Two walked over to the car,got inside,and he began to turn the engine on as hot air was starting to kick inside of the car.

I'm so glad that your coming to School today. Christopher backed the car out of the driveway to his car and began to drive out onto the road. How are you feeling today?

I'm feeling fine,it has been a week since i haven't been to School.

Oh,yeah. I've been meaning to ask you,how were you able to stay home from School in a week without your parent's noticing?

It was hard to convince them and when i got pushed into the deep end of the pool,my allergie's had flared up pretty badly. My parent's thought i had a bad cold,only,it wasn't a cold at all to begin with.

Oh,i see. It was a bit cold last week,are you sure your able to go to School,though?

Yes,i am here,aren't i?

You are,i just don't want you to force or make yourself go to School.

He act's like my parent's,i find it comforting,and Cute. Teddy Bear,you don't have to worry. I'll be fine as long as i take it easy.

Teddy Bear,is that a new nickname she's given me?

Beside's,it's not like we're going to do anything drastic today,right?

Hmm,now that you mention it,i don't think so. We probably won't have P.E. today,we might have something else,instead. We might be able to watch movie's or possibly do something else.

The teenager heard him and looking over to the window,she looked out of it,seeing that there were only a few people were out early this Morning.

I hope it doesn't rain today,they say it might. Christopher said,making a right turn. If we keep getting more rain,it's going to be so cold outside.

Hmm,it is Fall,after all. I don't like the cold,my Rheumatoid Arthritis make's my whole body hurt.


Yes,that's why i hate Winter. It suck's having this condition,it make's me feel useless,and weak. I feel like a bitter,Old,woman.

Hey,your nothing like that. To me,your a Beautiful,and Pretty old woman.


She laughed softly with a smile and smiling,he was glad that he could make her smile as the two were almost to School.


Alejandra Cloud.

When Christopher and i made our way inside of The School building,i made sure that Tyrone wasn't around,which he wasn't.

I keep forgetting that he has a few classe's of mine and it suck's i have to see his face because i don't want to be around him.

Once it was First Period Class,i was seated at the back of the classroom with My Boyfriend,and then,the devil himself came in.

As he walked into the classroom,his eye's were locked onto mine when i averted my eye's very quickly,hoping that he didn't see me making direct eye contact with him.

A bit scared,i didn't dare look back,but,i could have sworn that i felt his eye's were still on me.

I don't know if he was staring at Christopher next and seeing how i was,he reached over,holding onto my right hand for comfort as i held his hand back in return.

We let go of each other's hand's because First Period was starting,meaning,the day had just begun.

So far,today was going good,but,i knew that something would happen.

Once P.E. Class began,i saw that someone was watching me from afar,and can you guess who it was?

If you guessed Tyrone,your wrong.

No,it was Dominic Young,he was staring at me when P.E. Class had started.

I didn't know what was the meaning of this,i did catch him staring at me for a few time's now,and when i looked at him,i couldn't read his face.


I couldn't read his face,there was expression or feeling behind that face of his.

Ugh,why do girl's fall for bad boy's or the School bully?

Well,girl's like that who fall for guy's like those are in book's or in fanfiction's,and there is a happy ending.

Maybe,sorta,i guess.

It depend's on which book you read to their story.

I hate it even people stare at me and the reason to it is because i don't know what their thinking.

School had just started a few hour's ago and i already want to go home,i'll be able to leave this dump by the end of the day.

Christopher Mendibles.

I kept my eye's on Alejandra in case if Tyrone or his comrade's would try to do something.

I noticed how Alejandra saw Tyrone when he came into First Period and the way how she stared at him for only a few second's.

Fear was in her eye's,i could tell that she was scared.

I made sure that she was safe and by doing that,i remained by her side as the day was going good so far.

While i was keeping an eye out on her,i noticed that i wasn't the only One staring at her.

I saw that Dominic Young was staring at her,he was staring at My Girl.

I don't know why he was staring at her like that and the truth is,i didn't like it...

I wonder if she noticed it or not?

She probably has or probably didn't,i don't know.

Alejandra Cloud And Christopher Mendibles.

