My Best Friends Brother

By MonroeThirty

342K 13.4K 947

My Best Friends Brother - Book Three in The Forbidden Lust Series "You're my best friends little brother Mil... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 80
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 89
Chapter 93
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 107
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 113
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 118
Chapter 120
Chapter 122
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 141
Chapter 143
Chapter 145
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 154
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 160
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 180
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 193
Chapter 196
Chapter 197
Chapter 198
Chapter 199
Chapter 200
Chapter 202
Chapter 203
Chapter 205
Chapter 206
Chapter 207
Chapter 208
Chapter 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211
Chapter 212
Chapter 213
Chapter 214
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
Chapter 217
Chapter 218
Chapter 219
Chapter 220
Chapter 221
Chapter 222
Chapter 223
Chapter 224
Chapter 225
Chapter 226
Chapter 227
Chapter 228
Chapter 229
Chapter 230
Chapter 231
Chapter 232
Chapter 233
Chapter 234
Epilogue One
Epilogue Two
Epilogue Three

Chapter 90

2.2K 85 3
By MonroeThirty

I just can't stop kissing him.

It's been a week and my body has the undying need to retrieve every kiss I've lost over the last seven days from his body.

He's mine. Every fucking inch of him, everything he has and everything he is, it's what I want. I fucking want him.

His lips are so tender from my consistent ambushes that as I pull his bottom one between my teeth I can feel the resulting shudder catapult itself throughout his body. My hands hold firm against his hips, keeping him pinned to the door even when I feel his desire to shift the dynamic of power between us both.

With mercy, I release his lip, but only to move mine to the corner of his mouth before bringing it down across his neck. I love the way the apple prominently bobs at the front of his throat when I reach the point where it connects to his shoulder. Here is his weakness. Slipping my hands under his shirt, I let them take in every curve and crevice of his immensely toned body before hooking them into the fabric and quickly raising it above his head.

My lips immediately connect back with his body as the block between us becomes discarded somewhere on my floor. I might have become lost in him completely if I hadn't opened my eyes and realised the skin beneath my lips resembled a deep purple rather than his usual pale caramel tan.

"Fuck..." I didn't realise how fucking bad his injury actually was, it's still like this after a week? I'm gonna kill fucking Jayce. "That's... Fuck, are you okay?"

It takes him a moment to realise I'm not putting my lips back on him, at which point he let's his closed eyes spring open before launching his hands out to grip my top and ripping me back into him.

"I was fucking fine until you stopped... Come here." He tries to reinitiate our lips into their wanting connection but I can feel the anger radiating all over my body at the site of what was done to him.

He needs to be more careful... We can't...

Pushing lightly on his chest with my palms, he falls back against the wood, smirking slightly when I raise my brows enough he knows I'm not letting anything happen without a proper answer. Rolling his eyes, he finally gives in.

"It's fine, it's more tense than it is painful. Look." He takes two fingers and presses them against his shoulder, the bruise momentarily disappearing beneath the pressure before he releases again. "See? I'm absolutely fine, unless you're planning on doing some acrobatic shit with me, I'm good."

I know he's kidding, but there's definitely a part of me that's scared I'm going to hurt him. Although I bet he's seriously fucking flexible...

Slowly running my fingertips from his wrist up his arm, I let them lightly stroke over the deep maroon injury. He doesn't so much as flinch, even as I apply slightly more pressure it only seems to increase his relaxation.

I know what he needs.

Taking the tense muscle that connects his shoulder to his neck, I pinch it between my fingers before slowly kneading through the joint. Almost instantly his eyes full shut and his head lands back against the door.

"Fuck, that feels good." He moans the words without ever intending to, this man has no true understanding of what his voice can do to me.

Using my other hand to hold his jaw and stretch his neck to the side, I let my thumb work its way into the tension he's let build in this thing. He should've let me get my hands on him earlier. Each guttural reaction of satisfaction makes its way from deep within his chest, spurting through his lips like a melody of pure euphoria.

