I will love again

By inchen1100101

62.5K 2.1K 2K

Gabriel and Nathalie becoming a little closer each day, while the sexual tension between them builds up, and... More

Part 1 - Needless Excitement
Part 2 - The Couple's Special
Part 3 - It's in the past
Part 4 - Hot Water
Part 5 - Spending the night
Part 6 - Early morning
Part 7 - Lost in the wild
Part 8 - All the way
Part 9 - A disgusting disgrace
Part 10 - All wrong
Part 11 - Distance
Part 12 - Breakfast
Part 13 - Comfort
Part 14 - (Dis)appointment
Part 15 - Secrets?
Part 16 - Don't leave me
Part 17 - A bit of family life
Part 18 - Sick
Part 19 - Nurse Gabriel
Part 20 - Shame and Suspicion
Part 21 - Back at work
Part 22 - Continuing the treatment
Part 23 - A confession?
Part 24 - Nathalie's last goodbye
Part 25 - My fault
Part 26 - Avoiding the truth
Part 27 - Why can't you just figure it out yourself?
Part 28 - Have you ever slept with...
Part 29 - Caught in the act
Part 30 - Do it the right way!
Part 31 - Teenager's advice
Part 32 - Glad you finally told him
Part 33 - Side effects
Part 34 - Averting the worst
Part 35 - A Nathalie design
Part 36 - Results and consequences
Part 37 - Confrontation
Part 38 - Too calm
Part 39 - Amélie strikes back
Part 40 - Valentine's Reunion
Part 41 - Only twelve weeks to go
Part 42 - Don't die, my love
Part 43 - Despair
Part 44 - Hope
Part 45 - Hospital issues
Part 46 - Complaints
Part 47 - Memory Path
Part 48 - Surprise
Part 49 - That isn't, how I imagined this
Part 50 - Too late
Part 51 - Bonding
Part 52 - Amélie again
Part 53 - Keeping her close
Part 54 - Nervous and overprotective Tom
Part 55 - Baby Blue's
Part 56 - No 'sweets' for Adrien
Celebration!!!update 2!!!!!
Part 57 - I almost forgot
Part 58 - A reporter in trouble
Part 59 - Routine
Part 60 - A little family vacation
Part 61 - Talking and walking
Part 62 - The tub is waiting, love
Part 63 - What am I supposed to do with that?
Part 64 - Precautions?
Part 65 - Back Home
Part 65 - Say what?
Not an update
Part 66 - Licking the chocolate ice cream
Part 67 - Future decisions
Part 69 - Training
Part 69 - Arguments
20k celebration update
Part 70 - Christmas dinner
Part 71 - What's wrong with you?
Part 73 - Pound it
Part 74 - Where are those the akumas when you need them?
Advent special Part 1
Advent special Part 2
Advent special Part 3
Advent special Part 4
New Year's Special - Part 1
New Year's Special - Part 2
New Year's Special - Part 3
New Year's Special - Part 4
Valentine 2.1
Valentine 2.2
Be My Valentine, Valentine!
Welcome home
Happily ever after?
Don't let go
Eventually happy!
Emilie's Legacy
The Biggest Surprise
Becoming A Part Of Everything

Part 75 - I will love again

415 15 49
By inchen1100101

A/N: Final chapter! Thank you for all the support and comments, some of them really saved my day sometimes.

Time passed faster than they were expecting and soon it was time for Valentine's day again. Having barely four weeks left until the twins were due, Nathalie, who had been put back on bed rest right after new years eve, still wasn't allowed to get up.

This time the doctor was really concerned, because both babies seemed to be under supplied and weren't growing anymore. So he was really urging Nathalie, to swallow her pride and have an early c-section this time.

Gabriel was holding his crying wife in his arms and tried to sooth her:

"I know, that you wanted to have them in a natural birth too, but if they're not getting the nourishment they need anymore, it really is necessary!"

They were sitting in the doctor's office right now, one of the few things, Nathalie was allowed to get up for.

The pregnant woman blew her nose.

"Why can't we just go for an induced labour? I mean, they are not in distress right now, are they?", she asked hesitantly.

The doctor sighed deeply.

