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I clung to the back of the Rover as we pulled up in front of a familiar looking house and a familiar looking girl just in front of the door with a blade draw. It was the trading post we visited and received information on Clarke. And the blonde outside the front door with a sword was the same one from before. Only she did not look happy.

I hopped down and swung the door open. Not bothering to wait on anyone else I walked just to the front of the Rover where the lights still hid my facial features from the girl.

"I thought you said she was a friend?" Octavia's voice came from the back of the Rover.

"Whatever she is, we need to quit stalling." I answered not turning around as two sets of footsteps approached me.

"Skaikru is not welcome here, Wanheda." The girl spoke as Bellamy and I trailed a step behind Clarke.

"Niylah, what's wrong?" Clarke's tone sounded hurt making me glance between the two. My mind trying to figure out their relationship before Sinclair called out.

"She's waking up, hurry! Let's get her inside." Clarke and Bellamy looked back at the Rover but I continued to look straight at the girl, Niylah. Her eyes met mine and I saw something flash across her eyes for only a split second.

"Is your father here?" Clarke asked when she turned back around.

"My father's dead." Venom in her voice as she spat the next words. "Part of an army killed by your people while trying to protect you."

"Niylah please." This wasn't going anywhere.

"I said no." Wrong answer. I pulled free one of my daggers to point at Niylah's neck as I disarmed her with a kick. Bellamy following my lead as he pointed his gun at her chest.

"We haven't got time for this, move. Move!" Bellamy ordered, the two of us moved Niylah backwards as the rest of our crew ran inside with Raven who was starting to wake up.

Bellamy and I kept Niylah at weapon point as we listened closely to the inside waiting for when they needed help.

"Tie her to the bed!" Clarke's faint words reached our ears as Raven's struggle began. She was now fully awake and putting up a fight.

"Come on, they're going to need us." I spoke to Bellamy, sheathing my dagger and stepping towards the door. Bellamy hesitant as he stayed where he was. "Let's go Beast." That got him. I saw him roll his eyes as he dropped his weapon and began to walk with me.

"What does that make you? Beauty?" I scoffed and smiled slightly as we jogged quickly to the back where they continued to fight Raven.

"Well, Bell, I guess in terms of pairings yes. But you do have her name in yours so maybe you're actually the Beauty and I'm the Beast." This time he scoffed and gave me a smile as we began to enter the back room.

"I'll take the Beast title thank you very much." We swung the door open just in time to see Raven give a sock to Jasper.

"Why is it always me!" He shouted as he clasped his hands over his jaw. My eyes widened as I saw that Raven wasn't giving up, and she was actually doing some damage.

I left Bellamy at the door and ran up to the bed, my eyes watching her face as I saw her pupils were dilated and her eyes seemed much darker. As they struggled to tie her at her wrists and ankles I hopped up to straddle her and pin her legs and her biceps to the bed and frame.

"Raven, I know you're in there." I whispered as she continued screaming and fighting. "Raven, if you can hear me blink once." She kept screaming and fighting. "If Alie is watching all of this right now, blink once." She blinked. For a moment she paused and allowed the rest of them to tie off her arms and legs. But as soon as the moment passed it was gone.

"Let me go!" She roared, her eyes stared straight into mine and I saw something inhuman in her glare. "Let me go!" She roared again. I slowly got off of her and started back to the door to see Bellamy had already gone back to keep an eye on Niylah.

My feet carried me past the two and out the front door. I breathed in the fresh air, my mind whirling as I took a few minutes to myself to wrap my mind around the world.

Raven. Those weren't the eyes of one of my best friends. How I didn't see it sooner, why I didn't take time out of my day to visit her? She probably hates me now. Feels that I abandoned her. I feel like I abandoned everyone, even myself.

I shouldn't have waited. As soon as I arrived at the battlefield I should have taken that flaming arrow and fired at his bald head. I should have killed him then and there.

If I had, Skaikru would have remained one of the thirteen clans in Lexa's coalition. I wouldn't have been a shadow waiting and watching for the right moment to strike. I wouldn't have abandoned my family to plot Pike's death.

Monroe wouldn't have died. Bellamy and Octavia would still be okay. Lincoln.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I grabbed ahold of a tree trunk. My hands turning white as I replayed the scene in my head.

Lincoln would still be alive.

It was my fault for trying to be something I wasn't. I waited, I hesitated, and that's what got people killed. It's what always gets people killed.

Well not anymore.

I opened my eyes and looked straight up to the moon a promise on my tongue.

"I am Persphyni Atlys Kane. Bringer of Death and Bearer of the World. I am darkness, dangerous, death. I am not afraid. And I will not hesitate. I will save my family. Whatever it takes."

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now