I will love again

By inchen1100101

62.5K 2.1K 2K

Gabriel and Nathalie becoming a little closer each day, while the sexual tension between them builds up, and... More

Part 1 - Needless Excitement
Part 2 - The Couple's Special
Part 3 - It's in the past
Part 4 - Hot Water
Part 5 - Spending the night
Part 6 - Early morning
Part 7 - Lost in the wild
Part 8 - All the way
Part 9 - A disgusting disgrace
Part 10 - All wrong
Part 11 - Distance
Part 12 - Breakfast
Part 13 - Comfort
Part 14 - (Dis)appointment
Part 15 - Secrets?
Part 16 - Don't leave me
Part 17 - A bit of family life
Part 18 - Sick
Part 19 - Nurse Gabriel
Part 20 - Shame and Suspicion
Part 21 - Back at work
Part 22 - Continuing the treatment
Part 23 - A confession?
Part 24 - Nathalie's last goodbye
Part 25 - My fault
Part 26 - Avoiding the truth
Part 27 - Why can't you just figure it out yourself?
Part 28 - Have you ever slept with...
Part 29 - Caught in the act
Part 30 - Do it the right way!
Part 31 - Teenager's advice
Part 32 - Glad you finally told him
Part 33 - Side effects
Part 34 - Averting the worst
Part 35 - A Nathalie design
Part 36 - Results and consequences
Part 37 - Confrontation
Part 39 - AmΓ©lie strikes back
Part 40 - Valentine's Reunion
Part 41 - Only twelve weeks to go
Part 42 - Don't die, my love
Part 43 - Despair
Part 44 - Hope
Part 45 - Hospital issues
Part 46 - Complaints
Part 47 - Memory Path
Part 48 - Surprise
Part 49 - That isn't, how I imagined this
Part 50 - Too late
Part 51 - Bonding
Part 52 - AmΓ©lie again
Part 53 - Keeping her close
Part 54 - Nervous and overprotective Tom
Part 55 - Baby Blue's
Part 56 - No 'sweets' for Adrien
Celebration!!!update 2!!!!!
Part 57 - I almost forgot
Part 58 - A reporter in trouble
Part 59 - Routine
Part 60 - A little family vacation
Part 61 - Talking and walking
Part 62 - The tub is waiting, love
Part 63 - What am I supposed to do with that?
Part 64 - Precautions?
Part 65 - Back Home
Part 65 - Say what?
Not an update
Part 66 - Licking the chocolate ice cream
Part 67 - Future decisions
Part 69 - Training
Part 69 - Arguments
20k celebration update
Part 70 - Christmas dinner
Part 71 - What's wrong with you?
Part 73 - Pound it
Part 74 - Where are those the akumas when you need them?
Part 75 - I will love again
Advent special Part 1
Advent special Part 2
Advent special Part 3
Advent special Part 4
New Year's Special - Part 1
New Year's Special - Part 2
New Year's Special - Part 3
New Year's Special - Part 4
Valentine 2.1
Valentine 2.2
Be My Valentine, Valentine!
Welcome home
Happily ever after?
Don't let go
Eventually happy!
Emilie's Legacy
The Biggest Surprise
Becoming A Part Of Everything

Part 38 - Too calm

545 23 22
By inchen1100101

A week had passed and nothing had happened. Nathalie couldn't help but worry about that, while Gabriel just waved it off.

"It's too calm", the assistant told Marinette, when they were working together at her desk. Though Nathalie was twice as old as the teenager, those two women had become close friends. Marinette, being who she was, had soon noticed the older woman's issues, when it came to handling her emotions and had started to help her with that.

Nathalie on the other hand helped the girl not only with the things she had to learn to become a designer herself one day, but also with the things she struggled with. Like her security settings on her devices or sometimes even some topics from school, the younger one didn't understand after she had missed quite a lot while fighting, well...Hawkmoth...and.....her. So it was partly her bad conscious and partly being grateful for not telling her secret, which made the pregnant woman slowly open up to the girl. Oh, and speaking of being pregnant, she even felt a to her new, motherly love for the teenager, just as she always had for Adrien, only this was more intense.

