My Best Friends Brother

By MonroeThirty

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My Best Friends Brother - Book Three in The Forbidden Lust Series "You're my best friends little brother Mil... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 80
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 93
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 107
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 113
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 118
Chapter 120
Chapter 122
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 141
Chapter 143
Chapter 145
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 154
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 160
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 180
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 193
Chapter 196
Chapter 197
Chapter 198
Chapter 199
Chapter 200
Chapter 202
Chapter 203
Chapter 205
Chapter 206
Chapter 207
Chapter 208
Chapter 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211
Chapter 212
Chapter 213
Chapter 214
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
Chapter 217
Chapter 218
Chapter 219
Chapter 220
Chapter 221
Chapter 222
Chapter 223
Chapter 224
Chapter 225
Chapter 226
Chapter 227
Chapter 228
Chapter 229
Chapter 230
Chapter 231
Chapter 232
Chapter 233
Chapter 234
Epilogue One
Epilogue Two
Epilogue Three

Chapter 44

2K 71 9
By MonroeThirty

"Okay Mom, you know I love you but I'm going to be late for this meeting. I'm glad you guys are having fun but stay safe alright?"

Mom has been chatting about her latest cruise for over a fucking hour, I managed to have a shower, get dressed and drive here but she still hasn't relented once. Her and my aunt hardly touch US soil anymore, apparently cruise ships are basically floating sex-hotels that take you to a new country every few days and are littered with enough young cougar meat to keep them both satisfied for months.

"I think I'm a bit old for the pregnancy talk Elmo, besides, the condoms are free on board."

I really didn't fucking need to know that.

"We're going to be at sea for another three days so not sure when I'll have signal again, just wanted to check in with my boy. How are things with my little genius? That disgusting thing he calls a mother drunkenly fallen down the stairs and caved her own head in yet?"

To say my mother wasn't a fan of Chrissy would be the understatement of the decade. She really fucking hates her, and nobody can blame her for that. My mother and Steve have grown closer since she left my father, she considers him her son as much as she does me now, and watching how hurt he was after what Chrissy did, it's something my mother will never be able to forgive.

It doesn't stop her idolising Liam though, she's the closest thing that boy has to a grandmother and she practically worships the ground he walks on. My mom was quite the shy kid too by all accounts so I think she sympathises with how sensitive Liam is.

"Unfortunately not, the social worker was supposed to ring me last night but didn't bother. She said that right now there's no grounds to take him from his mother so I've just got to maintain the contact I have. He misses you though."

She sighs. "I know sweetheart, I miss him more. I got him some vintage games from a market in Germany last week, next time we dock I'll post them out to you. You're doing the best you can Josh, remember that one day he'll be old enough to make these decisions for himself, I have no doubts that on that day you'll be making that bedroom of his at your place a bit more of a permanent structure."

I fucking hope so.

Looking down at my watch I know I'm already pushing it, but it's just actually really nice to talk to her.

"Thanks Mom, give my favourite aunt a hug for me. I've got to get to this meeting, I'm pretty sure Xade is already in there waiting for me."

"Oh, Xade now is it? The last time we spoke it was all 'Mr. Hunter the prick.' Something I should know? He cute?"

Being on those ships surrounded by geriatric versions of Brie for so long has made her think that every friendly relationship is just sexual tension waiting to be broken.

"No, nothing you need to know. He's just a business client."

She seems unconvinced. "A gay business client?"

For fucks sake. "Yes a gay business client, well at least I think he is. It's not like that though."

I can hear someone over the ships speakers wherever she is calling for members of the salsa class, at least I know this conversation is coming to an end now, she wouldn't miss one of those classes with that new instructor of hers for the world. Apparently he has the ass of a guy half his age, not that I needed to know that when she told me two weeks ago.

"What's the problem? Oh God, is he one of those big scary ones? What do you guys call them again, bears? Is he a bear?"

Jesus Christ, I really wish Brie would stop sending her BuzzFeed articles on gay language. Last week I was having to explain to her what the fuck a twink was, I could really do without this shit.

"For fucks sake Mom! No he's not a fucking bear. He actually looks like he stepped off an underwear billboard in Times Square, but no matter how good looking he is, it doesn't change the fact that we are just business associates."

