I will love again

By inchen1100101

62.5K 2.1K 2K

Gabriel and Nathalie becoming a little closer each day, while the sexual tension between them builds up, and... More

Part 1 - Needless Excitement
Part 2 - The Couple's Special
Part 3 - It's in the past
Part 4 - Hot Water
Part 5 - Spending the night
Part 6 - Early morning
Part 7 - Lost in the wild
Part 8 - All the way
Part 9 - A disgusting disgrace
Part 10 - All wrong
Part 11 - Distance
Part 12 - Breakfast
Part 13 - Comfort
Part 14 - (Dis)appointment
Part 15 - Secrets?
Part 16 - Don't leave me
Part 17 - A bit of family life
Part 18 - Sick
Part 19 - Nurse Gabriel
Part 20 - Shame and Suspicion
Part 21 - Back at work
Part 22 - Continuing the treatment
Part 23 - A confession?
Part 24 - Nathalie's last goodbye
Part 25 - My fault
Part 26 - Avoiding the truth
Part 27 - Why can't you just figure it out yourself?
Part 28 - Have you ever slept with...
Part 29 - Caught in the act
Part 30 - Do it the right way!
Part 31 - Teenager's advice
Part 32 - Glad you finally told him
Part 33 - Side effects
Part 34 - Averting the worst
Part 35 - A Nathalie design
Part 36 - Results and consequences
Part 37 - Confrontation
Part 38 - Too calm
Part 39 - Amélie strikes back
Part 40 - Valentine's Reunion
Part 41 - Only twelve weeks to go
Part 42 - Don't die, my love
Part 43 - Despair
Part 44 - Hope
Part 45 - Hospital issues
Part 46 - Complaints
Part 47 - Memory Path
Part 48 - Surprise
Part 49 - That isn't, how I imagined this
Part 50 - Too late
Part 51 - Bonding
Part 52 - Amélie again
Part 53 - Keeping her close
Part 54 - Nervous and overprotective Tom
Part 55 - Baby Blue's
Part 56 - No 'sweets' for Adrien
Celebration!!!update 2!!!!!
Part 57 - I almost forgot
Part 58 - A reporter in trouble
Part 59 - Routine
Part 60 - A little family vacation
Part 61 - Talking and walking
Part 62 - The tub is waiting, love
Part 63 - What am I supposed to do with that?
Part 64 - Precautions?
Part 65 - Back Home
Part 65 - Say what?
Not an update
Part 66 - Licking the chocolate ice cream
Part 67 - Future decisions
Part 69 - Training
Part 69 - Arguments
20k celebration update
Part 70 - Christmas dinner
Part 71 - What's wrong with you?
Part 73 - Pound it
Part 74 - Where are those the akumas when you need them?
Part 75 - I will love again
Advent special Part 1
Advent special Part 2
Advent special Part 3
Advent special Part 4
New Year's Special - Part 1
New Year's Special - Part 2
New Year's Special - Part 3
New Year's Special - Part 4
Valentine 2.1
Valentine 2.2
Be My Valentine, Valentine!
Welcome home
Happily ever after?
Don't let go
Eventually happy!
Emilie's Legacy
The Biggest Surprise
Becoming A Part Of Everything


161 9 15
By inchen1100101

A/N: I know, this story is supposed to be finished already, but I have been verbally attacked lately and I just needed a comfort chapter, something, that makes me feel happy again.

They had visited the new family member early in the morning, just the two of them and were now returning to the Agreste mansion, to pick up their youngest son, who had insisted on staying with his aunt Colette.

They actually had been glad, that he did, because after hearing about the little Valentine being born, their night had turned into a rather passionate one. Feeling the urge to spoil his wife, Adrien had made her some tea and a plate with some delicious, little snacks, not overall healthy, but not the junkfood, she had been asking for either. This was fresh, warm and contained a few vegetables, as decoration only, but still.