His neck is too fucking tempting. Finding a spot in his shoulder that just makes him suck in air through his tightly clenched lips, I bring my mouth down to leave wide open kisses along his throbbing artery, trying not to let myself fall too deeply into him when his moans grow more desperate.

There is no better sound on this fucking planet than the ones he makes when I touch him like this.

By the time my tongue reaches his ear, my hands into the tension riding throughout his biceps, he's practically melting into the door. I try to talk clearly, but the air is so thick in here it gets caught in my throat and my voice comes out as the huskiest of whispers.

"Lay down on the bed Miles..."

There's no argument from him, letting me lead him completely until the sheets are pulled back and I'm looking down on the glowing moon amongst the radiating stars of my bed. He looks so fucking good there, can't I just keep him in this fucking bed forever?

He rests with his back firmly against the mattress, the relaxation I've allowed to flow through his body removing him of all his desire to move from this spot, but it's not where I need him.


There's a tiny moment of hesitation, but it's quickly it lost when I crawl onto the bed and take hold of his body, forcing him onto his stomach and allowing me to admire the definition in his back - Not to mention the definition in what sits at the bottom of it. I could take a fucking bite out of that peach.

Opening my bedside drawer, I pull out the oil that I use after going a bit hard in the gym. The scent of mint chocolate fills the room, Al got me these different chocolate scented massage oils as a bit of a joke present at Christmas, I don't think she considered for one minute that this is the person I'd be using them on.

Taking enough of it in my hands that I know it'll cover his entire glorious body, I swiftly swing my leg over his hips and let myself sit on the base of his spine before rolling my palm's up the length of his back.

"Fuck Josh..."

If he doesn't want me to rip these shorts off and do unspeakable things to that ass then he'd better stop saying my fucking name like that.

He's seriously tense, every muscle below my fingertips in desperate need of release. I'm sure a lot of this tension was built through the way his body has had to compensate for his injury, but I also can't help but feel guilt that a portion must be contributed to the weight I've forced him to carry over this week.

I'll make it worth it.

His skin is unknowingly smooth, every glide of my hand along at is like sliding through the softest butter. His tension seems to dissipate at my mere touch, allowing me to dig deeper until he's sinking into the mattress below me.

He starts to squirm slightly, gentle rotations in his hips that I thought initially were caused by pain but I'm quickly coming to realise are his attempts to relieve the building pressure in a very different part of his body.

Oh this is really getting to him.. Good.

Sweeping up over his shoulders again, my thumbs work in unison to roll out the condensed energy in his neck. The gentle moans that have been showering off his tongue since we started become deeper with every movement that I make in this spot.

He really needs to stop grinding up against me, my dick is sitting right on his ass and the things going through my head right now are making my hands want to wander very far from his fucking back.

His body was cool to the touch when I started but now everything is scorching hot. I work each muscle in turn, leaving his shoulders to recover between sessions and moving on to other parts of him. It wouldn't hurt to explore just a little bit more right...

My hands reach the base of his back, my thumbs slipping under the waistband of his shorts and stroking the tops of his cheeks, but he doesn't make any moves that imply he wants me to stop.

Can I just...? I really fucking want to... Fuck it.

Taking hold of his shorts and boxers, I slip them over the curve of his ass, revealing his perfectly plump cheeks to me as they sit between my thighs. You could bounce a fucking quarter off this thing.

Adding more oil to my hands, I start at the sides nearest to his hips before working my way down and in. He's fucking faultless, every dip and line is carved to perfection, like he was an angel sitting in a block of marble just waiting for his sculpture to be revealed under the chisel of a master craftsman.

Taking the heel of my hands, I knead them into the firm muscles and watch as his body reacts instantly. Fuck, he loves this, look at the way his hands are clutching at my fucking sheets.

He's clearly sensitive here, the rippling tides of pleasure that are drowning his body are becoming more and more obvious with each touch. I don't want to push him too far, but I do want to know his reaction to a possibility, so I grasp his cheeks, letting my fingers sit in the creases at the bottom whilst my thumbs run up just inside of his slit.

