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I had done two loops around the station, inside and out. They hadn't stopped following me. Even when I fed and refilled Erebus water tank, the two had kept an eye on me.

Pike and Bellamy had a "council" meeting which was just Pike and his select few discussing some important issues. I was one of those. Which was only an extra reason to not invite me to the meeting. He clearly still doesn't trust me. Which was smart on his end, it meant he wasn't as much of an idiot as I had thought.

I eventually started for my room. They couldn't follow me inside making it possible to loose the two men Pike sent to keep an eye on me. He might have thought it was smart, but I was smarter. And he'd need to learn that it wasn't best to test me.

The two men had kept their distance but it was still too obvious. They were too quiet, too quick to follow, and too arrogant. Their steps on the other hand were loud, which is how I knew they were still following me as I turned down hallway after hallway.

Just as I began to enter the hallway that held my room I pretended to jump on the walkie and 'speak with the doctor'.

"Yes Abby, I'm heading to my room for some rest now." I paused and turned my walkie on for slight static noise. "Yeah I got it, Doctor's orders. Over and out." I directed once I had reached my door, turning my walkie back off before typing in my code discreetly.

With a sly glance I caught the two men turning to each other and halting at the end of the hallway through my peripherals. If they really wanted to follow me around, they'd be here for a while.

I shut my door and let the lock click shut before I engaged the second lock this one was a manual and could only be unlocked from the inside.

I set my guards jacket down and changed into a long sleeve shirt, before pushing my chair over to the far right hand corner of my room just to the right of the bathroom door.

Standing on top of the chair, I popped the grate up and open. A slight metallic bang emitted as it fell. My hands quickly grasped the inside of the vent and I jumped up into the space.

"I'm never going to get away from you am I?" I whispered chuckling to myself as I finally made it totally inside the vent. Looking down through the hole at my room below and decided against shutting the grate. If I ended up having to make a mad dash back, I'd rather not fight with the grate.

With a general outlay, I started in the direction of where my dad was most likely to be. In one of the places where he'd be able to get privacy.


"They lost their fighters when we took out the army." I quietly popped the vent and slowly crawled out of the ceiling and into the room. "We don't expect resistance." My eyes drifted from the floor as I lightly dropped down, to the two men sat listening to a radio.

"They're grounders. They'll resist." I clenched my fist as I heard Monty's voice come through. My quiet steps stopped as I stood behind my dad.

"Even if they don't." My breath caught in my throat as his voice filled through the radio. "The Commander's message was clear. Blood must not have blood. That doesn't mean we can start takin-" His voice was cut off by the elect.

"What would you prefer?" Your head on a platter, this war to end. All of the above. "Die fighting for your home? Or starve to death?" My eyes didn't leave the radio as Pike's ultimatum rang through. "Will you do what needs to be done for your people to survive or not?"

Yes. I will.

"We'll do what needs to be done." My left hand grasped the hilt of my dagger as I extended my right to land on my dad's shoulder. Startling him as he turned around standing with his knife out. Miller similar to him but with a gun. My hands rose as their weapons were directed towards me.

"Easy. I see you took my advice." I nodded in the direction of the radio. My eyes flashed to the walkie in his hand. "Is that Octavia?" My dad hadn't said a word only eyed me carefully.

"She'll need Helios. Miller you're the only one who could possibly get it to her. I have at least two of Pike's men trailing me at all times, I'm sorry for what I said earlier." I continued addressing my father. "But I'm not sorry for what I have to do in order to save my family. You're not going to like me much these next few weeks. But when it's all over, I hope you can forgive me." My voice was strong but soft as I allowed my mask to lift slightly. "Forgive your daughter." I saw his face soften slightly and I knew I had to go. I pursed my lips, nodded slightly with a sigh, and turned around to walk back to the vent.

Without a glance back, I climbed up onto the metal table and jumped back into the vent. Closing the grate with a soft clank before heading back the way I came, a storm of emotions began to swirl inside of me.

The tight metal walls my only company as my mind ran rampant. How was it that I'm here now, when only a little over a year ago I was meant to die.

A monster put to rest, killed to end the fear, the suffering. Killed to end the stage of childhood and enter adulthood where you weren't meant to be afraid of everything. Even if you were, you aren't allowed to show it. To show weakness.

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