Around 11:00am,The Dream Couple were in The School Cafeteria,sitting together as The Two were waiting for their friend's to arrive.

Christopher noticed that his Girlfriend was looking around and seeing this,he knew who she was looking out for.

Baby,it's okay. Christopher assured her. You have nothing to worry about.

Oh,you-you saw me looking around,huh?

I did,i don't see the bullie's around so far.

Oh,they'll be around. I have this feeling that they will show up out of nowhere,that's how they are.

You know,i saw how Dominic was staring at you today.

She turned to look at him,a bit surprised that he had brought it up First since she wasn't the only one who thought of this.

I thought that i was the only one! Alejandra exclaimed,her eye's widening a little. He's been staring at me from afar,i don't know why,though. Ugh,i find it strange.

Beat's me,he sure has his eye's on you.

Well,he can stop staring because i'm not interested,and he should stare at someone else other than me. You don't..see him in Cafeteria,do you?

The teenager looked all around,seeing if he saw Dominic at all.

He's not here,i don't see him.

Thank God,i'm glad.

Aiden Campbell,Alejandra Cloud,Christopher Mendibles,And Selene Silvestro.

The teenage girl had taken a sip of her Strawberry milk and The Two Bestie's arrived at the table as they took a seat across their friend's.

It's so good to see you again,Ally. Aiden smiled,staring at her. How feel?

I'm..doing okay,i guess. I kinda wanna go home now.

How come?

Apparently,someone can't seem to want to stop staring at me,and once i tell you Two who it is,you'll be shocked.

Try us.

Dominic Young,that's who.

The Two Bestie's gasped,gaping at their friend as she nodded her head.

He's been staring at me almost half of the day and i'm not the only One who suspect's it.

I saw how the way he stare's at My Girl and whatever his problem is,he need's to knock it off. I'm getting a little annoyed with it.

That make's Two of us...

It's probably because he feel's bad about what had happened at The Halloween Party. Selene suggested,opening up her bottle of water. Did he have anything to do with The Halloween prank that Tyrone had pulled on you?

Now that i think about it,he didn't look like he wanted to be any part of it. The way how he was looking at me,i could tell that he wanted to say anything,something,but,he just didn't do nothing. He stood there,not saying anything...No,he didn't...He didn't look like he wanted to participate with the prank...And the way how he's staring at me today,is he..feeling remorse after what happened? Yeah,right...There's no way a guy like him would ever have a heart. I did hear him tell Tyrone that he needed to stop,but,he didn't listen.

The Two Bestie's looked at each other,while Christopher was staring at his Girlfriend,the three were hearing everything what Alejandra was saying to them.

Dominic didn't want nothing to do with the prank? Did i hear that correctly?

Thinking about this,the teenager let out a soft gasp,remembering what Pedro had said to him back at The Diner.

No way,he can't possibly have a crush on My Girl. There's just no way. Do you guy's think that Dominic might have a crush on Alejandra?

Alejandra slowly turned her head to look over at Christopher with a frown and suddenly,The Two Bestie's began to laugh.

Dominic Young having a crush on Ally? Aiden smiled,holding in his laugh. There could be a possible way that he might actually have a thing for our friend. I mean,look at her. Guy's like big girl's,she's got thick hip's,and a good personality.


Alejandra blushed in embarrassment,looking down at her tray,while Christopher stared at his friend in disbelief as Selene shook her head,agreeing with her Bestie.

I-I never knew that Aiden of all people would say something like that to me. Do you see me that way?

I do.

Oh,God,do you have a crush on me or something?

What? Of course,not. I love you as a friend.

Relief began to form and smiling,the teenager began to feel at ease.

Wait,do i really have thick hip's? Are they that ugly?

Girl,what? You do have thick hip's,i'd kill to have your's. Mine are a little thick,but,hey,God created us just the way that we are.

Amen to that,Bestie.

The two gave each other a high Five as Christopher chuckled softly.