Marinette beamed at him widely, as she saw the miniature burgers, he had prepared for her to eat, while he was on the phone again, asking Nathalie, how his 'little' sister was doing.

"Nath said, it won't take much longer now!", he told his wife, as he returned to their bedroom. The pregnant woman looked up from her plate, her mouth full and still chewing, quickly taking a large gulp of her tea, so she could speak:

"That's great. Is everything okay so far? Will they do a c-section or go for a natural birth?"

"Natural! Nath said, she is handling the pain really well. And the baby's heartbeat is fine too, so they told her, it would even be better for the both of them like that!"

He looked at the woman in front of him pensively.

"Do you think, after having those two c-sections you can have a normal birth if you want to?", he then asked her.

"I don't know, Adrien. But I am going to ask Edouard in the morning, when we're picking up Hugo. As far as I know, it depends on, how good they did the previous ones and how well my tissue has healed afterwards. I am sure, he can tell me something more precise about that. Or us!", Marinette replied, then reached for another piece of sandwich.

"How are you feeling right now, Bugaboo? I know, I already start to get overprotective again, but I have a couple of weeks to catch up on, so I am just asking you, if you're okay with that!"

"Right now?", she mumbled, then swallowed quickly, "other than being still concerned about Leni and her little girl", she smiled mischievously at him, "and knowing, that we will have the first day off in ages tomorrow, I have that tiny urge, I would like you to tend to!"

He placed himself behind her on the bed, one leg on each side of her, his arms wrapping around her middle, when he started to speak right beside her ear, making her shiver, as he did:

"Well, I would really like to take care of your urges, M'lady, but not until I've gotten an answer to my question. How are you feeling right now? And don't say you're horny, I can tell that!"

"Fine!", Marinette groaned and leaned back against him, "I will tell you, but it is as I already said, the only issue I am struggling with, is the rather strong urge to throw up at the most inconvenient moments and places or situations. Remember that play at Hugo's school two weeks ago?"

He thought for a few seconds, than gasped and let out the air audibly.

"It was you?", he blurted out in shock, "the person who puked into the bowl, they wanted to actually serve the punch in?"

"Well, to my defence, I barely made it that far. I was lucky, the room with the dishes and cups was empty at that moment. I tried not to embarrass our son and Colette by throwing up on the floor in the corridor in front of everyone!"

Adrien chuckled and pecked the side of her neck.

"Anything else, my darling?"

She shrugged, then muttered:

"Only the usual, like urge to pee a lot, sore breasts, constantly trying to not rub myself off on my models..."

She giggled, already having foreseen his strong reaction.

"Relax, Kitty, I said trying not to! And so far, I succeeded. That might change though,, if my husband keeps me waiting while I have to tell him, how I feel!"

"Oh you.... devious, little...."

He rolled them over in a swift move and got on top of her, pinning her wrists to the mattress to see her beam at him widely, her eyes darkening lustfully.

The aroused man was about to press his lips to hers, when his phone chimed, and he took a quick look towards it.

"Well, look at the time, it's already one o'clock AM! Happy Valentine's day, M'lady!"

"Yeah, whatever! Look at your message! I am sure, it's from Nath!"

"Oh, yeah, damn I almost forgot!"

He quickly unlocked his phone and opened the message, his stepmother had sent.

"Oh Nath! Couldn't she just send a holographic image instead of this old fashioned one? I've seen, that she knows how to do that very well. Now I have to adjust my settings, before we can have a look!"

Marinette groaned at his helplessness and shook her head.

"Just send it over to my device, I have it set for both. I exchange pictures with Gabriel and Nathalie and with my mum often, so..."

"Fine!", he lamented and pressed the item on his screen. A moment later, the woman's phone beeped and she quickly rolled to her side and grabbed it from her bedside table. Only seconds later she squealed in awe and tears were filling her eyes.

