My Best Friends Brother

By MonroeThirty

273K 10.6K 809

My Best Friends Brother - Book Three in The Forbidden Lust Series "You're my best friends little brother Mil... More

Authors Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 47
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 80
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 93
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 107
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 113
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 118
Chapter 120
Chapter 122
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 141
Chapter 143
Chapter 145
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 154
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 160
Chapter 164
Chapter 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 180
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 193
Chapter 196
Chapter 197
Chapter 198
Chapter 199
Chapter 200
Chapter 202
Chapter 203
Chapter 205
Chapter 206
Chapter 207
Chapter 208
Chapter 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211
Chapter 212
Chapter 213
Chapter 214
Chapter 215
Chapter 216
Chapter 217
Chapter 218
Chapter 219
Chapter 220
Chapter 221
Chapter 222
Chapter 223
Chapter 224
Chapter 225
Chapter 226
Chapter 227
Chapter 228
Chapter 229
Chapter 230
Chapter 231
Chapter 232
Chapter 233
Chapter 234
Epilogue One
Epilogue Two
Epilogue Three

Chapter 18

2K 79 2
By MonroeThirty

I’m not sure how long I lay there, the room was almost completely black by the time I stood back up and locked it. The air outside is crisp, refreshing for my seriously clouded mind. Although it’s doing fuck all the clear it out.

I walk past the gym on the way to the dorms, a group of girls giggling away to themselves as they look in through the windows at the guys training.

Glancing in quickly, I stop. Josh laying on the bench pressing over his own damn body weight like it’s nothing. He’s even smiling, the sweat slowly dripping down the curve of his bicep as it tenses under the weight.

My own mouth fills with fucking water, I can’t tear my eyes away no matter how hard I try. Then I realise what he’s smiling at.

The captain from Melton stands at the bottom of his bench, his smile saying he’s telling a funny story but the way his eyes are travelling over Josh tells me he’s not actually interested in it. He’s interested in him.

They must have been in here for over an hour with how long I’ve been laying on that court, yet it only looks like Josh has actually done any working out. I thought that boy wanted his help? Or did he just want to be fucking close to him?

My jaw clenches as I watch him walk over behind his head, spotting Josh and letting their fingers touch as he helps him place the bar back on the stand.

Josh sits up, being his usual smiley and oblivious self as Leeroy passes him a bottle of water before standing tall and crossing his arms over his chest, flexing like he’s in a fucking muscle competition. Fucking hell, at least pretend you’re being subtle!

The guy might as well fucking mount him right there on the bench. Maybe I should go in there, you know, tell him to back off. As a mate, yeah I owe it to Josh as a mate surely to stop him being so obviously hit on.

Josh wouldn’t want a guy like that anyway... I don’t think.

“They’d make a cute couple.”

Her sweet voice comes from behind me, calming my soul instantly at the sound. She may have been my girlfriend once, but before that she was my mate. I miss my mate.

Zoe slots into the space next to me, brushing her arm up against mine as she looks in through the window.

“I can see Josh with someone younger than him, he’s got that care free spirit. They’re cute, right?”

No. They’re not fucking cute.

“Maybe, but I don’t think it would be him.” Zo nods as I begin to walk away quickly before I change my mind, going in there would be a mistake. Mostly because right now I want to take Leeroy’s head and force it into a permanent relationship with a heavy dumbbell.

She hurries to keep up with her little legs, so I slow down.

“How you feeling about the scouts tomorrow?” She’s trying to act casual, but the tremble in her voice shows me she’s anything but. This conversation is too soon for her but I know that won’t stop her trying, she’s kind of stubborn that way.

“Not great. Teams kind of fucked at the moment so we’re not working the way we should.” Her shoulders slump but I didn’t say it to have a go at her, it’s just the truth. “I’ll fix it, I just don’t know how yet.”

We come to the path that leads down to where the cheerleaders are staying so I walk her to the front door, getting a seriously awkward hug in response. I hate this, I hate being this way with her. I know she fucked up but if I’m honest with myself, this was never going to work. It just took this happening for me to see it.