Mum huffs. "So this isn't the guy that Brie was telling me about?"

I'm going to kill that fucking girl.

"Mom! Seriously, you three need to stop this weird little fucking girl-fan group that you've got going. You're like the fucking Sanderson sisters of gossip."

She laughs as I hear her feet scurrying along the deck whilst she races towards her latest Latin lover.

"It wasn't like that Elmo, this time she just rang to see if I'd be bringing anyone to the wedding and we got talking. You know she likes me to keep her updated on everything that's happening on board, she says it's better than any soap opera! Besides, we wouldn't have to talk about you behind your back if you actually told us all what was happening in your life!"

I should never have told any of them anything.

"Look, I'm fine. When there's something to tell you guys, I'll tell you okay? I've actually got a date with him tonight and I'm already fucking nervous enough, so you go to your dance class, I'll go to this meeting, and we'll talk about it the next time you see dry land with the stars and stripes flying over it. I love you."

She chuckles, soft salsa music now playing in the background. "We're all just excited for you sweetheart, we've been waiting for someone to rush you off your feet... Oh that Gail bitch has my spot up front, I'm going to give her a quick shot to the ankle like Brie told me to if she doesn't move quick... I love you more, kiss Liam for me."

I guess I should be grateful that her and Brie are just talking on the phone and not passing out after throwing up a bottle of tequila onto Steve's laptop like the last time she was in town. That girl becoming her daughter-in-law is my mother's dream come true.

I know they all mean well with their excitement, but this thing with Miles is difficult enough without them having to add so much pressure to make it work into the situation also.

The restaurant is just as quiet today as it was last week, the same smiling waitress greets me at the door and we walk over together to the private rooms. I'm hoping today goes without a hitch because my boss has been threatening to remove my spleen and hold it hostage just to make me close this fucking deal.

At least my emails with Xade have been a lot more friendly since the last time we met. Really friendly in fact, he's actually a really nice guy when you get over the fact he can be an absolute asshole if he thinks you're a dick too.

He's got good energy, I always like being around people who are easy to talk to and make you feel better just because of their presence. You don't get a lot of that in this world, most of the guys I meet eat, sleep and breathe their business. I love my job but it's not everything that I am, it wasn't even what I really wanted to do.

This was all supposed to be temporary, I was going to spend three, maybe four years here max, then go on to start my own firm. I didn't want to be answering to anyone, I wanted to be my own boss. But then Liam came along and I knew if I had to put all my energy into a new business, I wouldn't have the time to spend and bond with him.

Now I've been here for eight years, and I think I'll be lucky to get out before I turn forty. The money is really good, I don't hate being on a team with Charlie and most of the time I don't hate the deals that I work on, it just does nothing to fulfil me either.

The door to the room opens, this time instead of being met with insolence Xade looks up from his newspaper and smiles at me. It's actually quite funny to see somebody still reading their paper in print, even from my minimal dealings with him I can tell he's quite old school on a lot of stuff, prefers vinyl over Spotify and film cameras over digital. It's kind of charming.

He looks different than the last time I saw him too, no suit now but still professional in black trousers, a black high neck jumper - that seems to have been made specifically for his body with that fit... wow, I want one - and heavy black boots. The tamed back, long blond hair that I saw last time now hangs loosely around his shoulders, he actually looks a bit like he stepped out of the shower this morning and just left it to do its thing, not that it doesn't suit him.

Let's face it, a guy that looks like that would never be unattractive no matter what he did or didn't do to get ready.

His smile is genuine as he stands to his feet and extends his hand to me across the table.

"It's nice to not have to hate you the moment you walk into the room." He jokes, shaking my hand firmly before gesturing for me to take a seat. "My lawyer looked over the pages and everything looks good but you said something about changing a part on the pension scheme?"

"Straight to business it is then..." He almost chokes on his coffee trying to wave his arms to tell me he didn't mean it like that but I just laugh at him getting so flustered before sinking down into my chair, the red that now coats his cheeks making his hair look even lighter.

"Yes, we have to change one bit." I nod, opening my briefcase and pulling out all the pages we'll need to complete everything today whilst he brings himself back together. Do I really make him this nervous? "Basically, there was a discrepancy in the numbers you guys sent over to the ones that we got when we did our initial investigations. It was probably just inputted incorrectly but I have someone checking through everything as we speak, it doesn't make a massive difference overall but in order to make sure everybody got their cut we've had to move some money from one area into another."

