My Best Friends Brother

By MonroeThirty

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My Best Friends Brother - Book Three in The Forbidden Lust Series "You're my best friends little brother Mil... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 80
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 93
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 107
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 113
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 118
Chapter 120
Chapter 122
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 141
Chapter 143
Chapter 145
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 154
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 160
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 180
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 188
Chapter 193
Chapter 196
Chapter 197
Chapter 198
Chapter 199
Chapter 200
Chapter 202
Chapter 203
Chapter 205
Chapter 206
Chapter 207
Chapter 208
Chapter 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211
Chapter 212
Chapter 213
Chapter 214
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
Chapter 217
Chapter 218
Chapter 219
Chapter 220
Chapter 221
Chapter 222
Chapter 223
Chapter 224
Chapter 225
Chapter 226
Chapter 227
Chapter 228
Chapter 229
Chapter 230
Chapter 231
Chapter 232
Chapter 233
Chapter 234
Epilogue One
Epilogue Two
Epilogue Three

Chapter 187

873 37 3
By MonroeThirty


This stupid woman.

Why the fuck my brother puts up with her flat ass I have no fucking idea. She must have a golden fucking pussy or something because she's got him whipped more than any other woman ever has.

That's his weakness, thinking of women as people rather than the things they are.

Women were made to be used, God wouldn't have given them so many fucking holes if he didn't want us shoving ourselves inside every single one of them.

There are very few of them that are worth more than what's between their legs, and she's definitely not one of them. In fact, in all my life I've only ever met one that was.

Until she decided to reveal what a backstabbing little fucking cabrón she is, now I'm going to take her down too, along with her entire fucked up little familia.

"Who the fuck is she? Where the fuck is the little rich Thompson girl?" I wish my brother would just shove his dick in her mouth and shut her the fuck up, I can't wait to cave her fucking head in.

"There was a change of plans." I chuckle, looking over at Carlos as he starts to laugh too. We both know that we could have had the little perra as well but I knew who I wanted and why.

My little puta, she's already had to deal with nearly losing that girl so I figured it was time to turn the tables and take the other thing that matters to her most. I want to ruin her, making her watch what I have planned for her best friend will tear her down enough that she'll end up with nothing – leading her to fall right back into my arms, exactly where she belongs.

She won't walk away from me this time. Nobody else will ever fucking walk away from me without my permission again. I am my father's son.

May... She got it, I finally found someone who understood the way that I am and the way that my head works; someone who didn't run when I let them into my mind. I didn't let her see all the darkness but I know she would have embraced it, she has that same darkness too.

The black empty hole where most people have a soul.

She still has some of hers left but it's because it's tied to the people around her, without them to interfere, she'd be free to embrace the monster she's supposed to be.

We are going to rule this place together, as soon as I get rid of her family and my joto of a brother standing in my path of greatness, I will have her at my side as my queen. Mi Reina.

"Rici says they're here." I nod at Carlos as he puts his phone back in his pocket and walks over to open the outside basement door. Of course they got here on time, May knows better than to make me wait.

She is my favourite of all my whores. My perfect Puta.

"Mummy..." I look back over at the chingada madre on the staircase, but she barely even glances at this kid. I almost feel sorry for it, you'd never guess she was his mother, she looks at him like she doesn't even know him never mind fucking loves him.

When she told me to take him even I was taken aback, to do this to your own child just to secure the money of his family... even for me that's cold.

She's nothing like my mother. My mother was fierce, she knew how to raise tough sons that would survive even if she didn't. Watching Liam now, she would've beaten this crying cabrón from birth rather than suffer such weakness in her familia, she would've made him strong just like she did me.

She was the true leader here, everyone respected Papá but they feared Mamá. She was the only one he never laid a hand on, even when he put the bullet in her head he still couldn't bring himself to lay his fists on her body. That's how a man is supposed to treat his true woman, with honour.

He didn't want to kill her, he didn't have a choice. She broke the rules, disrespected him and God, so he had to put her where she belonged. He gave her a merciful death, that's all she would've wanted. Jackson didn't see it that way, sliced through my father in his sleep that night like he was a freshly cooked steak. He kept saying he did it for us, but really he did it for him. He's always been a power hungry coño!

That's why he won't let me move up here, keeps saying he's trying to protect me from this world, making me play ball and go to fucking basketball camp like I'm some pathetic fucking teenager instead of letting me step up and take my birthright.

He won't let me in, so I have no choice, I have to take it from him.

I'll do it with a bullet and look him in the eye as I do, like a man, not like he did with our father. I'm no pinche cobarde like him that would kill a man in his sleep.

Twirling my knife between my fingers, I approach the sniffling child pleading with his life giver for help. This was the last thing my mother ever gave me, it feels rather poetic that I should shove it into Chrissie's kid and relieve her of the burden she never fucking wanted. He may appreciate being free of her too.