"Look at your first little niece, Adrien!", she exclaimed and he scooted over while mocking her:

"You know, that Chloe has two children and Felix has at least the one we know about, right?"

"I meant with your real siblings, the one who weren't from some, well.....extra curricular activities! But now look at that little beauty! You only sent me the image, what did she write? Is the baby okay? What's her name? How big and heavy is she? Are there any issues? How's Leni doing?", the agitated female rambled on, making her husband narrow his brows.

"Marinette, gear down! I know, I am not supposed to patronize you, but just now, you need to calm down. I can tell, when you're getting close to passing out and you're already shaking from the excitement! Here, just take my phone and read it yourself! In the meantime I can have a look at my first real niece!", he tried to soothe his wife.

"Yeah, great!", she mumbled absentmindedly, having not even noticed, that he had just told her off. Usually she would have gotten extremely angry over that.

A couple of minutes passed, in which the couple laid in each other's arms and looked at the picture of the small, thin baby girl in awe. Only then the woman began to squirm and reluctantly moved out of her husband's arms.

"Toilet?", he just asked, remembering the very frequent walks to the bathroom of his beloved partner from her previous pregnancies very well.

"Yup! And I'm going to take a quick shower. I wouldn't mind, if you joined me there!", she hummed seductively.

"On the toilet?", he teased and she gave him a 'look'! "Just kidding, Bugaboo! I will follow you in a few!"

Now she grinned and turned on her heels to walk into the bathroom with swaying hips.

Groaning he watched her leave, feeling a familiar tightness in his pants, to which he quickly got rid of them and stood there only in his, by the very same woman designed, underpants, his slowly growing erection making the dark blue silk stand off of his body slightly.

He waited until the familiar sounds of the toilet being flushed and the water in the shower starting to splatter onto the tiled floor could be heard, then he entered the pretty, yet simple bathroom and closed the door behind him.

"Use the laundry basket!", Marinette shouted at him, when he just let his underwear drop to the ground and he hurried to pick it up again and do as he had been told.

His wife grimaced at him, when he apologetically looked to the floor, while walking under the hot water to join her.

"Sorry for that, M'lady! But I really would have picked it up later, I swear!"

"As if!", she scoffed. But then she shrugged and pressed her naked breasts against his chest and snaked her arms around him, her hands laying on the back of his neck, as she started to kiss him savagely.

It wasn't long until she could feel his tongue force a way through her slightly parted lips and into her mouth and his hands, which were until then caressing her back, slid to the front and he cupped her breasts to eagerly suck her warts, one after the other, into his mouth.

Marinette started to whimper loudly, as she felt his lips around her areolas and arched her back to give him better access, rubbing her intimates against his hardened member, making the worked up man moan.

"Oh God Marinette, I need you here and now. I wanted you so very much since the moment you told me about this new baby and tried to get off on my lap in my family's kitchen!", he groaned and looked down at her with a lecherous grin, "do you think, we can still do it here in the shower or would you rather go back to bed?"

She smiled at him seductively, as she replied:

"What about doing both, Minou?"

"Oh, I would really like that, purrincess!", he purred against her throat.

"Oh God, Adrien, just do something right now!", the almost painfully aroused woman begged.

He forcefully grabbed her thighs and lifted her up, to then push her back against the wall, his lips caressing her nipples again, while he slowly let her down on his painfully swollen length. The moment he pushed into her core, she cried out his name:

"Adrien, oh yes, you feel so good!"

Grunting from the effort to hold her up and thrust into her at the same time, he buried his face in the crook of her neck, feeling her heartbeat on his cheek as he did, while he kept breathing onto her skin, giving her another arousing sensation with that.

"Oh fuck, Kitty, this won't take long, just make me cum, Adrien!", Marinette squealed and began to grind on him, hearing his breath quicken and his thrusts became stronger with every one he did.

"Oh Marinette, I....don't think I can hold back any longer. I'm so sorry, but I can't oh shit, I ..... just cum with me, darling, show me how good I make you feel!"