The door to the room opens, two waiters walking in carrying high tea trays full of breakfast pastries. I'm fucking starving, it smells so good but how did they know to bring it already? Did he just take it upon himself to order for both of us?

As they lay the food on the table a waitress walks over with a tray containing two mouth-watering coffees. I need some fucking caffeine.

"Caramel cappuccino with an extra shot?"

That's my fucking coffee order. How the fuck did he...

"That's his." Xade states without even looking up from the pages he now holds in his hand. I look at him over the pile of pastries and he seems to sense my view, as his eyes scan up to meet mine and he quirks his manicured eyebrow with a smirk. "I have an eidetic memory. I never forget cute faces or their coffee orders."

That's... kind of impressive.

Taking a deep swig of my coffee, I let the soul-gratifying wake-up-juice float through my body. I didn't even get time to make myself one before I left this morning, Mom had me too busy. Also, I was still up texting Miles at three am, so I'm kind of fucking exhausted... Worth it though.

I'm so fucking excited to take him out tonight, I've got shit planned all day just to stop me going to pick him up early. It's taken me all week to get this organised but he's fucking worth every second. I know we are kind of going with the flow at the moment, but I still wanted to show him that he is fucking important to me... I just hope he likes it.

Xade picks up one of the pastries, ripping it in half delicately before bringing it to his lips, all the time keeping his eyes on the page. I've noticed that when he's in business mode nothing really gets through to him, but when he snaps out of it he might be the most laidback person I've ever met, and considering that Han is basically horizontal that's saying something.

"Eat something will you, or are you one of those gym dudes that only drinks protein shakes?" He comments whilst flipping to the next page.

I've never actually been one of those guys that will turn down food for a bit of liquid and powder. I like to fucking eat.

Taking one of the cheese and bacon croissants for myself, I almost inhaled the entire thing by the time he's made it to the bottom of the section.

"Is it this part?" Xade attempts to lean over the high trays of food and show me where he's pointing but I can't make it out this far apart.

"I think so, I think it's point B? Page fifty or is it fifty-four?"

"For fucks sake." He laughs, standing up and taking hold of his chair before dragging it around the table so we are now sitting next to each other and I can actually read what the fuck he's trying to show me. "Here, the bit about exchanging assets."

He rests his elbow on the arm of my chair but I have to hold his wrist and turn it towards me so I can read the page he's on. "Yeah that's it, there must have been a mistake the first time around."

The pulse in his wrist now hammers against my fingertips, it's so fucking fast you'd think he'd ran a mile not been sitting here reading the paper. Is he really that nervous about signing these today?

I let go slowly, trying not to startle him so he'll go back on this deal. I don't want to force him into something he's not ready for though.

"If you need more time to go over this again I completely understand, we can just leave it for a few days if you're nervous?" Goodbye spleen.

He doesn't look at me, letting his arm drop onto my seat whilst sipping his coffee.

"What makes you think I'm nervous?"

He's really not good with eye contact is he.

"Your pulse feels like it's about to give you a fucking heart attack. If you need more time I'll make it work, I don't need you dying on me, that's a whole different set of paperwork."

He laughs, "Thanks, I'd hate for my untimely death to be such an inconvenience for you."

Finally he looks up to meet my eyes. He's been running that whole business for two years, and other than this section, it's been doing relatively well, but it's clear that this part of the job isn't his favourite.

He sinks back into his chair with a deep sigh, clenching and unleashing his fingers like he's trying to disrupt the rhythm of his heart getting to them. "The way my heart was pounding has nothing to do with signing these papers, trust me." His eyes quickly glance over at me before returning to his coffee. "Did you mean what you said before? About looking into the rest of the business with me?"

I nod. "Definitely, when you're ready just call me and we can get started. There's definitely a drain in there somewhere, we just need to find it."

He leans forward, taking one of the smaller pastries and tearing off tiny pieces onto a plate in front of him. He kind of reminds me of Liam sometimes, trying to shield what is clear insecurity by keeping his hands busy, Liam usually does it with books or playing a video game though.