The young model, despite knowing, that Nathalie really cared for him had been pleasantly surprised, when she had started to hug him each morning before he left to school. He had gotten so used to it, that he didn't like to leave the house without a hug from his 'mother'.

He knew, that she wasn't really, but she had taken care of him even when his mum was still around, because she often was just as busy as his father. And if she wasn't busy, she was sometimes abroad for weeks, until her recent movie was done.

Then she took a few weeks off. The first she was asleep almost all the time. But then she spent all of her day with Adrien. He even was allowed to cut back on his schedule then, so they could do things together. That's what he missed most. His alone time with his mum.

Nathalie had tried to take over back then, but as she was used to tight schedules, working hard, learning most of the time and things like that, it wasn't quite the same.

But even at the age of thirteen he had understood, that she tried her best.

Marinette giggled, when he told her, that what seemed totally normal for his girlfriend, was a big step for his father's assistant and his own former tutor.

"She usually isn't the hugging type. Just like my father, since my mum disappeared", he told her, "but lately, since they got closer, not only my father turned 180°, but even Nathalie seems more open to show any emotions, you know?"

"Hormones!", Marinette had almost blurted out back then, but just n time remembered, that she was the only one knowing about the assistants pregnancy at that point and quickly swallowed her words.

Sitting next to the visibly pregnant woman right now, she remembered that moment with her boyfriend and chuckled quietly.

Seeing Nathalie's expression, she apologised:

"Oh my gosh, I am sorry. I did not laugh about what you said. I just remembered something, and, oh Nathalie, please don't cry, I really am sorry!"

Marinette jumped to her feet and hugged the woman, who had suddenly began to sob.

"I-It's alright, Ma-ma-marinette. I-I am j-j-just a little n-nerv-vous b-because of the whole A-A-Amélie thing. She is p-p-probably already p-planning her r-r-revenge!" Nathalie took a deep breath. "Don't put any attention to the crying, it's just one of the stupid side effects to that pregnancy!", she explained with an angry smile. "But it's so sweet of you, that you care so much", her voice got high pitched while she spoke and soon she started sobbing again.

Without another word the teenager took Nathalie in her arms and just let her cry. Gabriel had watched the whole scene with concern and was about to come over to them, but Marinette shook her head.

"It's fine", she said calmly. "Sometimes we all need a shoulder to cry on. And that isn't necessarily the shoulder of the one we love. And to be completely honest, Sir, I am pretty sure, that I have had more experience over the last years, when it comes to comforting someone instead of using his sadness to my advantage. Sorry I said that, but..."

The designer nodded.

"No, Marinette. Don't apologise for telling the truth. Maybe you're right and I need to be reminded of what I did sometimes. I really am happy, that Adrien has you in his life. I leave you two alone for a moment. Would you like some coffee too?"

"That would be nice, thank you, Gabriel!"

When he returned about ten minutes later, his fiancee had calmed down. Though her cheeks were still covered with red stains and her eyes were puffy, she had turned back to her work, explaining to the young woman next to her, what she had to look at, when she wanted to hire a new supplier.

"It's important, that you check the fabrics for any chemicals, there should be none left that could harm the customer, the colour should not wash out after a few wearings and the most important thing: In no case what so ever, you can use any fabric, string, accessoire, that has been made by children or by being produced in a county were they only pay dumping salaries!", she told the girl sternly.

"I will keep that in mind!", Marinette answered.

Gabriel smiled at the two women as he placed a mug in front of each.

"Oh that's so sweet, Honey, but I already had enough coffee for today", Nathalie's eyes started to glisten again.

The father to be though was prepared to that.

"Thanks to that young Lady here, who had the idea, yours is decaf, so you can drink it without any regrets or worries, my love!"

She looked from one to the other.

"Oh I hate to be like this!", she ranted, as she started crying again just because of a cup of stupid coffee.