Most guys would fucking tense, try to wriggle free or at least act like they don't fucking love it, but not him. From the way he's reacting I could probably go further here, but I won't, it's just good to fucking know that he's not adverse to everything I'm willing to show him.

Oil is still thick and heavy on his back, allowing me to move up into his shoulders with ease, the loose muscles now mouldable and bowing to the pressure I give them.

Leaning down to his shoulder, I let my lips travel along the darkened skin in an effort to release the pain within him. If I could take it for myself and bear it in his wake, I would.

"Do you want me to do the front?" I whisper when my lips reach his ear.

"Josh, you could do whatever the fuck you want with me right now."

Do not fucking tempt me...

Sitting up on my knees, he turns so that I'm straddling his hips with him looking up on me, the minted oil from his back smothering the bed but I couldn't care less. A cloud of relief floats at the front of his eyes as he takes in a deep breath, one I bet he hasn't been able to take for a while with that much tension in his body. I will do that every night if it makes him this comfortable.

His shorts are still riding low in the back, the front leaving little to the imagination as I watch his solid tool strain against the fabric that is barely covering it. Oh yeah, he really fucking enjoyed that.

My shirt is almost torn from my body as he grips it in his fist and yanks me down on to him sharply, I thought he was about to steal my breath with another deep kiss but instead he just leaves the most delicate one upon them before wrapping his arms completely around my body and holding me to him.

Is he okay? Fuck, did I hurt him?

His whole body is clearly crying out for more of me but it appears his mind is in a very different place.


"I really fucking thought...  I thought I'd lost you..." His heart is beating so fast right now, my ear sitting directly over where it pumps, hammering against his ribs like a battering ram trying to break its way through. I did hurt him, just not with my hands.

"You could never fucking lose me Miles... Even when I kept telling myself to walk away, it wouldn't have changed what we are. Everything of mine still would have been yours." Sometimes I wish I could rip out my heart and show him how much of it he already fucking owns.

"I know..." He confirms whilst kissing the top of my head. "I just...  I know I fucked up, I didn't fucking blame you when you didn't come meet me that night, but I had every fucking awful thought imaginable about where else you could be sitting there in the rain waiting. It was kind of impossible not to believe that somebody better was just going to come along and make you realise how fucking perfect you are, someone that wouldn't do to you what I did, someone that you'd see something in that you can't see in me and they'd be able to take you away."


He has to know, I have to fucking tell him.

Even if it means him leaving this bed tonight and me not having him in my arms, lying is not the way I want us to start this...  relationship.

Please forgive me.

I slide off his body gently, taking him with me as I move to my side and bring us so we're facing each other. Now that I'm looking at him, I don't know how I ever let myself lay in this position with Xade. Drunk, stupid, or a combination of the both is no fucking excuse. I never should have been there in the first place.

"Miles, I have to tell you something." His body instantly tenses, everybody knows that nothing good ever comes from saying that fucking sentence.

"Josh... What did you do?" oh God, please don't look at me like that.

He already looks like his heart is sitting in a glass box, teetering on the edge of a cliff and gripping to the surface with all it has to stop itself plummeting into shattered pieces.

I bring my head to his, looping my arm over his waist so that his body is in constant contact with my own.

"Just let me finish, okay? Let me get to the end before you say anything." He says nothing but I can tell from how hard he's trying to keep his lips together that they are dying to fucking quiver. "Do you remember the guy that was in my office when you came to see me? Xade?" He doesn't need to say it, I can tell from the look on his face that he remembers him all too well.

"What did he do?" He tries to say the words steadily but his hand on my hip tightens as he forces them out between his tense lips. Just fucking tell him, tell him everything or you'll lose him in the end anyway.

"I discovered something illegal going on inside his business that day, after I left you at the game he asked me to come over and go through the numbers for the police. I was still seriously upset with everything that happened and he was actually a good friend about it, we were watching a movie and started drinking, then we kept drinking, then just basically drank some more..."

