Boom Sonknux: 2 Dimensions 2...

By WishieAlice33

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Everything in Hedgehog Village was the same. Except for one thing. Sonic has been acting tired more than usua... More

Prologue - Hidden Despair
Chapter 1 - Wizelight
Chapter 2 - fighting the Nightmaren/ The Other Sonic
Chapter 3 - Sadness and Rage
Chapter 4 - Mark The Tapir Guilty/So Sudden
Chapter 5 - Alya
Chapter 6 - The Rare Ideya
Chapter 8 - The Other Reala
Chapter 9 - Sonic and Alyas first day together
Chapter 10 - the soothing sound of the violin
Chapter 11 - Looking back to the first tear
Chapter 12 - a visit to Roboken
Chapter 13 - Shawn's new Soon-to-be-Fiancé
Chapter 14 - proposal
Chapter 15 - Pins and Needles
Chapter 16 - A shocking reunion
Chapter 17 - A 'Proper' Backstory
Chapter 18 - return to the old band
Chapter 19 - Knuckles realized his love for Sonic part 1/2
Chapter 20 -Knuckles realized his love for Sonic part 2/2
Chapter 21 - Afternoon Tea
Chapter 22 - One little visit
Chapter 23 - one simple chance
Chapter 24 - Morpho found destroyed and beyond repair
Chapter 25 - The Dark Path To The Marmosets Shack
Chapter 26 - The Marmoset
Chapter 27 - Awake at night
Chapter 28 - Dreaming of Dancing with my love
Chapter 29 - Willing to risk everything for NIGHTS/Reala
Chapter 30 - Mallaura
Chapter 31 - a get-well visit
Chapter 32 - Shadow <3 Sonia
Chapter 33 - forgot something
Chapter 34 - freeing a familiar face
Chapter 35 - Knuckles needs to do
Chapter 36 - a little laugh
Chapter 37 - The possessed Weasel Bandits
Chapter 38 - Sonic Vs. Naushuo
Chapter 39 - The Explanation
Chapter 40 - Where is Reala?
Chapter 41 - a piece of information from EVIL-NIGHTS
Chapter 42 - Sonia and Shadow in love
Chapter 43 - Talking to Shawn and Fiona
Chapter 44 - Shawn and Fiona
Chapter 45 - Fiona's talk with Sonic
Chapter 46 - eye of the storm
Chapter 47 - Jackle
Chapter 48 - One Heart to watch over part one
Chapter 49 - One Heart to watch over part two
Chapter 50 - One Aggressive mistake
Chapter 51 - The hidden temple of the other side of the beach
Chapter 52 - Passioneta is free
Chapter 53 - Irese
Chapter 54 - Knuckles and Alternate Knuckles
Chapter 55 - a motherly and brothetly moment
Chapter 56 - Eggman vs the Sonic Underground
Chapter 58 - A Trap
Chapter 59 - Shine's worry
Chapter 60 - Tired little brother
Chapter 61 - Second Aggresive Mistake
Chapter 62 - Tears and Fears
Chapter 63 - a Plan to Free Irese/A saint to me
Chapter 64 - Dinner Under The Moonlight
Chapter 65 - Irese Release

Chapter 7 - It all began

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By WishieAlice33

Manic waited at the dream gate for what felt like a whole night. That's when Sonic appeared and said, "Sorry I'm late. Jackal wouldn't stop annoying me." Manic replied, "It's fine. So anyway. What happened? What made you get involved in the first place?"

Sonic then took a deep breath and said, "It's been hard. But since your concerned. I'll tell you big bro and I'll also tell the others as well in the morning. I had a nightmare about NIGHTS getting hurt and but It all began just after I walked off from the tv station where Sticks dragged me to in the night."

<flashback of the night of dreamcaster was first sighted>

Just after Sonic left Sticks he walked back to the shack. But during the walk he had a chill up his spine.

He felt like someone or something was watching him. Sonic shouted, "Hello? Who's there?"

Sonic shrugged it off before he resumed walking. But that's when he heard something snap. He stop at his tracks and said, "Sticks is that you?! This is not funny!"

Sonic looked around before he looked behind quickly when a swift wind whipped him like a hit in the back. Sonic muttered in fright, "I-I better get out of here."

Before Sonic could take a step he was attacked by a wolf. Sonic let out a scream. The wolf pinned the blue hedgehog and bit him on the left shoulder. Sonic let out a scream of pain before he tried to get free.

He kicked the wolf off of him and held his shoulder where the wolf bit him. The wolf ran off into the woods before Sonic had a chance to look at it. Sonic asked himself, "What kind of wolf was that?"