"That's why I laughed earlier. I remembered Adrien telling me, that he liked how you hugged him every morning lately, and I had almost blurted out 'hormones' when I remembered, that I was the only one who knew about....well....you know!", Marinette now told them, as she had hoped to enlighten the mood before she became aware, that Gabriel probably still felt hurt because she knew before him.

"Don't worry about that, young lady, I could have seen those signs as well, just I was too blind. So don't blame yourself for having your eyes open. I am actually in your debt for that, because if it had not been for you, my beloved fiancee would have had to go through all of this on her own. Well", he looked at Nathalie, "or she could have told me, but...I......understand why she didn't."

"I still feel sorry, Gabriel. I should have told you from the beginning. I...ouch....you little.....hyperactive baby! Stop kicking my ribs!"

Nathalie rubbed her side, where her rib cage ended.

"Are you alright?", Marinette asked with growing concern.

The pregnant woman nodded.

"Yes, I am. The baby sometimes kicks with quite some force already and well, it has a tendency to always hit the same spot. It's already getting kinda sore", she chuckled bitterly. "I don't mind though, I am glad , that he or she is strong. Would you like to feel?", she asked the girl, while she held out her hand for her.

Marinette approached her shyly.

"Don't be scared. I am usually not the touchy type, but with you or Adrien, I quite enjoy, that you both care."

She reached for the teenager's hand and placed it on her belly, right next to the place, her baby had just kicked her. To Nathalie's surprise, she soon felt the little human do, what it usually did with Gabriel, it cuddled into Marinette's palm.

"Wow", the girl blurted out. "That's so.....cute.....how does that........feel from.......the inside, if I can......feel it so clear from here?"

"Amazing!", Nathalie whispered with sparkling eyes, her lips drawn into a blissful smile.

Marinette laid her right hand next to the left, that was already on the to her huge looking bump, feeling the baby now place itself in between.

Nathalie looked at her fiance and said very quietly, to not break the connection between them:

"Gabe, come and see, or feel. It's so amazing, what those two are doing."

He slowly stepped closer and gave the pregnant woman a questioning look. Marinette gazed up to him and said:

"Come, maybe if we replace my hands one after the other with yours, he or she will stay right there."

The bewildered looking man did as he was told and placed his hands on top of the girls, so she could pull hers out from underneath and his would stay just where hers were before,

His hands were larger though and he had a little different position. The baby immediately adjusted to get in between the familiar hands right away.

Gabriel held his breath as he adoringly looked at the little bulge on the side of Nathalie's stomach, where the little one, had taken place. He didn't dare to breathe, scared it would be over soon.

After what seemed to his beloved woman like an eternity, he slowly dared breathing again. Now his eyes were glistening too. Noticing, that not only Marinette was standing beside them, but Adrien had entered the room as well, but had stayed quiet, to not disturb whatever ritual that might be, he stood up from his kneeling position and cleared his throat.

"Hello Adrien, I'm sorry to greet you just now, but I didn't notice you before, I was....well.....", he sniffled through his nose and shortly turned his head to the side, to wipe his eyes.

"Father?", his son asked softly as he stepped towards him.

"I really am sorry Adrien....just...give me a.....woah..."

He was interrupted by his son who had almost grown to the same height as the designer himself, hugging him tightly. He reciprocated reluctantly, not being used to exchange any affections with his son anymore.

"Honestly, father, I am almost an adult, and I think, I can wait a few minutes, while you're bonding with my little sis!", he whispered into his fathers ear.

"I can hear you", Nathalie called out to them. "We still don't know if it's a boy or a girl! What's wrong with them?"

Marinette shrugged. "They both insist, that you're having a girl. So just let them. I don't think, that even if it's a boy, he would remember being called a girl for a few months, right?"

"You're right", the woman chuckled. "Now let's finish our work for today. I am sure, that Adrien wants to spent some time with you too."

"I can't wait for Marinette to be finished", said boy blurted out. "Don't keep her for too long, yeah?"

Nathalie gave him a short smile and nodded.