"You want your mommy little boy? You want mommy to come give you a hug?" Look at this mierda, didn't put up so much as a fight when we shoved him into the car, only tried to protect the girl. My mother would have strung me up for showing such fucking weakness, he needs to get stronger and there's only one way for me to do that for him. "Your mommy doesn't want you. From the sounds of it, nobody wants you... Except for that joto uncle of yours, I bet he really likes to touch you... I bet he gives you a very special hug every night doesn't he?"

Laughter echoes from behind me, I may be a fucked up cunt that doesn't hold any value on anybody else is life, but at least I'm not willing to sacrifice my own fucking hijo so I can get my hands on enough cash to escape the country... this mamóna is beneath even the street rats offering me their cunts for fix.

She is even more stupid if she believes I will give her so much as a fucking peso when we get it. This was all her idea and I just needed someone to pin the bodies on if we get caught, it's the only reason she's still breathing. She will see no money, but I do plan to drag her body through the streets chained up to the back of my fucking car. After my boys are done with her of course, tits like that shouldn't go to waste.

"Get the fuck away from him!" Hope shouts, finally looking at me after spending the last twenty minutes staring at the fucking floor. The smell of iron coming off her is fucking intoxicating, the boys barely roughed her up but she's bleeding everywhere. Not as much as she will be later though, I plan to litter this floor with her insides. I've always loved the smell of blood.

I take a step back, watching her trying to give any kind of comfort to the boy in the seat next to her, rolling her hands around and around inside the tightly wound ropes that tie them both to the chairs but she knows as well as I do that she isn't getting out of here.

No one escapes me, it's a lesson she will be teaching her best friend very shortly.

She attempts to whisper some kind of comfort to the snivelling little rodent but I grab hold of her chin, slamming her head back and hearing her neck crunch before placing the cool flat side of the blade against her cheek.

"Wow, didn't know you could be so feisty little perra." I guess my woman has had a influence over her, that's good to know. She's a pretty thing, not like May, more innocent. I bet she's fallen asleep every night since the day May introduced us with her hand inside her wet panties, thinking about what would happen if I'd just let my attention slide over to her even once.

I move my hand to the back of her neck, pressing my body against her so she can feel my dick grazing her chest. She shivers but I know she wants this, good girls like her are always desperate for a man like me to come along and turn them into a woman.

Should I fuck her before I kill her, or after?

She seems like a fighter, having one of the boys put a bullet through those broken ears of hers as I unload myself into her blood smeared body feels like a good compromise.

"I'm going back upstairs, it stinks down here. It's going to get worse when that little cunt pisses himself so you can deal with that shit, I'll keep Jackson busy, just get the cash." Me vale madre, just fuck off, your voice is making me go soft again.

I hear Chrissie walk back up the staircase, probably swaying her hips like she's god's gift to fucking men, but any of my guys that could even stand her have already been through her twice already. She thinks she's special to Jackson but she thinks too highly of herself, right now she's just his flavour of the month. She's held onto his attentions longer than most but soon enough, even without me, he'd have put her back on whatever street corner he found her from, probably without her pulse.

"Diego." Carlos points towards the door on the side of the building, just in time for me to see it swing open and my queen to take her first steps down into the basement. I know she's going to be angry at me for this but I'm doing this for her; we'll get this money, we'll take over the business and have the life we should've always had.

I just need to break her first.

She'll forget all about how we got there when she's carrying my baby and loving me the way only two broken people can love each other. Me and her, our love story is only just beginning.

May can't look at me right now but she will, she is a fighter but it's what I love most about her. She's young, she'll mould. Papa got my mother pregnant at fourteen, I've been patient with May. That ends today.

Today I make her mine.

Her hair bobs as she makes it to the final step, she's got that mask up but I see through it like glass. You cannot hide your true self from me, mi reina.

Look at her... I haven't seen her for a few days but she's still so beautifully broken. Jackson told me to stay the fuck away from her but I can't, I watch her every minute I can. She is all I want, she wants me too, she's just too scared to admit who she is with all these maricón's around her making her feel like she needs to suppress the demon that lives within her.

That's not what I want, I want to share the blood on my hands with her, I want us to bathe in it together until death and life becomes one thing to us.

Sometimes love means pain, it means beating someone into submission so that they can finally accept who they are and what they are supposed to be to you. It's tough love, it's all I've ever known and it's all she'll ever know now too.

We will rule over this world together or we will see it burnt to the ground and become the royalty of the ashes. Either way, we will be each others eternally.

In life, or death. The choice is hers.