Walking into my room, the tension is seriously thick. I look around for the source before settling on Luke’s smirking face. I guess he’s back to being a cocky prick then.

Eli glances up from his phone to look at me, his messed up hair a tell tail sign he had an adventurous night yet again.

“I thought he was staying in Fred’s room. On the floor.” I state, throwing my bag off my bed so I can lay down.

Eli scans from Luke’s face to mine. “Coach said he had to stay in this one, I tried man.”

I really just want to rip Luke’s face off. I kind of wish May was still on the team, it'd be hilarious to unleash her on him right now and watch her turn him into a sobbing puddle on the floor using nothing but her sharp tongue. That girl would’ve been the best fucking captain one day, none of this shit would happen on her watch.

“Keep smirking you prick. I’ll have you off this team even if it means I have to break both your fucking legs to do it.”

He laughs maniacally, sounding like an injured hyena and showing no fucking respect. Eli jumps to his feet and grabs the guy before I even have a chance. Eli isn’t violent, he’s pretty much the definition of a pacifist, but at a good six inches taller than Luke and twice his fucking width, he isn’t someone to fuck with either.

“Luke, what the fuck is your problem?! I get you’re pissed you didn’t make captain but don’t you think this is enough! You wouldn’t even be on this fucking team if it wasn’t for Milo!”

Luke laughs harder, looking past Eli at me. “I’m on the team because of him? Like fuck I am! He’s only on the team because of his fucked up family, if it wasn’t for his brother no-one would know who the fuck he is!”

That’s it. I bolt up to my feet, shoving Eli out of the way so we come face to face. “You still don’t fucking get it, do you? You’re only on this team because I felt fucking sorry for you! You turned up at try outs and I could see how much you wanted it. There were freshman girls that’ve never held a fucking ball that can shoot better than you but you were okay in defence so I fucking fought for you. I’d already seen this school fucked over by one kid who couldn’t live up to his daddy’s ideas and I didn’t want that to happen again. So I made a fucking place for you, yet this is how you treat me!”

I have to take a breath, my hands clenched at my side are just dying to connect with his face.

“Don’t you fucking ever say shit about my family again. Do you understand me?”

For a moment, just a moment, I thought I saw some fucking humanity in this kid. But it becomes clear quickly that the hate just runs too deep as his lips curl up at the edges.

“Why not Thompson? They’re just as fucked up as that faggot friend of yours. Your dad dies in prison a convicted fucking pedo, your brother marries his own fucking sister... What’s your thing huh? You’re like your brother too? I mean, May is fucking hot, I can understand how keeping your hands off her would be hard.”

I should’ve realised it. I should’ve known what he was doing, how he was baiting me. I just couldn’t feel anything but the rage as my fist collided with his face.

The second the blood starts to pour from his nose and that smile on his face grows, I know I’m fucked. Shit.

He screams, loud and long enough that the door swings open and Coach comes marching in still wearing his kit and whistle, does he sleep in that thing?

A few other people follow him, Josh included, as Luke starts to howl like I just stabbed him in the throat or something.

Coach grabs hold of his head, accessing the damage.

“For fucks sake, you couldn’t have smashed him in the stomach? Shit. Get your crap together, I’ll take you to the hospital to get that put back in place.” Luke nods, smirking at me and not even trying to hold the blood back as he lets it freely fall down his face onto the carpet.

Coach turns in my direction, lifting my hand and looking over my knuckles. “Do you need to go too?” I shake my head, I can hardly feel it. “Fine, pack your shit up. You’re going home.”


He glares at me. “Don’t you Coach me boy! I told you two to sort this out, now it’s done. You’re going home.”

Eli jumps forward. “Coach, that isn’t fair. Luke was chatting shit about Milo’s dad being dead and all this crap about his brother and May. He wanted to get hit.”

Coach flashes his eyes from me to Luke trying to decide what to do, but the moment he moves my sight is caught by someone else. Josh stares down at my hand then back at Luke, his jaw tense as he assesses the situation as well.

He steps forward with authority, grasping Coach’s shoulder. “Coach, can I talk to him for a minute?”

What the fuck could Josh possibly have to say to Luke?

