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"Persphyni!" Three harsh knocks on my door. "Persphyni!" Three more. "Please answer the door!"

I threw open the door to see Miller standing outside looking frantic. My guards jacket was on and I had my weapons re-strapped to a new pair of pants that weren't cut.

"What's wrong?"

"Lincoln's been imprisoned along with the rest of the grounders." I tied my hair up into a ponytail and stepped outside of the room, shutting the door behind me.

"Thank you Miller, now you need to leave and get back to your post." He opened his mouth to interrupt me but I continued, "We'll need to be brief from now on, I'll see you at dinner." He nodded in understanding, walking down the hallway and back to his post. Leaving me standing right outside my door and counting to ten before walking in the direction of the cell.

Just as I rounded a corner, three hallways down from the cell, I ran head on into a set of brunette locks. The momentum caused me to stagger back a step and land hard on my leg causing me to hiss in pain, and grab the wall for better support.

"Pers!" Octavia took a step towards me as I held a hand up.

"I'm fine." I took a deep breath and pushed off the wall. "Why are you pacing the hallway?" I finally managed to ask.

"This is who I've always been. And I let you, Octavia, Kane, and Persphyni convince me that we could trust these people when they have shown over and over again who they are. And I won't let anyone else die for that mistake." That was Bellamy's voice.

"Bellamy, I need you. And we don't have much time." Clarke. Clarke was inside the room.

"You need me?"

"Yes- and Persphyni. I need both of you. I need the two who wouldn't let me pull that lever in there by myself." I took that as my cue to step in. Pushing the door open I drew the attention of my previous co-leaders.

"You left us Clarke. You left everyone." I started as I stepped slowly into the room.

"Pers-" she tried to interrupt me but I cut her off.

"You never even said goodbye." I voiced an inner thought as I tried to hide my limp. "You shouldn't be here. Pike's in charge now." I continued as I stopped just short of Bellamy, leaning on my good leg and crossing my arms. I hoped she had got my warning.

"Persphyni, Bellamy- I," Bellamy interrupted Clarke before she could even get her thought out.

"Enough, Clarke. You're not in charge here. And that's a good thing, because people die when you're in charge. You were willing to let a bomb drop on my sister. Then you made a deal with Lexa who left us in Mount Weather to die, and forced us to kill everyone who helped us." Bellamy shouted as Clarke glanced from him to me, tears shining in her eyes. "People who trusted me! Who trusted us!" He finally motioned to me as I remained stoic.

"I just-" she couldn't talk as she held back her tears. Bellamy turned and started for the door when he stopped and looked me in the eyes. His own eyes glossy as he had been on the verge of angry tears. My eyes met his and he looked exhausted, clearly he kept himself up at night, too guilty to fall asleep.

"I'm sorry." Clarke's voice spoke, filling the air with sincerity.

Bellamy and I shared a look before he sighed and turned around. I couldn't read his eyes as I was too consumed with the pulsing in my leg.

"I'm sorry for leaving." She continued as the two of us turned to face her as she sat in a chair. "But I knew I could because they had you. Both of you." She looked from Bellamy to me as she spoke. Tears welling up in her eyes again as she bit her lip and look down. Bellamy and I exchanged a glance and he lost, having to go comfort her. I wasn't too sure how my leg would hold out if I had to bend down like Bellamy was.

His two hands took one of hers, at the sight my stomach clenched and my throat felt tight, but I shook it away. Clarke's smile was visible as she looked at Bellamy than back to me.

"I know we can fix this." Her words directed to the two of us but her eyes stuck on me, allowing Bellamy to grab something without either of us seeing.

"I'm sorry, too." Clarke's eyes went back to Bellamy but it was too late. He'd already cuffed her wrist and latched it to the table leg.

"Hey." Clarke pulled against the cuff as Bellamy stood, my body leaned forward as if to step towards them, but I remained where I was.

"No, don't, no. Bellamy." He started to walk towards me, his eyes lifting from the floor to meet my own. A small warning passed through as he exited the room, most likely to grab someone.

"Pers, you have to let me go." I looked over at Clarke as she pleaded. "Lexa, she's, I need to get back to her." I remained stoic as she tugged again. "Pers, please."

"You've lost the right to call me that, Wanheda." I finally voiced, uncrossing my arms and taking a small step forward. "You lost that right after you fled without so much of a glance." She sniffled and I saw her eyes cloud with victim.

"You were already gone! You left as soon as we pulled that lever, I didn't know when or if you'd be back!" She cried, turning to face me with her arm down by the leg chair.

"I wouldn't abandon my family. Even if every time I saw Jasper's drunk ass I thought of Maya. Even if every time I saw Monty, the pain hidden in his eyes and knew he was hurting but wouldn't say, making me think of pulling that lever. People died, we have to live with that. But we have to live with it together, or else we'll all fall apart." I heard footsteps outside approaching the door. "Tell Lexa, Wanlida is working on it." I spoke quietly as I took a step back into my original position and watched the door open lazily.

Bellamy and one of Pike's right hand men entered and pulled Clarke to her feet.

"Let's go, Chancellor wants to see you." Pike's right hand said as the three of them began to walk out quickly, my soft and slow steps right behind them as we went through the hallways and I figured out a plan.

What I do for peace.

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now