Miles's jaw is so clenched it's fucking vibrating, he looks ready to punch a fucking wall but he hasn't tried to move yet so I'll just get this over with.

"We were both wasted, that's why I didn't see your message until hours after you'd sent it. We were talking, about the future and stuff, and I think he took something I said about you as something about him and before I knew what was happening... he kissed me."

Oh God, please... say something...

Miles' head doesn't remove from my own, his eyes falling shut as he takes in a full lungs worth of air. I don't say another word, I want him to take all the time he needs to process this.

"What happened after that?"

"Nothing." I answer instantly. "Nothing happened, the second I realised what he was doing I shoved him away and got home. I swear on Liam's life I didn't even kiss him back, I don't think he actually truly realised what he was doing until he did it."

"Oh Josh, he definitely realised what the fuck he was doing." Miles says, almost a hint of a chuckle in his voice. "Josh you have a lot of really beautiful, amazing qualities, but being able to see when someone is into you isn't one of them."

"So I've been told." The situation isn't funny but we both find ourselves smiling lightly at each other anyway.

"Josh he clearly already fucking liked you that day when I came to see you, everybody down to your receptionist could see that." Am I seriously that fucking blind? "He wanted to kiss you long before a drink touched his lips... Josh I know we're not together, I'd have no right to be angry at you even if you did want to kiss him-"

"I didn't. I don't. I swear to fuck that I genuinely did not see it coming, but after I left I realised that I never should have been there to let him do that in the first place."

Miles shakes his head against mine, his fingers coming up to loop against the back of my head in such a comforting motion I can feel my emotions waiting to spill out from behind my eyes.

"Don't do that. Don't you dare fucking blame yourself for that. You went over there to help the guy out, you were pissed and he was being a mate to you, you didn't ask him to do that and you're not responsible for somebody else's actions Josh. Being drunk and vulnerable emotionally is not an invitation for some guy to shove his tongue down your throat."

I wish I could record this conversation right now, the next time someone tells me that he's too immature to be in a relationship with me I could show this to them and they'd see how fucking incredible he is. There are people twice his age without his level of empathy or compassion.

"Josh I'm not angry at you for this, and I don't blame you. Hell, I don't even blame him. If the roles were reversed and I'd been the one there with you mad at him, I can't even promise that I wouldn't have tried to kiss someone as perfect as you when you were just sitting across from me. You told me, this is the first opportunity you've really had to tell me and you haven't hesitated, that's the bit that fucking matters to me. It's the lies that break people, not the actions."

I can't let him say another word without kissing him first. He has the exact same thought, tilting my head with the hand he has locked in my hair before bringing his lips straight down onto mine. The sweet delicate kisses of earlier are long forgotten and replaced easily with deep ones filled with unbridled passion. Don't worry, I want you just as much as you want me.

How many people are this fucking understanding? He didn't even doubt what I had to say, he's got so many reasons not to trust people but he doesn't let it crossover and cloud his relationships with others. If the world was full of more people like Milo Thompson, we'd all be a lot fucking happier.

"Josh," He pants as he pulls his lips from mine, his nose still stroking against my own and his arms now wrapped tightly around my body. "Did you... Do you want to kiss other people?"

Never again. "I want to kiss you Miles. I just want to kiss you, no one else."

The smile on his face can't be missed, we have the lake house this weekend and I don't want it to be really fucking awkward for everybody, so we'll wait until after that... but when we get home, we're telling everyone about us... I need them to know he's mine.

"Good, because I'm the only person I want doing this to you.." He instantly tightens his hold on my body before pulling us both back so I lay completely on top of him.

There's something unreal about the way our bodies seem to slot together so naturally. I never thought I'd find that, there's not too many guys in our community that look the way that I do, but he fits every fucking part of me...