He turned his head and sucked the sensitive skin of her neck into his mouth, his tongue teasing and licking, while he felt his member twitch deep inside his wife's depth and roared in pleasure as he felt his fluids spread inside of her, felt her tighten her grasp around him and her convulsive thrusts, which signaled him, that she too had found her release.

"Holy shit", she exclaimed, when he slowly let her back to her feet, "I think the last time, I felt like that, was when we were teenagers. Before Louis, I think!"

But Adrien countered:

"Remember the afternoon, you told me about Hugo? I think that time, was even better than just now. Though I think, we can still top that, once we go for a round two!"

"Actually, I feel like taking a little nap just now, Minou! Sorry for ruining any further plans!"

He cupped her face and kissed her gently, then picked her up bridal style, without even considering to use a towel first, and carried her to their bed.

"Don't ever again apologise, because you are tired, while you're growing a human inside of you! This was extraordinary already, so don't you dare and feel bad about anything, do you hear me?"

"I hear you and I love you, Adrien. And I am happy, that we're having another baby. Though the name will be difficult. I had the names of our other children planned since the day, I met you. But I never even considered a fourth name!"

"Sleep", he chuckled and tucked her in, to then scoot under the blanket and spoon her, "we have another thirty weeks to come up with a name, so no pressure, okay?"

"Okay!", Marinette hummed and pressed herself firmly against him.

In the morning she opened her eyes and was greeted by her husband's green eyes, looking down at her. He was smiling and bent down to kiss her forehead, then said softly:

"I brought you a little snack and some coffee. Maybe that helps with the sickness!"

Marinette smiled at him and replied hoarsely:

"I doubt it but I'll try, thank you, kitty! I love you"

"Love you too, Marinette. Now take your time, I've already spoken with father, he'll go to see the baby in the afternoon, so he'll be looking after Colette and Hugo until we're there. I told him, that I'll take the children with us, if you're okay with it, so he and Nath can enjoy their Valentine's together on their own. The first time since I'd say since they're together, because their first Valentine's, they spent with Nooroo and Duusu!"

Marinette chuckled, as she slowly sat up.

"Yeah, right! They deserve one on their own, And as we will have to wait another couple of years for it anyway...", she grinned and rubbed her lower abdomen very gently.

Adrien sat down beside her and pecked her cheek, then placed his hand nest to hers.

"Good morning, baby!", he cooed towards her belly, making her laugh.

She now looked at the nightstand and reached for the small piece of baguette, he had brought her, with just a bit of butter on it. After taking a bite, she took the coffee mug, eying him suspiciously, as she asked:

"How long have I been drinking decaf already?"

Adrien grinned sheepishly.

"To weeks, I think!"

"YOU! I could have had another coffee at work, if I had known that!"

He just ignored the outburst and asked:

"How's your stomach, M'lady?"

She shrugged, answering honestly:

"Good for now. Though I am pretty sure, this is going to change, once I get up completely, for the last weeks, I didn't get that far, so thanks for that already!"

"You're welcome my purrincess!"

She didn't make it without the puking, but it was less severe and less lasting than the times before and soon they were on their way to the hospital, to meet the latest family member.

After a gentle knock at the door, they heard Hélène's quiet: "Yes, come in!"

Then they entered the private room slowly, to see the young couple still lying in bed together, the tiny girl in between them, being warmed by her parents' bodies.

"Hi!", Marinette cooed, as soon as the door was shut behind them and rushed towards the bed to hug Leni carefully to not disturb the little one. "How are you feeling? And Nick, are you okay?"

The young man nodded. Adrien approached them too, yet kept his distance, to not make his sister feel uncomfortable, being still mostly naked. He smiled at her though and said:

"Hey little sis! How does it feel to be a mum?"

Hélène grinned and blurted out:

"Wonderful! If only we could take her home with us already!"