"Thanks... My niece is starting pre school in a few weeks and my sister said she'll be ready to take everything over once she does, I'd like to give the business over to her in the best condition that I can if you're up for it."

That's understandable. "Well we'd better get started soon, you know how long shit like this can take... How old is your niece?"

I'm not sure I've actually ever seen this guy smile in all the time we've spent together, but it seems like this little girl might be his weak spot, he's practically glowing as he talks about her.

"Three, going on thirteen." He chuckles. "My sister says she's a nightmare but I think it's just karmas way of punishing her for being such a little shit herself growing up, she's been inflicted with a mini version of exactly who she was."

I can't help but laugh, it's a very familiar situation. "Yeah, I've got one of them too. I swear sometimes Heather is Aleah's clone rather than her daughter. It's surreal to see them together."

His smile only grows. "You like doing the uncle thing?"

I really do. "Love it. You?"

He nods, his whole body now relaxed as he turns to face me in his tub chair. He's got seriously long legs, and arms actually. He's not as tall as me but he's so well built all over that he's filling that chair easily. He probably doesn't lift like I do but he's seriously sculpted.

"I'd rather do the dad thing but it's the best I've got for now. She's amazing too, even when she drives me crazy I wouldn't change a hair on her head. I kind of hope it's in the genes, I wouldn't mind having a version of her that's mine."

I know exactly what he means, sometimes when all your friends have incredible, beautiful kids that you know you might never get, it makes you appreciate them just that much more.

He picks up another pastry and begins to tear it to shreds, the last one he got his hands on already looks like a pile of crumbs.

"You should really get one of those little fidget toys or something, that's a waste of perfectly good food."

"Sorry." He replies sheepishly whilst returning the food to the table. "Nervous habit, I've done it since I was a kid. It drives Olivia mental as well, it's why she'll never eat food with me."

He gently pushes the plate with the half destroyed pastry far enough out of his grasp that he can't immediately pick it up and continue unconsciously. I didn't mean to make him feel bad about it... Shit.

"Are you free this evening?" He asks, clearly looking for a change of subject. "Most of the office check out early on a Friday afternoon so we'll have the space to go through things if you're up for it. I'll get us take out and promise not to waste any."

Oh shit, that's a nice offer but I definitely can't do tonight.

"I'm so sorry, literally any other night and I could. I've kind of, um, got a date tonight. If it was like a blind set up or something I'd just cancel, but it's taken me a week to organise this for him and he's kind of... I can do Monday if that's any good?"

"Yeah sure, that works, thanks... I um, I didn't realise you were seeing someone.. So, how long have you guys been together?"

He's fidgeting again. This dude seriously can't keep still.

"We're not exactly. We're not um... We're not together. We're just kind of..." Obsessed with each other? "Dating."

His face turns up in a small grin.

"So you're not actually together but you've still spent a week organising a date for the guy? He's really fucking special then?"

You have no fucking idea how special.

"Yeah, he's important."

Xade nods, downing what's left of the coffee in his mug. He doesn't seem as relaxed as he was five minutes ago, he's more guarded suddenly. Does he think I'll flake on my offer to help just because I can't do tonight? Because that seriously isn't my style.

"Must be nice." He mutters, now taking a deep breath before returning his face to a small smile. "I can't remember the last time I had something that resembled a fucking social life since taking over this place." He laughs. "Is he in this world too?"

I shake my head. "No he's um...he's a student." Well I can't exactly tell the guy I'm dating a dude that still in fucking high school can I..

"Nice. Those last years of college are so fucking hard, is he like doing his dissertation at the moment? What's he studying?"

Fuck... I'm pretty sure he has gym third period? Does that count?

Thank the holy drag queen mothers that the waitress picked this moment to walk in and offer us refills. If I were straight I think I'd offer to marry her. Time I take back the rein on this conversation before I lose it completely.

"What about you? If your sister is stepping back into the drivers seat soon then you'll have time, anyone you've got to give some attention to?"

He laughs like it's the funniest thing he's ever heard. "Not exactly, it's kind of hard to find someone who's willing to accept the fact they have to come second to your job. I was seeing a guy for a few months last year but it wasn't going to work, we were really different."

"Sometimes opposites attract..." I should know.