"You are a very stubborn woman! But alright, I want you to go home, have a good night sleep and move as much as you like, maybe you can even start labour like that. But if not, you'll have to be here tomorrow morning at eight, to get the suppository, that will hopefully start the contractions."

He smiled at her relieved expression and added with a wink:

"If you can manage, sometimes having sexual intercourse can get the labour started!"

Now the couple blushed, but the blissful grin on the otherwise desperate looking woman's face, told him, that he had hit a nerve.

The moment they arrived at home, Nathalie beamed at Gabriel widely.

"You know", she whispered into his ear seductively, "I thought we would have to wait yet another eternity to do that again, but if we can combine the necessary with the pleasuring, well....."

She smirked mischievously, as she pulled back.

"You know", Marinette's voice said calmy behind them, "there are more people living in this house at the moment, so...."

The young woman gave them a disapproving gaze, but then started to chuckle. She was holding Hélène on her left hip, who was wiggling and fidgeting, trying to get to her mum.

"Mummiiiiieeeeee!", she exclaimed.

The teenager giggled.

"I got a feeling, that she missed you!", she said dryly.

"I missed you too, napkin, but maybe you would like to stay with Marinette and Adrien for a couple of days? Because either way, your brothers will be born tomorrow or the day after tomorrow!", she cooed sweetly to her almost one year old.

"What, really?", the by now almost fifteen weeks pregnant girl blurted out, making Adrien come out of their room and join the little group too.

"What's going on here? I thought, you wanted to lie down a little and get some rest, Marinette!", he asked sternly.

Gabriel cleared his throat.

"Is there something wrong? I mean, if you're not feeling good, we'll find another solution for Hélène!"

He took a concerned look at his son's girlfriend.

But Marinette shook her head vigorously.

"Adrien is just being overprotective again. It's getting worse with every little inch my belly grows!", she lamented.

"I m not being overprotective, I am just being protective, because you don't know your boundaries and overdo it all the time!", the young father to be blurted out.

"Even if you were right and I would do too much, which I don't, we are still capable of watching your little sis, while your brothers will be born!"

"What? Nath are you in.....labour?"

The former assistant of his father shook her head.

"Nope, but if we are a little lucky, I'll be tomorrow!", she said with a grin.

"But, how?", Adrien asked to be pulled with him by his girlfriend.

"Believe me, Chaton, you don't want to know!", she whispered to then turn around to Nathalie and Gabriel, to inform them:

"If you're okay with it, I'll finish my homework quickly and then I come and get the little napkin!"

"Of course, sweetheart, just take your time, we don't want you to get stressed because of us!", Gabriel replied quickly and laid an arm around her shoulder to press her towards him shortly.

As the young couple arrived back in their room, where Marinette had officially moved in at the end of last month, Adrien asked her:

"What homework were you talking about, Marinette. There wasn't any today!"

"But they don't know that right, and I didn't want to speak it out in front of them, that I would like to take the last opportunity, to have a little afternoon make out session, before we are going to take care of my little BFF. If you would like to, of course!", she explained with a meaningful smile.

"Oh, really? I like the thought. Though I am still scared, that I might hurt our littl baby. But well, if my father and Nath are about to.....how are they going to do that? She is so huge!", he suddenly blurted out.

Marinette smacked the back of his head.

"Stop that. Will you be calling me huge too, once i start to really show?"

Adrien blushed deeply and rubbed the spot where his girlfriend had hit him.

"I didn't mean it like that!", he said apologetically, "but I mean, there are two almost fully grown babies in her belly. I didn't think it was something bad to say. I was just wondering, how they.....no, I don't want to picture them doing 'that'!"

While Marinette laid her arms around Adrien's neck whispering hoarsely:

"I would rather picture 'you' doing 'that' to 'me' too!"

Nathalie and Gabriel had gone to their daughter's room to play with her for the remaining time, something, that the young mother had missed out on over those last months.

"Ugh, you're getting heavy, my little precious!", Nathalie groaned, as she bent down, to lift her child up from the floor.

She sat down in the rocking chair, trying to hold on to Hélène, without letting her slide from her knees.

The toddler was tapping with both her little palms onto Nathalie's belly immediately, shouting:


"Ouch, stop that, all three of you!", Nathalie giggled, as the two boys were instantly reacting to their big sister's teasing and kicking Nathalie hard.