Marinette placed a hand on the younger woman's shoulder and stroked gently up and down.

"You were too small to remember when Emma was born, but it was just one week further into the pregnancy and we could take her home after two weeks, because she could breath on her own and really only struggled with the temperature. And well, there isn't the slightest problem, to place a bed like this in your room, right? If necessary, we will hire the doctors and nurses we need, so you can have her with you all the time!"

"That's sweet", the new mother replied, "but Nick had already taken care of that. As kinda soon partly owner of this hospital, he has made all the arrangements to be with her or take her with us as soon as possible!"

"Good job, dude!", Adrien said, patting his shoulder.

Marinette though couldn't wait any longer and pleaded:

"Now let me have a closer look at that little beauty, please. Oh my gosh, you are so cute, little Valentine! I know, I can't hold her like that, but can I touch her?"

Leni had pulled the blanket down a tiny bit so her sister in law could see the baby better. Now she was almost crying and couldn't wait to lay a hand on the newborn's back.

"If you take of your coat and shirt, you can as well hold her. She just needs to be on your skin and then you both have to be covered!", the young mother suggested.

"Really? I would love that, but only if it doesn't make you uncomfortable in any way!", Marinette enthused.

"Quite the opposite. Nick still feels a little too clumsy, to hold her completely on his own, so I would be able to go to the bathroom and maybe take a quick shower even, while you're holding her. I can't get me to leave her alone in that bed, so I need someone I trust, to keep her warm!", Hélène explained.

The older female chuckled and hummed:

"Well, I can understand that very well. Just give her to me, as soon as I found a cozy place in front of the heating. Thank you, kitty, that's a good spot for the chair. And now stop feeling flustered because your sister has been feeding her child and bring your niece over quickly!"

Adrien did as he was told, yet with a deep blush. Being reminded of how incredibly small his own daughter had been at her birth, he carefully, after taking off his coat too, picked his niece up and cuddled her into the crook of his arm, holding her close to his own chest, the blanket wrapped tightly around her. Then he placed her very gently on his wife's only with a bra covered chest and quickly spread the blanket over them both.

He had tears in his eyes, as he crouched down beside the chair and watch the pair.

"We'll be right back!", Nick said quietly, as he helped Leni get out of bed and supported her, while walking into the bathroom.

Adrien and Marinette both nodded, yet were so fascinated by the tiny girl, that they didn't care at all.

"Hello little beauty!", the pregnant woman cooed, "I know, it's way too bright, to open your eyes. Just keep them shut. You need your strength to grow and gain weight very soon. Don't waste it on looking at your aunt and uncle. Your cousin, Emma, was almost as small as you are, when she was born. And now she is an almost grown up, beautiful woman, who will love you just as much as we do. You will certainly meet the whole large Agreste family and your dad's mum, your grandma over the next couple of days. This afternoon, your other grandma and your grandpa will be visiting you, that I am sure of. And once Gabriel has you in his arms, he will have trouble to let go of you at all, as will I! But now, I want your uncle Adrien to take a picture of the three of us, so we can always tell you about this day and why you're called Valentine!"

"I love watching and hearing you talk to her. It reminds me of the time, you did the same with Emma. And Hugo. It was different with Louis. He was born mature and in a natural birth, you never were as clingy with him. Does it feel so very different? I mean, ...", he paused and looked at her.

Marinette shrugged.

"I can't really tell you. It felt different, but I don't know, what exactly caused it. Maybe it was the worries, we had because of Emma and Hugo, which made me so much more 'clingy' as you said. And well, Louis was born, when Hélène wasn't even two, the twins were just a couple of months old and we somehow raised those four all together until I got pregnant with Emma and couldn't do very much all of a sudden! Then the constant fear, having a very quick marriage in between, so you would be able to make any decisions in case of emergency. That all made me so much more protective over Emma. And with Hugo it was similar. I was so exhausted, when he was eventually here, that I tried to sleep as much as I could and as long as he was with me, on my body, he stayed calm and slept too. I still feel sorry for taking so much time with them from you!"