"Yeah they do, but I think your overall goals have to be the same. You can have differing opinions on everything but if you're on different paths how can you get to the outcome together? He was still in the going out every weekend stage, not that I'm against going out or anything... actually now I think about it I can't really remember the last time I had a drink in a bar that wasn't part of a business meeting... Well that's really fucking sad."

He chuckles, taking a sip of the scolding hot coffee we've just been given.

"I just mean, I'm kind of past doing that kind of stuff every weekend. I'm ready to find something more than that now. I want what my sister has, this amazing husband and their beautiful little girl. They've got a life you know? Something worth getting up for every morning that doesn't provide you with a paycheque. Something that actually gives your world meaning." He lowers his coffee and turns back to face me, his eyes analytical as they scan over my own. "The next time I settle down with a guy, I want it to be the last time. To find someone who truly wants everything that I do."

He's right, I get it. I see people like Han and Charlie or my brother and Brie, couples with different ideas of who they are but coming together because they still have the same goals as one another. They're a team, a two person army against the rest of the world. I really fucking want that.

But on the other hand, I also want someone that I'm not afraid to be with. Someone who doesn't make me feel like I'm betraying my first love by finding myself with them.

In ten years of searching, I've found someone like that one time... and like fuck am I letting him go now.

There's an unsettling amount of silence in the room, those striking green eyes of his seem to be locking me in the capture of their gaze. For someone so generally relaxed, his eyes are really fucking intense.

My phone buzzes loudly and both of us jump as it breaks the sudden tension, whilst vibrating across the table before bouncing against the china of my plate repeatedly. I'm perfectly happy to ignore it until I look at the screen and see it's Liam's social worker.

"Shit. I'm really sorry, I know this is really unprofessional but do you mind if I get this? It's my brothers social worker and I was waiting all last night to speak with her." Xade shakes his head and gestures for me to answer the phone as he retrieves the contract off the table and begins glancing back through the pages.

I step out of the room and to the back of the now busy restaurant before answering.

"Anita? Is everything okay?"

Anita definitely isn't my favourite person, she's one of those social workers that's been in the job for too long and has become numb to the human emotions of the children under her care. I understand that she's overworked and underpaid but right now my priority is my brother.

She hardly seems to hear me, the office she is in is alive with the voices of other people just trying to make it through the final day of the week.

"Mr. Jones, everything is fine. I just wanted to call you to ask if you could please limit your emails to maybe only three a day, I'm a very busy woman and I don't have time to be responding to all of these, it's unnecessarily excessive. I checked the premises your brother... what's his name... Leeroy, lives at yesterday and I do not believe they are any causes for concern, at least on his mothers part."

For fucks sake. Firstly – it's Liam you stupid cow. Secondly - no concerns?! How the fuck can she have no concerns when that woman is practically mentally torturing her own child.

"Leeroy is safe there, I checked the freezer and they were packs of fish sticks so I know he's being fed, which is more than most children under my guidance have."

Seriously? That's all it takes for a child to be considered safe buy this fucking woman?

"I am however concerned about his new found relationship with his other brother. Chrissy seemed extremely upset that you left her son in that mans care without her permission. From what she's told me I do not believe he is a fit caregiver for the child."

Oh, I can guess what the fuck she's told her about Steve.

"Look, you're aware of Chrissy's history with Steve and why she wouldn't talk about him in the best light. Steve is no risk to LIAM, he loves him."

I can hear her click clacking away on her keyboard.

"At her request I have ran a background check on both Steven and his partner... a Miss Brianna Parker? I'm sorry Josh but there are definitely concerns here. Steven appears to have been involved in a number of violent incidents, including the near death beating of a Mr Tommy Vanderbilt? I understand all charges were dropped but this is still of a concern for me. As for his future wife, her history is spotty at best."

I know that Brie doesn't make up the best character reference on paper, but I challenge this woman to find a better person on this planet than her. That girl has been to hell and back, it shouldn't be used against her.

"Tommy Vanderbilt was a well known serial rapist, Steve was just protecting one of his many victims and as you said, no charges were brought. As for Brie, a quick look into her background will show that she took custody of her own sister the day she turned 18. She's a prominent member of this town and society, she runs a number of charitable foundations and is one of Westbrook's highest promoting business women. I think your personal relationship with Chrissy is clouding your judgement Anita, Liam deserves to have a relationship with his family."