She tries to appear strong, she doesn't let a lot of people see the other side of her, but I see it start to breakthrough when she finally brings herself to look at me only to see me standing with my hand wrapped firmly around her best friend's throat.

She should be grateful, I could have picked the kid to go first.

"Puta, I've been waiting for you." Ricardo comes down the stairs after her, his gun pressed firmly against the head of May's hermano. I fucking hate that joto, he's a crime against God! I may be willing to kill kids and old women, but at least I don't fuck other men.

I will be welcomed into heaven with open arms, and piss down on him as he burns in hell.

The moment he spots the little boy he attempts to spring forward, so I let go of Hope's throat and quickly press the tip of my knife against the child's tiny chest. That made him stop, do not forget where you are you hijo de la chingada....

Sobs rage throughout the room as I press it in a little bit more firmly, the tiniest trickle of blood seeps out onto his sweet little Mario shirt, but you'd swear I'd already shoved the knife into his lungs from the way that he whimpers.

You aren't meant for this world small one... You are too weak. What I do today will be a mercy.

"Take a step closer and I will plunge this straight into his heart big brother." The verga grinds his teeth like he's ready to kill but there is nothing he can do which won't allow me to slice through this child first. "Now, let's take a seat and call that fancy bank of yours shall we fresa? I think it's time that we made that trust fund of yours a little bit lighter."

He looks at May but she's just looking at me. I've missed you too my puta. "The faggot you let fuck you near by? My boys have been looking for him... He appears to be, unreachable. It would be a shame if he were to miss my deadline, his baby hermano here would pay the price for that."

She finally attempts to open her mouth but when I press the knife in a little bit deeper and this ridiculous child starts to scream, she quickly whips her it shut again.

May has always had a way of telling when the time is to test me and when is best to silence yourself, she has learnt well.

She instructs her brother not to fight them as my men drag them both over to the chairs opposite and tie them up firmly. Her brother looks ready to plunge this knife into my chest... but all it does is fill me with beautiful images of him bleeding out on the floor.

"Diego, please. Can we talk? Just us?" My sweet ángel looks at me with nothing but love, does she believe I will fall for this act of hers? Does she not understand that I don't need her strong, I need her weak.

"I believe the time for talk is over mi amor, I have tried with you many times. You need to be punished now." I rip the knife from the kid's chest and watch big brother start to flail about in his chair trying to escape his restraints.

"Liam! It's okay little man, it's okay just-" I'm grateful when Rici uses some initiative and shoves his rag straight into this cunts mouth. I bet it tastes better than the cock he's used to swallowing anyway.

"Diego, please. I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I didn't answer you." May looks behind me at her best friend and I see the bonds that still tie them. The bonds I need to break.

I'm sorry to do this to you Puta, you have left me no choice. This is the only way you'll leave them, to be with me. You will be grateful to me for this one day...

Approaching May slowly, I lean down and hold her little face in my hands. She's so beautiful, so much more than even she realises. She does not see the men that look at her, the fire they have in their eyes when the think about taking her, I have killed so many of them already for the images I saw floating through their minds as they watch her. She will give herself to me only, I will not let another man take what is mine.


The money can wait. It's her I need now.

"Shhh..." I place my finger on her soft lips to stop her before leaning down and kissing them gently, she has the most delicate kiss, one filled with all the innocence of a child. She must know that I'm doing this because I love her. "You betrayed me mi amor, for that you must pay a price." She looks up at me with a hint of terror clear, even if she's trying to hide it. "Don't worry, I would never lay a hand on this body... It is not your body I wish to break."

It is your mind.

Carlos catches my eye, smirking at Rici before they both walk over and start untying Hope from the chair. May looks confused but it will all make sense shortly, Hope screams at the top of her lungs until Carlos gratefully shoves his hand over her mouth. She was about to make us all fucking deaf.

"Ah fuck!" I turn back to see Carlos shaking his hand, droplets of blood splattering everywhere as Hope continues to scream loudly. I can't help but laugh, she bit him! I appreciate a woman who puts up a fight, even of her fate is sealed.

He takes one look at her blood covered lips before striking her in the face with his knee, a move she really should've seen coming if she knew anything about him. She instantly falls to the floor with a crunch, bones clattering together as another child's sobs take over from her cries. May screams, shouting something to the kid to close his eyes as I grab the bitch by her hair and drag her to face her friend.

"Diego! Please... Let her go!" I can't do that my puta, you have to understand what will happen if you try to leave again.

Blood trickles from Hope's head, she's putting up so little of a fight now its hardly any fun... But it gets a lot more fun when I start to lift her skirt and look over at my May's polla sucking brother to see him almost in tears at what's about to happen to this little perra.

"Maybelline, you promised me something very special, something you kept from me. So now, now I'm going to take it from her instead."

Congratulations Hope, you're about to become a woman.

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