He pecked the top of her head.

"Don't be silly, Marinette. You needed this time with them. It was the time, I wouldn't have had anyway, if they had been in your belly until the actual due date. And now, stop making such a face and smile with me for the picture, yeah?", he said soothingly.

"You're right! But still, with this one", she rubbed her lower belly, "I certainly hope it will be different."

"I am sure, it will be, my love!"

After spending almost an hour at the hospital, they eventually made it back to the Agreste mansion, where Hugo was already waiting for them.

"Mum, Dad! I missed you!", he shouted towards them as soon as they entered through the doors,

Adrien caught him, before he could run into his mother and lifted him up to hug him tightly.

"You must be more careful with mummy from now on, Hugo!"

"Why's that? Are you sick?", he turned towards Marinette with a scared expression.

The emotional woman had tears in her eyes, as she crouched down and opened her arms to hug him tightly, while she was shaking her head and laughed at the same time.

"I'm not sick, honey. I am just going to have another baby in a couple of months and that means, I must be a little more careful especially when it comes to lifting things, that could be too heavy or being overrun by a very strong eight year old!"

The very strong made him beam widely. Then he looked his mother up and down, asking:

"Where are you hiding the baby? I mean, we could see, that Leni's belly was getting bigger every day, but yours is, as always!"

Adrien laid an arm around his son's shoulders and started to explain, that this baby was still very small and needed some time to grow, but that his mum especially in the beginning would often feel sick and also tired.

Nathalie and the old doctor were just coming down the stairs and overheard part of the conversation.

"So you've come to a decision about the baby, I can tell. Congratulations. But please have that examination very soon, okay?", Edouard said sternly to Marinette.

"I told you, I already have an appointment for next week. But Adrien had another question last night and I told him, I would ask you, once we're here to pick up Hugo!"

"Well, how did you know, that I would still be here? And what's the question?", he wondered.

"Well, I was sure, you wouldn't leave before you could be certain that everything was alright with Hélène and the baby. So I figured, you would spend the night. Especially as Claire was also having fun at the party! Where did she sleep by the way? With the girls or in a guest room?"

"I haven't figured that one out yet! They were still celebrating in the early morning and we haven't tried to wake any of them for now!", Nathalie replied with a yawn.

"Long night, grandma?", Adrien teased her, as he laid his arms around his step mum and hugged her tightly.

She blushed and looked away, mumbling something like:

"So overwhelmed, Gabriel had another drink....needed comfort.....we were both so happy!"

Marinette started to giggle, as she heard that and teased her a little more:

"So Leni was right, when she said, you and Gabriel always start making out, when you're in a certain state. Did you have another drink too, after you got home?"

"Maybe!", Nathalie uttered.

"Weren't you about to ask Edouard something?", she tried to change the topic.

"Oh yes, uhm, Adrien wondered last night, when we heard about Leni going for a natural birth, if it was even possible for me after those two c-sections. So is it or should I go for another planned surgery?"

The man sighed.

"That's hard to tell right now. But there will be nine years in between, which makes it already a little more possible, as your body really had time to heal and built new tissue and muscles to hold together. But it will be a decision towards the end of your pregnancy most likely, so you'll have to be patient until then. But knowing this family, I guess, it will be possible, if you really wanted that!", the gynaecologist explained, "but now tell me, how's Leni doing? And how's the baby? I have only seen that one picture and I don't want to disturb them today already!"

Adrien started to grin, as he pulled out his phone and let them all have a look at the many holographic pictures, he had taken from Valentine first on Marinette's chest, then on Helen's and finally on Nick's when he had eventually found the courage to hold his daughter all on his own.

The physician smirked.

"She's taking after you, Nathalie! A stubborn, tough woman! I mean Valentine, not Hélène. We already knew that about her, right?"