Then he noticed the crimson light in his hands. He recognized it as the ideya of courage.

Sonic said as he was surprised, "The ideya of courage. It's shining more bright than it usually does." Later in the day just after Sticks said she will prove she wasn't crazy. Knuckles noticed the bite mark on Sonics shoulder and asked, "Sonic what happened to your shoulder?"

Sticks then asked, "Come to think of it. I heard you scream last night." Sonic replied in a tired tone, "A wolf bit me. Nothing personal."

Knuckles took a look at it and asked, "Did you get a glimpse at what the wolf looked like?" Sonic replied, "No. it ran off before I gotta chance to look at its features. Though there was something familiar about it. I just don't know what. Look don't bother I'll be fine it was just a bite."

Knuckles sighs and said as he looks at it closer, "Oh hush Sonic. Geez I don't know if that wolf had any kind of illness but it's a miracle this bite isn't infected. Take it easy on yourself okay Sonic? I worry about you."

Sonic raised a brow and said, "You worried about me? I..."

he trailed off seeing Knuckles this close to his face. It made Sonics heart race for some odd reason. He didn't know what at the time.

Sonic said, "Umm...Knux? Why are you this close to my face?"

Knuckles replied, "I don't know. Why am I close to your face?"

Knuckles realized he actually was before he turned away and blushed. Sonic raised a brow before he sighed and held his bite mark.

Later just after Sticks ran away cause nobody believed her about dreamcaster Sonic had a suspicion. He heard a familiar cackle that he hasn't heard for a long while.

Sonic muttered, "Jackle..." Sonic sped after her and stopped her. Sonic said as he was in front of Sticks, "Hold it Sticks. I just have one question about this...Dreamcaster."

Sticks said, "Oh so now you do. Oh... Fine ask away and then say I'm nuts."

Sonic then asked, "Did this dreamcaster happen to have a funny looking orange hat that is shape of a jesters hat, black-head, bright blue eyes, sharp toothy grin, a white cape with orange and yellow arrows on it, and is nothing but a head with hands and feet and is completely insane?"

Sticks raised a brow and said, "No he...Wait what? Sonic I dunno where you got that crazy idea about dreamcaster being a floating head with hands and feet. Geez I thought I was looney. You're really have a really wild imagination than I do."

Just after saying that Sticks walked off as she muttered, "A floating head. What an insane way to describe him?"

Sonic yelled, "I HEARD THAT!" When Sticks was out of sight the wolf appeared behind Sonic.

The blue hedgehog gasped and sees the wolf. His eyes widened as he took a look at it. The wolf was orange with blue eyes, it's legs had yellow and white arrows, it even had a familiar grin revealing its sharp teeth, it's muzzle was black, and it's torso was covered in an orange diamond pattern.

Sonic gasped as the wolf charged at him and pinned him down. That's when a familiar voice was heard as it said, "Its actually kind of amazing that you remember your dreams. I'm mostly flattered you remember me, Sonic The Hedgehog. I hope that bite mark have you a scare. But unfortunately it wasn't enough to take your ideya."

Sonic said in confidence and anger, "I know that voice...You are Jackle The Mantle!"

The wolf snarled as the voice said, "Thats correct my old foe! It is I who bit you that night. Needless to say we Nightmarens have a new era of stealing your ideya and those with good hearts ideya will be hers!" Jackle bit Sonic at the same place he was bitten as he screamed.

Sonic had a mere thought of NIGHTS before he kicked Jackle once again like he did before and sped off.

He can hear Jackle's voice said, "You may have gotten away from me but the other Nightmarens will get you Sonic and your ideya! Hahaha! You will never stop us!"

Sonic gasped while speeding. He sees Nightmarens in the jungle and in the woods. When Sonic made it back to the beach shack he heavily breath and his heart was pounding in fear.

Sonic said to himself, "What's going on? Why are the Nightmarens here? Why is Jackle here?"

Later just after Dreamcaster hypnotized the four. Something in Sonic snapped him out of it.

A female voice said in Sonics thoughts as an image of NIGHTS smiled at him, "Hey Sonic."

Sonics eyes widened before he said to dreamcaster, "Guess Sticks wasn't crazy but I gotta stronger will. Dreamcaster you are a disgrace to dreams."

He sped off to the direction which Sticks saw him. He had to put up an act to make it look like he's hypnotized. Sticks saw through his act when he sped off.

Later just after Sticks ran out with her aluminum tin foil hats she saw Sonic facing Jackle Wolf.

His voice said as he cackled, "Trying to face me boy? Your just as foolish as NIGHTS." Sonic then said, "You want it? Come and get it!" Jackle rushed towards him.