The model left the room, after kissing his girlfriend goodbye, a quick peck that had been stretched into a very passionate kiss and if Gabriel hadn't cleared his throat audibly again, they would have probably started to make out right in front of them.

"Speaking of hormones", Nathalie muttered, when Gabriel wasn't listening, "the two of you should get yours under control a little bit, before you end up like this!" She pointed to her stomach.

Marinette's face turned scarlet red as she began to stutter:

"I-I-I....w-we....it's j-just....we haven't seen each other......all day...we h-had different c-classes a-and then h-h-he went for his f-fencing practice and I came h-here and....w-we aren't l-like that a-a-all the t-time....we...."

The older woman laid a hand on top of the younger one's.

"Just calm down, I was just teasing you a little. And I still pretend to never have heard you talking about being a couple of days late, as you have assured me for several times, that you are always using protection, so that of course can't have happened due to being not careful enough right? How did this turn out anyway? I really hope, you are not..."

"No", Marinette exclaimed. Then she said more quietly: "I am definitely not. I was three days late and we....uhm....had that little accident a couple of days before....so we were a little scared....but...we were lucky!"

She took a glimpse at Gabriel, who had lifted his head, at her first, loud reaction, but looked back to his tablet just a second later, as he saw the women talking calmly. He was used to the startling outbreaks, the talented girl had once in a while, by now. She sighed in relief as she noticed him working again.

Nathalie smiled at her lovingly.

"What kind of accident?", she inquired curiously.

"Let's just say, those things are slippery, little assholes, that do not always stay in place."

"I suppose you're talking about..."

"Condoms, yeah. They really suck! And don't ask me, what Alya asked. Can you imagine 'me', remembering to take a pill every morning?"

The assistant shook her head with a laughter.

"You know, you can come to me, if you are in a situation like that ever again, right? I promise, I won't handle it like the adult, I should be, but as your friend, okay?", she offered.

"Thank you, Nath, that's so nice from you! Oh no, what did I do now?"

The pregnant woman just waved it off.

"If you pay attention to me, every time I cry, you won't be working and learning a lot at the moment. I...just...nobody ever gave me a nickname....it just....it's so touching...oh fuck those hormones!", she now yelled.

Gabriel raised his head again and narrowed his eyebrows, while Marinette laughed so hard, she almost fell off her chair.

"Maybe you two should finish your work for today and get back to it on Monday", the designer suggested as he approached them.

"Monday, my dear Mr. Agreste, you have an appointment at the doctor's with your fiancee, that you hopefully haven't forgotten yet", Nathalie reminded him with a slightly threatening tone, while she stood up and walked towards him.

"Well....I.....remember of course....but I would rather spend time with my assistant....who looks really hot today. My fiancee can wait a couple of days", he replied with a wink. Then Gabriel bent down and kissed her passionately.

"And I'm off!", Marinette called back to them, while she ran out of the room.

The kissing couple broke the kiss to laugh at her quick and loud exit.

"Come on my love, time for you to put your feet up for a bit. The doctor told you last time, to still take it slow. And though I can come to the appointment with you on Monday, I will be really busy during the two weeks after that.I wished I wasn't, but I really have to get the new clothes line done. And the little side project, I had Marinette helping with, goes into production as well." He had said the last sentence a little secretively.

"Oh, neither of you has told me about that. What kind of project, Honey?", she asked curiously.

The tall man snickered.

"Actually my love, you've been our test object and have been wearing all the different creations over the last weeks. Marinette did all the research to how those clothes should be, meaning, she went to doctor's and Lamaze classes, shopping centers and boutiques to ask the pregnant women for their opinion. In exchange I promised her, that I would bring out a line of maternity clothes, that everybody could afford. She even worked out the contract and did all the negotiations. And she did well. I am sure, she even got better conditions than you would have, and that's something. But now, you are going to rest. By the way, she never saw the underwear, I gave you for Christmas!"

"Oh God, thank you for saying that. I already imagined her and Adrien talking about the things the two of you had done together and...."