Gabriel came to her help.

"Don't stress mummy out, today, sunshine. She is with her thoughts already with your two baby brothers and can't handle that very well today, okay?", he cooed.

"If I am being completely honest, Honey, I am looking far more forward to how we will get the labour started!", she said with a sheepish grin.

"You're really serious about that? I thought, the doctor was joking, but I googled it and he was right, so, whatever I can do to....", he wiggled his eyebrows, as he checked his wife out from head to toe, before he sat Hélène down on the carpet and bent down to kiss her passionately.

Nathalie gave him a loving smile as she held out her hands, asking:

"Would you mind,helping me out of here? I don't think, I can do this on my own right now!"

The lovestruck man snickered, as he grabbed her hand and pulled her to her feet, seeing his wife grimace and look down. He followed her eyes and froze in the spot, seeing a puddle of water building around her lightly swollen feet.

"This isn't happening!", Nathalie groaned, "I was so looking forward to...."

Her eyes filled with tears, as she felt Gabriel's arms wrap around her to hold her steady. She hadn't even noticed, that she had begun to sway from the sudden excitement.

"Hey, look at me, my love. We are going to have our baby boys today or tomorrow. Just think of it like that!", he tried to soothe her quickly.

"I know, Gabe, but I wanted to.....you know......feel you a little closer than those last couple of months.....I......!"

He sighed and pulled her tauter, when a sudden thought hit him.

"You know", he began reluctantly, "I read this article not too long ago and it said, that some women would......well.....tend to their own needs......while being in labour and that it would ease the pain!"

Nathalie looked at him open mouthed.

"You can't be serious about that!", she ranted. "I could never do that, there will be other people and I would even be too embarrassed when it was just you......so what are you....."

"Shush, my love!", Gabriel snickered, "I was talking about myself, trying to make you feel 'good', as long as you're comfortable with it. Maybe like that I can do anything and wouldn't feel so useless, while you are doing all the work!"

"I.....you.....it's nice to offer but.......I don't think.....I am that open......in fact I think.......nobody should be.....I.....", she could just stammer.

"Don't get all worked up, Nath, you don't have to, but maybe, there is this little thing, I 'can' do."

And then he kissed her again, gently pressing his tongue between her lips, while he slipped both hands under her shirt an started to tenderly caress her areolas with his thumbs until he could indeed hear her cute little whimpers, that he loved so much.

"Fuck, Gabriel, you have no idea, what you are doing to me. Though I know, that I will soon have stretched my ladyparts until they almost or even fully are torn, I feel so...well.....good right now. I.....thank you for.....ouch.....that was.......damn it.....last time they didn't.....start so strongly......ow......please hold.......me.....I don't think I......"

She clang on to his arms, trying to keep upright without falling don on her knees, and thanks to Gabriel's quick reaction she managed to do that. Barely.

"Can you please help me to our bedroom, as long as the next contraction hasn't started?", she asked panting.

"Of course, my love. Come, hold on to me, Hélène will be fine for a couple of minutes, right, napkin?", Gabriel soothed.

"Yeah", she said shortly, to then turn her attention back to her little keyboard with the coloured buttons and keys, that were shining brightly and making all sorts of sounds, once they were pushed.

With Gabriel's help, Nathalie made it quickly to their king sized bed and sighed in relief when she was lying on top of the mattress.

"I'll go and get Adrien or Marinette, so they can take care of Hélène, before I call your doctor to ask him, if we should call an ambulance or if I can drive you there."

Though being really nervous and anxious, Nathalie called him back, when he was almost through the door, because she remembered something.

"Don't forget to knock, this time, please. I've seen the look on Marinette's face and I am sure, they are doing a different kind of 'homework' right now. Lucky dude's!", she scoffed.

Gabriel just shook his head.

"You know, sometimes I wonder, if you and Marinette might be distant relatives, as you are both easy victims to any hormonal attack!", he chuckled, making his wife laugh with him.

"Now go, don't leave our daughter on her own for too long!", she ordered and he obeyed in an instant.