Sonic dodged him in time as he said, "Not gonna go through that again." Then that when Sonics red ideya glow and a sword appeared in his hand. The blue hedgehog looked at it before Jackle Wolf howled for the other Nightmarens disguise as wolves as his voice command, "ATTACK!!"

The wolves rushed towards Sonic before he started to slay one nightmaren after another. One of the Nightmaren voices said, "General! He's too fast."

Jackle voice rang, "It won't matter. Let's fall back." Thats when the wolves ran away as Sonic yelled when the sword disappeared, "Thats right you better run you cowards!" Sonic sped off to continue the act. Sticks didn't have time to ask as she runs back to the village.

Later after the village was saved Sonic removed his tinfoil hat and said, "Well I gotta get go..." Sticks then said, "Hold it Sonic. I gotta question for you."

Sonic then protested, "I told you I was under mind..."

Sticks said in a dull tone, "You can drop the act Sonic. I know darn well you weren't hypnotized." Sonic gulped and thought, "I am so busted." Sticks then asked, "How come you weren't infected by Dreamcasters control and acted like you were? Well??"

Sonic took a deep breath as the others took off their tin foil hats. Sonic then said, "Cause hypnotized in dreams doesn't work on me. I think of the words of a friend I once knew.

She once said, 'we are not anyone's puppet. No matter what anyone thinks. We can do things on our own. We won't be held back by anyone cause we have free will."

Sticks was amazed but said, "I'm glad you don't think I'm nuts but that was a good speech. What you said is possibly true. I just don't know what it has to do with you going crazy." Before anyone can say anything Sonic heard familiar flute music.

Sonic thought as he looked at the woods, "That tune." A thought popped up in his head as he said out loud, "Thats it." He then thought as he turned around, "If anyone can tell me what's going on. It has to be NIGHTS. She may know what's going on."

Sonic sped off as Knuckles asked, "Where is he going? And Sticks did you say Sonic was acting crazy?"

Sticks nodded as Knuckles looked to where Sonic went. The red echidna thought, "I wonder why he was in a hurry."

While speeding Sonic saw a familiar jester in the sky getting attacked by another nightmaren jester. Sonic yelled, "NIGHTS! Hang on buddy I'm coming!"

He followed the two who were fighting and the two landed not too far from where Sonic is. The female jester got scratched and bit as she screamed.

She flew off to the direction where Sonic was. When she saw her old friend she shouted, "SONIC!" The blue hedgehog said with a smile, "NIGHTS! I'm so glad you're alright buddy."

Sonic sped to her but that's when he saw something that made him stop in his tracks. He saw NIGHTS got struck by lightning. But it was different from Wizemans lightning.

Just after it vanished NIGHTS collapsed a few feet from Sonic.

The blue hedgehog picked up the Nightmaren and shouted, "NIGHTS! NO PLEASE WAKE UP BUDDY!"

He sees the nightmaren cackle. The jester nightmaren was undoubtedly male. He was orange and black, similar to Jackle but full bodied.

The nightmaren said, "Now that rebel nightmaren won't stand in our way." Sonic placed her down and asked, "What did you do to her?!"

The nightmaren said as 8 other nightmarens appeared, "Like I'll tell you. Not that it matters now. GET HIM!" Sonic screamed in anger as five of the ideya surrounded him along with a bright light and he transformed as the sword reappeared in his hand.

When the light and ideya vanished Sonic was in a Japanese style warrior outfit with two boots and one eye covered with bandages with a purple butterfly on it. Without hesitation Sonic fought the Nightmarens as hard as he could fight with all his heart and soul.

Sonic looked behind to see a nightmaren about to grab the unconscious NIGHTS. Sonic turned around and shouted as he was ready to slay, "I'M NOT GONNA LET YOU TAKE HER!"

Before he could slay the nightmaren a bolt of white lightning struck the nightmaren and the nightmaren flew back with a force.

Sonic looked up to see Wizelight 'ruler of the night dimension' and said, "Just in time Wizelight."

Then Sonic turn to the Nightmarens. One by one they try to defeat Sonic but they fallen to Sonic slaying them.

One look at NIGHTS driven Sonic to tears but that didn't stop him from fighting. When the last nightmaren was slain.

He turn to the orange nightmaren jester and said, "Your turn you jerk!" The orange Nightmaren jester and said, "Not gonna happen! And Wizelight you know well you're not supposed to interfere!"

Wizelight said with an angry tone, "Stop this right now. You are making a big mistake!"

Sonic asked, "What is going on here?!" Wizelight looked at Sonic with worry before a female voice boomed, "Naushuo! What's going on!?"

