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There was commotion at the main gate as I rode back from my hunt. Two deer and three pigs were dragging behind Erebus on a sled. A tarp over all of them to try and keep the scent in and the flies out.

Slowly, but with confidence we walked up to the gate. The commotion dialing down as others saw Erebus and I approach. Taking steps back to give us room.

"You're one of them, you take them in."

"Enough." I spoke, gaining Octavia's and the guard's attention. Slowing Erebus into a halt. "You're acting like a child." I directed my words to the guard whom I had overheard. "Via, help them inside. You three, escort them." I order, dismounting from Erebus and walking towards the guard.

"As for you, I don't give two shits about how high you were up on the Ark. If I ever," I took another step towards him. My tone low but loud enough for all those around me to hear the words and my threat. "hear you speak with such disrespect towards another human being, grounder or not, I will bench your ass on janitorial duty and you will have to work from the bottom up." By the time I finished, I was within less than a step to reach him. "Is that understood?" I saw the shine of his forehead, the sweat either from the slight heat or his inability to look me in the eye.

"Yes ma'am." I held back my cringe, my anger doing its part and ignoring everything else as I turned around to face the rest of the guards and people still watching.

"That goes for the rest of you. I will not have disrespect amongst our ranks. It makes people weak, it makes people vengeful, it makes us look divided. So I don't care if your opinion differs from your neighbor's, and if you have a problem, talk to me. You will treat everyone with respect. From an ant to a dragon." I took a step away from the guard I had previously scolded. "Is that clear?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Good. Now get back to work." The crowd of normal Arkies and guards dispersed as I grabbed hold of Erebus's reins and began to walk him to the kitchen area. Or at least the prep portion.

"Wonderful as always, Persphyni." I smirked nudging the older woman.

"Oh please, you flatter me too much."

"Yes mother, you should stop. Her ego might inflate even further." I watched Molly hit her son forcing me to laugh as she began to scold him.

"Oh, Persphyni dear, he didn't mean it." Her gaze shot to her son whose eyes grew wide. "Right Gideon?" I watched the fifteen year old swallow before rapidly nodding his head.

"Right, yes." I couldn't help it, I laughed hard into my hand at his fear of his own mother's wrath. Finally gaining my breath to respond

"Don't worry, Molly. Gideon knows if he really offended me I'd have him pinned on one of the training mats shortly after." I smirked as Gideon rolled his eyes and grabbed one of the pigs before carrying it over to a block.

"You'll have to take him back to the training room soon, he's not doing much else other than cutting meat." I saw the worried gaze in her eyes as she looked at Gideon. It was a mother's gaze, a gaze I'd never experience. I cleared my throat and turned my head towards Erebus.

"I should go get Erebus back to his stall, we've had a long twenty four hours."

"Of course, dear. I'll see if we can have some sort of venison by tonight." I smiled at the woman, her short and slightly stalky frame radiating motherly vibes.

"That would be fantastic. Goodbye Molly."

"Bye, dear."

"Later Gideon!" I shouted, throwing him a small wave as Erebus and I walked away leaving the sled and meat with the two.

"See ya!"


After quickly showering I walked towards the dining hall where the funeral was supposed to be held. And judging from the large absence of people, it had already started.

I had changed to a black short sleeve plus my guards jacket and cargo pants. My hair down as I had let it air dry, and the crescent moon necklace hung around my neck. I left my sword in my room, my daggers in their sheaths around my belt, pistol in a thigh holster, and walkie clipped onto my belt.

Quietly, I pushed open the door and walked in. Coming in from behind and leaning against a metal storage holder.

"Who will speak for Gina Martin." I felt my self froze, I had known as soon as the report from Raven came in last night, but it wasn't something I really had to digest. But now. I watched Bellamy stand, his action slow but deliberate as he walked up to the front, a book in his hand.

His guard jacket was off, something he rarely does unless he is sparring. His tan shirt revealing his arms as he stood at the front of the room. His eyes drifting from face to face. And finally figured out what he was going to say.

"Gina was real. She always saw the light, even here." My heart clenched as he looked back down at the book. His eyes flicking the crowd but never seeing me. "She deserved better." Bellamy went to set the book down, when the side door opened and a group of people walked in. Lincoln coming up to me and standing beside me. A mask plastered on his face.

"Chit's gin daun, biga bro?" I asked in a whisper as we remained staring at the front.

"Indra sen op gonakru kos shilnes gon Azgeda." He whispered back as we watched Pike and my father talking.

"Disha na eno os."

"Ai get klin."

And what would you know, we were right. We were in the midst of an internal war, one I knew would tear us to pieces.

Persphyni : I am Death Where stories live. Discover now