This kiss is desperate, there's nothing at all sensitive about it, instead it's utterly raw. I understand his need, the need to take something and make it yours without question. He doesn't need to worry, I've scrubbed my body free of Xade every night, now it's just a blank canvas for his marking.

In truth, right now he WANTS ownership of my body but I NEED him to know that his is the only one I crave. He wants me but I fucking need him.

One of his hands sits at the back of my neck but his other one makes its way down my back until he's holding me against him by my ass. He just can't get enough of his body on mine, taking my lips to his neck, he mirrors my actions until his lips are on my shoulder.

"Take this fucking shirt off."

Yes Sir.

I can tell from the look in his eyes that if I don't get this thing off quickly he has plans to rip it in half anyway. Sitting up to tug the cloth over my head, I hardly get it free of my arms before his lips are on my chest.

With his strong guns wrapped around my body, the trail of his lips may be on my chest but I can feel them throughout my body. How do I always end up in his fucking lap? I swear to fuck I was in control just a minute ago... He's a real fucking expert at taking the power back.

Just as his lips meet my pec, I take hold of his chin and bring him back to face me so I can taste his lips again. The flavour of him is always sweet and fresh, like honey and peppermint, my tongue starts to massage his from the tip and I find myself soaking in that flavour like it's my favourite meal.

But it's not the meal that I really fucking want right now.

Don't fight me, I want to do this... I really fucking want to do this.

Pushing against him gently, he falls back until his head hits the pillow, not that he will let my lips go in the process. Some of the oil that still sits on his back now coats my hands, allowing me to smoothly run over his skin and soak in the radiating pleasure my touch brings him. Moonlight floods in through the open curtains, bounces off the oil and basking him in angelic light.

If he could see him the way I see him, he'd know there was never another fucking option for me. He's it.

He loosens his grip enough that I can move down his body, finding my way to his erect buds and rolling them around between my oiled up fingers whilst pressing my lips to his chest in a mixture of sucks and kisses. I feast myself on his sensitive skin as I pinch his nipples and his back instantly arches up from the bed, his solid sword stabbing me harshly in the stomach.

"Fuck..." Keep making noises like that and I'll keep this up all fucking night... How many times do you think I can bring him to that edge but never let him fall over it? How long before the alpha inside him takes over to force me into letting him reach that pinnacle?

Let's find out.

I keep my hands on his chest, rolling and tweaking his most receptive areas and watching him begin to squirm underneath me. He looks so fucking good like this. My head moves ever lower, down through his abs until I find my way into the deepest part of his V. I can't stop myself from letting my tongue dip into those defined lines next to his hips. The flavour of him is the only thing I want on my fucking taste-buds for the rest of my life.

Looking up, I try to seek out permission before removing the last barrier between us but he's so lost in the gratification of what I'm doing to him that I'm pretty sure Brie could walk in here right now, shoving different suit fabric samples in his face, and he still wouldn't fucking stop me.

My hands slowly trail down from his chest, giving him time to return to his senses and stop me before I take this any further, but as his eyes connect with mine I know there's nothing that makes him want to stop. Thank fuck.

His shorts were barely hanging on anyway, a quick flick of my wrist was all it took to see they were disposed of, his thick wood now straining and bobbing against his lower stomach, his abs being caressed by the succulent tip.

Fuck he's perfect.

It's been a fucking while but this has to be like riding a bike right?

" Josh, you don't have to –"

The rest of his words come out as a mangled moan the moment my kiss meets his tip.

Oh God, this is the best view I've ever fucking had.

Miles lays before me; his head thrown back into the pillow, his hands bunched with the sheets, his eyes locked with mine brimming with lust as he looks down the length of his naked body to see his cock bobbing up and down as it brushes against my lips.

As I lick them, I catch his sensitive end with the tip of my tongue and the eyes he once had locked with mine immediately fall closed. I can taste him on my fucking lips, and I need fucking more.

I start at his base, laying my tongue flat against his shaft and giving it permission to run up his length all the way to the swollen end. I do it again, and again, tasting every delicious inch of the underside of his treat until he's shivering ever so slightly.