Thats when a red fog surrounded the sky and a large but faded looking woman with red hair, black eyes with white pupils, pail skin with a crack on her cheek 'which made her look like an old porcelain doll', a dark star with a moon beside it was on her forehead, her arms were thin as a broomstick, she had tentacles behind her along with multiple hands which were similar to Wizeman's hands, and wore a black and grey formal dress.

Naushuo said as he bowed, "Yes Mistress Mallaura."

The woman demanded, "Tell me what's going on this instant!"

Naushuo said, "We took down NIGHTS! But unfortunately Wizelight stopping me with this blue brat."

Wizelight then interrupted, "Mallaura leave these people in this world alone! You have no right!"

Mallaura then said, "You think you can stop me single handed Wizelight? At least Wizeman had a dark thought unlike you. He woulda wanted this anyway!"

Wizelight shouted, "Don't use my brother as an excuse! As long as the seal is here you won't be able to come in to this world. You're just as foolish as Wizeman."

Mallaura saidas she faded, "True except I'm no fool Wizelight. But it will be broken. NIGHTMARENS RETREAT AT ONCE!"

Naushuo said, "As you wish mistress!" With that said the Nightmarens retreat. Wizelight calm down a bit before seeing Sonic holding NIGHTS while crying.

Sonic muttered, "Wake up...buddy please. NIGHTS..."

Wizelight landed on his feet and said, "Sonic. I'm so sorry. I was too late."

Sonic asked, " she...?" Wizelight took one look at her and said, "No. she's in a deep sleep." Sonic asked, "What's going on Wizelight? Tell me."

Wizelight sighed and said, "Okay. A new ruler named Mallaura has ruled nightmare. There is more than one ruler besides me and Wizeman. The dark ones rule every dark part of nightmare and the light ones ruled every part of the night dimension including me. Mallaura took over nightmare completely after Wizemans fall. Her efforts to get ideya are more brutal than my brothers. I had to close the night dimension off so visitors won't be able to have their ideya stolen. But unfortunately Mallaura had other plans. She thought of having Nightmarens come to your world and steal ideya here. Luckily your the only one with your ideya intact. I don't know if there others but still. I'm not even sure if I'm strong enough to stop her. With NIGHTS down. We have no protection."

Sonic thought for a moment or two before he said as he stood with NIGHTS in his arms, "I'll protect the night dimension now. Whether or not you think it's okay. I'll do it for NIGHTS and your people."

Wizelight was surprised to hear that but knowing Sonic won't take no for an answer he said, "Alright. If that's what you want. Then I won't stop you Sonic. I know NIGHTS can count on you. Also I seen your work on the Nightmarens you slain. You can start tomorrow night."

Thats when Sonic asked, "Hey why did I transform?" Wizelight replied as Sonic gave NIGHTS to him, "Your ideya transformed you into a warrior. It's ultra rare to see that. Not even Will or Helen can do that. Which is why you have a sword in your hand."

Sonic looked at it before he said, "I see." Wizelight then said as he flew off, "I'll give you directions to how you can get to the Night dimension by having Owl give you a message at the shack in the morning."

Sonic looked up and said, "Looking forward to it." Sonic then sighed sadly and wept on his knees. He felt like it was his fault NIGHTS was in deep sleep.

<flashback ends>

Sonic finished, "And that's what happened." Thats when a familiar voice said, "Same thing happened to Reala."

They see the alternate Sonic with alternate Manic, and Wizebright. Sonic sighs and said, "Did you haft to appear?" Wizebright said as she landed on her feet gently, "We had to. There's no need for catastrophic anomalies cause it only works in your world and this Sonics world."

Thats when Alternate Sonic said, "Wizebright needs to talk to you at the alter where Reala is laid to rest for a while." Sonic asked, "Why can't we go to where NIGHTS is laid to rest?"

Alternate Sonic sighed and said, "I don't trust that woman in the mask. You shoulda just assume for the worst it's not polite." Sonic and Manic groaned as Sonic said, "Don't talk about that in a  manner like tone. we hate that."

Alternate Sonic said, "Wow. You two are rude as Sonia." Manic raised a brow and said, "Wait...what?" Sonic then said, "You behave like our Sonia. Your more different than your Knuckles described you be."

Alternate Sonic explained, "Thats only because he doesn't know who I actually am. I put up this dumb kid-like act to make sure he or anyone else doesn't know I'm actually well-mannered and a gentleman along with my brother Manic."

Manic and Sonic muttered, "Why are we not surprised?" Wizebright said, "Follow me." Both Sonics and Manics followed.

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