She breathes deeply, clearly impatient with the fact that I am not just bowing to her fucking will.

"Mr. Jones I'm not implying that he should not have a relationship with his family, I'm just stating facts. If his mother does not believe he should be left alone in the care of these people, you must respect that. I appreciate all the work you've done with Liam Mr. Jones, but you must remember that his mother's word is final."

Yeah, I can't fucking listen to this right now. It's people like this bitch which is why the system is failing so many fucking kids, people who forget there are actual human beings behind the sheet of paper in front of them. To her, Liam is just another number she has to deal with.

"Now Mr. Jones, I'm extremely busy. I would ask that you do not bother me unless you have actual serious concerns for your brother, I'm not paid enough to be your family mediator."

She hangs up on me, and it takes every fucking inch of will power I have not throw my phone across this fucking restaurant.

How the fuck am I supposed to protect this kid when even the people that are paid to do it couldn't give a fuck?

Walking back into the room, I try to suppress my anger to make it through this meeting, but apparently I'm doing a piss poor job of it because Xade immediately lifts his head and scans over my face with concern.

"What happened? Is he okay?"

I shouldn't tell him shit, we're not exactly mates, we actually hardly fucking know each other. I just know that if I keep all this in I'm going to put my fist through a fucking door when I get back to the office.

"No. My brother is being emotionally abused and fucking neglected by his mother. I've been trying to get hold of his social worker for a week but she seems to think there's fuck all wrong there. Apparently as long as the kid has fish sticks what else could he fucking need?!"

My head falls back against the head of the chair, the gold swirled pattern on the navy ceiling here is making me feel kind of sick. Is it moving? "I just don't know what the fuck to do anymore, it's not like I want to rip him away from his whole family and hide him with me. I just don't want him to be fucking frightened all the time."

Xade reaches across the table and grab his bag, pulling out a pen and his notebook.

"Kid's name?"

I lift my head with confusion. "Liam Jones, why?"

Xade doesn't even look back up at me, scribbling down Liam's name on his page.

"Social workers name?"

"Anita something... shit I can't remember."

Xade cocks his eyebrow at me. "Anita Ashton?"

How the fact is he knows that? I nod and he scoffs, stuttering "of course it fucking is" under his breath.

Without uttering another word, he takes his pad and phone before stepping out of the room. What the fuck is he doing?

I stare between the table of half eaten food and the door, unsure what the fuck I'm supposed to be doing. How did he know who his social worker is? In the nicest possible way, he doesn't seem like the kind of guy that would have ever needed one growing up.

After what feels like the longest ten minutes of my life, he steps back in through the door, smiling slightly and finishing up whatever conversation he was having on the phone.

"Thanks Janice, I really appreciate it. I'll make sure to buy a full table at the fundraiser next month... Yeah, I can't wait to be back seeing all of you too... Thanks, bye."

He walks across the room and takes a seat in the chair next to me, falling in so harshly that it skids and pushes in even closer next to mine.

"Liam will have a new social worker by lunch, one that actually gives a fuck about the kids she cares for, I know her and she's good, fair. She'll be doing a spot-check this afternoon and starting his case over from scratch. She said she'll ring you tomorrow about organising a face to face meeting for Monday to discuss your options."

What the actual fuck? How the fuck did he do that?

"You... How... Why?" Jesus Christ Josh, use your words!

He takes a sip of his coffee before leaning forward and putting his hand on my knee reassuringly.

"I've had to work with social services a lot through my foundation, most of the kids I see have been through the system in one way or another. I've watched enough children in Liam's situation falls through the ever-growing cracks, I just wanted to make sure he isn't one of them. My family donates a lot to different projects that they run, the head of the system kind of owes me a favour, I just cashed it in."

My mouth is so dry my tongue is stuck to the roof of it. He might have just changed my brothers whole life with a single phone call.

"I... I really don't know what the fuck to say... Thank you. I can't believe you just did that, you don't even know me."

He squeezes my knee gently. It's okay that I find it comforting right?

"No kid deserves to be afraid in their own house Josh, I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if I didn't do something when I knew I could. Everything you've said, he seems like a really sweet kid. Hopefully we can make things better for him."