This time when I get back to his root, I encircle it with my mouth on the side of his length and start to suck all along the width of him.

"Holy fuck..."

Okay, that's fucking good then... I suck in his flesh, moving slowly and making sure all his blood is pooling in this area. When I approach his head I can see the trickling of pre-cum that is smoothing it's way around his peak and spilling out on to his abdomen.


My tongue laps at his leaking member, taking every drop he's released for myself. God, even here he's fucking sweet.

His legs begin to quiver as I roll my tongue around and around his tip until I can feel it swelling under my touch. As soon as I hear him moan again, I wrap my lips all the way around it and suck it harshly into my mouth.

"Fuck... You feel so fucking... good..."

He fills my fucking mouth so easily, the stretch on my lips is already pulling them wider then they would naturally set and I've hardly taken any of him in yet. He's so fucking big.

I suck slowly now, taking him in a bit more each time before pulling back and running my tongue over the sensitive spot again. It's not a slight shiver anymore, as I take him in further then I ever have, his whole body is ricocheting with vibrations. He's trembling, I take my lips all the way up again until only his end sits in my mouth before swirling my tongue around the swelling point.

"Fuck... Josh... Fuck, like that..."

His girth becomes encased in my palm whilst I maintain the teasing on the apex of him with my tongue that he loves so much, before pumping the rest of his length. His reaction is instant, his hips flinging up from the bed until his sword is piercing its way deep into the hot cave of my mouth.

The harder I tease him, the quicker he becomes undone, until I'm watching a trickle of sweat running over his temple as he chews his lip just to keep himself from unravelling completely. I love watching him become such a fucking mess like this. I love it so much I don't know if I'll ever be able to stop.

Does he even realise how fucking sexy he is when he can't help but thrust himself through my tight grip and down over my tongue? It's like his whole body is desperate to be inside me and mine is frantic to take him, the need ever growing as I begin to bob my head even faster, matching the rhythm of my hand until I'm starting to taste his leaking essence on every bit of my tongue.

He's getting close, really fucking close but I'm not ready to let him go yet. Releasing him from my grasp, I leave his member drenched in my saliva whilst slowly pulling him through my lips until his peak escapes them with an audible pop.

The whine of dissatisfaction is really fucking cute, but is silenced almost instantly when my tongue teases him from spike to hilt before moving my lips to cradle his ever expanding balls in a deep embrace within my mouth. His eyes roll back in his fucking head right before his arms spring up to cover his face and I watch his teeth biting into his own forearm just to control everything that's trying to spill out of his mouth.

Oh, I can make you let those noises out Miles...

My tongue explores him, finding every spot on his sensitive sack then allowing myself to become parasitic in the way I suck the life from that very precious area. He stops holding back, his arms quickly falling from his face as he writhes around spewing loud cries of ecstasy with his nails clawing at his own body to try and find the release I'm denying him.

His toes curl into the sheets whilst his legs shake under my control, he surrenders completely until the volume in his voice resembles more of a primal scream of desire. I can't fucking take it anymore.

I clench his hips, giving me a point at which to leverage myself before sucking deep from the swollen creases of his balls all the way along the undercarriage of his shaft until I reach his strained, vein pulsing tip.

"Josh..." Oh fuck... I grab his length and place his end against my lips so every word I say breathes hot air against the trembling bundle of awaiting nerves.

"Say it again." He reacts on instinct, withdrawing and forcing himself back up into my hand until he's running his tip along my tongue all by himself.

"Josh.." I take only his tip into my mouth, letting my hand pump the rest before removing my lips and flicking my thumb along the glistening peak, much to his protest.

"Say it again." The toll I'm taking on his body becomes evident as he slips when trying to force himself up onto his elbows so he can look at me. Our eyes connect and his fill with a burning fire as I remove my hand from completely and lick him from root to stem.