Coach throws his hands up in defeat before grasping both me and Eli by the back of our necks and dragging us out of the room like we’re a pair of naughty toddlers before slamming the door behind us. He’s been doing it to us for years but it still fucking hurts.

“For fucks sake Milo, you have to get a hold on yourself. If he walks out of that room and decides he wants to call daddy... I can’t protect you without you protecting yourself boy. We both know he’s a little shit, but we also both know life isn’t easy for him at home either. You of all people should understand the pressure of living up to a family reputation.”

I hate upsetting Coach, or letting him down. He’s a good man, he cares about us all. He lost his only son in that school but keeps working in it so he can continue to be there for all the other kids that need him. He’s a miserable prick, but he is still someone I want to make proud.

“I’m sorry Coach.”

It makes no difference, there’s no way Luke isn’t going to hang me out to dry on this one. It’s everything he’s ever wanted.

“Go clean yourself up.”

I follow him down to his room and slowly clean the blood off my hands, luckily Steve taught me how to throw a decent punch without hurting yourself too much years ago, so the damage is minimal. It stings like a bitch though.

Coming back out, the crowd has dispersed, only Eli and Coach still outside the door when I get there.

“They’re still inside?”

No sooner had the words left my lips, the door opened. Josh walked out first, much calmer than he was earlier and giving a nod to Coach. Luke follows him slowly, his eyes red and puffy as he avoids everyone’s direct sight, the blood now cleaned from his face. Fuck, has he been crying?

The small layer of blood on Josh’s hands tell me he was the one to clean him up, now that he’s cleared he doesn’t look as bad as I thought he would.

“I put his nose back into place as best I could, I’ve done it enough times for Steve but you should still get him looked at to be safe.” Coach nods, ready to leave when suddenly Luke steps up to me. I remind myself to not hit him for what’s about to come out of his mouth, but as the words leave him you could knock me down with a feather.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that shit, it wasn’t okay.”

I don’t know who’s jaw is hanging further open, mine or Coach’s. Josh smiles softly at Luke, which he returns. “I don’t want Milo off the team, I know the scouts coming is important for everyone. Can we just forget about it?” Fuck, I could kiss Josh right now.

I mean, because he’s helped me... not because... fuck, whatever.

Josh steps forward, looking between the group. “I still think you guys need some space though, so I’ll crash in Coach’s room and Luke you can have min-”

“No.” Everyone turns to look at me. Shit, that was too eager. “I mean, Luke shouldn’t be on his own if he wants to be part of the team again. If we’re truly forgetting this then you should stay in here and I’ll bunk with Josh... if that’s okay?”

Josh stills for a moment before nodding slowly, checking with Coach who couldn’t seem to care less who sleeps where as long as he doesn’t lose his captain right before the scouts get here.

Luke follows him out, Eli still in shock about the nights events as he turns to face Josh.

“Man, what did you say to him?”

Josh shrugs, a sympathetic smile on his face as he watches Luke walk away.

“I just know what it’s like to act like a dick when you’re trying to cope with shit you don’t know how to deal with. That kid... he’s tired.”

Eli helped me pack my stuff, he wasn’t massively happy with me leaving him here with some of the boys but if anyone had to move, it was me, I’m the captain.

Or at least that’s what I keep telling myself.

However now I’m standing outside Josh’s door, the thought of being alone in the same room with him for the next few days is making my stomach do summersaults.


Just knock the fucking door Milo.

I don’t get a chance, a sudden scream from within the room has me swinging the door open so quickly he barely has time to process I’m in the room before laughing his head off.

“Are you okay?” I ask panicked.

He howls again, swinging the screen of his laptop for me to see the shriek didn’t come from him at all, he’s watching a movie with Lee and Brie on Skype.

“Milo! He’s making us watch fucking Scream, he knows we hate scary movies.”

Just as the masked slasher jumps out again, Lee screams so bad I wouldn’t even need skype to hear her if I just opened the damn windows. That girl is so loud.

Josh laughs his head off, I drop my bags and jump in on the other side of the bed, grabbing a handful of Josh’s popcorn before staring at the screen.