Starting to wonder why no-one has snap this guy up yet, I've been out on the scene for a really long fucking time, there's not a lot of men like him out there.

I hadn't even realised his hand was still on me until he slowly loosened the pressure before removing it entirely and gesturing towards the contracts.

"I should probably get ready to sign my life away now, right?"

We both chuckle before returning to the actual reason that we're here. It takes awhile but once his name is on every line, I swear he looks relieved.

I know there was definitely a part of him that wanted to just keep this business alive, but I think it speaks highly of his character that he was willing to sacrifice his own pride to protect the people that work for him.

By the time we're finished with everything, the restaurant has cleared of the breakfast customers and is ready to welcome the lunchtime crowd. It doesn't help that we kind of have a lot in common, it's easy to get lost in conversation with this guy. We were chatting solely about the best restaurants for like the last hour alone.

"Wow! Han seems like a fucking angel to put up with that guy!" Xade laughs as I tell him the story of Charlie giving Santa a lap dance at the Christmas party last year.

"I've been telling him for years that he deserves one of those care in the community medals for relieving us all of the burden of looking after Charlie. I'm sure he's going to have a bitch-fit later when I have to leave him at the bar. You'll probably be able to hear him hollering insults at me from your office."

Xade laughs as he starts to pack everything he needs back into his bag.

"You really should know better than to piss off a drama queen. Where do you guys like to go to drink?"

I do a final scan of the pages to make sure I haven't missed anything before putting them away.

"We go to this bar Rave just around the corner from the office on Fridays, he's not going to be happy when I ditch him to go out with Miles... Oh shit, you have no life, you should come! It'll probably take the pressure off me if he gets left with someone good looking to gawk over when I'm gone." Oh fuck Josh, the guy just really helped you and now you're making fun of his lack of social life plus dumping Charlie on him... Nice.

Xade grins as he puts on what looks to be a very expensive jacket. I want one of them too.

"Good looking huh?"

Oh God. "Please don't be one of those guys, I fucking hate people who no they're a ten but pretend they're not."

His smirk only grows. Since when did he get so cocky? "Oh I know it.... It's just nice to hear you say it.."

Funny... Or it was until he begins to stare at me intensely that I swear I can feel the heat crawling at the back of my neck. This is weird... I don't like this feeling.

I roll my eyes and pretend that he's having no fucking effect on me. Do you think he realises yet that Charlie is going to eat him alive?

We make it through the crowd and I'm greeted with the crisp cool air of the outside world. Autumn in Westbrook is usually my favourite time of year, but today I'd give anything to be under the blinding summer sun, something to excuse how hot I feel.

The hustle and bustle of the business district flows through the air as a sea of people cross our path, I turn to face him, extending my hand so we can say goodbye. I tend not to think about money too often, but I guess the guy did just kind of put 400K in my bank account so the least I can do is say goodbye.

"Thank you, for everything. If you do decide to come and brave hurricane Charlie, happy hour starts at 4."

He smiles whilst taking my hand. "Stop thanking me, I plan on taking full advantage of the opportunity to abuse that business head of yours more than enough times to make up for what I've done." We're just going to side step the way I could misinterpret those words right? Yeah, I thought so. "If I can get free, I'll see you there."

I turn in the opposite direction of where he's heading, trying to avoid the bodies in the crowd. The only issue with having shoulders this broad is that you tend to fucking run into people whether you like it or not.

As I reached the crossroads I have the ominous sense that somebody is watching me. I quickly glance around to see if there are any familiar faces, only two spot Xade paused at the door of his car facing my direction.

He wasn't expecting to be caught, but he still doesn't look away. Even from this distance there is no missing the colour of his eyes. I don't think I've ever seen a guy that looks like him before, he's incredibly unique. I don't know why I'm still staring at him, it's hard to look away from someone who seems to be drawing you in.

Someone hits into my arm on their way past, a woman in high red stilettos and a long cream coat apologising profusely before she continues to run down the street. By the time I look back at where he once stood, there's no one there. Just the tail lights of his large silver 4x4 merging into the ant trail of traffic.

There's something about that guy. I can't put my finger on it...

...But there's definitely something about him.

Don't forget to vote and comment beauts 😂❤📖

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