They all laughed together. Then Édouard questioned:

"I think, it's time for us to leave anyway. Would one of you mind, finding Clarisse somewhere?"

"Well, when Gabriel and I went to bed, it was just her and Marcel in the dining room, cleaning up the worst of the mess together. All the others had already left or were in their beds. Marinette, will you have a look in Michelle's room? Maybe she went to sleep in there with her and Emma. I'll go for the guestroom next to the boys' room. No wait, Maurice and Oceane have been staying in there since they are together. They didn't want Marcel to accidentally walk in on them, if he decided to come home from university without telling anyone before. So, I check the other guest room, and the boys' room. She didn't sleep with you and Colette, I guess?", Nathalie asked Hugo and the boy shook his head.

"Nope! But I think, she went into the twin's room with Marcel!", he blurted out, before running back up the stairs, "I'll be with Colette as long as we aren't leaving!"

The adults stared at each other in shock.

Gabriel, who was just walking downstairs and towards them wondered:

"What's up with you? Did something happen?"

"I certainly hope not!", the old man groaned.

"Wait! Wasn't it you, who tried to set your granddaughter up with one of the boys for years?", Nathalie teased him.

"Sure I did. But not to go into the same bed at the very first night! You of all people should be well aware, how this would end in your family!"

Gabriel had quickly understood, what they were talking about and started to giggle.

"Come, great grandfather, let's get you a drink! Something strong, I suppose?", he mocked him and laid an arm around the man's shoulders to nudge him into the kitchen.

His wife watched them leave, then inhaled deeply, pleading:

"Would the two of you please go and have a look? I am not sure, if I want to walk in on one of the twins, doing.....that! I mean, it took them long enough, right?"

Marinette giggled and agreed in an instant.

"No problem, Nath! we will try to be very discreet!"

Adrien shook his head.

"You're staying down here! Even I could tell from the sound of your voice, that you were lying. It's really not very nice to make fun of a young man in a situation like that. We wouldn't want him to have issues because of that for the rest of his life!"

"Fine!", she lamented and followed the other adults into the kitchen.

Adrien quickly ran up the stairs and soon knocked hard on the door to his half brother's room.

"Marcel! Are you in there?", he called through the door, hearing a groan from the inside and some rummaging and stumbling until the door opened a tiny bit and the young man gazed outside.

"Adrien, what is it? Why would you wake us, I mean", he quickly looked behind him and corrected himself to, "me, I meant me!"

The older man quirked an eyebrow.

"Tell Claire to get dressed and come downstairs. Her grandpa would like to leave soon. And please, wipe that grin off of your face!", he demanded and let the boy stand there thunderstruck.

As he entered the kitchen, he couldn't help but smirk.

"I am sure, whatever they did, I scared them enough, to never do it again!", he mused and picked Marinette up to place her on his lap, as he took her seat.

Édouard stared at him open mouthed.

"Sorry doc, but I got the feeling you're just jealous, because you were the only one, who didn't get laid last night!"

Marinette was about to scold him, but the old man cackled and told him:

"Believe me lad, at my age, you're glad, if you get your eyes open in the morning. Most of the time, I don't even think about anything like that! Ask your dad. I am sure, he feels similar already at some days!"

He looked expectantly at the designer.

"To be completely honest, Édouard, I disagree with you. The very second I open my eyes and see my beautiful wife before me, I...."

"I get it! Maybe you should try to wake up beside my wife. That would stop that immediately", he slapped his hand to his mouth, then added very quietly, "don't mention that, when Clarisse is around!"

He made them all laugh out, when both twins entered the room, right behind Oceane and Clarisse.

"Good morning!", all four croaked sleepily, "who had the stupid idea of waking us already?"

With a grin Marinette looked at the boys and asked teasingly:

"Can I take your overall appearance as prove, that Louis isn't the only one, honouring the name Agreste anymore? At least you", she gazed at Marcel, "look as if you lost your...."