He has his version of the movie paused, I look at him confused but he just smiles. “These two are the real entertainment.” Brie and Lee are cuddled up on the sofa in Jayce’s House under a blanket, clearly fucking terrified despite how much they’re trying to hide it.

“Josh, you are never picking the film for movie night again!” Brie complains as she eats her nails like a five star meal. “Milo would never do this to us. You’re picking next time babe.”

She’s got a point, scary movies aren’t really my thing. Although I’ve never actually been invited to movie night with this lot.

I get comfortable, leaning back and taking more popcorn. Josh can’t seem to relax though, he’s all jumpy.

“Are you okay?” Suddenly he grabs my wrist without even looking at me, electricity coursing through my veins at the sudden contact and flooding my whole fucking body with a sense I can’t quite explain.

He smiles widely, turning to face me before pointing subtly at the corner of the room through the screen. That’s when I see it, Steve sneaking into the house silently through the back door with Jayce’s help. The two of them creep further and further forward, with each step Josh’s grip on my wrist tightens with anticipation.

Suddenly Steve hands something to Jayce and the both of them try not to laugh.

Oh fuck.

They pull the scream masks over their heads, waiting in the darkness for their moment to strike.

These girls are going to fucking kill them.

Just as the movie gives the biggest jump scare, Jayce and Steve leap out in front of the girls.


It’s fucking pandemonium.

The laptop is on the floor somewhere there, Aleah is hurling a bowl of popcorn at my brother and Brie is still throwing blind punches into the dark even though Steve is on the floor laughing.

Me and Josh can’t keep it together, laughing so hard the tears are flowing down our cheeks. So this is what this lot are like when they’re not playing adult.

“No blow jobs for a month! For fucking both of you!” Brie screams as she continues to pound away on a hysterical Steve with a throw cushion whilst pinning him to the floor.

The sideways angle of the screen is corrected as all the lights come on and Lee picks it up to face her properly.

“When you two get back, it’s fucking on. This is war.”

Lee cuts the feed but me and Josh are still in stitches. We’re both so fucked when we get back though.

“You know those two are psycho right? Plus they’ll have back up,  they’ve probably already got Mum and May in a group chat determining our demise right now?”

Josh nods, smiling brightly whilst wiping away the tears from his eyes.

“It was fucking worth it.” He chuckles. “Sorry to keep you up, you’re probably knackered after today right? Go crash, I’ll sort this.”

He clears up the popcorn from the bed that we somehow spilt everywhere during our laughing fit, whilst I take my bag over to the other one.

I don’t know why it bothers me so much to be over this side of the room. I know it shouldn’t, there’s just a part of me that wants to be in that fucking bed.

I like the guy, and I’m pretty sure he’s feeling something too. It just... It’s too fucking complicated.

Settling between the sheets, my pounding heart from earlier slows. He knocks off the light before stripping out of his clothes, the moons rays smacking his skin and illuminating up every fucking inch of him to perfection.

There’s been a lot of people I thought were good looking over the years, a lot I’ve wanted to fuck or date. But him... He’s fucking gorgeous.

His thumbs slip into the band of his boxers as he straightens them out slowly, revealing to me more than I’ve ever had but nowhere near as much as I want. My dick hardens instantly against the thin sheets as I watch him. Fucking hell, I just want to-


Fuck. I look up to see his eyes fixed on me, his thumbs leaving his boxers and slowly stroking over his stomach as he glares at me. He can’t stop it, he tries to hide what he’s doing but I watch his gaze fall down the sheet that covers my body, pausing at the bulge pressing against it firmly.

I don’t hide it, hell I think I want him to fucking see it.

The moonlight catches his Adams apple as he swallows deeply before turning away and getting into the bed, laying on his stomach and looping his arms under the pillows.

Fuck, I want to get in that fucking bed. I just want to see what would happen if we both fucking let it...

I sit up slightly, ready to say fuck it and throw caution to the wind, but stop the second his deep voice fills the room.

“Go to sleep. Goodnight Miles.”

Fuck. Settling back down against the pillows, I try to focus on everything but wrapping my hand around my cock.

Or better yet... wrapping him around it.

Please remember to vote and comment beauts 😁❤📖

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