I never knew that somebody would be jealous of my hip's,i never noticed it myself. I'm actually jealous of everyone...Aiden is so cool and forward,he doesn't care what anyone say's about him. Selene is so Gorgeous,Pretty,and skinny,i bet a lot of guy's have come up to her,asking her out as she turn's them down since she's into older men. Christopher..his family treat's him so good and kind,i envy that...My parent's sometime's annoy and bother me by a lot of thing's,i shouldn't be able to feel this way,but,i can't help that,now,can i? Lot's of people are envious and jealous of other people because they have better live's or look's,it can be other thing's,too.

So,what are you all going to be doing for Thanksgiving? Christopher asked everyone at the table. I'll be staying at home,helping My Mom cook.

I'll be doing the same thing,stay at home,and help cook with My Granny. Even the slightest mess up or mistake,i know for sure she'll shout,and yell at me as my Anxiety will rise up.

I'll be doing the same thing,too. I'm glad that My Older Brother will be coming home for Thanksgiving,he deserve's to have a break from work after working long hour's of the night.

That's good. I feel bad for Aiden,he barely see's his Brother. I would miss My Sister if i barely see her,we're practically close with each other. My Mom can see the real bond that we have,we've been close for as long as i can remember. She may annoy and bother me,but,she's My Sister,and i love her.

Alejandra was hearing their conversation and taking a sip of her Strawberry milk,she remembered something that was supposed to be happening before Thanksgiving.

My parent's and i will be staying at home,cooking. Selene smiled. Normally,My Dad would drink,and cook,My Mom,and Granny love to cook. It'll be nice to spend some time with our family member's,i sometime's don't see my parent's by how busy they are. What about you,Alejandra? Do you have anything to do that day?

Oh,yes. I'll be helping My Granny cook,i'll be staying at home like i alway's do.

That's good.

Aiden cleared his throat and The Dream Couple stared at him,wondering what was up.

Once we leave for Thanksgiving break,the four of us should do something together. Aiden suggested. Huh,huh? What do you say?

It sound's like a good idea to me,what do you guy's wanna do?

Alejandra thought about what Christopher had said and that this was Aiden's idea.

We could have a small get together. Selene said,shrugging her shoulder's. I actually had fun at The Ice Cream Shop.

And right after i fucked My Girlfriend out in public without us getting caught? I remember that night so very vividly,it's a shame i didn't get to spend the night at her house. I would have stayed more,i just didn't want to get us into trouble because both of our parent's will wonder what was going on,and us being teenager's,they'll know exactly what was up since..that's what teenager's do.

Ohh,i remember. Christopher and i..had sex out in public for the first time...I have to admit,having sex out in public really is exhilarating,Aiden did mention it to me before. Plus,we had a LOT of sex that night as well. Who can forget? Don't worry,we'll be able to think of something by the time Thanksgiving break come's.

The Two Bestie's nodded head's with a smile,while Christopher was staring over at his Girlfriend's way,trying to figure out what she was thinking about.


Alejandra Cloud And Christopher Mendibles.

Christopher,you really need to stop followng me around so much...

Since The Dream Couple were done eating dinner,Alejandra had to go to The School Library to help out,and knowing Christopher,he wasn't going to leave her side since he promised.

I just want to make sure that your okay. Christopher whispered softly. I promised that i would be by her side no matter what,i can't just leave her all alone. Here,let me help you.

No,thank you. I can manage on my own.

Are you sure? I don't mind helping.

Yes,i'm sure. Why don't you take a seat and wait for me until i'm done,okay?

I don't know,what if something happen's to you?

Nothing isn't going to happen to me,i'll clear my throat a bit loud for you to hear me. That way,you'll know for sure that i'll need your assistance to help me with my problem that i'll be facing. How doe's that sound?

I guess..that's okay.

Teenager began to make his way over toward's a table,he pulled up the chair,and say down in it as he watched his Girlfriend from afar.

Smiling with a wave,Alejandra was relieved that somebody wasn't following her wherever she would go.

Alejandra Cloud.

I feel bad that i told Christopher to not follow me,i had to be alone because it felt like i was suffocating as he was breathing down on my neck.

The teenage girl began to put book's back onto the book shelf where they belonged and while she was busy doing that,her eye's looked to the right side,seeing that Christopher was watching her still from afar.