She giggled nervously.

Gabriel laughed and kissed her lips, before he lifted her up bridal style and started his way to their bedroom.

"Actually", Nathalie began, "what would you think of spending the afternoon with Adrien and Marinette, if they agree of course? Maybe we can watch a movie or do a series marathon...."

"With one of the many series you watched when you were bored lately?", he teased.

"Why not? You seemed to enjoy a good amount of them too."

The designer nodded. "I'll ask them, while you get some rest already."

"Actually", Adrien startled them both as he spoke behind them, "how about doing that in my room? There's enough space on the sofa and we were about to start a new series anyway."

"Sounds wonderful", Nathalie enthused and began to shift in Gabriel's arms. "Could you please set me down, so I can get dressed into something more casual?"

He shook his head.

"Nope, I'll take you there and help you change!", he said with wiggling eyebrows.

"Would you please stop that?", Adrien shouted. "You already scared my girlfriend away with that!"

The adults began to laugh.

"Sorry, Adrien", Nathalie said still cackling, "but weren't you and Marinette a little distracted just a few minutes ago as well? Don't judge us, when you're not doing any better!"

"Well", he looked down at Nathalie's stomach, "we were at least better at one thing", he then said hinting at Nathalie getting pregnant accidentally.

The woman who had taken a good part in raising him, gave him a stern look.

"Are you seriously playing that card? I hope that little accident was the only one that led to being a couple of days late, or you're gonna loose that bet, my dear, careless boy!"

Gabriel looked at his son in confusion, then at the woman in his arms.

"What..", he began.

"Never mind", Adrien and Nathalie said in unison. They started to giggle, while the grey haired man could only shake his head.

The weekend passed too quickly for them all. Marinette and Adrien had wished for more time with each other before school started on Monday morning. Being back after their Christmas vacation, they were eagerly waiting for the winter vacations, starting the week after the Valentine's day week.

Gabriel wished for the weekend to be longer so he had more time left with his beautiful fiancee and there little offspring, growing inside her every day enlarging belly. Knowing, that after the doctor's appointment on Monday, he would have to start right away and there wasn't the smallest gap between all his appointments and conferences, where he could take a break and spend a little time with Nathalie for at least a week, maybe even two.

Well, there were the nights, but they both needed to sleep and his hours of that were already calculated very shortly.

He sighed, as he was lying next to the woman he loved, his hand protectively on her belly, watching her sleep peacefully. It pained him, that he had to wake her up soon, or they would miss the appointment, that was scheduled for ten o'clock. Maybe they could at least have lunch together, before returning to the office and starting that marathon of appointments and conferences, while trying to finish his designs on the other screen. Luckily he was capable of multi tasking.

They were just on their way home from lunch, Gabriel ranting over the fact that the doctor still couldn't tell them their baby's gender, when they saw several people stare at Nathalie to then cross themselves, and quickly walk away from the couple.

Gabriel just shook his head over the latest weird trend, people seemed to have adapted, but Nathalie was suspicious. Why would anyone cross oneself, if he looked at a pregnant woman, walking along the sidewalk with her child's father and actual fiance? That reeked of her father's doing. Either him or 'Amélie', or maybe both together?

Nathalie took a deep breath. That wasn't good, that wasn't good at all. Gabriel told her not to worry.

"You're reading too much into that, my love", he said calmly. "Though that doctor still couldn't confirm, that it's a girl", he winked, "at least we know, that everything else is just the way it should. So why don't you do as he told you and try to relax, as long as you aren't struggling with your belly and capable of doing whatever you do not find to exhausting or to hard for you. Go hiking, without mountains and caves, go swimming, do things you enjoy while I have to work and can't spend time with you. Maybe Marinette would like to join you? Maybe even both?"

Nathalie gazed at the man she had fallen so deeply in love with and sighed.

"I certainly hope you are right about that, Gabe!"

A/N: Well, I hope I could make up for the recently rather short and slowly updated chapters, with those two longer ones.

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