Just a moment later he knocked at the young couple's bedroom door strongly, to not even wait for their answer but just open it a tiny gap, so they would be able to hear him better and proclaimed:

"Whatever you're doing, I need you to stop and get Hélène from her room, Nathalie's water just broke and she is already experiencing strong contractions, so I need to call her doctor and then get her to the hospital very soon!"

"Oh my gosh!", Marinette blurted out and jumped to her feet, leaving her naked boyfriend with the impressive hard on, she had just been sucking on, back on the bed and was already reaching for her clothes.

"I'll be right there, don't worry, just go back to Nath!"

"Thanks a lot!", Gabriel called out and hurried back to his wife.

"I am so sorry, Chaton, and I promise to make it up to you tonight, but....", she bent down to kiss him passionately, "I have to go now. Maybe you can come too, as soon as you....", she smirked with blushing cheeks as she gazed down at his erection.

"Just go, I'll come to help you in a few!", he groaned and rolled to his side, while he closed his eyes and took deep breaths.

"Nette!", the infant cried happily, when the teenage girl entered her room.

"Hey my little sunshine. Want to go with me to your mummy for a little female, emotional backup?", Marinette lilted.

The little girl nodded and smiled widely.

"Wanna walk over there?", the young woman then asked and held out her hands for Hélène to grasp.

The toddler instantly did and in the blink of an eye was standing on her little chubby legs.



The 'r' was still difficult for the baby to speak out.

Holding on to Marinette's index fingers, Hélène slowly made her way to her parents bedroom.

The young woman knocked softly, to then hear a groan from inside, as well as Gabriel's stressed:

"Just come in!"

Marinette opened the door carefully and stuck her head inside the room, wondering:

"Is there anything, I can do?"

She could almost see the weight being lifted off of Gabriel's shoulders, as he saw the dark haired girl.

"Yes, thank you. Again. Could you stay with Nath for a moment, so I can try the doctor's goddamn mobile again?", he said with a begging voice.

"Of course we will.Come on Leni, let's stay with mummy for a while, so that daddy can make an urgent phone call, yeah?"

The toddler just nodded and held on to the sheets, trying to pull herself up.

Marinette lifted her onto the mattress with a loving smile, then sat down beside her friend.

"You shouldn't be here and see that, you're only going to get scared!", Nathalie scolded her.

"Yeah, I don't give a s-h-i-t right now. How you're feeling? Is it bad?"

"Honestly? Yes. The last time started much slower and didn't hurt that much in the beginning already. Come here, precious, give mummy a kiss. But be careful this time, okay?"

"Kay!", the baby cooed and crawled halfway on top of Nathalie to gently peck her lips, leaving them all wet from her saliva. Marinette was already about to pull Hélène off, when her mother shook her head.

"It's fine!", she hummed. "Actually, it makes me feel better!"

"Oh, okay!", the half Chinese girl shrugged.

When Gabriel returned twenty minutes later, the doctor was already with him.

"How....", the woman in labour began, to then cringe and hold her breath for some time, before she took a couple of deep breaths.

"Coincidence!", the gynaecologist explained. "I was just around the corner, when my phone began to chime. So I told your husband, I'd come over and do a quick examination, before deciding how to proceed! Oh, Miss Marinette. I haven't seen you in a while. How did your contraception break work out?"

The young woman blushed deeply, especially, as Nathalie looked puzzled. Then she informed them with a giggle:

"First, Nath, don't look at me like that. At my first appointment, he was already with his family for Christmas and at the second he had just left for some emergency, so...."

The doctor quirked an eyebrow.

"Now you're making me curious young lady, how far...."

Marinette stood up and lifted her shirt a little.

"Why don't you take a guess", she said smiling.

The older man gulped.

"According to your size and weight, I would say between thirteen and fifteen weeks, right?"

The young woman nodded vigorously.

"Exactly fifteen weeks on Sunday!", she proclaimed.

"And you only had two appointments yet? Sometimes I just want to hit those young colleagues of mine on the back of their heads. Hard! I want to see you tomorrow in my office. Teenage pregnancy often comes with a higher risk and therefor should be monitored more closely. But I see, you're feeling good?", he told her sternly.

"I really am fine, thank you. But if you insist...", she sighed.