"Oh God, could you please stop!", the young man exclaimed and buried his face in his palms.

"Did you at least think about prot....", the old man began but was interrupted by his granddaughter:

"Could you please stop it too, grandpa? This is not a topic for a family breakfast or whatever you're doing right now!"

The young woman wiped her eyes and looked around.

"Why did you wake only us and not the others too? Why should they be allowed to well, I don't know, how far they went, but both girls are younger than we are and they aren't standing here and being made fun of!"

"What?", Gabriel and Adrien blurted out at once.

"Look at the hypocrites!", Marinette said quietly to Nathalie. Both being all proud, when their sons get laid, but when it comes to their little girls, they go all protective daddy mode!"

"Yeah, you're right! They should be ashamed!"

"Where are they? Don't tell me, they're all in Michelle's room?", Adrien pryed angrily.

"Relax, dad!", came from Emma, who just entered the room, "first of all, we didn't go that far and second, we were at least clever enough, to send the guys home in the morning, so we wouldn't be found in some compromising situation! And now let's have some breakfast. I am starving! Mum, you should set out on it maybe, you've gained a couple of pounds!"

"You little..."

"Shush, Purrincess, you shouldn't get yourself so much worked up right now!"

"Why's that?", Louis called from the other door that led into the kitchen, "are you pregnant?"

Blushing their parents looked at each other.

"Hey, I was kidding! Are you really?", he stared at his mother in shock.

Then he grabbed his girlfriend's hand and pulled her with him to hug first Marinette and then his dad.

"Congratulations. Though I really thought, well, never mind!"

Nathalie had noticed something in Louis gaze and pulled him to the side:

"What is it Lou? Is there anything, you would like to tell us too?"

"Me? No, grandma, what are you thinking about?", he tried to act all innocently.

"Lou? What did you mean, when you said, you really thought.....", his mother now directed her question at him, "don't you even start with considering me too old for having a baby too. Hélène already went their almost!"

He giggled sheepishly, then shook his head.

"I wasn't, though it kinda would mean the same in some way! But I think, today, it's Valentine's day and my little cousin has been born and we all should focus on that!"

"Lou?", Marinette's voice got threatening and stern.

"Not now, mum!", he pleaded with a just as serious look.

"When are you due?", Marion now asked the older woman.

Marinette sighed and answered:

"If my calculations were correct, I'm about ten weeks pregnant, so around the september nineteenth!" Then she suddenly had a hunch and added, "you?"

Both teenagers gasped and turned scarlet red.

"Well?", the pregnant woman pryed.

The young couple gazed to the floor, when Louis quietly told them:

"October 2nd!"

"Come here!", Marinette ordered and despite they were both shaking, they obeyed and stepped in front of her, to be pulled into a tight hug by the emotional woman.

"You could've just told us. You know, we wouldn't get angry about something like that!"

She then spoke directly to the girl:

"How are you feeling? Any problems? Come sit and eat. You shouldn't be partying so long by the way!"

Marion giggled a little bit.

"Lou said the same, that's why we went to bed before twelve even!"

"Well done son!", Adrien now said. But Marinette's right. You should have breakfast. All of you, no matter who got knocked up and who didn't. No matter who did go how far or lost his or her virginity. I just don't want to know. Let's just have breakfast and celebrate the day!"

Édouard just shook his head, over the lightheartedness this family handled news like that. He patted the chair beside him for his granddaughter. She sat down rather slowly, but with a smile as she pulled Marcel with her.

He gave the young couple a stern look.

"Did you or did you not use protection?", he asked directly.

"Relax grandpa! Knowing this family for so many years, it was the very first thing, we thought of, before anything else!"

The old man sighed in relief.

"That's good. Not that I would judge you, but...", he grinned at Gabriel mischievously, "I prefer to call Gabriel great grandfather before me!"

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