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"Not yet. I told you before, and I will tell you again. When the day comes, she'll forgive you. You just have to be patient. This kind of wound isn't healed over night. And unfortunately, she chose you to place the blame." I sighed and balled my hands in my pockets. Closing my eyes for half a second as his gaze returned to my own. "It wasn't your fault."

The soft crash of the waves on the rocky shore filled the air as I looked into his eyes. The world calm and sincere as he showed his tears.

"Forgiveness is hard for us." I watched the tear slip from his eyes. My heart clenching at the sight.

"It's one of many aspects of life that are hard." I spoke cryptically, returning my gaze to the dark waters.

"I was so angry at Clarke for leaving." He suddenly said abruptly. I wasn't sure how that related to forgiveness or life. "But when you left, I was hollow. I felt detached. And every time it got worse and worse. Then the night of the Summit when I saw you, weapons drawn, I felt betrayed. I never want to feel that way again." I blinked my tear away as I remembered his expression. The shock, the hurt, the betrayal. I saw it all, and I never wanted to see it again.

"But when you ran after me, I never felt more relieved in my life." Slowly, I turned to face him his eyes bright as they met mine. "I forgot about everything when you wrapped me in that hug." He chuckled slightly as he wiped his tears away. "For someone who hadn't known how to hug only a year ago, you've learned fast." I let out my own watery chuckle as I smiled at the man.

"It is a habit." He chuckled before we fell into silence once again.

"I could use one now." I smiled softly at his comment. His words quiet I almost didn't hear him.

I didn't respond, I just stepped forward to close the 12-inch gap and wrapped him in a hug. His arms coming around my waist as I stood slightly on my toes, my own arms over his shoulders as I held him tight. My head on his shoulder as his fell into the crook of my neck. His own arms squeezing tightly as we embraced. My eyes shut as I breathed.

The world seemed to stop. Leaving us frozen in a moment I wished never ended.

But the soft thud of feet and the sound of water breaking pulled us apart. My hands barely making it to grab my daggers when someone jumped me from behind. My eyes locked on the figures emerging from the ocean who had weapons pointed at the two of us.

I spun out of the person's grasp and sent a punch to their gut. My foot catching the side of their face as I elbowed the other person coming up from behind me, sweeping their legs from underneath them and driving them to the ground.

I caught one of my attackers wrist and stopped as I noticed the mark on the side of his eye. Floukru. Luna's tribe. Peaceful, Boat-people, that live in the ocean. Whom I just attacked.

I went to put my hands up and show I surrendered, but I didn't get the chance as something came crashing down on my head. Darkness filling my vision as the last thing I heard was a muffled shout.


I felt my body rocking, the soft whoosh of liquid splashing up against whatever I was in. A warm presence behind me as I tried to open my eyes but a pounding in my head stopped me as I held back my groan and shifted to bury my face behind me so the sun wasn't shining directly down.

I breathed in to prepare myself as my eyes fluttered open, the sound of a bird up ahead drew my attention as I slowly looked where my head was buried and inwardly groaned at what I saw. The cruel twists of fates.

I sat up right, hands out on either side of me as I stared up almost to the sky. My vision filled with metal and blue.

We were on a boat, in the open ocean. My head was still roaring as I moved to my knees and crawled away from Bellamy's body while passing the other three who were also unconscious to reach the railing at the side. Large nets clung around the railing, undoubtedly for fish. Gripping the cool metal tightly in my hands I looked behind the boat and saw only open ocean. But when I looked in front of the boat, in the direction we were headed, there lay a large building structure erected from the blue waves.

Narrowing my eyes I tried to rack my brain for ocean structures, because there was a slim chance the grounders could have even thought of the idea. The only things I remembered from the ocean concerning man was the Navy's, pirates, and oil. Meaning it must have been a rig from before the bombs. The large cranes around it helped support my conclusion.

"Em stomba raun. Chit bes osir dula op?" Gripping to the railing, I pulled myself to stand, my gaze still on the ocean and rig in front of us.

"Yo bes gouva klin hakom ai seingeda nod of." I responded before the girl could receive an answer. The pain in my head lessened as I forced myself to wake up, but the aching-soreness was still there as footsteps approached me.

"Yu get in Trigedaslang?" I turned my head to the man whom had walked up beside me.

"Ai get in pleni biyo ai na sen in en bilaik slengswicha." I seemed to impress him, his eyes wide in surprise as he hid a small grin. The tattoo on his face the same one from last night.

"You are strong. Skylir is still recovering from last night." I turned back to the waves, my hands tightening on the rail as I rocked unsteadily.

"I don't like the attempt to sneak attack us. Besides you were too loud, it was obvious before I took the first swing." I heard the man scoff before he turned to face me.

"Since we are too far away from land for you to see I'll let you stay conscious. But know to return you'll need to drink just like your family." I saw the gesture behind us and nodded.

"I understand. I'm assuming you want our weapons?"

"We'll take great care, Wanlida." I heard the respect in his voice and a sighed, closing my eyes.

"So even on the water, the breeze is the same."

"Even on the water." He confirmed just before he turned and walked away. Leaving me on the railing with my own thoughts as we neared the large metal rig.

My gut warning signal going off as I looked at the Floukru village. The warning of this going wrong in almost every way possible flashing like a blaring alarm from Mount Weather. Luna would not help us, not after what Lincoln told me she had done.

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