"I'll carry her there, if I have to", came now Adrien's voice from the hallway.

"I suppose, this is the young father?", the doctor now assumed.

The young man nodded and held out his hand to the gynaecologist.

"Adrien Agreste, nice to meet you!"

After sending everybody out of the room and doing a short examination, the physician decided, that Nathalie could go to the hospital with Gabriel in the car and didn't have to be brought there in an ambulance.

"That's too sad!", Marinette sighed, "if those babies had waited one more day, they would have been born on valentine's day!"

"Maybe they will anyway. It's already evening and they aren't there yet!", Adrien replied and kissed her cheek tenderly, as they were both looking down at the peacefully sleeping baby in her cot.

"Don't jinx it, Minou. I am very sure, that Nath will be glad when it's over, so don't hope for the birth to take longer as even necessary."

"You're absolutely right, M'lady. Come, let's go to our room and finish what we started in the afternoon!"

Marinette of course agreed immediately. But as soon as they were getting really into it, Adrien's phone rang and Gabriel's sobbing could be heard:

"They are born, they are both healthy and Nath was amazing. I am sending pictures in a couple of minutes!"

Then he hung up again, leaving the young couple thunderstruck.

Twelve minutes later, the pictures arrived at the young model's phone.

The pictures showed two absolutely identically looking boys, only to tell apart, because Marcel, the second born twin, had a little rounder face for now.

Marinette instantly began to cry, as Adrien showed her the pictures.

"Oh my, they are so pretty. And they look just like Hélène, when she was born!", she blurted out a moment later.

"Your father doesn't pass on a lot of his attributes, I must say", she then said.

"Why would you say that, M'lady?"

"Seriously, look at you, you look just like your mum, Hélène looks like Nath and so do those boys. The only one who looks a little like him is Chloe! And well, nature chose wisely to not let Audrey's characteristics spread very far!", the girl now giggled.

Gabriel was lying next to his Nathalie in a second hospital bed, that he had pushed right next to hers and they were both fascinated by their new born twin boys.

"You know, I was trying for so long, to bring Emilie back to us, that I lost all hope. But then there were those nights, when I was lying awake, thinking of you, and suddenly I thought: 'I will love again!'. I just hadn't noticed, that I already did!"

He leaned in and kissed her softly.

"You taught me to love again. Not only you, but also Adrien and our hopefully soon daughter in law, our little daughter and those two little boys, and all the children we are going to have after them. You were speaking of a dozen, right?", he added teasingly.

Nathalie yawned sleepily.

"Okay", she mumbled, "but you're having the next one!"

Next he could hear were her deep breaths, telling him, she had fallen asleep. With a loving smile, he took the baby from her arms and placed both sleeping boys in their cot. They were sharing one, as they were used to having their brother to cuddle. Then he took a glimpse at the time and pecked Nathalie's forehead, saying:

"Happy Valentine's day, my love!", to lay his arms around her and hold her in his tight embrace, while they were both taking their well deserved nap.

Two months later, they were all in the park for the big Easter egg hunt and the picnic afterwards. They had asked Tom to make a huge cake for Hélène, as her birthday fell exactly on this Easter Sunday.

They had spread several picnic blankets and were sitting in a circle, Hélène making careful steps along every item she could grab, to make one or two quick steps in between, trying her best to keep the balance until she could hold on to something else.

Marinette was sitting between Adrien's legs, her back resting against him, his palms on her now always noticeable bump. He whispered something into her ear and she nodded, to then turn her head and kiss his lips gently.

The young model cleared his throat audibly, then called out:

"There is something, we wanted to share with all of you, before we start to celebrate my little sister's very first birthday. It's actually two things. First, this beautiful woman here, agreed to become my wife next spring......wait, you can congratulate later......second, we're having a.........", he paused, making them all look at him expectantly.

"Come on, dude, spill. Or my girlfriend will jump directly into your face!", Nino blurted out, pretending to hold Alya back.

Adrien chuckled.

"Well, I think, as Marinette has to go through all the unpleasant things, she also has the right to tell the gender. M'lady?"

The pregnant girl nodded and smiled, then exclaimed:

"We're going to have a baby. Just kidding, it's a little boy!"

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