The lips on his sweat covered face part, his breath ragged while he watches what I am capable of doing to him, a tiny bead of pre-cum dribbles down his length before it's captured again by my tongue and whatever molecule of restraint he was holding onto immediately vanishes.

He looks me dead in the eye and does the one thing he knows will force me to give in to everything he desires.


Oh fuck... that did it.

His head falls back on the pillow in a cry of infinite paradise as I move my hands behind his hips and grab hold of his thick peachy ass before using it to guide him back into my mouth, slamming his entire length down my throat.

"Fuck! Afghrcertcghh!"

Every word that leaves his lips becomes entirely incomprehensible as I ferociously hold him between my lips and suck in deep, whilst taking my head from his pelvis up his length and all the way back down at an unrelenting pace.

He tastes so fucking good, even as he swells and fills every inch of my mouth until I'm suffocating with him so far in my throat, I still can't fucking stop.

Hollowing my cheeks so I'm as tight as I can be around him, while continuing to knead his thick cheeks with my hands, the moans that scream their way off his tongue become further and further into animalistic growls until I know what's about to happen.

He weakly tries to pull away but he needs to realise that everything he has is mine now, I refuse to let a single fucking drop escape me.

The stars he loves so much completely cloud his vision as I feel his release pour out into my throat, pressing against his ass and holding him within me at his deepest point, he let's go of every drip he has to give me.

His body is spent, collapsing back into the sheets with every perfect muscle he has shaking from the power of such an intense orgasm. He is so fucking big that as I finally let him leave my lips, I'm still having to swallow down what remains of him. A seeping droplet of his essence slips from the corner of my mouth, his hazed eyes watching me capture it with my thumb before placing it back into my mouth and sucking it clean.

I could do that to him all night. Fuck, I could do that to him forever.

He tries to reach out and grab me but this no power left in his limbs, cute. Chuckling, I slip in next to him and lay my head over his erratic heart. I did this, his heart is beating like crazy because of me.

I don't say anything, giving him the time to recover and peacefully listening to his heart return to an acceptable rhythm. I didn't know, or maybe I just didn't remember, that it could be like this. That making someone feel so much physically could make you feel so connected to them emotionally. My arm lays across his stomach, his fingers smoothly guiding themselves between my own until I find our hands locked at his side.

"Josh... That was..." Unable to find the words, his hand reaches around and prises my head off his chest until he can connect our lips. His kiss is soft, the combination of his muscles being soothed by my hands along with such a powerful expression of euphoria has taken its toll on him. He's exhausted, he's probably had about as much sleep as I have this week and it's likely taking the last of the energy he has to even keep his eyes open right now.

Disconnecting our hands, he leans over and places his on my hip, letting his thumb immediately fall under the waistband of my shorts and letting me know exactly what he's thinking, but that's not what either of us need right now.

"Miles, you need to sleep..." He shakes his head against my own, even though he doesn't even have his eyes open anymore, the magical realm beyond the stars that he visits in his dreams is calling for him.

"No, I can't... You need..."

"I need you. Let me keep you in my arms tonight and I will be the most satisfied man on this fucking earth. I just need you."

Smoothly readjusting our position, I slip my arm under his neck and guide him until his sleepy head sits on my chest, his leg coming over my body and entangling with my own before his hand finds its way back into mine and I'm finally surrounded by his perfect body.

This. Us. People that aren't destined to be together don't fit this fucking well. I was meant to find him, he's what I've always needed to heal, it just took us both time to realise it.

"Josh, you are my stars."

I kiss his head at the same moment his lips meet my chest, every ounce of pain and doubt I felt this week being washed away in the soothing river of his kiss. I never should have doubted him, I swear to myself here and now that I will never doubt him again. He's earned that right.

His breathing slows until the deep rhythm of his escaping air fans against my chest, the exhaustion in my own body refusing to let me sleep when the vision before me is so much more beautiful than any dream that could greet me on the other side.

He is so much more than my stars now...

Steve was right...

...I'm falling in love with him.

Please remember to vote and comment beauts 🥰❤📖

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