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I grabbed Bellamy's jacket, my body next to the head of the bed as I watched the owner of the guard's jacket storm out of the room. His feet heavy as he went passed everyone. My eyes following him until he was out of sight, and the front door slammed closed.

I didn't notice I was racing after him until I was outside and the cold got to my skin sending a shiver through my body. My own jacket in the back room.

I barely made it out of the fenced in area when I saw him kick a can out of the way angrily before aggressively punching a wired cage, multiple times. The noise harsh on my ears, so when he stopped it gave me peace for a few reasons.

"Hey, Blake. It's cold as hell out here." I spoke as I walked up behind him tossing the jacket into his chest as he turned around and I saw his face raw with emotion. He was angry, sad, guilty, remorseful, and confused.

"Feel better?" Bellamy and I slowly turned to see Niylah had made it outside as well. My hand naturally making its way to rest on the hilt of Lincoln's dagger as I watched.

"All I wanted was to protect my people." His voice wavered, his heart getting the best of him.

"By destroying mine." Niylah pointed out. Another person once again telling him he was wrong, and I was glad though I felt we were beating a dead h- um deer at this point. Bellamy uncertainly took a few steps forward towards Niylah.

"I'm sorry." His low voice full of remorse as Niylah spared him no pity.

"People like you always are." The Rover interrupted at the perfect time. Niylah turning to walk back inside as Bellamy and I stood beside each other waiting for the Rover to park. My arms casually rubbing the black sleeves of my long sleeved shirt to keep myself warm.

I watched Monty walk straight passed us, red on his face and a stormy look in his eyes. Something had happened, and when I saw Octavia, I was sure of it.

"What happened?" Bellamy asked as he too knew something was wrong. But Octavia stayed quiet, her only clue was the look she cast over my shoulder at the silent Boy Genius.

What happened out there Monty?


"Everyone, let's go." Sinclair called as he and Monty walked passed us towards Raven. The EMP finally assembled together and ready to fry the chip in her head.

We followed him into the back room where Raven was awake and waiting for us.

"All we have to do is connect her and activate the electromagnetic." I stood with Clarke near the edge of the bed as Octavia and Monty began to untie her wrists. Raven's eyes moving back and forth between two spots like she was reading someone's eyes. Alie must have been talking to her because moments later she stared trying to struggle.

"Hold her arm still!" Sinclair shouted at Monty as I moved over to grab her arm to immobilize it.


"Stop it!"

"Raven!" I watched something switch in her head, and her eyes dilated unnaturally. My grip slipped from her arm as she started to slam her head against the headboard.

"She's trying to kill her!" I shouted as I ran behind the head board to get her to stop hitting the metal. My hands coming around and acting as a cushion as she kept going.


"Stop!" I grabbed her forehead with one of my hands and tightened my hold on her head to keep her from moving.

"Stop, and I'll give you this." Raven's body stilled as she and the rest of us looked at Clarke. A small chip in her hand, the AI of the Commanders'. It was just enough time for Bellamy to be able to clamp the EMP on her wrist.

"No you lied! You lied!" She screamed. Before her mood completely changed and she began to beg. "No. No, please, don't. The EMP will give me brain damage. You know it will. Please, don't do this." I moved around to stand between Bellamy and Sinclair.

"Don't listen to her." Octavia spat as she continued to hold Raven steady.

"Please. You know it will! Sinclair, stop! Sinclair, no." Sinclair looked away from Raven and I gave him a small nod for him to continue. We could do this. Raven would survive, she had to.

"We've only got one shot at this. The EMP will fry the wristband, too." Bellamy kept a firm hold on her arm and looked at Sinclair.

"Do it." Sinclair nodded and gave way to a finishing touch.

"Okay! Got it!" I held my breath as he grabbed the switch and flicked it. Raven's cry was the only noise as we waited in silence while nothing happened.

"What's happening?" My thoughts exactly Jasper. I leaned in over Sinclair's shoulder as he looked at the device.

"Nothing. We need more power, the battery's not strong enough." Shit. I ran my hand through my hair before I made eye contact with Monty.

"The Rover." We spoke together, a synchronized nod in confirmation to the others statement. Raven's grunts and growls soon filled the space again as she fought to get away.

"Sinclair, hold her, hold her!" Bellamy shouted as I began to run to the door, Monty and Bellamy hot on my heels.

"Hurry!" I shouted as Bellamy and I lifted the hood high enough for Monty to begin taking out the battery. A whirling noise in the background causing me to look up and growl at what I saw.

"Drone!" Bellamy saw the same thing and pulled his gun out as I kept the heavy hood off of Monty's fingers.

"Monty hurry your ass up!" I shouted as Bellamy shot the drone down. "There's bound to be more where they came from." My eyes scanning the surroundings as Monty finally got the battery out.

"Go, go, go!" I shouted as I slammed the lid shut and followed back behind the two. My ears listening to the woods as I stopped in front of the door and turned around, daggers drawn as I waited for our mad escape.

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