Smiling,she looked away,walking to another book shelf that was a little far from where her Boyfriend was.

It's nice that he's keeping his promise and protecting me,he just..need's to keep a down a notch. I haven't even seen Dominic or Tyrone at all today,i find that very odd.

While putting the book's onto the shelve's where they go,she looked all around,seeing if there were one of the bullie's around when there were just a few teenager's around The School Library.

Wherever they are,i know their gonna show up. I just hope it isn't soon.

Christopher Mendibles.

The teenage boy was working at The Crimson Twilight and while he was working,he made sure that Alejandra was fine.

Noticing her,she was busy,taking a customer's order,giving them a friendly smile.

Staring at her from afar,his cheek's started to turn Red,and feeling as though that somebody was watching,he exclaimed because she turned to his direction.

The two stared at each other and then,she smiled at him,making her way toward's the back to the kitchen for Pedro to make the customer's order.

Once School was over for the day,i was glad because the good new's was that we survived a day without seeing The School bullie's.

The teenager took dirty bowl's and began to make his way to the back room of the kitchen to put the bowl's into the sink.

It didn't look like it was going to rain today,either. Oh,i wouldn't give to have A Moment In The Rain to come our way.

Placing the bowl's into the sink,he turned his head,seeing that Alejandra was staring at something,but,he couldn't quite tell what it is,though.

What is she staring at?

The teenager looked to the same direction where his Girlfriend was looking at and again,he didn't know what she was staring at.

There was no One around and furrowing his eye's,he let the matter go as he went back to work.

Alejandra Cloud.

It was almost closing time at The Crimson Twilight and the teenager offered to take the garbage out behind the back of The Restaurant.

I'll be right back.

Alejandra called out and opening the back door,she stepped out,making her way toward's the garbage bin as she heard the door close behind her.

Opening the lid of the garbage,the teenager grunted softly,putting the heavy garbage bag into the dumpster as what she didn't know that someone would come up to her.

Humming softly to herself,she closed the bin down,and then,she suddenly paused because something didn't feel right.

The atmosphere from outside was strange,while she looked to her right,there was nothing in plain sight.

Then,turning her to left,nobody wasn't there at all,but,what she didn't check was right in front of her.

Frozen dead on the spot,the teenager was hesitant to turn because she didn't know if someone was standing straight ahead.

Turning her body around,her eye's met a figure.

It was dark out and squinting her eye's a bit,she could tell that this was a male figure,but,she couldn't quite tell who it was.

H-Hello? Alejandra called out,trying to hide the weakness from her voice. W-Who's there?

The person didn't reply and then,her nerve's began to shake a little from fear because she didn't know what this person wanted or who was he.

Wh-Who are you? Why are they just standing there? Whoever you are,this isn't funny anymore. I'll have to inform my Boss to call the police on you.

Suddenly,the male figure began to make his way toward's the teenager,and uttering out a startled gasp,this made her jump a bit by surprise since the figure suddenly began to make his move.

Backing away a little,she kept her eye's on the person,and reaching her hand out to grab hold of the back door,the figure itself was getting much closer.

No,pl-please...Stay back! Alejandra declared,her eye's still remained on the figure. Is this it? Is this how i die?

Then,the teenager gasped because the male figure was Dominic Young.

Alejandra Cloud And Dominic Young.

D-Dominic,What The Hell is he doing here?! You...

He stared at her,his eye's locked on her's,and she didn't know what he was doing here at The Diner since The Restaurant was closing soon.

What The Hell are you doing here? Alejandra's anger was starting to come and looking around,she wondered if he was really alone or not. What is he doing here? This is just great,now,he know's where i work.

I wanted to come and see you.

Huh? Excuse me? Did i hear him correctly? Why did you come here to see me?

Crossing her arm's over her chest,her eye's narrowed at him.

I wanted to talk to you,i tried to talk to you all day today,but,it look's like your Boyfriend didn't want me to be around. Dominic said,looking around,his eye's back at her. Listen,about what happened at The Halloween Party--

This Bastard...If he's here to apologize on Tyrone's behalf,he's got another thing coming. What about The Halloween Party? You and your so called friend's have done enough as it is,what more do you want?

He could tell that she was mad and upset about the whole Halloween prank still since he didn't blame her.

I'm sorry for what Tyrone did to you. Dominic looked down. He shouldn't have done that and i didn't know he would do this,i just thought that he was going to throw you in the pool,not the deep end.

The teenage girl was hearing everything what Dominic was saying and not impressed by this apology of his,she wasn't buying it.

If your sorry about it,then,why isn't that asshole apologizing to me,instead? Alejandra asked,staring at him with concern. Why hasn't he come to apologize to me? Is he that heartless to even say anything?

That's just how he is.

No,that's how you all are.

He looked up,staring at her,hearing her talk back.

You both bully innocent people who haven't done nothing to you at all,you two don't care how badly it affect's that person,do you?! Alejandra cried out,her whole body shaking as tear's were formed at the end of her eye's. Why do you Two have to bully me the most? You Two bully me badly,you've been bullying me for Three year's,and now,it's Four...

The teenage boy stared at her in disbelief,his hand's were burried in his pocket's.

I-I thought were just like him,i thought..i've misjudged you tried to tell Tyrone to stop with what he did that day at The Halloween Party,but,he didn't listen...I heard,i heard everything what you were saying to him...

Dominic tried to say something,he just couldn't get the word's to form right out of his mouth.

Why? Why did you do it?



Alejandra Cloud And Christopher Mendibles


Turning to where her Boyfriend was standing by the back door of the kitchen,he stared at her.

Then,she turned her head to where Dominic was standing,but,to her shock,he was gone,long gone.

Are you okay? Christopher ask,walking up to her. I could have sworn i heard someone shouting,was it you?

Where did he go? Oh,th-that was me. I-I'm sorry.

Are you okay? Why did you shout? Did someone hurt you?

The Dream Couple stared up at each other and seeing the tear's at the end of her eye's,she wiped them away quickly,hoping he didn't see it.

There-There was a cockroach on the side of the dumpster. Alejandra lied,not wanting to tell Christopher who was here. There's no way that i can't tell him who was here just now,he'll just freak out more than he already will. I-It was so big,it scared me.

Are you scared of cockroache's?

Yes,how can God himself make something so..creepy,and ugly?

I don't know..

The wind began to blow and the air was a little cold as she hugged herself when he wrapped his arm around her,causing her to come closer toward's his way.

We better head back in,you might get sick for real this time. Christopher informed,the two making their way back inside of The Restaurant. Baby?


I love you.

The two were inside of The Restaurant and staring up at him,she smiled a little.

I love you,too.

Hiding her troublesome face,the teenage girl wanted to know the reason why Dominic tried to stop Tyrone at The Halloween Party before being pushed to the deep end.

Pushing those thought's away,the two had to close up The Diner for the night.

Alejandra Cloud.

The next day was Tuesday,i didn't tell Christopher what happened last night.

I couldn't tell him,i wanted to,i just couldn't.

I kept rethinking about the conversation that i was having with Dominic,i could tell that he was sorry.

I didn't want to hear it from him,i wanted to hear it from Tyrone Johnson himself.

Of course,he doesn't have the ball's to even apologize since his ego is bigger than dating all the girl's at School,and he only care's about is himself as he doesn't have a heart.

In fact,there's nothing in that chest of his,and all you can find is one Black hole full of nothingness.

Was it wrong of me not to tell Christopher about what happened last night?

Yes,it was wrong of me because i didn't want him more concerned,and worried about me than he already is.

I'm the cause of him falling down the stair's,his cast getting wet,him getting into a fight,and the Black eye...

It's all my fault,this is all my fault...

Christopher has been getting hurt more than i have,he doesn't deserve this at all,and yet,he doesn't care what happen's to him as long as i'm okay.

I don't want him hurt,i'd rather be hurt because seeing the one's that i love end up getting hurt,hurt's me the most as i didn't know..when the person who care's,and love's you with a hurtful look could ever break a person...

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